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Introducing Microsoft I
the sum total of seven yeaj
WeVe been making Microsoft
Excel for the Mac since 1985. Which
is one reason why we’re pretty good
at making both routine and complex
spreadsheet tasks simpler.
The other reason is that since
the introduction of Microsoft Excel,
we’ve been listening to you. And con¬
sistently adding all the features you
need to get your job done easier.
Take our new Microsoft Excel
4.0 for instance. We have just added
floating Toolbars. Including six new
ones which sensibly relate to a set of
tasks, such as charting. You can move
them around, resize them, and cus¬
tomize them with very little effort.
With Drag and Drop, you can
“grab” any piece of information with
your mouse and drop it in wherever
you’d like to see it on-screen. No need
to cut-and-paste. Unless you want to.
Autofill intelligently helps you
build a worksheet.Type JAN in a cell,
for instance, and Autofill enters FEB,
MAR-as many months as you need.
It will even replicate formulas.
And now we’d like you to meet
Wizards, step-by-step guides that are
designed to walk you through com¬
plex tasks. The CrosstabWizard,for
example, creates summary tables
from lists of infor¬
mation for you. It
prompts you, takes
all the information
you’ll give it, and
constructs the per¬
fect report. See, it
really is that easy.
Speaking of
easy, we’ve added a
feature to help you
manage and organ¬
ize your work a lot
more efficiently
They’re called
Workbooks, and
with them you’ll be
able to group all of
your related work¬
sheets under a sin-
© 1992 Microsoft Corporation, Ml rights reserved Printed hi the USA , For information only: hi Canada, rail (800) 563-9048; outside tlu r BO United States and Camilla, call (206) 936-8661. Microsoft is r
ixcel 4.0. It’s
s of success.
gle file. And you can do it graphically.
WeVe made a lot of little im¬
provements that make printing easier
too.To begin with, we have made our
headers and footers a lot more intui¬
tive and easier to use.
In addition, our Zoom feature
adds to your flexibility. And with the
new View Man¬
ager you will be
able to name a
particular view
of a worksheet.
So you can see
The mw Autoformat button formats an entire tlllI12S VOUr WHy
worksheet with a dick of the mouse. The i m
ChartWizard button mokes charting a snap. WHeHeVer yOU U
like. And so can everybody else.
There’s even a Spelling Checker
built into new Microsoft Excel 4.0. But
that really shouldn’t come as a sur¬
prise to anybody After all, that was the
one feature our users asked for most.
All of which goes to show you
that in order to be number one in
your books, we’ve made your needs
number one in ours.
Now to sum things up. If you
want to get your hands on the most
significant Microsoft Excel upgrade
we’ve ever introduced, give us a call
at (800) 992-3675, Department B34.
And discover one of the reasons why
the older you get, the smarter you get.
Making it easier
•gvifemt (rude mark of Microsoft Corporation. Mac is a n cgistcml trademark of Apple Computer, int.
spreadsheet wasnt
bom yesterday
Volumes Number 1
On the cover: With monitors, bigger is better^and the
versatile Sony CPD-1604S scored big in our lab testing.
Cover photo by Steven Underwood
OCR programs:
Are scanners
and software
ready to replace
the typing pool?
Calling all desk
potatoes: remote
controls for Macs.
Trade up to something bigger:
MacUser Labs examines
16 -inch color monitors*
Maximum RAM
by Tom Petaccia
Your most cost-effective performance enhancement could
be a RAM upgrade* Here's everything you need to know
about when, why, and how to upgrade.. 90
Setting the New Standard:
16-Inch Color Monitors
by Wtnn L. Rosch
Offering 70 percent more pixels than 13-inch monitors
do, 16-inchers are the new standard for display systems.
MacUser Labs tests sixteen 16-inch monitors for sharp¬
ness, brightness, color range, and value* ....,„.*_ 104
Network Renderers:
Drawing On All Resources
by Stefan B. Lipson and Sean Safreed
It's a designer's dream come true: multiple Macs work¬
ing together to render a single 3-D image in a fraction of
the time it takes for a single Mac to do the job. With help
from the state-of-the-art NetWorkShop, MacUser Labs
investigates three network rendering programs_ 130
Can You Read This?
OCR Software
by Elisa M. Welch
The idea is appealing: Scan in a paper document, and let
optical-character-recognition software turn it into an
electronic document. The reality of OCR performance
has been less satisfying, but with these eight products, the
reality is getting closer to the ideal. .......... 152
High-Resolution Printers
by Paul Yi
Three fast, low-cost 600-dpi printers score high
marks for high-resolution printing..... ,,*.186
Jon Zilber
Ingenuity, Mac style................ 23
Yes, a Mac
can shares
printer with a
PC. And if s
easier than
you think*
Andy Ihtialko
Shop secrets*__.......... 29
Michael Swaine
Read before you rip...... .,.*41
John C. Dvorak
Invasion of the GOO-EE watchers. ..356
Readers review reviewers, whine about whiners, and
distinguish between a power user and a nerd.. 13
Product/Advertiser Index . ..287
Marketplace..... 329
Tax and spend: Should you spend your anticipated tax
refund on MacInTax or TaxCut? Plus: A break for the
middle class: Claris" Clear Choice line targets cost-
conscious Mac users....... ............47
Microsoft Works 3,0
Microsoft Works 3.0 scores with a new interface and
much improved charting features but fumbles integration
between modules.. ..........50
cc:Mail 2,0
Lotus' refurbished E-mail package takes on the competi¬
tion, with superb Mac-to-PC connections and a slick
graphical interface, .........52
Thanks to improved printer technologies, it’s now easier
to obtain good halftone results — but it's still tricky.
Follow these dps to get good grays.... 193
Step by Step
How to use Photoshop for a stylish pencil effect. ..210
Document Management
Better-than-paper document sharing? It's coming your
way.... .....215
Mac to PC
Debunking printer-compatibility myths.
Mobile Mac
For the mobile Mac user, keeping connected is harder
than it should be. Here's our mobile manifesto. 231
Shopping List
How to buy a backup storage device..... 239
Ten steps to power word processing.
Instant access to back-issue articles.
Beating the System
Sixteen system-savvy shortcuts.__......_ 247
The Mac Workshop
Souping up the Mac SB/30_______ .,253
Tip Sheet
How to pump up your mouse, hide figures in Excel
columns, and take your Mac to weird places. 255
Help Folder
How to keep your Mac’s dock accurate.. 259
This Month on ZiffNet/Mac
Free icons and more....... .268
Morph 1.0
This video-effects tool brings high-end MTV-style ef¬
fects to QuickTime presentations...„.. 54
LetterPerfect 2.1
Honey, they shrunk WordPerfect—and now it’s simple,
flexible, and cheap. ................55
MacroMind Director 3.1
The premier multimedia and animation authoring pro¬
gram adds QuickTime support and Lingo-language
enhancements........... 56
MacDraw Pro 1.5
A solid-biit-sluggish upgrade to Claris" veteran drawing
program........ .......58
Canon CJ10
A versatile one-stop color solution does triple duty as
copier, scanner, and printer — but all that functionality
doesn't exactly come cheap. .... .............61
CA-Cricket Graph III 1.0
This low-end charting program offers ease of use at an
affordable price.,...... 72
Special Delivery 1.0
An innovative presentation package for interactive slide
presentations___..______ 76
Quick Clicks
Numeric Keypad* NoteBook KeyPad, and PowerPad:
PowerBook keypad accessories for number crunchers.
FastTraek Schedule: Gantt charting for project manag¬
ers. Headline Harry and the Great Paper Race: Scoop
the competition. Shiva LanRover/L: Cheap, remote
connections___ . 83
“How much RAM
do you have?
are, it’s not
enough.” ...91
as fast asyou can
think of them.
FastTrack Schedule 2.0 now gives you even
more power to schedule anything, fast. Create custom Gantt
charts for presentations that include graphics, labels, notes,
titles, borders and real dates!
Walk away from tedious and old fashioned scheduling
techniques. FastTrack Schedule 2.0 offers a modern
day solution for busy managers who need to get the project
underway, and review progress quickly Forget the frustration,
scheduling doesn’t have to be a nightmare.
Order a new FREE FastTrack Schedule 2,0
demo kit now and we’ll ship it out
within 24 hours!
(800) 346-9413 or (703) 450-1980 software
Circle 100 on reader service card.
How to Re
The editors of MacUser want to hear from you. Send questions, com¬
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Product Announcements and Updates
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18th Floor, Foster City, CA 94404.
In Memory of
John J, Anderson
Derek Van Atslyne
!f the price of accelerator cards has
left you feeling a bit queasy, Applied
Engineering has some quick relief. We've
lowered our prices on our most popular
accelerators so you can have the speed
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Our TransWarp
accelerators boost the
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unrivaled levels of performance. We've
designed them around the Motorola 68030
and 68040 processors and with clock
speeds from 16 to 50 MHz, you will never
again pay a premium for performance.
Since 1979, Applied Engineering has
shipped over 1.3 million of the best per¬
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TransWarp Cl
Alii your Mac Hd faster than a Ilfx
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TransWarp LC uses a 32K
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TransWarp SE gives you up to id
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Ziff-Davis Publishing Company
it Sana usea
would be ii July!
You may not have a Christmas list the size of Santa's, but
InTouch can make Christmas come early for you tool Enter and
find names, addresses and phone numbers faster than a flying
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dial the phone, set reminders and schedule your day.
InTouch includes Snap: a unique time-saving utility Just
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Snap* finds the person’s address and pastes it in the document.
Snap* can also dial the phone and print an envelope; without
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InTouch is ideal tor yourPowerBook. Also ask about lightning
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Stuff InTouch in your stocking for only $99.95. If InTouch.
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Mvenced Software, Inc 1065 E. Diets Avs.. Sunnyvale. CA EM086
(406)733-0745 lax (400) 733-3335
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Jon Zilber
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The ins and outs of
speeding up your SE.
THE M OBI US 030 DISPLAY SYSTEM is the simplest, most reliable, and most economical way to
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swivel base, cabling, software, and a complete installation kit (which, by the way, is a snap).
It's no wonder MacWeek called it 'THE BEST UPGRADE VALUE WE'VE SEEN YET FOR THE SE,"
The Mobius 030 Display System increases the speed of your SE sixfold, making it just as fast as the
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Circle 174 on reader service card.
The new generation HP LaserJet 4M printer.
W :m
True COO dpi
creates rich, lull-
dime ns ion all text
and graphics.
Smoother corves,
no jagged edges,
thanks to HP's
exclusive Reselu-
lion Enhancement
Microlrne toner
The HP LaserJet 4M A
is the one for aft.
Macintosh and PC
alike. This new
generation provides
superior output with
600 dpi , Resolution
buift-in t
that Posit
and full-page graphft
print out crisp, dear
and fast
makes 600 dpi out
put look even
35 PostScript
Type 1 typefaces
for Mac and PC
PostScript users,
and 35 loteltifont
and 1C TrueType
typefaces lor PC
users produce a
bread range ol
document styles.
At last. Hewlett-Packard intro¬
duces a laser printer built specif¬
ically for the Mac from the ground
up—the new LaserJet 4M. A
laser printer for Mac users with
everything you expect And, more
importantly, everything you need.
From built-in PostScript Level 2
software from Adobe and 6 MB
of memory, to standard LocalTalk
and optional Ether'Mk. Features
which make certain
this new generation
in laser printing
is ready-made just
for you.
The finest print
quality in its class.
In addition to
, , ,, . , , Faster printing ol
complete Macintosh complex documents,
compatibility, the LaserJet 4M
printer also delivers the finest
print quality of any 600 dpi
machine available—thanks to
■E U&i I irwktt-I^K-lainl Company fEISTli *Su^kI US list price.
HP's microfine toner, Resolution
Enhancement technology, and an
advanced engine expressly engi¬
neered for 600x600 dpi.
New generation features mean
you will lose no time get¬
ting your work onto the
page. A new RISC proces¬
sor and 6 MR of standard
memory accelerate
formatting and VO
speeds, so complex m* in.
PostScript language and graphics
files are rendered faster and
more clearly than ever before.
Greater flexibility;
Rut this wouldn't be an HP-caliber
breakthrough if the innovations
weren't across the board. That's
why even though the new genera¬
tion LaserJet 4M printer is built
for the Macintosh, it will perform
for DOS and Windows user's as
well... automatically. Automatic
language switching (between
PCL 5 and PostScript) and three
hot I/O ports (serial, parallel,
and LocalThlk) make sure users
are able to share the printer
simultaneously. Without waiting.
Also, because of the LaserJet 4M
printer's two integrated paper
trays (total capacity 350 sheets)
and optional 500-sheet tray and
power envelope feeder, you will
save time, avoid paper-handling
hassles, and gain flexibility.
HP quality and reliability
The new generation LaserJet 4M
printer lets you epjoy the one
particular no other Macintosh
laser printer can offer—the
quality and re-
liability which v W
comes with
owning an HP
peripheral. Not paper idling.
to mention 300 ^ 600 ^'
our out¬
where information about how to
get the most from your printer is
never more than aphone call away.
Surprisingly affordable.
Perhaps the most remarkable
attribute of the new LaserJet 4M
printer is the price—$2,999!*
A breakthrough in its own right
So call 1-800-LASERJET
(1-800-527-3753), Ext. 7135 to
receive a print sample** and
comparison disk to see the
quality for yourself J Or visit your
nearest authorized HP dealer
and see the printer built to add
some polish to your Apple.
Four times the dots lor
better resolution.
**Tb huw a LimtJl'I 4M primer cbiiishret sent immedtaufy via fox machine, call t£Ql>-9&i-li&67 from whit IwcMmic plmw tin Canada
cbII i-SUXtST-ySlH. ExLTlIKi. Adobe and ftaaScripi are trade made* of Adobe Systems tncaipuiBUd wfurh may lx- registered in cert ain jurisdictions.
Connect Your Mac'to Any Printer
with the Grappler
The Grappler II is the world's first networkable solution for non-Apple 5
printers. It also works great tor any stand-alone Mac or PowerBook™. The
Grappler II offers substantial savings by allowing users to connect low-
cost HP LaserJets, inkjets, and Epson compatible LQ dot-matrix printers
to their stand-alone or networked Mac. Its unique spooling software
allows background printing while you continue to work on your Mac.
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HSP IO, 15E.50
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Circle 35 on reader service card.
Character Flaws
B uck in ihe '50s, so the story goes, the State Department
was shown a computer program that translated be¬
tween English and Russian. Sitting down at the
Teletype, the secretary of state typed* “The spirit is willing* but
the flesh is weak,” and requested translation into Russian and
back again. The computer whirred and blinked and printed out,
“The wine is fine, but the meat is rotten,”
That's pretty much the sort of performance we expected
when we adopted the new technology of optical character
recognition (OCR) to read the letters from our readers, back in
IL took us a while to realize that the cleanup effort required to
make the scanned-in text publishable could not begin to com¬
pete with administrative assistant Amanda Michael*s fast and
accurate keyboard capability. And the OCR-induced errors
weren't quite funny
enough either*
That was then.
This is now. With the
spate of new and up¬
graded OCR products
on the market, it was
high time to assess
the state of the OCR
art, and we put asso¬
ciate editor Elisa
Welch on the job.
We found out that
the rate* if not the
quality, of OCR er¬
rors has improved in the past three years. According to Elisa,
“You need to think of OCR as an idiot savant with a photo¬
graphic memory, It can see everything dearly on a page
without understanding what it means.”
In other words, no spirit/wine errors — but no help from
context either. Because it's visual* an OCR dictionary is differ¬
ent from a word processor's dictionary, explains Elisa; it
interprets bit maps instead of keystrokes. In other words, it
recognizes and matches shapes rather than letters. For ex¬
ample* whereas a spelling checker might make MacUser ma¬
cabre t OCR is more likely to confuse u and turning you into
According to Elisa, about “the funniest example of OCR
word mangling was when WYSIWYG was turned into
boostgow" Although it may not seem smart to turn your
typing over to an idiot savant that thinks WYSIWYG is a jail,
OCR is often — with the right kinds of documents — good
enough that it's easier to fix its errors than to type the text from
scratch. And the latest crop of OCR packages is trainable,
which means that you can make them smarter*
Elisa sees OCR as a viable lime- and money-saving alterna¬
tive to hiring a temp for businesses that have a whole lot of
relatively clean documents.
Which means it's probably time to reinstate our use of OCR
for the Letters column, relying on Amanda to steer us clear of
the WYSIWYG hoosegow.
— Nancy Groth
10 January 1993 MacUser
• .3, - tfflH B
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Multimedia is hot—and here's a CD-ROM drive that can take
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Circle 134 on reader service card.
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Circle 62 on reader service card.
D aan Strebe t of Tokyo,
Japan, wrote a two-page
dtesertatfon (with
equations) to prove to us
that Bob Levitus 1 Power
User Test ("More Power to
You,” September '92, page
263) is really for nerds, not
power users. Strobe defines
a power user as "a person
whose holistic concept of
utility Leads him or her
unerringly toward the most
efficient method of problem
solving and whose
solutions require an
uncommonly powerful Mac
configuration.” On the other
hand, a nerd is a person
"who ruthlessly destroys
his {rarely her) efficiency on
the trivial pursuit of arcane
ways to accomplish
relatively infrequent tasks;
a power waster*” Perhaps,
Daan, but what do you call
someone who takes power-
user tests and then writes
two-page dissertations
(with equations) about them
to the editor?
WH,e t0 Letter ® to
the Ed j t0l% c/o
MacUser, 950 Tower Lane,
18th Floor, Foster City, CA
94404, or post your letter on
the MacUser Forum of
ZiffIMet/Mac, our
' on-line service.
All letters become
the property of MacUser,
and we reserve the right to
edit any letters we print,
Piease include a return
address and a daytime
phone number*
Bortman’s Mobile Home
Thank you for the new Mo¬
bile Mac column (“Synchro-
rudtiy, M October *92, page 261)*
I have recently acquired a Power-
Book and am trying to switch
from my paper Day-Timer to an
eleetamic one* (Synchronizing
files has been quite a challenge.)
The article was very helpful, and
I hope lo see more. I’d like to
add an additional program to the
list of PowerDook applications
discussed by Henry Bortman*
Zync, by Ricardo Batista, al¬
lows users to set up a Remote
folder and a Local folder* The remote com¬
puter can be mounted automatically, and the
two folders are compared for the most-recent
versions. Zync has the same downfalls as the
programs mentioned in Bortman’s article;
however, it is freeware and available on
America Online. What more could one ask?
Eric Hards
Campbell, CA
Dear Mr. Sculley
There's a lot ot dusty software out there*
if the continuing stream of letters answering
September's shelfware question is anything
to go by. Maybe someone should start a
software mausoleum — er, museum — for
programs such as (remember these?)
Ashton-Tates dBASE Mac and Full Write
Professional, Lotus' Jazz, Target's Scoop,
and more.
Integrated packages, which try to be all
things to all people, languish in several clos¬
ets. Louis Skulnlck, of Buffalo Grove, Illi¬
nois, bought Jazz over Microsoft Works but
soon abandoned it when he discovered that
he couldn't copy it. strongly believe that
because of its copy-protection obsession,
Lotus destroyed any chance Jazz had at
industry acceptance and then left it to die —
rather than adapt" Not surprisingly, his other
shelfware Is copy-protection-buster Copy II
Lest you think only software gets shelved,
several readers have tossed hardware into
their closets, Mike Taylor, of San Antonio.
Texas, writes fondly of his now-obsolete
DA3GH 2048. purchased for his Mac 512Ke,
H lr was a lightning-fast disk drive that even
today flies beyond the fastest of hard drives,"
From Jackson. Wyoming. David Swift of¬
fers: "A Rodime 20, A Seagate 20, A
Mintscribe 40. All dead as doornails well
before the MTBF, after warranty. Moral: Buy
And what about utilities, IN ITS, cdevs*
and so on? “My QuicKeys2 Is gathering
dust* because the manufacturer, CE Soft¬
ware. had assured me before I bought ft that
I looked forward with great anticipation to
your new column Mobile Mac, by Henry
Bortman* But, golly, poor Henry! So far,
both columns have been so filled with whin¬
ing and complaining and wishful self-indul¬
gence that I haven't learned a thing about
PowerBooks from him. The idea for a help
column on PowerBooks is a great one, but —
really — couldn't you have it written by
someone who enjoys using a PowerBook?
Kate Bernstein
San Francisco, CA
What’s in a Word?
Although I agree with most of your as¬
sessments of Mac Write and Word 5,0 (“The
Right Word Processor,” September ’92, page
100), you completely ignored one aspect of
these word-processing programs: their mul¬
tilingual capabilities.
I occasionally draft letters in French. I
have a French version of MacWrite IL with a
reasonable French dictionary that works well*
fit certainly works better than that of the
previous MacWrite, in which the English
it could make the letter H o p with a macron
over It, tike this + 5, ! writes Walter H* Drew, of
Florence, Oregon. “But QuicKeys2 can't
make an ‘6/ a character that is necessary in
order to print standard Japanese text in
romanized letters* QuicKeys2 does macros „
not macrons. If you want to type an d,’ get
Ares Software's FontMonger*"
Randy Lewis, of Palo Alto, California,
steers dear of ResEdit. u l don't understand
how to use It, and It seems to have the very
powerful potential to make a real mess out
of my system.” He switched to Norton Utili¬
ties but adds, “It crashed so many times in
the first week that I had to wear a crash
helmet when I sat at the keyboard."
J, Reviere, of Conroe, Texas, sent in a
laundry list of his dirty dozen, which included
FullWrite Pro and Microsoft Works* He's
probably the only one who views After Dark
as pass£, because he saw “an interview
with Houston's superintendent of schools
the other day . . . there behind him: a Mac
llsi with Warp' running.”
This month, with the Apple/IBM alliance
in full swing, companies that would be con¬
sidered strange bedfellows are Joining forces.
Word on the street Is that Microsoft and
Nintendo are getting together. What's next?
Super MarioWorks?
Speak Up:
What companies should Apple form
alliances with, and why?
Send your thoughts to Dear Mr Scuttey f
c/o MacUser, 950 Tower Lane ( 18th Floor,
Foster City , CA 94404 *
MacUser January 1993 13
Captains Log: Stadale 1992
On our
mission to
found ourselves surrounded by Klingons!
I ashed
Mr, Spook
Dr, McCoy
tor a full
Bones said
and a new
screen saver
was the
So we beamed some tribbles into the Kllngon engine
room and headed for Earth to pick up a copy!
Over 15 all-new displays inspired by the
original Star Trek TV series. And, it runs all
After Dark displays! Now your monitor wilt
“LIVE LONG AND PROSPER " 11 with Star Trek:
The Screen Saver.
After Dark Software Not Required
and the French versions were often con¬
fused when you launched the application
from a file.)
Another criterion for evaluating word
processors could be the ability to de¬
velop shortcuts for foreign-language ac¬
cents and — more important — univer¬
sal commands for the different languages.
Paul Vilandr£
Menlo Park, CA
i have been reading Mac User since its
inception, and your September ’92 issue
was one of the best thus far. As a Mac
Plus owner, I appreciated “New Life for
Old Macs" (page 132); I have been wail¬
ing for and needing such an article for
many months. Don Crabb's suggestions
were appropriate for the “average," lim¬
ited-income Mac user, and the candid
pro-and-con upgrade suggestions were
helpful and right on target, “The MacUser
Shareware Awards" (page 152) was also
excellent for Mac owners (like me) who
prefer to pay $10 to $20 for software that
usually suits my needs better than SI00
software that has many unnecessary
The article on Mac word processors
(page 100) was informative, but like other
reviews of Mac word-processing appli¬
cations, it neglects the purpose of the
programs in favor of rating them accord¬
ing to the number of functions and how
accessible those functions are to users.
As a student, I use my word-processing
program on my PowerBook constantly.
My professors don't care if I use Word
5,0, and they can't stand boldface or
shadow-style fonts. Essays don't require
style sheets, table-of-contents capabili¬
ties, or extensive graphics features. They
just need to look presentable and offer a
clear, well-written argument.
The word processor judged the best
should be the one that (depending on
your needs) lets your work be the best.
For most of my writing, I need a blank
page, simple formatting, a thesaurus, spell
checking, and reliability. Features such
as built-in graphics capability, mail
merge, and page layout are great to have
on call, but I urge software publishers to
make the features unobtrusive and let
writers write with word processors. Why
don't we have a Hide Features command
in word processors that gives users a
blank page without menus or rulers?
In the future, I urge you to consider
how easy it is to do one's work with an
application. Sometimes the best solution
(even in computing) is the simplest.
Pete Chane
Madison, WI
Who’s Spoolin’ Who?
You were too quick to award four
mice for the SuperLaserSpool applica¬
tion (Quick Clicks, October '92, page
83). It's advertised as being compatible
with the Apple ImageWriter II, but it
isn't. The printer slows to priming for
five seconds and resting for eight sec¬
onds. With ATM, printing is almost non¬
One of Fifth Generation's technical-
support crew admitted that SLS has a
conflict with the ImageWriter II printer,
which the company hasn't been able to
correct; yet in its manual, it claims that
there is no problem.
David Walters
Monterey Park, CA
Fifth Generation maintains its claim
of compatibility, but if we had managed
to dig up an ImageWriter II and found
the conflict you describe, we would have
reported it. In any case , we have to won¬
der: Is an ImageWriter II really the right
printer for someone who cares about
speed as much as you do? — KO
Facts on Macs and VAX
I enjoyed the article “Double Features:
Working with Macs and PCs” in the Oc¬
tober '92 issue (Buyer's Guide page 10).
I was working in an environment that
included character-based terminals on
VAX hardware and PCs, and there were
tremendous productivity advantages once
we'd purchased WordPerfect 5.1 for
VMS. The ability to pass files between
platforms and not lose layout informa¬
tion seemed almost magical when we
first started doing it.
One possibility that was not discussed
in the section on file-translation soft¬
ware is to use networking software and
hardware rather than an application trans¬
lation to floppy disk. Digital's PathWorks
automatically translates file formats while
networking files across different plat¬
forms. PathWorks is a series of products
that includes a server (or servers) run¬
ning VMS, Ultrix (DEC'S UNIX), OS/2,
MS-DOS, UNIX, or the Macintosh oper¬
ating system. The server appears as one
or more disk drives on the clients, and
files can be written or read to them with
software that does whatever translation
is necessai^ to convert the file. This
network software includes additional
2095 Rose Street. Berkeley. CA 947091510) 540-5535
TM. & 199? Paramount Pictures. Berkeley Systems AeUitwiiNi User
Fasi cars. Bungee jumping. Triple choc¬
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coherent package. It’s all there. And it's all good. • How good? • Good enough to generate a slew of rave levues and positive comparisons with
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include jour mc, VISA,, or Arose card number, account name and expiration dale, nr a check in US dollars drawn an a US bank. Add StO.OO shipping. Offer valid in the United Slates and Canada.
Offer subject to change without note. Please allow (our to Six weeks tor deTraenr- fof more irulcwnation or Che name 0< jour nearest dealer can (305) 596*5644 or FAX: (3G5| 273-9069. Deneba Software, 7400
Southwest Avenue, Miami, Florida 33173. ©1992 Deneba Systems, Inc. Canvas" is a trademark of Deneha Systems, Inc. Illustrator 4 is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems,
incorporated. Freehand' is a trademark Aldus Corporation. Matfrav/ s a itegistetedi frad&'ftarkof Claris Copyabcn. This entire ad was (sealed and separated in Carm
Circle 186 on reader service card.
After Dark
32 incredible displays to prevent
phosphor burn-in. Flying Toasters
and fantastic Fish. Screen-locking
password protection. Company
^ ^ logo and message display.
SystemlQ activity monitor.
More After Dork
An all-new collection of 26
add-on displays. Contest
winners Mowin’ Man, Tunnel
and GraphStat. Virex®-D virus
scanning module from the
makers of Virex. Boris the Cat.
Lunatic Fringe space game
from the creator of Solarian II.
Beautiful new fish.
Available from resellers everywhere
including MacZone
features such as print-resource sharing
and file security.
I imagine that other vendors are offer¬
ing similar products, but I wanted to em¬
phasize the tremendous productivity in¬
crease a network solution offers, for about
the cost of installing another hard drive.
Lyle Schofield
Columbia, MD
The Vanishing Point
In the bio of David Biedny that ac¬
companies “The Third Dimension” {Sep¬
tember '92, page 114), Biedny states that
life is "a 3-D movie that doesn’t need
special glasses.” After reading his evalu-
ation of the Electric I mage Animation
System, I suspect he does need glasses.
How can a rendering progran \ that does
not provide ray tracing or even shadows
receive the highest rating in the Rendering
Quality category? Even more laughable
was his nomination of this ridiculously
overpriced program — which can't cre¬
ate models, and has (in Biedny's words)
“very weak documentation” and “rela¬
tively weak animation” — as a price/
performance winner!
For Electriclmage's price of $7,500
(which doesn’t include the price of a
decent front-end modeler), a user could
purchase Strata's StrataVision 3d, a
couple of Radius Rockets, and Strata's
RenderPro to get a very competitive ren¬
dering engine with superior graphics.
Image quality is understandably sub¬
jective. By adding benchmarks and sam¬
ple images of identical scenes rendered
by the products being tested, Mac User
could give its readers the information
they need to form their own conclusions.
Michael Steiner
Indianapolis, IN
One of the main purposes of the ar¬
ticle waj to focus on the differences in
the requirements of different groups of
Mac 3-D users . Although StrataVision is
a fine example of an inexpensive inte¬
grated modeler and renderer and a fine
choice for certain people , it Simply
doesn ? offer many of the advanced pro¬
duction and broadcast-oriented features
found in Electridmage, The two prod¬
ucts are clearly meant for different audi¬
ences. Based on my own experiences and
countless discussions f had with high-
end 3-D users while researching and writ¬
ing the article, Electriclmage consistently
turned up as the most popular high-end
production-oriented rendering and ani¬
mation product. As for benchmarks , see
"Network Renderers: Drawing on All
Resources " in this issue . — DB
That Apple Must Have Hurt
After reading John C Dvorak's “I Sack
Newton!” (September '92, page 394), I
just had to write in disagree mem. First of
all, Dvorak states, “Technology doesn’t
advance in sudden leaps and bounds.”
He's right, of course. He is mistaken,
however, when he implies that the New¬
ton is a "leap” in technology. This small,
pen-based system combines a touch-sen¬
sitive screen, a stylus, and OCR soft¬
ware, things that have been around for
quite a while and have proved them¬
selves in everyday use.
The only thing a $16 store-bought
computer can do is add, subtract, multi¬
ply, and divide and perform a few other
mathematical functions. A Newton for
$995 is inexpensive, because of what
you get for the price! I’m sorry, but al¬
though a clipboard and a pencil cost about
$990 less, they don't do as much as a
Dvorak should spend less time grip¬
ing about secondary matters and focus
on real problems. He spends 14 words
talking about real problems such as bat¬
teries and screen size but never once
offers uses for the Newton.
Joshua Senecal
Spring Valley, CA
I agree with Dvorak that at around
$ 1,000, Newtons are not inexpensive and
therefore must be handled with care, but
it's kind of pathetic to say that pen com¬
puting is not going to succeed unless the
machines are as unbreakable as a piece
of paper. The Newton is much like any
high-tech consumer-electronics product
— and you don't see people freaking out
about dropping a camcorder.
After he bashes screen size, battei^
duration, and handwriting recognition,
Dvorak says that there are better solu¬
tions that cost less — pads of paper. But
imagine a computer behind the paper
that would straighten out drawings, for¬
mat letters, insert spaces, and provide
various electronic forms with automatic
checks to validate user input, and you
can imagine the possibilities.
I disagree that “throwing silicon tech¬
nology at [old technologies or anything
that already works well] is an incredible
waste of technological resources.” On
the contrary, it's a great opportunity to
use silicon technology to improve a piece
ext. 21 £^3
It can pick a fly out of your pea soup.
It never feints at the sight of blood
It can digest a whale in 60 seconds.
While these may not be the qualities you
want in a dinner date, they may be precisely what
you're looking for in a color scanner.
If so, meet the new UMAX UC840. Built
using the same high-quality technologies that
recently earned our other color scanners top
marks from both MacLJser and PC Computing.
The UC840 renders halftones, line art and
text with hard-to-believe clarity and detail
(800x400 dpi, to be exact). In fact, through soft¬
ware interpolation, you can get up to 1600 X1600
dpi! Details that competitive scanners can lose
sight of—like the wings of that annoying little
fly - come through with particular clarity.
WUh the
UMAX Trans¬
parency unit,
you'II gel maximum
accuracy and flexibility.
Revolutionary one-lamp scanning and auto¬
calibration systems virtually guarantee that colors
remain absolutely true to the original. (Blue blood
may be fine for aristocrats, but the rest of us still
prefer a nice, bright red.)
We'd also like to make a point about speed,
if you have a minute. Because that's about all it
takes the UC840 to scan a 4 x 5-inch color image
Maximize your imaged
(other scanners can take two to five times as long).
And if you have a few more seconds, we f ll
give you a few more important facts: The dynamic
range is wide enough to read the most subtle dif¬
ferences between 16.8 million 24-bit colors, and
256 shades of gray. It's both Macintosh and PC-
compatible. And image editing software is
included, free of charge. If that weren't enough,
the UCS40 is incredibly easy to maintain. We even
offer 48-hour turn around in the unlikely case
repairs are required.
Call 800-562-0311 today, and we'll tell you
where to catch a demonstration of the new UC840.
(Feel free to bring along your dinner date.)
CK92 UMAX Technologies Jnc. 7Q Commit Drive. Sant* Clam. CA 0505J. Iv$m2-0771. Fai40$m2~Q776. UMAX a a registered trademark of UMAX Dala Systems, ine "Misimite 'tout Imifp* is a trademark of UMAX
Technologies, Inc. Other company names .*nd produel n.smes d re trademarks of I heir respective companies.
Circle 145 on reader service card.
Rie Synchronization
Are you:
* Having trouble keeping track of the latest
version of your files when you move them
back and forth between your PowerBook™
and your Desktop Mac?
* Modifying files on your home Mac and
need to have them updated on the office
* Adding to a database when on the road,
while back at the office, changes may have
been made to the same database, and there
is no simple way to determine if the file has
changed on both computers?
If you are experiencing any of these
problems, you need PowerMerge,
PowerMerge provides you with a simple and
automatic way to keep track of the latest
version of your files if you use more than one
Macintosh" computer!
* Precise Control of which files, folders or
disks will be synchronized
* Drag & Drop ease of use
* Visually review al! updates before they
* Inclusion or Exclusion of individual
disks, folders, files, creators or kinds
* Bidirectional Updates
* Disk Locking allows single direction
* Conflict Notification if changes have
been made to a file on both computers
since updating.
* Unlimited setups can be created and
saved for future synchronization
* A History Log provides you with a
record of every file that was updated
* Works between any two Macs or disks
via network or removable media
Order Now from resellers everywhere
1(800) 255-6227
Call: (800) 922-1787
Fax (714)757-1777
4590 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 550
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Circle 44 on reader service card.
of paper Unlike current computer tech¬
nology, an electronic notepad should
work seamlessly and transparently, al¬
lowing the user to focus on the problem
at hand and not on the tool being used.
Finally, why is “a computerized note¬
pad just plain stupid”? I usually sketch
diagrams and ideas first on a paper
notepad before typing or redrawing it on
a computer, because ideas don’t always
come to mind when I am sitting in front
of a computer screen. An electronic
notepad would allow me to quickly record
the ideas and would also provide me
with tools for manipulating and organ iz-
ing this information.
Carlos Bazzarella
San Mateo, CA
Mouse-to^Mouth Recitation
The prospect of pocket-sized portabil¬
ity and huge memory is marvelous, but
to me the abandonment of the mouse and
the keyboard, already happening with
the Newton, is a step backward. I don't
want to handwrite information to my
Mac; my writing is terrible and much
slower than my typing.
1 also don't want to give voice com¬
mands. I often use my Mac late at night,
and I don’t want to disturb the rest of the
household by talking to my Mac. I can
imagine the cacophony that would result
in an office setting with whole rooms full
of people talking to their Macs. One ad¬
vantage of computers in general is that
they are quiet compared with typewriters
and old-fashioned adding machines.
What’s to keep one Mac from reacting to
a command meant for the one at the next
desk, if that operator has a louder voice?
1 can see the advantage of the pres¬
sure-sensitive pen for graphics, but please
don’t make me go back to handwriting
my letters and lists.
Mary M, Austrian
Scottsdale, AZ
River Deep, Margin High
Earth to Dvorak?! Your comments on
what Apple should do (“Hail to the
Chief,” October '92, page 378) show how
far out of touch you are with the Mac, the
computer industry, and general business.
If an engineer told me he wanted to
put a Mac If into a traffic sign, f would
promptly show him the door. Even at
$300, the Mac as a dedicated controller
would be a w r aste. The Mae’s best use is
as a general-purpose computer. It can
run database, page-I ay out, spreadsheet.
and word-processing programs; main¬
frame links; terminal emulators; multi-
media; and whatever else — all at the
same time (no expanded or extended
memory, and no need to edit your
WTNIN1.SYS file for this or that soft¬
ware). An IBM PC is a wiser choice for a
traffic sign, because it is better (cheaper!)
at any one of these tasks. Let the Mac
control all the traffic signs from the city
planner’s desk!
I wonder why you haven’t been asked
to run Apple. You seem to be full of
these great ideas. A low priced, high-
margin Mac .. . hmm . .. sounds like an
LC to me. Although the margins may not
be high, it can do what any other Mac
can do. The problem is that you shop like
an IBMer, looking only at price. You
should be shopping to fit your needs! If
you look at what you want to do with a
computer, an LC can outperform mosL
IBM PC 386s — and it costs less! You
should evaluate systems as a whole, not
just in terms of the cost of the hardware.
Dan Guenst
Technical Training Center
U.S. Postal Service
Oklahoma City, OK
Just the Fax, Ma’am
Please can you tell the advertisers in
Mac User that the world doesn’t slop at
the shores of the Pacific and the Atlantic
and the Canadian and Mexican borders!
The majority of your advertisers pub¬
lish only toll-free 800 numbers. Great if
you're in the United States but useless if
you’re trying to be an international cus¬
tomer. If these companies want business
from foreign customers, then they must
also publish their normal phone number
along with their full address and that
most useful of things — their fax number.
We have credit cards too and lots of
dollars to spend, so please remember us
when you lay out your ads. Even Mac-
User is guilty of not publishing an edito¬
rial fax number!
Andrew R. Bennett
Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Oitr editorial fax number is 415-378-
5675 . - PP ^
In the October issue on page 46.
the toll-free number for QMS is in¬
correct. The correct number is 800-
Few things
have taken off
so fast
Out of the blocks to number one in a scant
six months. Few things this side of NASA have
ever experienced this kind of blast-off.
Because nobody else has figured out how
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quite like ClarisWorksr
No awkward modules,
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Simply, ClarisWorks
has caught on so fast
because it’s so easy to
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PowerBook with room for volumes.
But don’t just take our word for it.
“ClarisWorks is now the yardstick against
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out...a breakthrough in price and capability,’
raves MacUser.
Of course, the best way to see why
ClarisWorks soars above the rest is to strap
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Just call us at 1-800-544-8554, ext. 36.
Then get your hands on ClarisWorks.
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Simply powerful software.
Among industry cipetfs,
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©1992 Clark Corporation. All right* reserved. In Canada, call l-HtXffcMLKyAK, ext. Claris is a registered trademark. ClarisWorks and Simply powerful software an: trademarks of Qaris Corporation.
AH other prtxliiL i names arc trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner*.
Regardless of how complex the material
you’ve stored, it’s quite simple for it all to
be ruined by the most minute dust or dirt
particle. 1b combat contamination and pro¬
vide optimum performance, Maxell
developed an exclusive multi-layer
liner. This new liner continuously
cleans the disk’s surface, trapping
contaminants in the inner layer
of the fibers and keeping them
away from the magnetic surface.
Computers have come a long way,
and so have floppy disks, lb keep
up with the latest in personal and
laptop computers, Maxell has
invested significant, amounts of time
and money into disk research. As a
result, Maxell created the new Super
RD II. The next generation floppy disk
for the new age of personal computing.
the Super
-.' k
The new Super RD II utilizes a special lubricant on
the magnetic disk which makes it spin more effi¬
ciently, thus reducing the amount of battery power
required by your laptop or notebook disk drive.
So not only does the new Super RD II offer a
purer and safer environment for your data, it
also offers a way to work with purer, safer
data longer.
RD II from Maxell.
Accidents happen. That’s why Maxell devel¬
oped its unique Dual Interlocking flex
shutter. The flex shutter firmly adheres to
the shell, keeping out contaminants that can
scratch the disk surface. And the dual inter¬
locking pins provide a secure fit, making the
disk durable enough to survive the trauma
of being dropped without compromising
the Super RD IPs read-write capability.
Vh” 10 PCS.
micro-pi sque souri-b _
Always a generation ahead.
Maxell Corporation of America, 22-08 Route 208, Fair Lawn. NJ 07410, In Canada call Griflco Marketing at 416-625-6559.
Circle 80 on reader service card.
■Wffttf M UUft&U J>X{II Jo apvutjpwt&Wf&u JP s^jpw^pji Up tttuet* pratf ?fly wtfffluyH/ puvfyje ifimtupui i> n mrrty Vtof -uifyjmfUl pveiy
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No One Has A More Complete Family
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Choosing the perfect Ethernet* solution is a snap.
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A Fully-Integrated Family.
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A Full Line Of Ethernet Solutions.
At Asante, excellence runs in the family. It shows in
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In addition, the Asante family features a full line of Token Ring* products for the PC and Macintosh. Resellers:
non-intelligent lOBaseThubs with 8 or hm A (~\ A \ ~\ r - Asante products are available from
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- I Asimti Technologies, 821 Fox lone, Son Jose, G4 95131, 800-662-9686 or 408-435-8388 } -
Circle 81 on reader service card.
When you get the Asante Ethernet
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less networking. That's why we're #1 in
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So if you want a picture-perfect
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ber is Asante. We also offer a full line of
/wne 1972
Geniuses at Work
As the Macintosh
turns nine this
month, here’s a
celebration of
some of the latest
flashes of
brilliance that
keep it fresh and
M aybe it’s one of those left-brain/
right-brain things, but Mac users
seem lo have a special affinity for
certain things that display a characteristic
elegance, an extraordinary simplicity, or a
flair for ingenuity. Life's little gems of ge¬
nius —such as Calvin and Hobbes, National
Public Radio, Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia,
or "Star Trek" (especially "The Next Gen¬
eration") — seem lo strike an unusually loud
chord among Mac users.
The Macintosh environment is full of little
details that separate the truly user-friendly
machines from the Windows-come-late lies.
Although the differences may have grown
less obvious, the gulf separating the Mac
from the competition certainly hasn’t less¬
ened any. Here’s a sampling of some of the
details that continue to make the Mac a unique
pleasure lo work with.
The PowerBook Duos are a good place to.
start. The Duo system is chock full of design
details that could come only from a company
that controls both the computer hardware
and the overall operating environment For
example* the Duos know to automatically go
to sleep to conserve battery life when you
shut the lid. The whole docking strategy is
intelligently designed to prevent you from
making mistakes. Unlike PC-compatible
dockers, the Duo Docks don’t let you yyuk
the notebook out of the docking station in Lhe
middle of a file transfer.
And there’s a less obvious and undocu¬
mented cleverness built in to the whole con¬
cept of a docking station. Many companies
have a one-cmployee/one-CPU policy. Al¬
though you may not be able to get approval
for both a desktop machine and a notebook
computer* u docking system offers you a
loophole: Gel one CPU (a dockable note¬
book) and a collection of peripherals (a dock¬
ing station* an external color monitor, and a
full-si^ed keyboard) for your desktop.
Designer Genius
Check out the latest new software, and
you’ll always find a bumper crop of new
tools that show a flair for genius. Aldus’
IntelliDraw is the home or two of my current
favorites: the Symmetrigon and the Con¬
nect igon. The Symmetrigon makes drawing
an infinite variety of symmetric shapes
simple* and the Connection eliminates the
hassles of making certain that comers and
edges are precisely aligned.
The latest version of Microsoft’s Power¬
Point features a loo) that earns kudos both for
what it does and for its nickname. The "Cali¬
fornia" drawing tool (officially called the
Freeform tool) lets you create shapes that
include freehand curves as well as straight
lines. (If you’re familiar with the geographic
outline of the Golden State, you’ll see how
the tool gets its nickname.)
The software included with the Kensington
Microware Turbo Mouse is an unexpected
bonus that transforms a fine trackball into a
real productivity booster. The Brilliant Cur¬
sor feature, for example, lets you assign re¬
gions on your screen that allow the trackball
to instantly and precisely teleport the cursor
across your monitor at warp speed.
When competition and innovation com¬
bine to fuel the flames of innovation, a con¬
tinual stream of solutions that leapfrog one
another is the result. When Apple left some
key features out of the Power Books (such as
battery management and key board-level se¬
curity), Connect! x was quick on the scene
with the release of CPU (Connectix Power-
Book Utilities). And now. a scant couple of
months later. After Hours’ just-released suite
of PowerBook utilities—called GUM (Guy’s
Utilities for Macintosh) — ups the ante* add¬
ing a variety of user-customizable options
that let you tailor your PowerBook 10 auto¬
matically adjust its operation, on the fly, to
your particular circumstances. (But the most
impressive thing about GUM has nothing to
do with PowerBooks: GUM lets you banish
that pesky Balloon Help from your menu bar
just by checking a box.) You can be sure that
new players and new versions will keep the
one-upmanship going in thus arena for quite a
Sometimes what goes on behind the scenes
is almost as good as what shows up in the
products. From this month’s mailbag comes
a press release from game maker Spectrum
HoloByte, which has named William
Figueroa as its national spokesperson for its
Ward Iris game. If the name William Figueroa
sounds vaguely familiar, it should: Figueroa
is the 12-year-old boy who made the correct
spelling of spuds one of 1992’s most notori¬
ous political hot potatoes (and* yes* Dan, it
docs get an e for the plural).
Sometimes it’s a turn of phrase that re¬
veals the vision behind a product or a mar¬
keting strategy. Fred Ebrahimi, CEO/prcsi-
dem of Quark* once told me he attributes
MacUser January 1993 23
Quark's success to what he calls the Jimi
Hendrix strategy: Build a loyal follow¬
ing in smaller, European markets, and
success in the U + S> will inevitably fol¬
low. (Fred also has a knack for well-
turned mixed metaphors — or should
that be nixed metaphors? — that rivals
the legendary talents of Samuel Goldwyn
and Yogi Berra. Describing the plight of
hapless software users, he once explained
how some software vendors insult their
customers by “adding salt to injury.”)
Any Swivel 3D user can upgrade to
Injini-D for only $395! Call us
today if you want to end
Call (41 3) S49-7600, and we’ll
send you a free interactive demo
tour showing how Infini-Dcan
transform your ideas into reality.
A blistering-fast new Tenderer,
broadcast quality anti-aliasing, EPS
import and QuickTime'" support!
tnfim-D has the tools you need to ttwifr the professional
quality 3D graphics your clients want.
Specular International
233 North Pleasant Street * P.Q. Box BBS
Amherst, MA Q1004-0888
Phone (413) 549-7600 * FAX (413) 549 1531
mieWHeer §1992 Sieve fAxkenjiujm/TolKlio, OH. Wlnt-D'** is i tfjdwrufk
ol Specular In[«national. Lid. MidlllOill® ii a tc^iuefed trademark of Apple
Computer, Inc Swivel iD ,M is. a Irademark of M.v roMedi.v IfK.
*1992 Specular, Lid. All righli rewived.
High quality 3D graphics are taking the
world by storm, creating a powerful new
medium to visualize, present and sell ideas.
Infini-D's design-oriented modeler, photo¬
realistic tenderer, and easy-to-use animator
have been praised by industry experts and
novices alike for bringing professional 3D
graphics into reach. Whether you use 3D
now, or are looking for the right place to
start, Infini-D's unassuming interface will
enable you to create
dazzling images and
animations you never
thought possible
from your Macintosh®
Infini-D has become
the tool of choice in
broadcast media,
package design, adver¬
tising, and other pro¬
fessions where success depends on the persua¬
sive communication of ideas.
Sell the idea. With Infini-D.
Circle 87 on reader service card.
It*s AIK in the Genius
You know those “genius grants” you
hear about every year or so? They come
with no strings attached and are designed
solely to allow brilliant people to focus
on new ideas, without regard for how or
when they might pay off. If anyone in
the Mac business deserves one of those
grants, it 1 s the folks at The Voyager Com¬
pany. Voyager is responsible for a string
of educational and entertaining CD-
ROMs and videodiscs that never fail to
delight. Its Expanded Books series of
current best-sellers and classic works of
literature on-disc has begun to transform
the way we interact with the written word.
Why carry around a PowerRook in¬
stead of a paperback? If you like to
have several books in progress (or for
You know those ‘genius
grants’ you hear about?
If anyone in the Mac
business deserves one,
it’s the folks at The
Voyager Company.
reference) handy, you can easily keep an
entire library on yonr PowerBook. (Even
a single fat hardback can be burdensome;
at two and a quarter pounds, Genius,
James Gleick\s highly recommended bi¬
ography of physicist/gadfly Richard
Feynman, weighs in at more than half
the heft of a PowerBook Duo 230.)
Electronic reading also lets you in¬
stantly check back all references to a
particular character or theme. That's es¬
pecially welcome when you resume
where you left off midway in a novel and
need to remind yourself of who did what
to whom with the candlestick in the con¬
servatory, 150 pages and two weeks ago.
Finally, Fd like to direct your atten¬
tion to a colorful brilliance in our own
midst. The look and feel of many of the
technical and special-interest sections of
Mac User are largely due to the whimsi¬
cal, elegant, and insightful graphics from
the electronic pen of technical illustrator
Mark Sweeney. While Mark is on medi¬
cal leave for an issue or two, you'll be
seeing the work of several guest artists.
And much as we're sure you'll enjoy
their work, we wish Mark a speedy re¬
covery and look forward to the return of
his strokes of genius,
24 January 1993 Mac User
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Now On Video
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Most people are amazed. They need train¬
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The first benefit of the training library is
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The next bit of good news is the huge
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No blurry screens. No paid actors reading
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Many of our customers say our videos cut
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MaeAcademy videos make excellent learn¬
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MaeAcademy is the winner of the 1992
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You deserve World Class training at an
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30 Day Money - Back Guarantee . If
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To Order
Call 800-527-1914 with credit card or pur¬
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Aldus Freehand Video #1
Aldus Freehand Video #2
Aldus Freehand Video #3
Aldus PageMaker Video #1
Aldus PageMaker Video #2
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Aldus Persuasion Video #1
Aldus Persuasion Video #2
Aldus SuperPaint Video #1
Aldus SuperPaint Video #2
Aldus SuperPaint Video #3
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Videos can be updated upon release of new
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Circle 83 on reader service card.
Even in today’s econo
amazing growth
A tdole nett> generation (f CD-ROM player, the
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lb take full adtmtageofits
stereo-out sound capabilities, plug
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(bis great multimedia Macintosh,
memory are standard, you
of RAM to Mp j on lip
through even the most
The new Macintosh Hex (shown here with oar new 14" Macintosh Color Display) is the mad flexible
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In these times when every budget dollar is precious, the new
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But equally important, to prepared for the next economic expan¬
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Inside its sleek exterior resides a 5 K" expansion bay -
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slot so you can add even more power and performance.
To see the new Macintosh IIvx for yourself, visit an
Bpfr tifn^ssirr. AffftOlUtndQakkltinr <mr tmkrrwrts of Affie Cnnfttter. but. Cfctssx f a rvgzkmf traikmufk Itctasedtaffpip Computer,
frafcrwr* tfSyQee* kdmikffl. Hutton k h ttmHmuti f feus i/btrummlt Ttit ant mu entioi api# fltw^fmvwdwmfwlrit
authorized Apple reseller today. For the power you need
most of all. The power of Macintosh. The power to be your best:
IntrodudngtheMadntosh Dvx. m.
Hose is a rqztdmtiirjtitmiri if Sost CapamOat. tixM and rfkJir CD an tnakromh if Eastumn fixiti {hmpany £,Hafi£itofS it a It&bninri- if
Out of the box\ the Macintosh Jhx supports
up to a 14" monitor and256colors. Adda
card and some VRAM, and it can handle up
to a 21" monitor and millions of colors.
j rngn-perjormance netwomng atf m one. lots isjust one oj me many expansion
cards you can buy separately.
The Macintosh Hex comes with
With its 32-bit architecture and
32 MHz 68030 chip, tix Macintosh
__ mt
«rti.» (T>j
Coming soon
to a screen
near you.
o Out of memory. |[_ok_JJ
If you think the only way to avoid
running out of memory is to avoid
running acouple of your favorite
applications, think again.
Think about all those memory-
hogging fonts and sounds you’ve
got stuffed into that bulging
System File.
Then do what over 200,000
resourceful Mac users
do every day,
instead of dosing your
applications, open a
Suitcase is the award¬
winning utility that lets
you park your growing
collection of fonts, DAs,
FKFYs and sounds out¬
side the System File.
Thereby giving you the
maximum amount of
memory for running more
applications, building big¬
ger documents and doing
other useful things.
What's more, Suitcase
compresses your screen
font and sound files by up
to 60%.
Thereby giving you
that much more precious
disk space to work with.
Iteven lets you put
your screen and printer
fonts on a server for all to share.
Thereby making each disk on
the network that much more
The more resources you
have-and the more organized
you are-the more memory and
disk space you’ll save.
But whether your
dividends are mea¬
sured in megs or
merely in Ks, Suit¬
case is guaranteed
to save you gigabytes
of aggravation
Avont Garde-
j 'tvt&apT
Los Angeles
Lubcrttn Graph
fieri oco
New York
Ban ? ran a I loo
U rivers
Zflpf Dingbats
Even if you're aperating
in System 7
i Because System 7
still stuffs your resources into
your System File.
And System 7 still makes you
close down all your applications
and restart your Mac each time you
install a new font.
Which is a real pain in
the, uh, system.
Suitcase, on the other
hand, gives you unlimited
access to all your
And total control over
how you organize them.
Each suitcase an pack
up to 800 fonts, 64 DAs,
and any number of FKEYs
and sounds.
You can group suit¬
cases into sets, then sum¬
mon ail the luggage that
Can't remember the
difference between
Versailles and Monaco?
Not to iwrry
Suitcase displaysymir
typefaces right in the
menu ,
belongs with a particular
project at the click of a
Tips are optional. But
here’s one for those of you who find
font ID conflicts even more irritat¬
ing than running out of memory,
GetSuitcase. It eliminates them.
Call us at 1-800-666-2904.
Well tell you about our vaunted
24-hour toll-free technical support.
Well also tell you
that Suitcase is
hacked by a one-
year money-back
So you an be
sure this baggage will
live up to its claims.
Circle 107 dm reader service card.
Psst! Wanna buy
a new Mac?
Just be careful —
the lowest price
doesn’t always
guarantee the
best deal.
to Buy a Mac
S omewhere on the Dead Sea Scrolls,
it’s probably written, “No matter how
little you paid for a Mac, someone
else probably paid less," As tight a rein as
Apple has tried to maintain on the Mac mar¬
ket, there still exist many avenues for pur¬
chasing a Mac. Indeed, where you go can
determine how much you blow.
Just in case you'd like to know the best
and the cheapest place to buy a Mac (and
they're not necessarily the same). I’m going
to run through all the options. Where you
decide to shop will probably boil down to
whose money you're spending, how much
you think you know about computers, and
whether you would cheatoo your income tax
if you knew for sure that you T d never get
Brass and Glass. When you swing open
the heavy glass door of a swanky urban com¬
puter dealer and nearly trip over the deep-
pile carpeting, you feel like a real grown-up.
By all means, enjoy the experience: the
swanky location in the heart of the financial
district, the chrome-and-glass furniture, the
matching suits and haircuts on the sales¬
people. After all, you'll be paying for all of it
if you buy a Mac here. The average Mac
purchaser ought to avoid the Brass and Glass
stores like the plague. If you're spending
someone else's money, go right ahead; the
B & Gs generally provide pretty good ser¬
vice and support. Unless you're interested in
buying in multiples of five and purchasing
extended service-and-support plans on top of
everything else, though, they offer no real
Mel's Computers *iT Things. Smaller
stores, catering to Decent Honest Folk rather
than Lo businesspeople, almost always offer
lower prices. They're usually located in
smaller, out-of-the-way places where the
rent's cheap and the neighbors don T L mind
unwashed Mac lovers dropping by at all
hours. Prices are dearly marked, hardware is
routinely discounted, and the staff is ordi¬
narily more approachable and willing to talk
about various hardware combinations.
Look for stores located near college cam¬
puses. They are defined by their customers:
students and faculty, who generally are (a)
very savvy and (b) nearly broke. Both bode
well for the intrepid consumer.
All in all, the Mel category provides the
best balance of low prices and good service
for most consumers. I'm going to go ahead
and tell you about places to buy Macs for
even less, but each of them carries certain
elements that, depending on your upbring¬
ing, may send you screaming into the hills.
Superstores , A more recent development
in computer marketing, superstores are
mighty supermarkets for all kinds of hard¬
ware and software. That they sell huge vol¬
umes of just about everything and are gener¬
ally located in unpolished warehouses trans¬
lates into nearly rock-bottom prices on Mac
hardware. The disadvantage of shopping at
superstores is that although the salespeople
tend to be just as educated on various bits of
hardware as their counterparts in more-tradi¬
tional stores, their knowledge can be spread
pretty thin among several hundred products.
Superstores are great places to shop if you're
going to swoop in, make a purchase, and
then swoop out. Just don't count on being
able to get the answers to all your hardware
questions there.
Mail-order companies. Buying Macs
through the mail has only one thing going for
it: subbasement-leve! pricing. The monthly
overhead of a mail-order company is nothing
compared with that of a traditional storefront
operation. Everybody knows that, including
Apple. That's why Apple has refused to grant
unto mail-order companies Us highly cov¬
eted Authorized Apple Dealer status. Autho¬
rized dealers are fully equipped stores with
fully equipped service departments. Mail¬
order companies are not. Macs sold by au¬
thorized dealers come with a full Apple war¬
ranty. Those sold by unauthorized dealers do
Read that last sentence again — yes, that
means it's entirely possible that if your mail¬
order Mac does the big firework after only
two months of operation, the cost of repairs
will be your burden, not Apple's. The idea is
to make things a bit more fair for storefront
dealers; otherwise they'd be forced to* in
effect, act as the mail-order companies' un¬
paid service departments. Many mail-order
outfits offer their own warranties on the Macs
they sell, but others leave you high and dry.
Be sure to ask before you buy — the lack of a
warranty can easily soak up any money you
save by shopping mail-order. In addition,
you might be responsible for shipping charges
i ncurred whi le your Mac shuttles cross-coun¬
try, For these reasons, 1 don't recommend
buying new Macs via mail order.
Special deals. Used and refurbished mail-
MacUser January 1993 29
order Macs sold by reputable companies
are a different story; indeed, they can be
some of the best deals anywhere. A used
Macintosh Ilci sold by an established
reseller is generally just as good as a new
one; the only thing you really lose in the
deal is a warranty, but then again, this
isn't new equipment. No matter where
the Mac came from, you can haul it to
any Apple service center tor repair when
Also keep your eyes peeled in the busi¬
ness and auction pages of your local
newspapers for notices of stores or busi¬
nesses closing their doors. When the auc¬
tioneer is appropriately incompetent —
and it happens often — it's possible to
walk away with some spectacular hard¬
ware for a fraction of its true value. In all
cases, make sure there’s a legible serial
number on the equipment. Just about the
only kind of Mac an authorized service
center won’t service is the kind that looks
like it’s been stolen. They're kind of
funny that way.
Many of you have probably been won¬
dering when I’d start talking about edu¬
cational discounts. Well, Fm talking
about them last because (a) not everyone
can qualify for the discount and (b) Fm
about to suggest something sneaky and
Fm hoping that some of you with power
have lost interest and skipped to another
column by now.
Yes, Apple has special educational
pricing, available through school com¬
puter stores and bookstores, that allows
teachers and students to buy brand-new,
fully warranted Apple hardware at un¬
beatable prices. The only catch here ■—
outside of the rather harsh requirement
of having to go to school to qualify — is
an agreement you have to sign promis¬
ing not to sell or give away the hardware
for a period of a year. “But Fm not a
student,” you’re saying. Weil, then —
and here's the sneaky pan — become
one. See, buying a Mac at educational
pricing usually just involves going to the
campus computer store and flashing a
valid student ID card, Apple wants you
to flash a full-time-student-ID card, but
many colleges grant part-time students
the same boon. So here's what you do:
Stop in at a college's computer store and
ask about discounts for part-timers. If
it's a go, cross the campus and pick up a
night-course catalog; sign up for an $80
night course in pottery; and as soon as
your ID card comes in the mail, use it to
buy a $7,000 Ilci system for $4,000,
Circle 70 on reader service card.
The Tinies have decided
to take a trip to Earth.
Unless you stop them,
they will turn our planet
upside down.
You have been chosen by
the King of Tinies to find
these boisterous critters,
and put them bock in
their color-coded sleepers.
The little beasts will heckle
you every step of the
way. By the time you
realize that you are
descending into madness,
it may be... too
To Order, See Your
Local Retailer Or Call
30B Main Street, Lakeville, CT 060391
203-435-4995 • Fax: 203-435 * >091
© Runs on any Mac from a Hus on up*
The Tinies is a registered trademark of
ATREID Concepts, S.A*
(Inspirational credit — Steve Jobs' one-
word reply when asked how nonstudents
could buy the original education-only
NeXT machine: “Enroll.”)
Parting Shots: CheckFree
Reaction to September's column on
CheckFree (“Check It Out,” page 29)
was swift and varied. Many satisfied
CheckFree users, writing from homes
they didn't lose due to a vanished mort¬
gage payment, voiced their strong sup¬
port of the CheckFree electronic check¬
ing service, reporting that they have been
using the service for eons and have had
nothing but happy interludes with elec¬
tronic checking. Just as strong were the
messages from former CheckFree users
who contributed their own horror stories
of unpaid bills and angry creditors and
laid the blame squarely at CheckFree’s
feet. To be fair, some of the reported
problems were the direct result of the
user's failure to follow CheckFree’s in¬
structions properly, but most were not.
Folks also wrote to correct my asser¬
tion that CheckFree was loo expensive.
Simple multiplication reveals that if you
pay more than ten bills a month elec¬
tronically, CheckFree pays for itself with
the money you save on postage alone.
Others reported that electronic bill pay¬
ment was already available via touch-
tone phone from their local banks, for
free in some cases.
Finally, a CheckFree vice president
sent me a nice letter thanking me for
being fair and balanced in my appraisal.
Because he didn't see my name on
CheckFree's list of registered users (for
my investigations, I used the CheckFree
account of a friend whose finances were
considerably more complicated than
mine), he offered to give me six months'
worth of access for free, to become more
familiar with the service. Fair enough.
The next paragraph was far more inter¬
esting: If my views still hadn't changed
after six months — read this next bit
three times (1 certainly did)—CheckFree
would pay all my bills for one month, up
to $2,500 worth. I am reporting this with¬
out comment. Oh, by the way. lie sent
me another letter a few days later, asking
that 1 keep his offer under my hat. So
don’t tell anyone about it, OK?
As always, your feedback is appreci¬
ated, Send comments, corrections, infor¬
mation, opinions, or your reaction to the
new syndicated "Batman” cartoon to me
in care of Mac User. ^
30 January 1993 Mactfser
Here's a little flavor from
Aatrix Software...
Aatrix Software announces the arrival of CheckWriter 4/0 and
PayCheck, two new software ideas that will make your mouth
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Link CheckWriter 4/0 and PayCheck together and you have a
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Here‘s just a sample of what CheckWriter 4/0 & PayCheck will do
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Use CheckWriter 4/0 ($79)* for all your personal finance or small
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• design your own budgeting plan.
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• so much more!
^ ‘ . , J* , j
* V'
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trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Circle 69 on reader service card.
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* calculates Federal, State, and local taxes.
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* so much more!
Aatrix CheckWriter 4/0 and Aatrix PayCheck are available
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TouchBASE Bundle
Keep your professional life running smoothly
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TouchBASE is a database which keeps track
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#05209 DateBook ..,.$78
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Amaze 1993 calendars make it fun to get Edition, it will challenge their sports
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Circle 235 on reader service card.
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Quadra 760
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American Ink Jet
05069 CompuM DeskJet Carr. .14
05066 Paint Jet/PaintML Ink
Refill Black/2pak .18
05067 Cannon Bubble Jet BJ-lOe
Refill BlackEpak,*,— 14
05068 Apple Stylewriter Ink
Refill Black/2pak„. ...14
05620 Disk File 80...,,12
04224 Disk File 30 .,.7
03618 Organizer . 169
00523 Stingray...... . 88 6
01584 Mac 101E
Keyboard-New.. . „125
EfD Center Co.
05251 Teafewood Disk Holder
Holds 60 3.5' . —.14
05252 Teakwood Disk Holder
Holds 120 3.5“ . .21
f/O Design
05546 Ultimate Classic 5E —58
05545 Ultimate Classic Extd .....74
innovative MFR
05906 Universal PowerBook
Expandable . -.78
05907 PowerBooyfax Case.44
05908 PowerBook Fax Case
Expandable _ m 54
05910 Besl PowerBook Case.38
Kensington %/
05177 NoteBook Keypad .. 104
03339 Power Tree 1Q_ .,.18
03342 Power Tree 20 .. .....27
03346 Power Backer 450 ........337
05176 Turbo Mouse 4.0 . ,106
Key Tronic ^
02813 Mac Pro Plus ____ 128 6
02648 4tb D V2.2.,..,^497 ©
Aldus ✓
00346 Persuasion . _317 ©
Ark interface ✓
05024 Workspace . . .78 ©
Attain ✓
04949 in Control 1.1. . .89 ©
04412 WordSean Plus..„..374 ©
Ctiena Software */
00334 Fair Wiiness. S ..178©
Claris Software ✓
04466 ClarisWorks . .196©
03478 FileMaker Pro 2.0. . 278 ©
DeitaPoint %/
04305 Deltagrapb Pro .........198©
Helix Technologies i/
00609 Double Helix ..298 ©
intuit */
04230 Quicken ...42 ©
MU ✓
04257 BizPlan Builder.......... S4©
01045 Employee Manual Maker ,93 ©
Microsoft */
00227 Excel 4,0.294 ©
04545 Excel 4.0 Upgrade..83 ©
00567 Works 3.0 ... 153©
04398 Word 5.0 .293 ©
00596 Word 5.0 Upgrade . 123©
How Software ✓
00580 Now Op to Date...64 ©
Pastel Development V
04752 DayMaker ... 60©
Look at These Super Values
PC Globe
04328 MacGlobe...
,„44 ©
05479 MacUSA. ..
Softsync */
00344 Accountant Inc —...
.329 ©
Symantec ✓
04464 More 3.1....,.
.264 ©
mite Crow*/
05324 Office Manager.
. . . 73 ©
05325 Office Manager Remote . 58 ©
05326 Office Manager/Mail....
Wolfram Research
04107 Mattiematica Enhanced 788 ©
WordPerfect Corp. /
03972 WordPerfect V2.1.
,277 0
04983 Illustrator 3.2/ATM.
.364 ©
04670 Premier 2.0..
.447 0
05702 Premier 2.0 Upgrade .„
04042 Photoshop..
.547 ©
Aldus ✓
00333 Freehand 3.1 _
.387 ©
05481 IntelliDnw.
.194 0
04573 PageMaker 4.2.
,487 0
04190 SuperPaint 3.0.
04537 Fcntograpber 3,5..
,257 ©
Apple Computer
05431 QuickTime
Starter I0t.,„....
04347 TypeStyitr 2.0 _....
00634 Satellite 3D_
Deneba ✓
00803 Canvas 3.0...
.258 ©
DiVa Corp.
00602 VideoShop.
,397 ©
Fractal Design
00665 Painter 1.2.
,234 ©
Light Source
00657 Ofolo.-
.277 ©
00839 Director 3.1...
,798 ©
03619 Swivel 3D Pro...
.428 ©
Quark Inc.
04736 QuarkXPress3.1.
.548 0
Specular ini */
00615 lnfini-0 2.0.....
.646 ©
Strata Inc. /
04088 StrataVre-lon 3D 2.5.
.627 ©
Vivirtus t/
05634 Cinemation..
.354 ©
03994 KJd Pix 1,2.
00892 Geometry.
...57 ©
01985 Physics...
,„ 57 ©
Davidson & Assoc ,
03847 Personal SAT Trainer,,.,
Software Toolworks /
02736 Mavis Beacon Typing „
...31 ©
00577 Miracle Piano Mac,...
.348 0
04763 Shanghai II. . .
,..29 0
04999 Spelunx/ Caves.
.,,28 0
02747 SimCity Gofer DJx.
.„ 46 ©
Carmen Sandiego Series.
Bungle Software
00639 Minotaur I labyrinths..
,,,44 0
Casady St Greene t/
04580 Glider 4,0 . . . ..
...29 0
03463 Mission Starlight™. 28©
05047 Mission Thunderbolt ......44 ©
Delta Tao
04116 Spaceward Hoi ..,. 34 ©
04083 Strategic Conquest . 34 ©
Electronic Arts
00473 Pga Tour Goll . 36©
05064 40 Boxing..... 34 ©
Graphic Simulations
01046 Helicals Over the Pacific 33©
inline Design /
03599 3 in Three... 30©
04252 Mutant Beach,_ ,,,.,.34©
03934 Tesserae .. 31 ©
04251 Swamp Gas.. . 32©
03494 Darwin’s Dilemma. .....31 ©
Microsoft /
04293 Right Simulator 4.0 . 38 ©
04675 King's Quest V . 38©
04679 Heart ol China . 34©
04651 Leisure Suit Larry 5 . 36 ©
04816 Spectre Single User.. . 37 ©
05551 Spectre LAN Pack . 58©
Applied Eng , ✓
04956 Plus Drive... ... 29B©
04154 Quicksilver w/FPU .. 263 ©
03673 Quadralink .,204 ©
Jfantd i/
00404 10T Hub/8 . 257 ©
00343 10T Hub/12 . ,,,527 ©
Elhemet Cards: Call tor ymuf canUnuraton.
Dayna Comm. /
00003 ithefPfint 1QT.. 337 ©
DayStar Digital*/
05004 ComboCacfie Itsi/FPU ,.30S ©
00579 Equalizer LC/FPU . 257 ©
04319 PowerCache 4QNlftz . 818 ©
04320 PowerCache
40MHZ/FPD . 993 ©
04321 PowerCache 50MHz .,.1178©
04322 PowerCache
50MHZ/FPU ..1448 ©
Faratlon i/
Phone Net Connector . ,,,,,,..28 ©
Global Village ✓
05684 PowerPort Gold
v,32bis .. 513 ©
05685 PowerPort Silver 9600 ..438 ©
05686 PowerPC rl Bronze 2400.198 ©
04047 True Laser Printer.1398 0
00369 Scan Maker 600ZS.1398 ©
Newiife Corp.
04952 Classic Accelerator ..,,,.,489 ©
04947 Classic Accel,/FPU . 568 ©
04207 Rocket 25 ._1798 ©
05250 Rocket 33 ..2175 ©
04206 Color Pivot .,.........,,1298 ©
05650 VideoVision .. 2158 ©
05490 Color Pivot LE
with Card . . 898 ©
RasterOps */
00005 24STV ,.. 778 ©
Shiva */
05128 LanRover/L. 598 ©
02985 EtherGaie.™.1288 ©
Sigma Design
00399 PowerPortrait Platinum 784 ©
SuperMac ✓
05797 Thunderstorm. ... 888 ©
05117 Spectrum^ Series III .872 ©
05119 Spectrifm/8’24 PDQ . 898 ©
05123 17 n Multimode Color ..1094 ©
05125 20" Dual-Mode Trin. .2698 ©
05114 Spigot & Sound Pro NB. 1697 ©
00613 VidecSpigot/Premier ....398 ©
Supra Corp . */
04351 Plus MacPac .. 177©
00426 V.32 MacPac 327 ©
00413 V,32bis MacPac . .377 ©
00520, LightningScan Pro 256 .. 488 ©
00505 PockelHammer 50MB ..524 ©
00506 FocketHammer
I00MB . 743 ©
04891 PocketHammer
240MB __— 119B ©
04965 HammerDisk
44 Syquest „.„„™. 738 ©
04964 HammerDisk
88 Syquest . 948 ©
Generation Systems */
05286 52MB Quantum ExL . 398 ©
05008 105MB Quantum Ext. ,,.528 ©
05009 210MB Quantum Ext ....868 ©
Mass Microsystems ^
00175 Datapack 45 Syquest ,..588 ©
04082 Datapack 88 Syquest ,..698 ©
05801 Floptipack Floptical . 478 ©
00332 Datapack 3.5 Optical ..1628 ©
04095 THINK 0 5,0 .. 198 ©
04178 THINK Pascal 4.0 . 158©
04066 THINK Reference . .,,.68©
TG$ Systems*/
04253 Prograph 25 ♦,. ™..297 0
Useriand /
05323 Frontier 2.0 . .184 ©
Berkeley Systems */
02755 After Dark.28©
04046 After Dark & More A.D. „ 38©
Casady & Greene*/
04810 Super QuickDex..49©
05646 CPU PowerBook Util......47 0
Fifth Generation /
04776 Suitcase II 2,1...48©
insignia Solutions
04541 Soft PC Universal.193©
04765 Soft AT .....297 ©
Maxa /
05025 Snooper SW.128 ©
05026 Snooper SW & NuBus.. 168 ©
Nova Development/'
05268 Kaboom.........,27 ©
How Software ✓
04191 Now Utilities 4.0......94 ©
03515 DiskDoubler.44 ©
04955 AutoDoubler 2.0.„„54 ©
Symantec /
04890 Norton Utilities 2.0 ,,,,,,,..94 ©
00116 SAM,III..,,63 ©
Teknosys ✓
00867 Help! 1.04 ..88 ©
© - System 7 Compatible ✓ = Morey Back Guarantee
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CODE #30101
Circle 235 on reader service card.
Take off and land at any of the major
airports in the world. Flight Simulator
boasts state-of-the-art, three-dimensional
graphics and runs on both color and b&w
Macintosh computers, Microsoft #04293
Sim Life is an advanced genetic simulation
that allows you to design plants and
animals from the genetic level to influence
how they look, act and eventually evolve.
Maxis Software #06109
Prince of Persia
You have won the heart of the Sultan's
lovely daughter. And in doing so you
have unwittingly made a powerful
enemy. Your country and the princess
rest all of their hopes on you.
Broderbund #05649
Fly your own customizable high-tech
tank and fight Enemy Robot Craft!
Three-D graphics and digitized
sound keep you on the edge of your
It's networkable so 6 can play on a
single network!
Velocity Development # 04816
Order Your Gift Games Early!
® Call Anytime 1 •800*248*0800/ Fax Anytime 1*206*881 *3421
7b ne
Full Metal Mac
Full Metal Mac gets dow r n to the nitty-
gritty of modem warfare on a personal
level. Watch out! Your left flank is
being overrun. Hit the dirt! Incoming!
Soft Wars #06046
- 7 ‘
Capitalist Pig
Run your own business and face the
challenge of scandals, fires, terrorists and
more, as you battle for billions or
bankruptcy. You'll make crucial business
decisions every minute and enjoy the
results—or suffer the consequences,
Pluma Software #05607
Teacher Trouble CD-ROM
This "living book" features lively
animations, original music, realistic
sounds and hundreds of words
written, spoken and even spelled out
loud! Based on the best-selling book
by Marc Brown. Broderbund #06108
Mac Kids
Christmas Pack
’ Nordic Software presents Christmas Pack,
a diverse assortment of games and puzzles
charged with holiday cheer! You'll find word
games, picture puzzles, memory games and
other activities for kids of all ages. Simple
enough to play right away—no wading
through pages of instructions. Great
fun for friends and family during
the holiday season. Nordic
Software, ihc. #05637
Circle 235 on reader service card.
Hellcats Over
the Pacific
Jump into the cockpit of an F6F
Hellcat and rule the skies over
Pacific Islands. Provides fluid
graphics, 256 colors and sound.
Graphic Simulations #01046
Joystick ADB
IPs tough to beat Advanced Gravis'
high-scoring MouseStick. Its
advanced optical technology and
t processing unit are ideal for all your
mouse-operated entertainment
software. Advanced Gravis #02741 ® /
Precision construction
Smooth operation
Ergonomic, high-scoring design
Customizable settings
r j^hiidied TUN#
Go Ahead Get Creative
Bstiiswnsffi s- Call i *800*248*0800/ Now Shipping Weekdays Unt il 2am E.T.
DesignCAD 2D/3D
DesignCAD is a revolutionary and
professional computer-aided design and
drafting package that provides complete 2D
draf ting and 3D modeling in one package.
If s designed for engineering (mechanical,
architectural & electrical), animation,
desktop publishing and multimedia,
DesignCAD, Inc. #04180 © ✓
• DesignCAD is easy to usd
Tests prove that DesignC AD's user-
friendly interface allows you to quickly
produce professional drawings m a
fraction of the time many competing
products require. The flexibility and
power found within DesignCAD means
you save time and money! DesignCAD is
truly the CAD system that anyone can use.
■ DesignCAD saves you money!
Special Master Effects
«• Graphic Pen
Poster Edges
a* Watercolor
Smudge Stick
- Charcoal
1 Film Grain
■ VU
1 Dark Strokes Chrome
< > Ripple
ft > Fresco
1 Dry Brush
Chalk & Charcoal
Gallery Effects
Winner of MacUser's MacEddy Award for Best
Visual Resource, Aldus Gallery Effects is a unique
library of artistic effects that automatically turns
grayscale or color scanned photographs and
other bitmapped images into spectacular,
breathtaking works of art, Gallery Effects is a
"must have" for anyone using a scanner or
doing desktop publishing, graphic design or
presentations. Sixteen "master effects" are
And there are thousands of variations from each master effect! Each of the sixteen master effects
has individual controls to let you customize the effect. For example, the Watercolor effect has
controls to adjust the brush detail, the shadow intensity and the texture level. You can also apply
multiple effects to a single image — the possibilities are endless. Aldus #04121
Design Your Own Home
Design It Yourself with Abracadata...And Save!
Design Your Own Home mm&^***'
Whether you are a professional or a do-it-yourselfer. Design Your Own Home can make
your planning time more productive.
Each program includes sample plans and a try-out section to get you started, plus
command cards to keep by your side as you work. There are 4 programs: Architecture
(floor plans to structural details), Interiors (furnishings to color schemes). Landscapes
(trees to fences) and Sprout! (design your own vegetable garden). Includes several sample
plans. Abracadata ©
#03609 Architecture . ... ■' ..... .....$58
#03611 Interiors ....... $58
#03610 Landscape ..... .... ... $58
#05085 Sprout! . ........................ ...,... ,.„„„$42
Mighty Draw
Mighty Draw is the affordable, general
purpose, object oriented drawing program
that allows you to create pie charts, column
charts, bar charts, flow charts, organizational
charts, graphs, electronic schematics,
network diagrams, flyers, news letters,
greeting cards, advertisements, logos, dip art
and much more. Mighty Draw s comes with
symbols for flow charts, electrical schematics
and more. You can even add virtually any
symbol from any other program through the
clipboard, including color.
Abracadata #06162
CODE #30101
Circle 235 on reader service card.
We Ship ’Til 2 a.m. ET
» Call Anytime 1 •800'248’0800/ Fax Anytime 1»206'881'3421
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Value Pak
A collection of Adobe’s best type faces are now one of the
type industry's best boys. The Adobe Type Set Value Pack
gives Macintosh users 30 popular, high-quality typefaces,
plus award-winning Adobe Type Manager software, ah
for an extraordinarily low price. There’s a typeface here
for every occasion and every situation. If you’re working
with type for the first time, this package gives you a
simple, cost-effective way to get started-^and a typeface
selection that even the experts will want to have on hand.
Adobe #05969
Adobe Illustrator 3.2/
Adobe Dimensions—
< (|lustraU ,r I
Adobe Dlustrator is the leading
Macintosh design tool for graphics professionals. It contains precise illustration, text handling
and single-page design capabilities. And now new Adobe Dimensions software lets you easily
create and manipulate simple 3D objects and effects, then combine them with Adobe Illustrator
artwork. For a limited time, get Adobe Dimensions — a $199 value — FREE when you buy Adobe
Illustrator 3.0 for the Mac! #05967
To introduce this amazing new product, Adobe and The Mac Zone are offering Dimensions for
only $98! This is a limited time offer, so call now. Our helpful sales representatives are standing
by. Call 1-800-248-0800.
#06263 Dimensions. .... ..$98
*95 2
The hottest movie image effect of the 90s is
now available on the Mac! Morph smoothly
transforms one image into another, creating
dazzling images and effects. Whether it's last
year's car model turning into this year’s, or
changing a docile ki tten into a ferocious tiger,
this effect has astounded audiences all over
the world. Morph is fast, easy-to-use, and
fully compatible with QuickTime.
Gryphon #05925
U \ 4.
. jL W»
Create 30 Stunning Type Effects with Altsys and Pixar
s 96
Complete Type Design & Special Effects
Don’t miss out on this
irresistible (and inexpen¬
sive!) offer! Buy both
products for only $348 and
save nearly $100.
Use Fontographer to edit or
create fonts and graphics.
Use Pixar Typestry to add
wonderful appearances,
lighting and special effects. Create impressive 3D images for your
projects. These two powerful products give you all you need to create
impressive logos, brochures, newsletters, ads, slides or QuickTime
movies for mul timedia presenta dons. Pixar/ Altsys #06062
-V Available Only at the Mac Zone
Create logos, foreign characters,
calligraphic fonts and graphics with
precision drawing tools and assign them to a keystroke within
any font. Turn PICT or scanned images into editable
PostScript outlines. Then save your custom type and graphics
as TrueType or PostScript Type 1 and 3 fonts. For both novice
and professional. Altsys #04537
With Pixar Typestry you'll create exciting
dimensional text from Type 1 and
TrueType fonts. Typestry invokes
RenderMan magic to transform a simple
word into an extraordinary three-
dimensional picture. It's ideal for
creating images for logos, publishing, design, presentation
graphics or multimedia. Pixar #05668
Circle 235 on reader service card.
FAX YOUR ORDER ANYTIME: 1 *206*881 *3421
Call the Mac Advisors Today...
*2* Call 1 >800*248*0800/ Now Shipping Weekdays Until 2am E.T.
Power Merge
PowerMerge solves the problem of keeping track of
changes made to your files while working on your
Power Book. It simply and automatically synchronizes
files between your PowerBook and your desktop Mac. It
also features: notification if files have been changed bn
both computers since the last update, history log of
updates, include/exclude by file.
hr Automatic reconciliation based on previously
selected files, folders or disks
vV Inclusion or exclusion of individual files, folders,
disks or document types
> Disk locking
>Y Bidirectional updates
;Y Conflict notification if changes have been made to
files on both computers before updating
hr Background updates
hr Balloon help. System 7 and more.
Leader Technologies #05690
Guy's Utilities for
the Macintosh—
Edition (GUM)
This invaluable collection
of 10 utilities serves three
main purposes: they increase
battery life, enhance usability and reconcile files
between the PowerBook and a Desktop
machine. Priced at just $64, GUM contains the
functionality of multiple products for the price
of one! You save more than $100 off the cost of
purchasing comparable products separately.
After Hours Software #06166
Get Quicken, After Dark and
TouchBASE — the three top-rated, best¬
selling products in their categories —
together at an unbelievable price. At this
price stock won't last long, so call our
knowledgeable sales advisors now and
reserve yours. Call 1-800-248-0800
After Dark prevents bum-in by automati¬
cally displaying screen art when your
system remains idle for a user-definable
period of time. Includes over 30 different
dazzling displays and sound!
Quicken 3.0 for the Macintosh organizes
your personal and small business finances:
from bank accounts to cash, credit cards,
assets and liabilities.
TouchBASE keeps your personal contacts at
your fingertips—providing you with fast
access to the information you use all file
time. Berkeley Systems #06165
Microcom Value Pak
Microcom Value Pak (MVP) is a collection
of the complete Microcom family of
essential utilities for the Macintosh. All the
utilities a Macintosh user needs are now
available in MVP atone great price. MVP
includes Virox, 911 Utilities, Complete
Undelete, Citadel with Shredder and
Carbon Copy for the Mac. Microcom
#05046 ©/
Diagnose the Problem Quickly and Easily with Snooper
CODE #30101
Circle 235 on reader sehvice card,
The next time you see a 'sad Mac" on your screen or your Mac's
performance isn't up to par, diagnose from your desk with SNOOPER,
the revolutionary new standard for Mac diagnostic and testing tools.
SNOOPER performs a comprehensive suite of tests, checks all your
hardware and identifies any problems. And the same SNOOPER
software runs on all Macs. Until Dec. 31 H 1992, buy SNOOPER and
receive Norton Utilities FREE. Maxa Corporation
#05025 0 / SNOOPER 1.0/Norton 2.0 Bundle ...... .....$128
#05026 0 / SNOOPER 1.0 w/NuBus Card/Norton 2.0 Bundle . $168
Your Order Arrives Tomorrow
® Call Anytime 1 *800*248*0800/ Fax Anytime 1*206*881 *3421
PowerPort Internal Fax/Modem
Turn your Power Book into a mobile office with a PowerPort Fax/Modem.
PowerPort provides the fax and data communication capabilities you
need to stay in touch with your office and important clients.
Each PowerPort fits inside your PowerBook's internal modem slot.
PowerPort is completely portable; no separate battery or power source is
required. Attach a telephone cable between the PowerPort and a wall jack
to get easy, instant access to information wherever you are — at the office,
home or on the road. You can send and receive faxes, connect to on-line
services, or access your office network and mail system. PowerPort awakens
your PowerBook to receive a fax and then returns it to sleep. Mo external
modem can to this for you.
There are three models available: Gold — 14,400bps data, 9600bps fax send, 9600bps fax receive; Silver —
9600bps data access, 9600 fax send / receive; Bronze — 2400bps data, 9600 fax send, 4800 fax receive. Global Village
#05686 PowerPort Bronze ... $198 #06265 TelePort Bronze .
#05685 PowerPort Silver ... $438 #06266 TelePort Silver
#05684 PowerPort Gold . $518 #06267 TelePort Gold
I A>ne
& ^ r^hlpdied 1985
MacTurbo 24/96
Fax Modem
Send faxes without leaving your desk! Our
MacTurbo 24/96 Group III Fax Modem
gives you both fax and modem for the price
of most data-only modems. The 24/96
features 9600bps send rate, full-featured
1 2400bps data modem, full Hayes compat¬
ibility and compact design. Includes all the
necessary communications and fax
software, MacTurbo #00977 @ /
MacTntercomm is one of the fastestfile
transfer programs available. It offers true
multitasking with invisible file transfers. It
also comes with a scripting language with
built-in editor and automatic script recorder
that automates tasks. Other features include
Xmodem, Zmodem, Kermit, B-Plus, VT220.
full 16-color PC-ANSI, AutoDial and a
SmartDial feature for traveling users!
Mercury Systems, Inc. #06098
Communicate Online the Easy Way
Microphone II 4.0
Communicating online has never been easier,
especially now that MicroPhone n is Apple System 7 Savvy.
Microphone II has some of the best scrip ring tools in the business, friendly front ends to
remote services, new VT320 and VT220 terminal emulation, faster screen speed and Apple
PowerBook support According to MacWEEK, "MicroPhone 114.0 is a robust telecommunica¬
tions product, with plenty of features and an interface that just keeps getting better. It is as
simple or complex as your needs demand, and it comes at a reasonable price." Winner of
MacWEEK's Target Award for telecommunications and consecutive World Class Awards
from Mac World. Now Apple System 7 Savvy!
Take a peak into die future of online interactive communications with the award-winning
MicroPhone E The breakthrough technology of Loran lets you actually connect to different
services through the same graphical interface, making MicroPhone H your information valet.
E-mail, connecting to remote services, transferring data — no other communications software
does it as elegantly as MicroPhone II, Software Ventures #04893 © /
Microphone Fro #06243 .♦.........*— $218
Personal Microphone #06244 ... . .,. . .. ...$44
Circle 235 on reader service card.
Make it
Make it
Make it
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The HP DeskWriter 550C
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Great things happen when you have
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The DeskWriter 550C prints true
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print quality you ex]>ect from HP
For added impact, the DeskWriter
550C makes it easy to add color to
your work. The black and color car¬
tridges are built in and work together
Giving you access to millions of colors*
You can get an HP DeskWriter 550C,
or the DeskJet 550C for PCs, for a
suggested list price of only $1,099?
So if you’re looking for an affordable
way to make a powerful impression,
get a DeskWriter 550C printer. Then
see what happens.
For another cost-effective way to get
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color, the HP DeskWriter C and the
DeskJet 500C are now available for a
low price of just $779?
Call 1-800-552-8500, Ext 7119 for
the name of the authorized HP dealer
nearest you? To receive information
by fax call 1-800-333-1917, choose
HP FIRST, document *9607
DeskJet Printers
Make it happen.
C If Its Hewlett 'ftacluni Ctunjniry PE
> SurMi«lal ItS-'iw prirt. tin Canada call l-Wri-WSM 6xl.7Jtft
Warning: Your
backup program
may be breaking
the law. Welcome
to the world of
software licenses.
A ll commercial .software is protected
by copyright law, but most software
also comes with something called a
license agreement* which you supposedly
agree to when you tear the cellophane off the
package. Why do software vendors need two
kinds of protection?
Don't ask me. All I know is that when you
examine these license agreements closely*
you get the strong impression that even the
software vendors don't know what they mean.
Copyright law is basically reasonable,
pretty understandable* and very restrictive.
Loading a program onto your hard disk or
even loading it into memory is copying and,
technically, a violation of copyright unless
the copyright owner explicitly permits it,.
Copyright law reserves all rental, leasing,
and public-display rights to the copyright
owner. Penalties for copyright enfringement
include statutory damages as high as $20,000
per infraction and as high as $100,000 if the
infraction is willful. Damages and seizure of
profits Eire a possibility, and willful infrac¬
tions are also subject to federal criminal pen¬
alties, including fines and as much as a year
in prison.
So if copyright law is so restrictive and if
violations carry such stiff penalties, why do
software vendors need license agreements?
License agreements make the most sense
when you look at them historically. Two
decades ago, before there were personal com¬
puters* software was normally supplied by
the same company that supplied the com¬
puter. Software was a follow-on service,
viewed much like maintenance. Software was
a service, not a product, and die license agree¬
ment was really a service contract.
The Shrink ware Stretch
Today's shrink-wrap license agreements
represent an attempt to stretch that model to
fit today’s rather different software market,
in which a program is a product you buy
from a third-party vendor in a store or by
mail order and in which software support is
often limited to notification of upgrades. If s
quite a streLch, particularly in the claim that
what once was handled by a written contract
is now handled by the ripping of cellophane.
That little rip implies a lot: It implies that
you have read, and understand the legal rami¬
fications of the contract. It implies that you
know r the relevanl covering laws of the state
of, say, Iowa (if you use Micro Frontier's
software) or are familiar w ith English law (in
the case of software from ComputaLabel
Ltdri. And it implies that you understand any
sublicense restrictions, such as the prohibi¬
tion against using certain Apple utilities li¬
censed to Aldus with any program except
PageMaker. CE Software" s license agree¬
ment enjoins you to take appropriate steps to
protect CE T s trademarks, trade secrets, and
other property rights related to the software,
so tearing CE’s cellophane implies that you
know what these rights are and know what
steps on your part are appropriate to protect
them. Are you still with me?
License agreements arenT all restrictions:
they actually grant some rights. Because copy¬
right law prohibits even necessary copying,
some statement is required to clarify what
copying rights the vendor does gram users —
rights that allow them to use the software as
the vendor intended: load it into memory,
copy it to a hard disk, make backups. License
agreements try to do this, but they don't
always succeed.
What license agreements in fact do is of¬
ten senseless and not in the best interest of
either users or vendors.
Take the question of home use. At least
one survey Fve seen says that most users
take their work software home and that they
believe they should have the right to do so.
Well, of course they should. Anybody not
engaged in marketing software can see that.
Software vendors need to realize that cus¬
tomers who lake work — and work software
— home with them are their best customers.
They need to encourage users to use their
work software on their home machines or
their portables. Aldus and Kiwi Software, for
example, do exactly that, with the reasonable
proviso that the software not be used on
more than one machine simultaneously.
Most vendors, though, require users with
more than one machine to purchase a sepa¬
rate copy of the software for each machine.
These vendors take the view that they sell
software to machines rather than to people.
You would think that a glance at the signa¬
tures on the checks would make them wise
up, but I suspect that a lot of vendors won't
catch on until those checks stop coming in.
Backup Zingers
One of the oddest restrictions in software
licenses is the limitation on backup copies.
Copyright law doesn't automatically allow'
MaeUser January 1993 41
The First And Best
In Mac Accounting.
Nobody knows Macintosh accounting
like Peachtree, After all, we invented the first
accounting software for the Mac. And our pnxf
nets have won more awards than anyone else's,
Best of all, they're now priced within your reach,
Peachtree Accounting For
Macintosh. Only $99.
This important new version is amazingly
easy to use, with all the basic functions your
small business needs: G/L f A fK A/P, and Payroll
Plus, for the tint time, Version 2.0 adds Inven¬
tory, Job Costing, and Bank Reconciliation.
Peachtree Insight Accounting.
Total Package, Only $395.
Insight offers advanced accounting func¬
tions, plus the ability to analyze data and fore¬
cast trends with Expert Reports, And it's now
available for just a fraction of the original cost
A few months ago, you'd have paid over $2000
for the individual modules.
Our Mac products are backed by 30 days
of free support and a money-back guarantee.
So see your local dealer or call PeachLine at
(800) 428-9976.
The first name in small business
accounting software."
Circle 55 on reader service card.
you to make any copies of the software
you purchase, so vendors must explicitly
grant you the right to make backup cop¬
ies* For reasons unknown to me, soft¬
ware vendors are almost unanimous in
allowing their customers to make only
one backup copy of a program. Kiwi
Software is better than most, allowing
two. Many vendors, including Microsoft
and Aldus, allow you to make one backup
copy or to load the software onto a hard
disk but not hoik Sludiotronics specifies
backup diskettes, implying that backing
its programs up to tape, say, would be
illegal. Fve read and reread Window-
Craft's license agreement, and I swear it
doesn't allow you lo make any backups
at ail, although you can load the software
onto your hard disk.
How are you doing so far? No license
violations yet? 1 trust that you back up
your hard disk regularly, using one of
(he many excellent backup programs that
can he counted on to violate several li¬
cense agreements at once.
The fact is, one backup copy is not
enough. Disks do go bad. Software com¬
panies do go out of business. The time
required to get a replacement copy from
the vendor may be too long. So how
many backup copies do you need?That's
not for me to say. It's not for Microsoft
to say either.
Why on earth are software vendors
trying to dictate how secure your backup
policy should be? To be fair, that's nol
what they have in mind. They just want
to prevent you from copying their soft¬
ware for use, a clear violation of copy¬
right, but it's easier for them to count
disks than to prove illegal use. So is Lhis
limitation a necessary evil ? No, there are
companies — the aptly named Right
Answers, for example—that don't place
any restrictions on the number of backup
copies you may create.
Of course, no vendor allows you to
make copies of commercial programs
for other people, whether you charge for
them or give them away. That's a viola¬
tion of copyright But surely you can sell
or at least give away the prog mm if you
are careful to transfer all the disks, manu¬
als, cellophane-embossed contracts, and
so on? Copy right law doesn't restrict
your right to transfer ownership of your
copy of the copyrighted work.
Ah, but license agreements are not so
unanimous on the issue. Some compa¬
nies allow transfer without restriction.
Some, such as Multi-Ad Services, don't
allow any transferal all. Some, such as
Letraset, require you to get the written
consent of the vendor before transfer¬
ring, Why the difference? Beats me.
There's a wealth of such nonsense in
license agreements, such as the question
of who owns the disks. Most vendors
claim to retain ownership of the software
but grant that you have purchased the
disks on which it resides. Some, includ¬
ing Adobe and Studiotronics, claim to
retain ownership even of the disks. One
agreement seems to claim ownership of
your disks if you use them to make
backup copies of the company's soft¬
ware. but I'm probably misreading it.
It is clearly not in users' interest to
have to keep track of such a mishmash of
restrictions. And the fact is, it's com¬
pletely unnecessary. Many software ven¬
dors do without license agreements, re¬
lying on copyright law. Borland puts it
clearly enough that you would think even
other software vendors could understand
its “No-Nonsense License Statement":
‘This software is protected by both
United States copyright law and interna¬
tional treaty provisions. Therefore, you
must treat this software just like a book,
with the following single exception.
Borland International authorizes you to
make archival copies of the software for
the sole purpose of backing up our soft¬
ware and protecting your investment from
loss." License statement, you’ll notice,
not license agreement. It’s simply an
explanation of the law and an authoriza¬
tion to make backup copies. No number
This policy doesn't seem to have hurt
Borland any.
Unfortunately, users can't simply ig¬
nore license agreements. Although the
things can be redundant, senseless, of¬
fensive, and inconsistent, they can also
be enforced. And it is not safe to assume
that only the sensible provisions will be
Yes, software licenses are needed: Li¬
censes are appropriate for multiuser prod¬
ucts. Site licenses make sense. Develop¬
ment tools require that there be some
agreement regarding the products cre¬
ated with them. And there are other cases.
But shrink-wrap license agreements on
single-user products are unnecessary and
are annoying and insulting to customers.
They've got to go.
1 suggest a New Year's resolution for
the software industry: Kick the shrink¬
wrap license habit, Ij|
42 January 1993 MacUser
; Doubto Sided
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If you find hard drives too limiting, tape too cumbersome and removables too small,
we have the answers. Because nobody can show you more ways to add the speed and
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for mass storage where permanence and audit trails are required. And our jukebox
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Panasonic® optical storage product is equally happy in DOS, OS/2, Macintosh, UNIX*
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So, since nobody else offers the advantages of direct-overwrite technology, or a
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You can reach us toll-free at: 1-800-742-8086.
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Not so with new FileMaker® Pro 2.0 for the
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One Of The Rare Cases In
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Thanks to a starring cast of over 50 new features. And an entirely new interface for scripting
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accomplished, click your mouse and your script is ready to run. It’s that easy. But great
scripting is just the beginning. Completely System 7 Savvy, FileMaker Pro lets you cast and
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Simply powerful software!”
To Upgrade To FileMaker Pro 2.0, Call 1-800-544-8554, Ext. 17.
Charger, a powerful new DSP accelerator offering
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Combine it with a DayStor CPU accelerator and get
gains that are greater than either operating alonel
New math for Adobe Photoshop users—
introducing Charger from DayStar.
If you work with Adobe Photoshop,
you probably have a need for speed.
DayStar now offers two powerful
upgrades that can be combined for
even more speed. That’s the new
math from DayStar — one plus one
does equal three...
For general purpose gains*
DayStar’s award-winning CPU
accelerators, the PowerCache" ’030
and Turbo ’040” upgrade the Mac’s
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functions from 3x to 4x.
Use Charger for specialized
Now DayStar gives you a second,
extremely powerful way to up¬
grade. Introducing Charger, a very
specialized NuBus board that uses
two superfast DSP chips* working
in parallel. It will accelerate specific
functions from 3x to 23x (they
include sharpen, blurs, sizing,
rotations and more).
Faster and 100% Compatible*
DayStar once again provides 100%
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to those of Adobe Photoshop. For a
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For the imaging professional,
Charger also includes a brand new
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a fmtenurt of AdobcSyrtems. fm itflMfc mu y fe regain'd in certain jtiriilififjjjjjL
1 Dtgitiit Srjinerr Processors (J5FSJ al GO MHz. tJOBay Money Burt GUdHilfH if tfidi'ltfftfe JroirjBft fUnihfdiiiig rcxJfcrs on Ty
Circle 159 oh reader service card.
Sight and sound:
Graphical interfaces
are great, as long as
you can see them.
Fortunately for blind
or sight-impaired
Macintosh users,
Berkeley Systems
(510-540-5535) has
introduced new,
System 7 versions of
outSPOKEN ($495)
and inLARGE
($195). outSPOKEN
can pronounce menus,
desktop items, and
dialog boxes, and
inLARGE magnifies
the screen 2 to 16
By Russell Ito
Death and taxes: The new year
is upon us, and that can mean only one
thing (no, not the resurrection of Guy
Lombardo): tax time. IK; TaxCut
($49.95), from Meca Software (800-
288-6322 or 203-256-5000), is a new
challenger in the tax-preparation-soft-
ware market. Following the “inter¬
view” paradigm that TurboTax pioneered some time ago, TaxCut guides you
through the process of filling out your tax returns by having you answer a
series of questions. As you answer the questions — questions that are
increasingly specific, based on your previous answers — TaxCut compares
your totals with national averages and alerts you to anything the IRS might
find suspicious. The program can import your financial data from Intuit’s
Quicken and, as you’d expect, from Meca’s Managing Your Money.
MacInTax ($79.95), from ChipSoft (619-453-4446), is the latest version of
the Mac’s oldest tax package. Last year, MacInTax adopted the TurboTax
interview approach, but the integration of the two technologies wasn’t
especially smooth. This
time, the company has
smoothed things out, so,
for example, the interview
process now focuses the
questions based on your
answers instead of just feeding you questions that aren’t pertinent, Elec¬
tronic filing has also been simplified, because MacInTax now includes the
filing software. ¥ TaxCut and MacInTax are available in head-start edi¬
tions, so you can plan early and then automatically upgrade to the final
versions of the programs, with all the final IRS forms, in January or
February. Both Meca and ChipSoft are also offering accuracy guarantees, so
if the IRS finds a calculation error, each publisher agrees to pay the IRS
penalties (Meca will also pay the interest). Happy New Year.
Up to Date ...
Day Maker, Pastel Development’s monster PIM, has been boosted to
version 2.0. New features include recurring events, to-do lists, and a plug-in
architecture for greater functionality. 800-727-6732 or 212-941-7500.
$129.95. 'K Frontier 2.0, the latest version of UserLand Software’s
scripting package, supports the Apple-event Object Model, so it can auto¬
mate and customize such programs as FileMaker Pro 2.0 and Excel 4.0.415-
369-6600. $249. H§
MacUser January 1993 47
A Colorful IBM Printer
Who would have imagined this? IBM has produced a
colorful product. The IBM Color Jetprinter PS 4079 is the
latest entry in the printer market from Lexmark, IBM's
Former printer division.
A color inkjet model, the Jetprinter uses a 16-megahertz
AMD 29200 RISC chip as its processor and boasts 360-dpi
resolution. PostScript-compatible, it has 4 megabytes stan¬
dard and can be boosted to 16 megabytes. By using four ink
cartridges (cyan, yellow, magenta, and black), it can print
documents with color and with monochrome elements with¬
out compromising the quality of the blacks. With a black
cartridge, your text won't have the muddy look that often
results from process blacks. You'll also save ink, because
you'll use only the black cartridge for text documents.
The Jetprinter can handle a range of paper sizes, from a
standard # 10 business envelope to an 11 -x-17-inch tabloid¬
sized page. Although it can print on plain paper, as can any
inkjet printer, coated paper will probably produce the best
Lexmark has outfitted the Jetprinter with parallel, serial,
and LocalTalk ports, and the printer can automatically
Color from Big Blue! Lexmark's IBM Color Jetprinter PS
4079 is the company's first color printer for the Mac. It's
a 360-dpi, PostScript-compatible inkjet printer that can
print tabloid-sized images.
switch between its PostScript and GL emulations.
Lexmark International, Inc., 740 New Circle Road, Lex¬
ington, KY 40511; 800-426-2468 or 606-232-2000. $3,495.
Brushstrokes: Claris’ Clear Choice
Audio-CD buyers are familiar with the
concept of "second label” marketing, the
use of a budget label to sell discs with a
narrower appeal. Now that same market¬
ing approach has come to software. Claris
has launched a second-label line. Clear
Choice, which will offer a range of cross¬
platform, personal applications, and utili¬
ties (for the Mac, Windows, and PDAs)
that will be priced in the $5Q-to-$2O0
range. Independent developers will cre¬
ate these packages, and Claris will then
publish them under the Clear Choice la¬
bel. Claris will not acquire the products.
however, so the developers will retain
control over them while taking advan¬
tage of Claris’ worldwide marketing.
Users will be able to buy the Clear Choice
products wherever they buy other Claris
programs. Claris will handle all the tech¬
nical support for the line.
The first Clear Choice package will he
a 32-bit painting program tentatively
called Brushstrokes. Unlike high-end
painting packages, Brushstrokes is de¬
signed for nonartisis, so it provides a
variety of tools for creating specific ef¬
fects quickly, including an Impressionist
paintbrush, a rubber-stamp tool, and sup¬
port for Photoshop and Aldus Gallery
Effects plug-ins. In addition to the paint¬
ing tools, BrushStrokes offers image-ma¬
nipulation and -processing tools, includ¬
ing filters for sharpening, embossing,
smoothing, and special effects. It also
lets you do color remapping; inversion;
and transformations, such as rotations,
flips, skewing, and slanting. In a sense,
BrushStrokes is like an advanced Kid
Pix for adults. BrushStrokes starts from
the assumption that its users aren’t art¬
ists, and the package comes with an ex¬
tensive step-by-step guide showing how
to create various types of images.
Although BrushStrokes will be the first
new Clear Choice package, Claris will
also ship Retrieve It!, a file-finding util¬
ity, as another Clear Choice product. Re¬
trieve It!’s developer, MVP Software,
has been selling the package since its
introduction last June.
In the first year, Claris plans to ship
four to six programs under the Clear
Choice banner. Future Clear Choice prod¬
ucts will focus on these areas: graphics,
utilities, Claris-product extensions (such
as add-ons for FileMaker Pro), PI Ms,
entertainment, and education.
Claris Corp., 5201 Patrick Henry
Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95052; 408-727-
8227. BrushStrokes, $129; Retrieve It!,
from Claris’ new
Clear Choice
line of budget
programs, is a
32-bit painting
package for
nonartists —
sort of a Kid
Pix for adults.
48 January 1993 MacUser
Keeping InTouch
A free-form database manager, Ad¬
vanced Software's InTouch was among
the first PI Ms released, but it's been a
long time since it made any news.
Version 2.0 includes re¬
minders; a list view; more
printing options; and grouping,
which lets you categorize your
contacts in any way you like.
But the new InTouch's best
feature is Snap, a utility that
sits in the background and
makes addressing a letter and
printing an envelope easy.
When you type a name in your
word processor, highlight it,
and press a hot-key sequence,
Snap automatically looks for
the unique occurrence of that
name in your InTouch database. It then
retrieves the complete address, formats
it, and pastes it into your letter.
Advanced Software, Inc., 1095 E.
Duane Avenue, Suite 103, Sunnyvale,
CA 94086; 408-733-0745. $99.95.
The latest version of InTouch, Advanced
Software's PIM, Includes reminders, to-do lists,
and a list view that makes scrolling through
your phone book easy.
SuperMac’s Color Proofs
Conti nuous -tone dy e- sub I i mati on
printers are catching on, and now an¬
other first-time printer vendor has
joined the fray. SuperMac Technol¬
ogy has introduced the ProofPositive
line, which boasts exceptionally fast
speed and color accuracy that's in¬
tended to eliminate the need for color
The ProofPositive line consists of
two models: the Full-Page Printer and
the Two-Page Primer. The former can
print on paper as large as letter-sized,
and the latter can print on as large as
tabloid-sized (11 x 17 inches). Each
is a 300-dpi, Adobe PostScript Level
2 (optional), full-bleed printer, and
SuperMac estimates that each has an
average printing time of 3 to 7 min¬
utes per page. The consumables come
in three varieties: gray scale, CMY,
and CMYK,
For color accuracy, the Proof-
Positive models include built-in color-
matching software: Electronics for
Imaging’s EfiColor, which SuperMac
predicts can render an accurate color
proof that matches the results from a
color press. And for the fastest prim¬
ing, SuperMac includes a Photoshop
plug-in that lets you export images
directly to the print engine.
The ProofPositive printers connect
to a Mac through either a NuBus card
or the SCSI port. For sharing the print¬
ers over a network, SuperMac includes
QuickDraw Chooser drivers that let
you use a Mac as a pass-through prim
SuperMac Technology, 485 Potrero
Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086; 408-
245-2202, Full-Page Printer, $6,999
to $10,499; Two-Page Printer,
$] 9,499 to $19,999. S§
The ProofPositive
line of continuous-
tone printers from
SuperMac Technology
boasts full-bleed prints
as large as tabloid-
sized, with color
accuracy that can
match that of a color
Reports and Analysis
PowerBook 100 Recall
CUPERTINO, CA — Just as it was
quietly slipping off the Apple price
sheet, the much maligned Power-
Book 100 was hit with more bad
news: a product recall Apple Com¬
puter has announced a recall of
some 60,000 early PowerBook 100
units that might have an electrical
short that can melt a small hole in
the bottom of the PowerBook case.
The affected models' serial num¬
bers are less than SQ211 xxxxxx and
less than SS216xxxxxx. Units with
serial numbers equal to or greater
than these aren't affected, and no
other PowerBook models are af¬
fected, because the 100's compo¬
nents are unique. In order to make
the repair process easy, Apple has
established a toll-free hot line: 800-
572-1731 (9 am. to 8 p,m. EDI, Mon¬
day to Friday), To receive a no-cost
impair, users must just call the num-
borand have the serial number con¬
firmed, and Apple will arrange for an
overnight pickup and return.
MfEerocom Dumps Utilities
NORWOOD, MA — Microcom has
decided to amputate its utilities
group. The company, which is pub¬
lisher of Virex, Carbon Copy, 911,
and Complete Undelete, has an¬
nounced that it will sell its utilities
group to Datawatch, For its first fis¬
cal quarter of 1993, Microcom re¬
ported a loss of $6.6 million, includ¬
ing a charge of $5.8 million to cover
the cost of restructuring.
Claris Intros HyperCard Player
without HyperCard? That’s the idea
behind Claris’ introduction of Hyper¬
Card Player, a run-time version of
HyperCard that lets users run a stack
without being able to alter it Hyper¬
Card Player will be bundled with the
Performa line and will replace the
version of HyperCard that ships with
all other Macs. Claris will offer a
HyperCard Developer's Licensing
Kit ($349), which includes a license
to duplicate and distribute an unlim¬
ited number of copies of HyperCard
Player. HyperCard Player will not
be available free through BBSs or
user groups unless a user group
buys the Licensing Kit. HyperCard
Player can be purchased from Claris
for $29.
MacUser January 1993 49
Microsoft Works 3.0
Works scores high with its new interface and charting
features but fumbles at module integration.
For Microsoft Works, 3 seems to be
the magic number. After a 3-year wait,
version 3.0 of Microsoft’s integrated'
software package has finally emerged.
When Works was first introduced, it
enjoyed huge success as the only player
in the integrated field, but the landscape
has changed significantly since then.
Microsoft's newly enhanced entry now
faces stiff competition from 3 other inte¬
grated packages — Great Works, Claris-
Works, and Beagle Works. We found
Microsoft Works 3.0 a worthy competi¬
tor, but the package is no longer assured
victory, particularly with the relatively
weak level of integration it offers among
its modules.
New Look
The most obvious change to Works is
its flashy new interface. All the basic
interface elements, including the ruler
and the new floating tool palette, appear
in 3-D gray scale. The enhanced palette
boasts icon buttons for handy access to
features such as font-formatting com¬
mands that formerly were available only
from menus or the keyboard. The tool
palette is context-sensitive, so its selec¬
tion changes as you switch from one
module to another. Works 3.0 also sup¬
ports 256 colors throughout all of its
But Works 1 enhancements go far
deeper than a simple face-lift, Microsoft
has significantly beefed up the feature
sets of the package’s word-processing,
spreadsheet, database, and communica¬
tions modules. In addition. Works 3.0
features a new Draw module with page-
layout capabilities.
Works' word-processing enhance¬
ments include new ruler buttons for tabs,
justification, and line spacing as well as
support for footnotes and endnotes. The
word-processing module lets you create
true multiline headers and footers (this
feature is available from within any mod¬
ule), but they're visible on-screen only
in Works’ noneditable Print Preview dis¬
play. Mail-merge is also easier. The only
key feature missing from the Works word
processor is a set of column-formatting
The Works spreadsheet module now
permits separate character-style selections
for each cell, although you’re restricted
to a single font and size for each docu¬
ment. In addition, the software automati¬
cally recognizes date and time formats.
Other spreadsheet-module strengths in¬
clude support for cell notes and for split
windows, so you can view several pails
of a large spreadsheet simultaneously.
Improved Charting
Charting features, once a major Achil¬
les’ heel of Works, are now a standout.
Version 3.0’s charts are better-looking
and easier to construct and modify than
those of previous versions. Especially
noteworthy is that Works 3.0 allows you
to edit individual chart elements, such as
legend boxes, at any time with a new
Touch Up command. Of course, links
with spreadsheets are preserved. In addi¬
tion, chart handling is improved — charts
now appear with their spreadsheet, not
in separate windows, so you can move
them around easily within the spread¬
sheet document as well as print them
along with their spreadsheet.
Database Enhancements
Microsoft has made forms design
easier in the Works database module by
allowing separate design and data-entry
modes. Moreover, you can create forms
w ith filters composed of as many as six
record-selection rules. Once you’ve
named a filter, you can save it with the
database. Each database document can
have as many as 16 named filters. Ver¬
sion 3.0 allows for more flexibility by
letting you resize each field to accept
multiple lines. However, the module is
still hampered by a sp read sheet l ike da ta-
entry bar, which doesn't let you enter
data directly into a forms field.
'Hie Works communications module
is now based on Apple’s standard Com¬
munications Toolbox. The module's best
new feature is the Sign-on command,
which helps automate log-ons to fre¬
quently accessed information services by
recording keystroke sequences and sav¬
ing them as scripts.
Like previous versions, Works 3,0
provides a drawing-tools palette that’s
available in every module except the
communications one. When you draw
Microsoft has significantly enhanced Works. Especially noteworthy are version
3,0's charting features — charts now appear with spreadsheets rather than in
separate windows, and they’re easier to edit.
50 January 1993 MacUser
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PPlt'le Poq**
□ rfc* ftgjietlg I DR I
The Gumsh
Detectives rally around
AswWkni i*r IWmjUmI [AAFP). ratal*r?
Wfc4 «*f iLBflBdnaitJl:/ m, but (if efK-al S^pflB toi Ihr
■CWftJ® TV FitJPr.-YnUni Of FHnl3V VtiWJ f*?APY7 y
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With Works 1 newly
added Draw
module, you can
create multipage
documents with
the Page menu.
Linked text frames
allow text to flow
automatically from
one column to
the next.
«< Itt tr ft*,nu
11M Dd|c*™t
t lyrF’mt,
*50 ilhn f »O.0(]|
C-i'l bl*tb*for» Itj. flf ttof*rt&rH‘- If vi h i. ■«■. i f'.wryH t p^rMtil y.t
|«E*nd tr#4!( »f
The Microsoft
Works database
module now
supports multiline
fields and
separate data-
entry and design
modes, but you
must still enter
data with a
separate data-
entry bar — you
can't type directly
into forms fields.
an object with a tool from this palette,
it T s placed in a transparent layer that sits
on top of your document. The palette —
which provides many excellent tools —
features several new enhancements, in¬
cluding 3-D effects and shadows. How¬
ever, a much-needed alignment tool is
still missing.
Multipage 5upport
Works’ new Draw module features a
Page menu that lets you create multi page
documents such as newsletters. Like pre¬
vious versions. Works 3.0 lets you link
text frames so that text flows from one
frame to another. Version 3,0 enhances
this feature for multipage documents by
adding buttons to each frame. The but¬
tons provide a fast and easy way to cre¬
ate new links as well as to jump from one
frame to the nexi.
Unfortunately, you can’t wrap text
around graphic borders, which is an
important feature for newsletter design.
In addition, paragraphs within text frames
don’t support tabs or separate justifica¬
tions. Worst of all, we encountered a bug
that caused some of the text within a
frame to temporarily vanish when we
inserted the cursor near the bottom of the
frame. Works also suffers from a de¬
layed response to Cut commands and
some annoyingly slow screen redraws.
These imperfections are frustrating,
but what’s most disappointing about
Works 3.0 is its relative lack of integra¬
tion. When all is said and done, the
package’s ubiquitous drawing-tools pal¬
ette. which lets you combine graphic and
word-processing elements without cut¬
ting and pasting, is its only integration
vehicle. Incredibly, even the Works spell¬
ing checker and newly added thesaurus
are active only in the word processor.
The Works package includes excel¬
lent on-line help, a healthy assortment of
sample templates, and a selection of
Data Viz converters for translating files.
The Bottom Line
If you’re looking for a package that
provides well-engineered integration
among its modules, you won’t be im¬
pressed with Microsoft Works 3,0. How¬
ever. if you are looking for the best
integrated-software bargain on a mod¬
ule-by-module basis. Works fares better.
The spreadsheet module, with its im¬
pressive charting features, is probably
the strongest of all the integrated pack¬
ages’. The Works word processor can’t
match the section divisions and lexl-
wraparound effects of the Beagle Works
word processor, but except for the lack
of column-formatting commands, the
module is generally comparable with
Claris Works* and Great Works’. More¬
over, only GreatWorks can compete with
the Works drawing-tool selection, al¬
though GreatWorks lacks linked text
frames. Works' database and communi¬
cations modules are easily competitive
with those of the other packages, and its
good-looking interface is a decided plus.
Overall, if you discount the impor¬
tance of module integration (ClarisWorks
is the dear winner here), the race comes
down to Microsoft Works and Great-
Works. We giv e GreatWorks the nod for
providing the most features —- it’s the
only integrated package that provides
both an oudiner and a painting module.
And although both packages share a simi¬
lar tool palette. GreatWorks tops Mi¬
crosoft Works with its publish-and-
subsciibe support, full formatting con¬
trols For text frames, and a spelling
checker and thesaurus that work across
However, if ease of use and muhipage-
document controls are at the top of your
list, Microsoft Works represents an at¬
tractive bargain. And if you’re currently
using Works 2.0, the package is well
worth the $19 upgrade price.
— Ted Landau
Get Info
Microsoft Works
Published by: Microsoft Corp.,
One Microsoft Way. Redmond,
WA 98052; 800-426-9400 or
Version: 3.0.
List Price: $249.
Macllser January 1993 SI
i Hh'ii'i 1 I—
cc:Mail 2.0
Refurbished from bow to stern, Lotus’ E-mail system
makes for smooth sailing on mixed Mac-and-PC
If you long ago wrote off cc:Mail as
a contender in the Mac E-mail arena, get
your pen out again — version 2.0 can go
head to head w ith the Mae’s leading mail
systems, QuickMail and Microsoft Mail,
Although the first version of cc:Mail for
Macintosh looked like a poor relative of
its highly successful DOS counterpart,
version 2.0 boasts a slick graphical inter¬
face, advanced features unavailable from
any other Mac E-mail system, and su¬
perb Mae-to-PC mail connections.
Good-Looking Client
Compared with the first version’s drab,
text-based client software, cc:Mail 2,0's
interface is downright eye-catching.
Colorful icon buttons provide easy ac¬
cess to all the basic mail functions, and
you can custom-configure the list win¬
dows that contain messages, addresses,
and folder contents* By clicking and drag¬
ging items such as messages and user
names, you can easily move them from
one window to another.
Like other mail systems, cc:Mail 2.0
lets you enclose Hies (as many as 20
items) with your messages* But what’s
unique about cc:Mail is that it lets you
view enclosed files you receive (or play
them, in the case of sound tiles)* before
you download them to your hard disk.
This feature works with text, sound,
graphics, QuickTime, fax (to send and
cc:Mail’s client-
software interface
is significantly
improved in
version 2*0*
Colorful icons
(upper left) give
you access to all
the basic mail
functions. By
clicking and
dragging, you can
easily move files
and names
between windows.
You can view
cc:Mairs attached
files — including
graphic, text,
QuickTime, and
DOS fifes —
before download¬
ing, by double¬
clicking on the
files’ icons*
receive faxes with cc:Mail, you need the
SI ,995 cc:Fax add-on), and application-
specific files.
For application-specific files enclosed
with messages, cc:Mail automatically
launches the appropriate application
when you double-click on Lhe enclosed
tile. If you frequently work with generic
file types such as TIFF, SYLK, or text,
you can set cc:Mail to open each tile
type with a specific application.
The flip side of this innovative feature
is its somewhat confusing implementa¬
tion. Not only are the icons for attached
files displayed in lhe message form but
an icon representing the message text
also appears* This design takes some
getting used to.
Powerful Find Command
Another special cc:Mail feature is its
powerful Find command, which lets you
quickly search for messages by title or
contents and allows you to search for
users in directories. Once the program
has displayed a group of found messages
or users, you can further narrow the
search with different criteria.
cc:Mail administrators can create pub¬
lic mailing lists thai let users send mes¬
sages to entire departments. Users can
create us many as 200 private mailing
lists, and each list can hold as many as
200 addresses. cc:Mail supports the stan¬
dard suite of message-addressing options,
including Forward, Carbon Copy, Blind
Carbon Copy, and Send to Groups.
Compared with other mail systems,
cc:Mail offers the most flexibility for
entering addresses: You can drag user
names from the directory or the Find
window into the address field, but by far
the fastest and easiest method is to type
part of the user’s name in to the address
field — cc:Mail fills in the rest*
cc:Mail is the most versatile and inno¬
vative mail system you can find, but you
pay in RAM for its impressive feature
set. The client software has a suggested
memory partition of L200K, although
we were able to run iL with less than !
Making Connections
In addition to its client-software ameni¬
ties, another cc:Mail strong point is the
ease with which it lets Macs exchange
messages with other platforms, includ¬
ing PCs running the DOS, Windows,
and OS/2 versions of cc:Mail and UNIX
workstations running OPEN LOOK.
52 January 1993 MacUser
= Find ism
. =
Find all
messages v|mhose
J tent
▼ | [ contains
3 1
^fill Messages
1 El Retain Found Items j
Find ]
Found Messages
♦ Subject
Front ItlindULjj
| Sice | Do...
E3 Pe: Test f
iusan Jane
Fri, Jul 24, 1992
Ik if
E3 VINES 5.0
lark Biel
Thu, JU130, 1992
IK t
B Re: Brtyari
B 03
Bulletin Boards
lark Btel
iusan Jane
Thu, Sep 3, 1992
Thu, Oct 1, 1992
ik t
3k tf
p3 1 ne*d help Susan Jane
Fri, Oct 2 , 1992
172k tf
E3 Test file
L . Restey
Fri, Jul 24,1992
IK tf
B November
L, Rostey
Tue. Jut 29, 1992
12k tf
B Up and running again. L - Ros Teg
Thu, JuT 30 ^ 1992
IK i
l»l 1*1
cc:Mail is the only Mac mail system that offers a powerful Find command. You
can search for messages by title and content and search for users and groups
within directories*
Unlike other E-mail programs* cc:Mail
doesn't require a gateway between Macs
and PCs* but it does require a file server
— accessible to all users — to hold the
mail-center file* which is called Post
Office. The file server* which doesn't
have to be mounted on users' desktops
during normal operation of cc:Mail* can
be a Mac running AppleShare* a PC run¬
ning Novell's NetWare or Banyan's
VINES, or a UNIX or VAX host* Net¬
work managers can administer cc:Mail
over the network from either a Mac or a
Post Office
Strictly speaking. ccMaif s Post Of¬
fice is not a mail server; it's a database
file that Macs and PCs running cc:Mail
client software can access. This design
not only makes the mail system easy to
set up but it also makes Mac-to-PC com¬
munications faster than going through a
However* we found cc:Mail’s Mac-
to-Mac communications even slower than
those of QuiekMaiL which has never
been noted for its speed. That's because
cc:Mail relies on the file-server software*
not on mail-server software* to locate the
Post Office file on the server's hard disk.
Mail systems, such as Microsoft Mail
and QuiekMaiL that use mail-server soft¬
ware to locate addresses on the server
generally get faster results. Moreover*
because much of cc:Mail’s intelligence
resides in its client software, the mail
system's performance is largely depen¬
dent on the client's CPU power.
cc:Mail users can exchange messages
with users of Lotus Notes* because the
PC-based Notes server has a built-in
gateway to cc:Mail. Lotus also offers
gateways to several other E-mail sys¬
tems, including MCI Mail, PROFS,
SMTP, 3Com Mail* and UNIXMail/
UUCP. A cc:Mail-to-QuickJVlail gate¬
way is also available, from StarNine
Besides having an architecture dial’s
suited for multi platform situations*
cc:Mail is optimized in one other way
for Maoand-PC networks: Mac and PC
users can easily share files as well as
messages, cc:Mail comes with Claris
XTND file translators Lhat automatically
translate PC files. You double-click on
the PC files' icons in the enclosure win¬
dow, and cc:Mail opens the files by us¬
ing the appropriate Mac applications. For
example, you can set cc:Mail to translate
DOS XyWrite files and open ihem in
WriteNow. To beef up the system’s
multilingual capabilities* you can add
XTND-compatible translators such as
DataViz's MacLinkPlus translators.
If your network has more than one
mail server, a mail system that provides
automatic directory updates across serv¬
ers when user lists change is a big plus,
cc:Ma]Ts S995 Automatic Directory
Exchange package, which requires the
$1,295 cc:Mail Router, provides auto¬
matic directory updating across both lo¬
cal- and wide-area networks. The pack¬
age also includes cc:Mail Import/Export,
for importing directories from other mail
systems into cc:Mail.
The Cloud in the Silver Lining
ccrMaifs innovative features are im¬
pressive, but a few disturbing artifacts
from the original version remain. Most
annoying is the message window's lack
of clear separation between a message
and its reply, which means users can
type a reply before* after, or even in the
middle of the original message — a con¬
fusing situation, particularly with a long
thread. You can partially solve this prob¬
lem by setting a preference to add a line
between messages and replies.
Fortunately* cc:Mail lets you use dif¬
ferent colors for message text and back¬
grounds, w hich makes it easy to distin¬
guish between different users' messages
in a long thread (each person must use a
different color). Given such a high level
of customization, it’s especially disap¬
pointing that you can choose only
monospaced fonts for messages, although
you can use any font for list-window
cc:Mail's feature set is robust, but a
few items are missing. cc:Mail does not
let you create personal message forms,
as you can with QuiekMaiL nor does it
lei you unsend messages.
The Bottom Line
The latest version of cc:Mail elevates
the package from minor player to major
power in the Mac 6-mai) arena. We found
cc:Mail especially well designed for Mac -
and-PC networks,
cc:Mail’s strong points include ease
of use* automatic translation between
Mac and PC file formats, and a powerful
Find command. Sluggish performance is
somew hat offset by the ability to view
enclosed files without downloading them.
A few rough edges in the interlace aside,
cc:Mail is one slick E-mail package.
— John Rizzo
Get Info
Published by: Lotus Develop*
ment Gorp., cc:Mail Division,
2141 Landings Drive,
Mountain View, CA 94043;
Version: 2,0,
Lis! Price: $495 for 1 Mac and
1 server; $845 for 25 Macs and
1 server (other configurations
are also available).
IVlacUser January 1993 53
lilVJ'.iir lin.'l
Gryphon Software’s Kafkaesque tool excels at
creating QuickTime-based transformations.
With Morph, Gryphon Software's new image-blending tool, you can create unique
transformation effects and save them as QuickTime movies. Notice how smoothly
the facial features of Scott Baku la, of "Qua ntum Leap/" transform into those of
"Out All Night" star Patti LaBelle.
Gryphon Software just added another
noun-verb to our burgeoning techno-
babble lexicon. Morph, short for meta¬
morphosis* is the name of the new
image-blending tool that was the talk of
last summer's Macworld Expo. Morph
has a prodigious appetite for memory
and processing power. Nevertheless, its
unique capabilities make it well worth
the investment for digital videophiles
who are looking to create truly eye-pop-
ping QuickTime effects.
Creating the In-Betweens
Morph 1 s concept is simple: You se¬
lect start and end images, and the soft¬
ware creates the images in between, al¬
lowing one image to smoothly transform
into another. If you caught Michael
Jackson’s Black or White music video,
which featured the faces of men and
women transforming seamlessly into one
another, then you've got the idea.
You can save entire transformations,
or morphs, as QuickTime movies or PICS
files, or you can link sequences of mor¬
phs to create a single movie. You can
also save individual frames as PICT
images. Source images, in both color
and black-and-white, can include photo¬
graphs, drawings, and text.
People make especially interesting
morph subjects. By morphing a toddler
with her mother, for example, you can
simulate generational similarities or the
passage of time. You may even he
tempted to morph yourself with your
favorite sex symbol, which sounds
vaguely illegal but is entirely possible.
The quality of a morph depends on
ihe information you give it with the
program's key points. When you posi¬
tion a “transform from" point in a start
image, a corresponding "transform to 1 '
point appears in the end image. You
adjust the placement of points by click¬
ing and dragging. Place as many key
points as you want — the more, the
belter. Keyboard shortcuts let you
quickly toggle among tools for placing,
adjusting, and magnifying. Unfortu¬
nately. you can't select multiple points
and move them all at once — a serious
Practice Makes Perfect
It takes a little practice to position
points correctly. In the illustrated ex¬
ample. Scott Baku la's ears are visible
whereas Patti LaBelie's ears are hidden.
So where to put a point on LaBelle when
its counterpart is on Baku la's ear? It's
not always intuitive, if you do it wrong,
the result appears to be an ugly superim-
position rather than a morph. When you
get it right, the morph movie can be
smooth and eye-catching. Fortunately,
the Morph package includes instructive
The smoothest morphs come from
source images thaL arc very similar in
position and shape. Morphing dissimilar
subjects can be tricky, because it's diffi¬
cult to accurately place key points. More¬
over, individual frames can look a bit
Once you've set your key points, you
can save the morph as a QuickTime
movie. You may find time to read siz¬
able chunks of Kafka/s The Metamor¬
phosis while waiting for Morph to com¬
pile and save your transformation, how¬
ever. A 5-second, 40-frame movie took
nearly 12 minutes on a Mac Hex with 8
megabytes of memory. Gryphon has
wisely included an easy-to-use single¬
frame preview, so you can test your
morph one frame at a time before you
save it as a movie.
At $149, Morph may look like an in¬
expensive do-it-yourself movie-effects
tool. However, you should be aware that
you'll need a minimum of 8 megabytes
of RAM to use the program effectively
and that a math coprocessor is a worth¬
while investment for speeding up the
morphing process. Images must be in
PICT format at 72 dpi, and both the start
and end images must be exactly the same
size. You’ll probably also want to clean
up source images by eliminating noisy
backgrounds and unnecessary elements
with a painting program before process¬
ing the images with Morph. The pro¬
gram comes with the required QuickTime
system extension.
The Bottom Line
Morph is one more step along t he path
toward bringing high-end video effects
to the Mac. It takes a while to master the
process of positioning Morph T s key
points, but if you’ve got the time and the
necessary hardware and memory, check
out this program. It's fun: it can add snap
to your presentations; and best of all, it
can painlessly transform you into Arnold
Schwarzenegger or Marilyn Monroe, if
only on-screen,
— Shelley Cry an
Get Info
Published by: Gryphon Software
Corp., 3298 Governor Drive, Box
221075, San Diego, CA 92122;
Version; 1.0.
List Price: SI49.
54 January 1993 Macllser
LenerPerfect 2.1
A slim, trim version of its sibling, LetterPerfect is a
nimble word processor for low-end Macs.
LetterPerfect is an
inexpensive, pa red-cf own
version of WordPerfect
that retains some
powerful features, such
as the ability to find and
replace text attributes.
The program's ability to
display formatted text
in the Find dialog box
is a nice touch.
By tossing out a slew of WordPerfect's
fanciest features and slashing the price,
WordPerfect Corp. has come up with a
word processor that's, well, dam near
perfect for low-end Macs. Although
LetterPerfect isn’t optimized for demand¬
ing chores, the program's ability to open,
edit, and save WordPerfect 2.1 tiles
makes it an attractive choice for those
who work in WordPerfect environments
on low-end Maes and for Power Book
users who want to work on WordPerfect
documents at home or on the road.
All in the Family
If you're familiar with WordPerfect,
you'll feel right at home with Letter-
Perfect. The program's menus are nearly
identical to those of WordPerfect, as are
its commands. Among the WordPerfect
features you won’t find in LetterPerfect
are style sheets: page-layout tools: tables:
macros: built-in drawing tools; borders
and fills; QuickTime support, and sup¬
port for indexes, tables of contents, and
cross-references. In addition, many
Word Perfect-command selections are
simplified in LetterPerfect, in some cases
offering one or two choices to Word¬
Perfect's four or five.
The result is a simple but surprisingly
flexible program with a feature set that
compares well with those of other low-
end word processors. LetterPerfect
comes with a 125.000-word spelling
checker and a 43,000-entry thesaurus. A
ruler similar to WordPerfect's lets you
set indents, alignment, and tabs. Letter-
Perfect’s ruler also makes it easy to cre¬
ate multiple columns of different widths
— a daunting task in other word proces¬
sors, Moreover, you can create multi-
column layouts to substitute for tables.
The program also provides strikeout, red¬
lining, and other special character for¬
matting as well as a generous supply of
tools for headers, foolers, footnotes, and
LetterPerfect accepts graphic images
in TIFF, PICT. GIF. MacPaint, and EPS
format. You can treat graphics as char¬
acters, or you can anchor them to spe¬
cific locations on pages.
You have many options lor finding
and replacing text as well as character
attributes with LetterPerfeefs Find/
Change command. The Find dialog box
even displays text formatted in the font
and size you've selected.
Like WordPerfect, LetterPerfect
makes it easy to use stationery files.
When you save a LetterPerfect docu¬
ment as a stationery file inside the
program's Stationery folder, the file is
instantly available from the File menu,
LenerPerfect also provides merge com¬
mands for printing form letters and mail¬
ing labels.
LetterPerfect translates a variety of
word-processing formats, including the
DOS versi ons of WordPerfect, Microsoft
Word, and Mac Write. Under System 7,
translation is as simple as dragging files
onto the Letter Perfect icon to convert
and open them.
When you open WordPerfect 2, l files
with LetterPerfect you can edit the text
bat you can't view features that Letter-
Perfect doesn't support, such as para¬
graph borders. All aspects of the original
WordPerfect files are preserved when
you save the files in LetterPerfect.
With all its likable attributes, the pro¬
gram does have several limitations.
LetterPerfect isn't a good choice if you
rdy on outlining — it lacks this feature
altogether. For PowcrRook use, the
program’s performance and modest
memory requirement of 800K are quite
acceptable. Bui LenerPerfect*s adherence
to WordPerfect's design slightly detracts
from its appeal as a Power Book word
processor. Like WordPerfect, Letter-
Perfect relies heavily on keyboard com¬
mands mapped to function keys or nu¬
meric keypads, neither of which are built
in to the PowerBnok. Moreover, some
commands, such as LetterPerfect's Re¬
veal Code, are completely inaccessible
from a PowerBook keyboard.
If you thought you somehow missed
the first version of LetterPerfect, relax:
Version 2.1 marks the program's debut.
In homage to WordPerfect, and as fur¬
ther evidence of its complementary de¬
sign, LelterPcrfect's version number is
set to match that of WordPerfect.
The Bottom Line
Most WordPerfect features absent
from Letter Perfect will never be missed
by the program's intended audience. For
PowerBook and low-end-Mac users who
don't require style sheets or outlining,
LetterPerfect is an attractive and afford¬
able choice. And with its ability to open
and edit WordPerfect files, LetterPerfect
is especially well suited to those looking
for an inexpensive but compatible alter¬
native to WordPerfect.
— Erie Taub
Gel Into
Published by: WordPerfect Corp ,
1555 N. Technology Way, Orem,
UT 84057: 801-225-5000,
Version: 2.1.
List Price: $149.
Macdser January 1993 55
Director 3.1
The granddaddy of Mac
multimedia presentation
programs jumps on the
QuickTime bandwagon.
MacroMind Director users looking 10
incorporate QuickTime movies into their
presen rations need wait no longer. The
latest upgrade to Macromedia’s verier-
able 2-D-aninflation and authoring tool
features QuickTime support along with
several new Lingo commands and a long
list of bug fixes.
Director Links
Director's newly added QuickTime
support lets you import QuickTime mov¬
ies just as you would any other image
file and position them on the Director
stage. As an alternative to importing
movie files, you can link disk-based
movies to Director animations and edit
them with external editing programs.
You can open a window in Director
that displays QuickTime’s standard trans¬
port controls, enabling you to preview
movies before placing them on the Di¬
rector stage. You can loop imported
movies within Director, but unfortunately
the program doesn’t provide a visual
loop-status indicator. You can also move
QuickTime movies across the screen as
they play and create unique effects with
Director's Trails mode, which leaves each
played frame in the wake of the movie as
it travels across the screen.
Macromedia has updated several Di¬
rector controls to make them QuickTime-
smart. For example, if you place a
QuickTime movie in an animation, a new
option will let you prompt Director 10
wait until the movie is finished playing
before the program proceeds to the next
frame in the sequence.
As with some other QuiekTime-
compaLiblc programs, imported Quick¬
Time movies play with noticeable visual
and audio jerk in ess in Director, To get
around this problem, you can use Hyper¬
Card XCMDs from within Director to
play QuickTime movies instead of using
D i ree u ir ’ s fac it i t i e s. (T h i s tech n i q ue a I so
enables you to play QuickTime movies
with Director by the way.) Another
Director’s newly
added QuickTime
export facilities
include atl the
standard QuickTime
options as well as
selectable output
scaling and the
option to include
Director sound
channels and timing
workaround to the jerki ness problem is
MovieShop, an Apple utility (available
free on AppleLink) that eliminates most
QuickTime playback-synchronization
Version 3.1 sports several QuiekTune-
specific enhancements to Lingo, Di¬
rector's programming language. With
Lingo, you can do such things as change
the playback speed and direction (for-
w ard/re verse) of Q u ie kTi me mo vie s a nd
ascertain their duration, check to see if
QuickTime is present on playback ma¬
chines, and more.
Macromedia has further enhanced
Lingo in numerous ways unrelated to
QuickTime, Most noteworthy is a new
Lingo command that checks to see how
much RAM is required to play a range of
frames. This feature is particularly use¬
ful if you're creating animations des¬
tined for playback on other Macs.
Outgoing Animations
In addition to letting you incorporate
QuickTime movies into animations. Di¬
rector allows you to export animations,
complete with Director’s two sound
channels, as QuickTime movies. The pro¬
gram provides full support for the stan¬
dard QuickTime compression options,
and you can scale your output as you
save it.
Director's QuickTime output facili¬
ties don T support pixel disst>1 ves, 11tough
— a major drawback. Also, the program
doesn't handle custom 8-bit palettes,
which may be a problem for Director
users who rely on custom palettes.
Director 3.1’s list of bug fixes is a
long one. Most notable are those affect¬
ing anti-aliasing: The program now sup¬
ports interruptible anti-aliasing and in¬
cludes anti-aliasing support lor the
Macintosh Display Card GC.
The new package also includes the
MacroMind Accelerator, which previ¬
ously was sold separately for $195. Ac¬
celerator executes frame differencing on
Director tiles at full screen size, which
dramatically speeds the playback rate.
Unfortunately, once you have acceler¬
ated a movie, you can't convert it to
Also new is an optional CD-ROM
package that includes the full Director
application, an extensive set of sample
an i m at i on II les, Li ago cod e sa m pie s, and
the valuable Macromedia technical-
support database. The database is stored
in several formats on the disc: FileMaker
Pro, tab-delimited text, and SYLK,
The Bottom Line
For multimedia professionals. Direc¬
tor maintains its position as the premier
animation and authoring tool. QuickTime
support aside, version 3,1 is worth the
upgrade price for its bug fixes alone.
And although Director's newly added
QuickTime support has a few rough edges
— lack of support for pixel dissolves and
an imperfect playback facility— it’s still
a welcome addition few Director users
will want to be without,
— David Blediiy
Get Info
Published by: Macromedia,
600 Townsend Street, Suite 310.
San Francisco, CA 94103;
Version: 3.1.
Lisl Price: SI,195; CO-ROM
version, $1,295.
56 January 1993 MacUser
Connecting your Macs
and Printers to Ethernet
just got easier.
Introducing the Ether Bridge Series:
three software packages which
allow Macs ami LocalTalk
printers to be easily hooked up
to the Ethernet network with
absolutely no additional
Ethernet hardware,
Power Bridge allows any one LocalTalk
device, such as a Power Book, printer or
network modem, to be on Ethernet
without any additional Ethernet
hardware. Imagine being able to access ail
Ethernet services, including file and mail
servers* from your PowerBook, Or allow
all Ethernet users to access the LocalTalk
printer. See the diagram
below for more details.
Laser Bridge allows up ro 5 LocalTalk
printers to be visible to all users on the
Ethernet network. Only the host Mac
requires Laser Bridge. In fact, the printers
which are connected via LaserBridge can
be hidden from all users
on the Ethernet network.
SupeiBridge is identical to PowerBiiclge
except that it allows up to 5 LocalTalk
devices to be on Ethernet without any
additional Ether net hardware. These 5
LocalTalk devices can be Macs, printers,
network modems, etc. In tact, the 5
LocalTalk devices can see' each other as
well as being able to access all Ethernet
services. See the diagram
below lor more details.
Printer or PowerBook
via Super Bridge
To order, or more information, call NOW.
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Circle 45 on reader service card.
MacDraw Pro 1.5
Sluggish performance continues to plague Claris’
veteran drawing program.
When Claris released the first major
upgrade to its veteran drawing program
two years ago, users soon discovered
they'd paid a hidden cost for MacDraw
Pro's nifty new features. Screen redraw'
was sluggish, as was performance of
basic tasks such as entering text and
moving objects* With the recent release
of MacDraw Pro 1.5, Claris claims to
have addressed MacDraw Pro's perfor¬
mance woes. But our tests showed that
despite speed improvements for some
operations* others can be even slower
than they were in the preceding version.
When Fast Is Slow
MacDraw Pro LO’s fancy multicolor
gradient fills were a primary cause of the
program’s performance problems. Un¬
fortunately* Claris' fix for the problem,
a new Fast Gradient display option, re¬
sults in even pokier performance and is
far less attractive on-screen. True, ver¬
sion L5*s off-screen buffer enables you
to shave about a second off the time
required to rotate multiple gradient-filled
objects* In general, however, we found
that the buffer markedly increased the
time required for screen redraw and
scrolling when gradients were involved.
We can report performance improve¬
ments in other areas, though. Fast typists
need no longer worry about typing text
more quickly than MacDraw Pm can
enter it. We also noticed a marked speed
improvement in text scrolling and rotat¬
ing, Furthermore* new greeking options
for graphics and text can significantly
boost screen-red raw performance.
Version 1.5 provides two options —
Standard and Precise — for type place¬
ment, If you’re willing to trade precision
lor speed, you cun seleel Standard char¬
acter placement to make the program
print faster — it ignores kerning and
tracking information. Text quality, how¬
ever* is noticeably affected. When you're
printing gradients, version L5 lets you
specify exactly how many steps will be
used for each blend, so you can avoid
creating an image too complicated for
your printer’s resolution.
Claris has also remedied a glaring
omission of the original MaeDraw r Pro
— full System 7 support* Version 1.5
supports Balloon Help, and you can pub¬
lish* as well as subscribe to, multiple
objects in a drawing* The new MacDraw
Pro, in fact, gives you more options for
publishing than do other programs; you
can publish objects on a specific layer or
across layers, for example.
Version 1.5 also includes Apple-events
support, so you can control MacDraw
Pro from other applications. A sample
HyperCard stack included in the pack¬
age demonstrates one way
to exploit this capability:
You can control a MacDraw
Pro slide show remotely on
a network from another
Mac that's running Hyper¬
Card. Another advantage
for presentations is the new
version’s ability to place
QuickTime movies as ob¬
jects within drawings. Ulti¬
mately, however, we found
that MacDraw Pro’s lack of
support for transitional ef¬
fects significantly detracts
from its appeal as a presen¬
tation tool.
As with most Claris prod¬
ucts, MacDraw Pro's chief
MacDraw Pro 1.5 T s new text-greekmg option can
significantly boost display speed. Screen-redraw
performance remains a problem with some
operations, however.
58 January 1993 MadJser
strength is its elegantly designed inter¬
face. Version L5 sports several new en¬
hancements. You can now select all ob¬
jects within a document that match one
or more attributes and then modify all
the objects in a single step. This feature
comes in handy, because the program
doesn’t leL you set up links between
palette items, such as fills and lines, and
the objects to which they’ve been ap¬
plied (as does rival InteLIiDraw, from
Aldus), so you can’t make quick global
changes to object attributes by simply
selecting alternative tills and lines from
the palette.
Version 1.5 provides several new key¬
board shortcuts, among them shortcuts
for changing type size and for changing
the gradient display mode on the fly.
The Bottom Line
With its elegant interface; ease of use;
and excellent support for layers, gradi¬
ent fills, and text handling, MacDraw
Pro is a solid drawing program. Not even
Dcneba’s blockbuster drawing package.
Canvas, can match MacDraw Pro’s eye¬
catching multicolor gradients and pow¬
erful para graph-level text formatting.
However, sluggish screen redraws re¬
main a problem, even with the latest
Moreover, Mac Draw Pro is still miss¬
ing several key features that rival pro¬
grams provide. You can't convert text to
outlines or attach it to paths, nor can you
create multiobject blends between
shapes. You also can't edit MacDraw
Pro files with PostScript design programs
such as Illustrator and FreeHand.
Overall, MacDraw Pro's strengths and
weaknesses balance out to earn it an
average rating in the drawing-software
arena. With rival programs Canvas and
IntelllDraw boasting more powerful and
innovative features. MacDraw Pro needs
to play catch-up before it regains its sta¬
tus as ia fop contender!
-— Brie Tauh
Get Info
MacDraw Pro
Published by: Claris Corp. ( 5201
Patrick Henry Drive, Santa Clara,
CA 95052; 408-727-8227.
Version: 1.5.
List Price: $399.
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You don't get a second chance to
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You need TopDown.
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TopDown saves you time
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TopDown allows you to
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Software Carp.
c Kjstron- Softwin# £orp. SoviCtourn- is a isterfd iradenurt of Kd«1ron Sultwarr Letp&rj1i«i.
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12777 Janet ^ood. Smle 443
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(713! S9SX3434 FAX (71 Of 0*0*767
Circle 99 on reader service card.
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Precisely. WithOrgChart Express'*
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lion charts* Precise control. Not only over the
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Whether you’re working with 10
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12777 Jijtim Rood, Suite 445
Ftaiile*. IX 77D70
pi3) 0*03434 FAX |7«3| &VO*7*7
Circle 98 ok reader service card.
MacUser January 1993 59
Mac Smart
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Il<r irllI mi' M'li-i li-il Fi¬* «n It ii* linn* *ii |ihmi>Ui>,
mul iIinmiu lm mmi-ilinii
Mwfllll'triflll mkttt. Mini ill.II
till ■■■ imili Iimminl* in mnt
L >1 III |1 lr llh-li I n r 4 ml 1 1 r Iln nllijli Ml I
Itir i| i'iii r 11 11 ■ fin.! ill Iln- Irtii.l
i|ii|ii- ai f'a mill In- ■ ill |ii' Iril mu Ml
iMjhlMP lll-IUHIIld r|n,SS ii>'*l!|l,i«l Ini
Inin iimiriTi'imui i' mill Iimu umln
... f mill i'll- (mlliY mill Hn-iimEi-l till, mm,Ip
mil III*- ij*iii[hiy. rtlliniminj (iriifiU-1 m ,mi, nl ill nil. IIm-
pfllllt Hull fr Ml Im limk hrII*111-V w>( III IllM hl huImm,
flu* iilunltfi!) j". m ™rr7- 7'-" LlUgJjJJ 1
41■»** iuhnr Hf ■*?-- -’ti* - ...
Diamond Pro 17
L he Mitsubishi Diamond Prd - 17 is the ideal Macintosh® monitor for desktop
publishing, graphic design, multimedia or image processing* it offers a large display with the
most compact enclosure of any 17" flat-square or Trinitron monitor.
The high-resolution Diamond Pro 17 has a fine pitch (0,25 mm), vertically flat,
square-cornered Trinitron CRT and features Mitsubishi’s DigiCon™ digital convergence
control and the Diamond Match Color Calibration System for color-critical applications.
It’s compatible* with Macintosh graphics standards at 640 x 480, Quadra® 832 x 624 and
Apple® standard 72 DPI. And with its MPU-based, auto-scanning capability, the Diamond
Pro 17 enables you to upgrade your system for use with third party color boards offered by
companies such as RasterQps®, Radius™, SuperMac™and E-Machines™.
For more information on the smart choice, call Mitsubishi Electronics at
1-800-843-2515. In Canada, call 1-800-387-9630 or in Mexico 91-800-83456,
Circle 210 on reader service card.
Mitsubishi Electronics America, Inc., Inlunmriun Systems Division, 5665 Plaza Drive, Cypress, CA 90630.
Mitsubishi Electric Siilvs Canada, Inc., 4299 14th Avenue, Markham, Ontario L3R 0J2.
©1992 Miuiiihidii Eke trunks Americii, Inc. Tiimrmn i> ;i registered imdeuiiirk ul Sony 0 *rp. All txlicr iradeniiirb ut registered
muiciiuirh lire the property uf their respective holders,
*Miic LC, Mac H ur Qii kir.i cable adapters available at no charge from your dealer.
Canon CJ10
Canon’s one-stop color solution may be pricey, but it
does triple duty as copier, scanner, and printer.
WliLit* s bigger than a bread box and
the most versatile color-output device
you can buy? The Canon CJ1(X that's
what. By adding an optional interface to
this 400-dpi digital color copier, you can
connect the device to your Macintosh
and use it as u scanner and printer as
well. The Canon CJ H) is an ideal entry-
level color machine for small workgroups
who are looking to produce color output
Setting up the copier is simple. Once
you’ ve removed the hefty 43-pound CJ 10
(2L25 x 18.73 x 8.5 inches) from its
shipping carton, just install the inkjet
cartridges and load the paper. The CJIQ
uses Canon’s color Bubble Jet technol¬
ogy. Four hubblejel cartridges (cyan,
magenta, yellow, and black) come with
the unit. Bach $90 cartridge contains ink
and a 128-nozzle print head good for
producing ail average of 1,000 copies.
The CJ 10’s paper-input tray holds 90
sheets of special coaled paper. The paper
is costly ($21 for 200 sheets) and doesn't
allow double-sided copies, because you
must load the paper with the “whiter”
side up. Its somewhat difficult to distin¬
guish one side of the paper from the
other, but if you print on the wrong side,
you’ll know it — the back side doesn’t
readily absorb ink, so you end up with a
streaked, dripping page and excess ink
smeared inside the printer. A manual-
feed system for transparencies ($100 for
50 sheets), label paper ($4 for 10 sheets),
and card stock ($25 for 50 sheets) comes
with the unit
The CJ10 platen accepts originals as
large as 8.5 x II inches. Thanks to a
double-hinged cover, you can place
bound material flat on the platen. The
copier can magnify or reduce from 50 to
200 percent in 1-percent increments. Four
fixed ratios are available, and you can
specify separate horizontal and vertical
magnification ratios.
The copier is ready for action after
only a 10-second warm-up period, so
you don't have to leave it on all the time.
However, although it requires only 90
seconds to copy an entire letter-sized
original at 100 percent, the CJ10 is not
for high-volume jobs, because you can' t
set it to process more than 19 copies at
a time. In our tests, the default settings
produced copies with noticeably poor
color balance, but buttons on the front of
the CJ 10 let you lighten or darken colors
individually (nine settings per color) to
A special
interface kit
adds scanner
and printer
functions to the
400-dpi Canon
CJ10 color
copier, making it
a complete
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In Control is a trademark of Attain Corporation
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Circle 209 on reader service card.
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Applied Engineering
8799 PowerBook Auto Adapter.*.* . 69
8800 Powe r Book C harger/Co nditl oner..139.
Asante Technologies, Inc*
2555 EN/SC-IOfT for PowerBooks.339
2535 EN/SC-BNC for PowerBooks . 339,
Battery Technology, Inc*
7562 Battery tor PowerBook 140=170__62
Computer Care
4153 BookView Imperial 140-170 ,,...,.. 999.
4162 BookRAM 4S 309. 4161 BookRAM 6$ 439
♦ Dayna ... 60 day MBG
5396 DaynaPORT SCSI Link PB (BNC) . 299.
5360 DaynaPORT SCSI Link PB (10-BASE-T) 299
5484 DaynaPORT SCSI Link-3 PB. 349,
Envisio, Inc*
1848 Notebook Display Adapter 030 (0 MB) . 469.
1937 (2 MB) .699. 1835 (4 MB) . 929.
7098 Notebook Display Adapter 030 (6 MB) 1099.
★ Attain Corporation *,* 60 day MEG
8465 Wt; Control 14 — 1 Get organized fast with
this top-rated To-Do-List Manager, Rated 4J4
Mice by MacUser (8/92). In Control's multi-
column outline lets you organize and reorga¬
nize your lists instantly ,**........**. $87,
2411 ColorBook 16 (2 MB) (Nov. '92} .* 799
2380 (4 MB) 1019. 2268 (SMB) . 1049.
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5568 hammerPB120 .*,*.******.*****. 799.
♦ I/O Design *., 30 day MBG
3362 PowerBook SL (Slimline PowerBook case ). 64.
3371 PowerBook EX (External Drive case).... 69.
♦ Kensington ... 30 day MBG
1118 Compact PB Case 49. 1092 Deluxe— 79,
5976 NoteBcok Keypad..*.* 99.
MASS Microsystems
6313 1 H Portable Drive Granite Case (120 MB) 599,
2220 MASSfm 24/96 PS.********.. 189,
6577 CDR37 Portable CD-ROM Drive... 399,
PowerBook Cables
8461 HD 130 to Centronics 50 Pin Male (18 '). 39.
8460 HQI30 to DB25 Male (18”)..... . 42,
8459 HDI30 to Centronics 50 Pin Female (18 ’) 45.
PowerBook Memory Modules
3742 PowerBook Module 2 MB .... ************. call
5090 4 MB. call 50916 MB*... call
♦ PS I Integration, Inc* ... 30 day MBG
5320 ©PowerModem 155. 6961 ©Pew, Mod. II 235
♦ Sophisticated Circuits ... 30 day MSG
7425 PowerPad. 79. 7419 w/QuicKeys 119.
Sigma Designs
6939 Power Portrait (granite case) .. 849.
♦ Targus ... 60 day MBG
1305 Universal Notebook...*..*. 69.
6037 Premier Leather Case.******. 169.
♦ T/Maker ... 30 day MBG
5316 The Powe rBund I e Ca rry Case (only) . 55,
♦ UUiitron, Inc. **. 30 day MBG
3012 ©PowerSwap.....*..... 25.
7603 PowerBakPak Carry Case*.,,.. 75
A Lasting Impression
©Resum Ex pert or Cover Letters. ea. 48,
♦ Abacus Concepts
1967 ©Slat View 4/Super A nova Bundle. 699
♦ Acius 30 day MBG
5618 ©4t h D imens i on 2.2.3 509.
* Advanced Software ... 30 day M BG
8051 ©Intouch 2.0 55. 9049 © Doc u Comp II 99.
♦ After Hours Software ... 30 day MBG
1352 ©TouchBASE or 3314 DateBook.,, ea. 79.
7411 ©TouchBASE & DateBook Bundle,,,*...* 95.
1977 ©TouchBASE/Alter Dark/Quicken Bundle 95,
Amaze, Inc.
4969 ©CATHY Daily Planner.,,.,**** 49.
3582 ©The Far Side Daily Planner.. 49.
♦ Attain Corporalion .*« 60 day MBG
6465 ©In Control 1.1 ....... 87,
♦ Avery ... 60 day MBG
7446 ©Maclabei Pro 1,5 ,..,.„**... 40
♦ Banner Blue ... 30 day MBG
3548 ©Org Plus For Macintosh 1.0.... 125.
♦ Baseline Publishing ... 30 day MBG
8881 ©Thunder? 1,5... 55*
♦ Beagle Bros. *** 30 day MBG
3119 ©BeagleWorks „.*****..**.... special 69.
Broderbund Software
3608 ©MacUSA ...... 29. 3356 ©MacGlobe . 34.
* CheckMark Software ... 60 day MBG
5863 ©MultiLedger 225. 3767 ©Multi-User 419.
5862 ©Payroll 4.6....*. 169.
♦ Chena Software ... 30 day MBG
1594 ©Fair Witness 1.2.*. 185.
♦ Chipsoft ... 30 day MBG
8059 © MaelnTax Personal Ed, 1992 Headstart.. 49
©Mac In Tax Stale Tax Packages ea. 35.
3916 ©MacInTax & Quicken Bundle.59.
♦ Claris *** 30 day MBG
1129 ©MacWnte II 09. 1745 ©MacProj Pro 409.
3903 ©OahsWorks 1.0V2 199, 3743 ©Upgrade 95,
3531 ©Claris Resolve 169. 3745 ©Upgrade 95.
3836 ©FileMaker Pro 2,0 268, 2191 ©Upgrd. 109.
★ After Hours Software *.. 30 day MBG
1977 OBestseller Bundle —Get ToudiRASE,
After Dark, and Quicken, all for only $951 The
three top-rated products in their categories,
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Contact Software
7636 ©ACT^Frofessional way to manage
your contacts and activities. Combines contact
& calendar management with powerful word
processing software. Schedule calls, meetings
& other activities in a matter of seconds $249.
Contact Software
7636 ©ACT! (manage contacts & activities) 249
★ Essential Software ... 30 day MBG
4086 ©Easy Alarms 2.0... 61.
★ Expert Software ... 30 day MBG
5234 ©Expert Writer 1.0..™.- 29.
★ Exper Vision ... 30 day MBG
7486 ©TypeReader ($100 rebate thru 12/31/92) 499.
★ Good Software 30 day MBG
2527 ©REMS Properly Manager.. 399.
★ Helix Technologies ... 30 day MBG
1077 ©Helix Express.... 299.
★ Intuit ... 30 day MBG
2507 ©Quicken 3.0 42.
★ JAM Software ... 30 day MBG
6089 ©Smart Alarms Plus 3.1 . 45.
1153 ©Smart Schedules... . 199.
★ Kaetron Software «. 30 day MBG
7066 ©QrgChart Exp. 124 8941 ©TopDown 195.
★ Lotus Development ... 3D day MBG
3606 ©12-3 for Mac.. 289, 3604 Upgrade . 95.
iH ReagleWorks
★ Beagle Brothers 30 day MBG
3119 QBeagfeWorks —integrated word, spread-
sheet, database, paint, communications & draw
modules all in one package. Features include
in-Context Editing, irregular text wrap, auto¬
sum tool, etc. Special limited offer only $69.
★ MECA ... 60 day MBG
2796 ©Managing Your Money.. . . $44.
★ Micmlytics ... SO day MBG
6461 ©WordFinder Plus 4,02..... 39.
7620 ©Random House Encyclopedia 1,0 .. 68
★ Microsoft ... 30 day MBG
2884 ©Works 3.0,, 155. 8173 ©Upgrade. .. 79.
3669 ©Excel 4.O.. 295, 5237 ©Upgrade... 95.
4902 ©Word 5.0... 295 1503 ©Upgrade .. 125.
5454 ©The Microsoft Office 2.5 . 475,
★ Miles & Associates ... 30 day MBG
4602 ©EndNote 1,5.. 85. 8010©Plus 1,2 „ 145.
Nisus Software
5683 ©Nisus 3 06 238. 1612 ©Compact 3.3 92.
★ Nolo Press ... 30 day MBG
4228 ©Personal RecordKeeper 3,0. 30.
2981 ©WiIiMaker 4.0 (not valid in LA.)... . 35.
1204 ©Living Trust 1.0 (not valid in LA.) . 45.
★OCCAM Research Corp, ... 60 day MBG
3697 ©MUSE 1,01 .... 469
★ Palo Alto Software ... 60 day MBG
6932 ©Employee Handbook Toolkit 5.2. 65.
6975 ©Business Plan Toolkit 4.0... 75.
★ Pastel Development ... 30 day MBG
1785 ©DayMaker 2.0 (Dec.) 79. 1011 (network) 92.
★ Portfolio Systems „. 30 day MBG
7992 ©Dy no P age 1,7 or 6916 ©Oy nodex. ea, 49.
★ Power Up 30 day MBG
7696 ©Calendar Creator..... 48.
7694 ©Add ress Book Plus... 62
1760 ©PowerRunner Bundle ....... 99.
★ ProVUE ... 60 day MBG
4582 ©Panorama II 2,0.6.... 239.
★ Reality Technologies ... 30 day MBG
6929 ©WealthBuilder 1.1 ($25 rebate 'tit 1/31/93) 95.
★ Reference Software ... 30 day MBG
6268 ©Gram matik M ac 2.0..... 39,
Round Lake Publishing
©LelterWorks, SALES or LEGAL_ ea. 45,
1570 ©PERSONNEL ReadyWorkS.. 69
★ Shana Corporation ... 30 day MBG
7692 ©Informed Designer 159, 8810 In. Mgr, 99.
★ SoftSync, Inc. ..... 30 day MBG
7129 ©Accountant, Inc. 335. 3828 Multiuser 569.
Spyglass, Inc.
2027 ©Transform2J 399 2033 ©Format 159
★ Symantec ... 30 day MBG
2237 ©GreatWorks 2.0 129. 2278 ©Upgrd. 89.
3422 ©More 3.1 ..... 265.
★ Synergy ... 3D day MBG
6617 ©KaleidaGraph 2.1.3. . . 149
1230 ©FASTAT lor Mac 1,0.,.,. 399,
1231 ©SYSTAT for Mac 5.2.1.... 699,
★Technology Works ... 30 day MBG
7736 ©Spiral 1.0..... 79.
★ Teleware ... 30 day MBG
7616 ©M.Y.O.B, 3,0.... 138,
★ TIMESLIPS ... 30 day MBG
1701 ©LapTrack for the Mac..... 52,
2986 ©Timeslips 111 2.1... 194.
★T/Maker ... 30 day MBG
3636 ©ClickArt Holidays. ... 28.
1858 ©FaxMania (birthdays to bulletins) . 25.
7709 ©WriteNow Workshop Compel Upgrd 99
7664 ©WriteNow Workshop Bundle. 139.
★ Vertical Solutions ... 60 day MBG
5886 ©FastLabeL.,,..... 44
3235 ©MacLabeiPak...... 85.
★ WordPerfect ... 60 day MBG
3800 ©WordPerfect 2.1.2 279, 4711 Upgrd. 75.
★ Power Up ... 30 day MBG
1760 QPomrRunner Bundle —Get organized,
at your desk and on the go! FowerRunner
combines Power Up's Calendar Creator and
Address Book Plus software with the Day
Runner Classic Edition organizer...$99.
★ Wordstar 30 day MBG
6984 ©Correct Grammar 3.01..... 55,
3554 ©A me rican Heritage D iction ary 1.0....... 55.
★ Working Software ... 60 day MBG
5896 ©Last Resort 38. 3792 ©Speilswell 2.2 44.
★ Abracadata. Ltd. ... 30 day MBG
9990 ©Design Your Own Home - Architecture,
9992 interiors or 9994 Landscape... ea. 48,
Adobe Systems
©Adobe type Sets for Business.,., ea, 95,
©Adobe Type Library (Vol. 1*308} .call
6957 ©AdobeType Reunion 10 3..... 41.
5750 ©Adobe Type Manager (ATM) 2.0.3 59,
6053 ©Plus Pack 2 0 118 6096 ©TypeAEEgn 61.
4145 ©Ado be P re m rere 429. 3199 Upgrad. 149,
8171 ©Adobe Illustrator 3,2 (with ATM) . 368,
5001 ©Streamline 119, 6644 ©Photoshop 548.
★T/Maker 30 day MBG
7664 O WnteNow Workshop Bundle—A bundle of
packages to improve your writing. Includes
WritcNow 3.0, the fastest St easiest Mac word
processor; Grammarik, Correct Quotes, and
American Heritage Dictionary heel ... $139.
TV yr 800-800-4444 •
14 Mill Street, Marlow, NH 03456 603-446-4444 FAX 603-446-7791
Call by 3:15 a.m.
★Aladdin Systems ... 30dayMBG
6740 OStufflt Deluxe 3.(2—Compression
solution solves all your needs from archiving
to tra nspare nr compres sion . 565.
7410 OSwffh SpaceSaver 10— Increases disk
space without changing the way you work 34.
it Aldus ... 30 day MBG
6674 ©Aldus Personal Press 2.0 ........ 99.
2461 ©Aldus Gallery Effects 1.01 . . 128,
3506 ©SuperPainl 99. 7541 ©IntelliDraw 194.
4751 ©Persuasion or 3507 ©Super 3D ea. 325.
1330 ©FreeHand 394 7088 ©PageMaker 494
1983 ©EPS Exchange 2.0.. 89.
1195 ©Fontographer 3.5....... 258.
Apple Computer
3008 ©Apple Font Pack... 69.
* Ares Software 30 day MBG
8878 ©FontMonger 1.5 (Dec, 92) . 93.
★ Baseline Publishing 30 day MBG
8055 ©Screenshot 1,2 ...34.
Broderbund Software
7293 ©Kid Pix Companion. T .„... 23.
3572 ©Kid Pix 1,2.... 34.
1427 ©Print Shop.... 35.
6281 ©TypeStyFer 2.1 (with ATM) . .. 126.
★Claris 30 day MBG
2518 ©MacDraw Pro 275, 7505 ©Upgrade 95.
8007 ©Claris CAD 2.0 599. 6943 ©Upgrade 79
Custom Applications
8037 ©Freedom of Press Light 3.03 (17 fonts). 84.
★ DeftaPoint ... 60 day MBG
3550 ©DeltaGraph Pro 2.0 (with calculator).. 199.
★ Deneba Software 30 day MBG
3227 ©Canvas 3 0.4 ...... 259.
★After Hours Software 30 day MBG
7411 O TouckBASE & DateBook Bundle—
Together, form a powerful personal informa¬
tion manager. DateBook combines calendar,
alarms, scheduling, & To-Do lists. TouchBASE
keeps all contacts at your fingertips.. 595.
★ Expert Software ... 30 day MBG
4870 ©Expert Color Paint, 1737 Landscape,
8619 Home, or 1731 Office Design ea $29
★ Foundation Publishing ... 60 day MBG
9438 ©Comic Strip Factory Bundle.. 71.
Fractal Design
1068 ©Sketcherl.o 94. 5425 ©Painter 1.2 235.
4202 ©Morph 1,0 ....... 95.
★ Letraset 30 day MBG
4709 ©LetraSIudie 139. 6300 ©FontStudi0 359.
Light Source
3733 ©Ofoto 1.1.1 ..... 275.
★ Linguists Software ... 60 day MBG
2569 ©Cyrillic 11 99. 2641 ©Laser Hebrew , 89.
7651 ©Action’Mac 349. 7441 ©SwivelPro 479
3450 ©SwivelMan 596, 7653 ©MacroModel 999,
Manhattan Graphics
4990 ©Ready,Set.Go! 5,14... 219
★MicroMaps ... 30 day MBG
7556 ©MapArl (PICT) or 7555 (EPS)..,,,, ea 89.
★Microsoft ♦„ 30 day MBG
2878 ©PowerPoint 3.0 (Nov. 92) .. 295,
Fostcraft International
2210 ©Effects Specialist 1.04___ 89.
★MAXA Corporation ... 30 day MBG
8692 ^Snooper 2.0 Hardware JO Software Kit—
(Dec J 92j Sad Mac? Diagnose from your Desk¬
top with Snooper. Check out your hardware
with over 60 tests. Rate your Mac perfor¬
mance. A must for your Utilities folder SI49.
7612 ©QuarkXPress 3,2 (Dec. 92)..... .. 549.
★ Specular international ... 30 day MBG
4962 ©fnfini-D 2,0 699. 3543 Replicas #1 135,
Terrace Software
9970 ©Mum'S The Word Plus (gardening)... 107.
★Timeworks ... 30 day MBG
7115 ©P ublish Ft I Easy 3.0..... 109.
7409 ©Co I or*! I! 2.0..,... special 129.
★T/Maker 30 day MBG
©ClickArt (bitmapped) 38. or (EPS) .... 82.
★ Virtus Corporation ... 30 day MBG
4488 ©WalkThrough 1.1 . 309.
★ Abbott Systems ... 30 day MBG
2515 ©Galc+ 1 0 39, 5236 ©CanQpener 2.0 59.
★ Aladdin Systents ... 30 day MBG
7410 ©SlutFH SpaceSaver 1.0... 34.
6740 ©SlufflE Deluxe 3.0.. 65.
★Aldus ... 30 day MBG
5100 ©SuperCard 1.6.195.
★ ALSoft ... 30 day MBG
9808 ©MasterJuggler 25 9807 ©DiskExpress II 48.
5204 ©ALSoft Power Utilities 1,0,2. 62.
★Teknosys ... SO day MBG
5203 ©/^/—Configuration problem solver
improves Mac s efficiency & prevents crashes,
Artificial intelligence detects conflicts, incom¬
patibilities, improperly installed files, damaged
& duplicated files, etc.,,^$88,
★Alysis Software ... 30 day MBG
©SuperDisk! 49. 1608 ©More Disk Space 42.
★Apple Computer 30 day MBG
©At Ease 1.0................ 49.
©System 7.1 (with free video) .. 79.
©System 7,1 Group Upgrade Kit. 349.
©Qu ickTFme Starts r Kit 1.5 „,.. ...... 149,
★ASD Software ... 30 day MBG
©FileGuard 2.7 (1 user) .„.. 138.
★ Baseline Publishing ... 30 day MBG
©IN IT Manager 33. 3114©DiagnoSYS 39.
★ Berkeley Systems ... 30 day MBG
©More Alter Dark (M.A.D) ____ 23,
©After Dark 2.0V 28. 2196 ©Bundle... 39.
©Star Trek: The Screen Saver.. 34,
★ Casa Blanca Works ... 30 day MBG
©Drive ? 2.3....... 49,
★CE Software ... 60 day MBG
©DalendarMaker 3.0,1....... 31.
©QuicKeys 2 2.1.2 .. 89,
★ Central Point ... 30 day MBG
©M ac TooI s Del u xe., +++ .. +++ ........,,, 95.
★ Claris ... 30 day MBG
©HyperCard Development Kit 2.1. 139.
★ Connectix ... 30 day MBG
©CPU (Connectix PowerBook Utilities).., 49,
Coral Research
©TimeLog.... 62. 7309 (WPack).... 399.
★ Dantz Development 30 day MBG
©DiskFit Pro 1 0.......72.
©Retrospect 147. 7945 ©Remote 1.3 264.
©Remoie (10 Pah) 147, 3112 0(50 Pah) 649,
★Filth Generation ... 30 day MBG
©PYROI4.01 27. 3955 ©Suitcase 2,1 53.
©S uperLase rSpool 3,0....... 99
©FastBack Plus or 5725 ©DiskLock... 125,
©DiskDoubler 52. 4838 AutoDoubler ,. 58.
★ FWB t Inc. ... 30 day MBG
©Hard Disk Utilities Personal Edition.... 49.
©Hard Disk Toolkit 1.1,1. 125.
ICOM Simulations
©Intermission.. 29. 3731 ©GnCue II., 55.
★ Inline Design ... 30 day MBG
©Icon 7. 31. 9843 ©InSync 1.0.... 79.
©INITPicker 3.0.,.,.. 49.
©Redux 1.63. 49, 1740 Deluxe. 92.
Insignia Solutions
©Rapid Trak .. t++++ *, t+ ...... 56.
★ Kent Marsh Ltd ... 30 day MBG
©FolderBott 1,02.,. 71.
★ Kiwi Software ... 60 day MBG
©Kiwi E N VE LOP ESI 3.1.6.... 32.
★ Magic Soft ware ... 30 day MBG
©AutoSave II 26. 7270 ©Backmatic,, 50.
on December 24th.
★Centron Software ... 30 day MEG
2707 QPuzzk Masttr —Solve 250 Mew York
Times crossword puzzles on your Mac S26.
5910 ^Crossword Creator— Create your own
puzzles from a word list.... 39,
★ MAXA Corporation ... 30 day MBG
8692 ©Snooper 2.0 HW & SW Kit (Dec 92).. 149.
8694 ©Snooper (software only) .... 119.
★ Microcom ... 30 day MBG
4803 ©Vlrex/Mac.. 66, 8561 ©911 Utilities.. 99-
★ MicroMaf Computer Sys. 30 day MBG
3732 ©MacEKG II 2.0,5... 89,
★ Microspot 30 day MBG
8706 ©MacPalette If----- 45,
8782 ©MacPlot Professional.... 249,
★ Nine to Five Software 30 day MBG
2020 ©9 to 5 Office 19. 9767 ©Reports 2.5 125.
★ Now Software ... 30 day MBG
1793 ©Now Up-To-Date... 65. 2366 (10). 395.
6925 ©Now Utilities 4.0..,. 95. 8471 (10). 775.
Palo mar Software
8210 ©PLOTTERgeiSt 2,1....... 249.
Peripheral Land, Inc. (PLI)
7326 Mac-to DOS 3.0 ....... 99.
Pluma, Inc.
8704 ©Cause or 8713 ©Net Effect... ea. 185
Graphic Simulations
4756 QHellcats Over the Pacific 1,03 —1992
Macworld Came Hall of Fame winner for Best
Simulation Game, Airborne Division. Fast & fluid
graphics, 256 colors & high-quality sound, trans¬
port you into die cockpit of an F6F Hellcat $38.
★ Symantec ... 30 day MBG
5176 ©Symantec Anti Virus for Mac (SAM)*, $64.
6748 ©Nonon Utilities for Mac 2.0...95,
3421 ©THINK Pascal 165, 2688 ©THINK C 199.
9957 ©THINK Reference 1.0.. 68.
5203 ©Help!........... 88.
+ TGS Systems ... 60 day MBG
6667 ©Prograph 2.5..... 299.
★ Thought I Could ... 30 day MBG
4843 ©Wallpaper 1.0,2,... 37.
User Land Software
4753 ©Frontier 2,0.... 189.
★ Utilitron T Inc.... 30 day MBG
9616 ©Guaranteed Undelete w/TrashMaster 45,
★ Abracadata, Ltd, 30 day MBG
5805 ©Sprout! 1.0 (veggie garden planner)., 39.
1039 ©Shanghai II .... 29.
1134 ©Lost Treasures of Infocom Vol.f. 40.
2470 ©Lost Treasures of Infocom Vol. II. 29.
★ AMTEX Corporation ... 30 day MBG
2517 ©TRISTAN (pinball)*** ... 33,
★ Baseline Publishing ... 30 day MBG
7785 ©Talking Moose 4,0.2.... 22.
Broderbund Software
6516 ©The Playroom 2,0 (CP) (color)...., . 29.
©Carmen Sandiego Series (CP) . ea. 29.
8285 QWhere/World Carmen Sandiego Deluxe 47.
3559 ©SimAnt or 5871 ©SimCity Supreme, ea, 35,
8266 ©SimEarth 1.1.. 40.
1910 ©SimUfe,,.. 41. 3307 ©A-Train..., 39.
Buena Vista Software
1711 ©Heaven and Earth,.,....29.
★ Carina ... 3D day MBG
7761 ©Voyager II, the Dynamic Sky Simulator 99,
★Centron Software ... 30 day MBG
2707 ©Puzzle Master... 2$,
5910 ©Crossword Creator. 39.
8525 ©Casino Master... 39. 8524 (Color).... 45.
Colorado Spectrum
2554 Mouse Yoke (aircraft yoke adapter) . 29.
★Cyan ... 30 day MBG
6320 ©Manhole 1.6. 19,
★ Davidson & Associates ... 30 day MBG
3922 ©Talking Spell It Plus.. 29,
2574 ©New MathBlaster Plus. 34.
8278 © Alge - Blaster Plus,,,...... 34.
Delta Tao Software
2536 ©Spaceward Ho! or 2439 ©Sirategic Conq, 36
8050 ©EARTHQUEST or 3118 ©Ecology 1.0 34.
★ Edmark Corporation ... 30 day MBG
7155 ©Kid Desk........ 24.
7318 ©Millie's Math House. 29.
Electronic Arts
1907 ©PGA Golf. .. 39, 2963 ©StarFlight II.. 39,
2805 ©PGA Golf Tournament.. 18,
★ Expert Software ... 30 day MBG
6219 ©Expert Asironomer 1.0... 29.
Graphic Simulations
4756 ©Hellcats Over the Pacific 1.0.3. 38.
★ Great Wave 30 day MBG
6693 ©Kids Math 2.0 or 2276 Kid's Time., ea. 25.
4334 ©NumberMaze.. 25, 8527 Q(CoIor),, 35,
1513 ©Read ingM aze (Color) . 35.
3471 ©DaisyQuest (Dec, * * * 92) . .. 35,
★ Carina ... 30 day MBG
7761 QVoyager If the Dynamic Sky Simulator—
FowerFul new features, striking sky pictures,
and dynamic planetary animations. Voyager II
is an eduational tool which will provide you
with years of wonder and discovery,....,, $99.
★ HyperGlot Software ... 30 day MBG
(French, German, Italian & Spanish)
©Word Torture ea. 32. ©Tense Tutor ea. 38,
©Pronunciation Tutor
(Span., Fren.) ea. 32. (Germ., Chin,) ea. 38,
★Inline Design 30 day MBG
1562 ©3 in Three or 1944 ©Swamp Gas, ea. 31.
1747 ©Swamp Gas Europe 7652 ©Cogito ea,. 37.
7646 ©Tinies (Nov.) 7650 S.C.OUT (Dec.) ea. 37.
8809 ©Tesserae 31, 3414 ©Mutant Beach, 37,
1662 ©CyberBlast ...... 25.
Interplay Productions
1894 ©BallleChess (3D animation) . 29
1893 ©C h eckMate (infinite play le vels) 31,
★ Learning Company ,.. 30 day MBG
2670 ©Reader Rabbit 3.0 (CP) (ages 4-7) . 34.
2988 ©Super Solvers: SpellBoundL.. 34,
3281 ©The Writing Center 1.0 .. 51.
★ Leister Productions ,,, 30 day MBG
7126 ©Reunion 3.0...... 115.
★ Leister Productions ... 30 day MBG
7126 QReumon 3.0—The family tree software
for the Mac. Quickly record your family
information and images. Create charts and
documents worthy of publication, Rated 4^
Mice by MaAJstr magazine....SI 15*
A Jf 1 800-800-4444 • 9
© Copyright 1992 PC Connection, Inc. MacConnection is a division and registered trademark of PC Connection, he., Marlow, NH. MadV is a trademark of PC Connection. Inc.
We ll ship your order
★Berkeley Systems ... 30 day MBG
3392 OS Ur Trek: The Screen Saver—Beam
aboard the Enterprise with Captain Kirk and
Mr* Spock on a mission to prevent screen
burn-in, 15 animated displays, System IQ,
and After Dark compatibility. $34,
5737 OAfter Dark 2.0V-1992 Macworld
World Class Award for UtiliiySytfilfi
Enhancement. Stops screen burn-in ..$28.
2198 OMore After Dark (MAD ,I. 23.
2196 OAfter Dark &MA.D, Bundle .. 39.
★ MECC ... 30 day MBG
3963 ©Oregon Trail 1.1,..... 28.
3960 © Nu m be r o r 3959 Word M unchers, „ ea. 18.
★ Microsoft ... 30 day MBG
2868 ©Flight Simulator 4.0 (CP )..... 42
★ Multimedia Library 30 day MBG
731 2 ©Educ. Series V, 1 - Animated Relativity 105.
★Nordic Soflware ... 30 day MBG
8257 ©Preschool Pack - Color 2.0.. 34.
7470 ©Jungle Quest 30, 7537 ©Kolor Kiips 37.
★Penton Overseas 30 day MBG
©VocabuLearn/ce Levels I & II (Span., Fren.,
Germ., ftal., Bus., Japan.. & Neb}... ea 35.
©VocabuLearn/ce Level ill (Span,, Fren.,
Germ ,, ital., Rus., £ Japan J„ ♦ ea, 35,
★Personal Training Sys. ... SO day MBG
Training for System 7, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3,
Persuasion f FileMaker Pro , PageMaker,
Illustrator, FreeHand, Word, HyperCard,
QuarkXPress, CiarisWorks & Mac ...ea, 49.
Pluma, Inc.
8695 ©Capitalist Pig.... 34
★Que Software 30 day MBG
9743 ©Typing Tutor V........... 29
Sierra On-Line
3552 ©Leisure Suit Larry V or 7396 Red Baron 39
★ SoftStream ... 30 day MBG
4489 ©Galactic Frontiers (1 to 4 players) . 38.
3472 ©Family Cards (Solitaire, Rummy, War) 49.
Electronic Arts
Three great games at three great prices!
2805 OPGA Golf Tournament.,.. ...$18.
mOPGAGoif^ .39,
2963 OStarFlight fl ................ 39.
Software Toolworks
4619 ©Mavis Beacon Typing 1,3 (CP) .. 29.
★ Spectrum Holobyte ... 30 day MBG
3464 ©Tetris.... 22. 3017 ©Wordtris 1.0 .... 27.
4835 ©Super Tetris (W levels of difficulty) „.. 28.
3459 ©Falcon 2.2.2 or 8181 ©Velte 1TL. es. 33,
★Strategic Studies ... 30 day MBG
3287 ©Warl ords (empires at war) ... 34,
Study Ware
1395 ©StudyWare for Calculus... 23.
©ACT, GMAT. GRE or SAT Prep ... ea, 29,
8098 ©LSATPrep....... 35,
★Toyogo ... 30 day MBG
7624 ©NEMESIS Go Master 5.0... 38.
7623 ©NEMESIS Go Master Deluxe 5.0 99.
2934 ©Spectre... 34. 5280 ©LAN 3-Pak . . 57.
Articulate Systems
7013 Voice N avig ator S W w/Head set M i ke.. 325,
7014 Voice Navigator SW w/Desktop Mike.. 325,
Coda Music Systems
8188 ©MusicProse 2.1.. 189
5604 ©Finale 2,6.1......... 549,
★DiVA Corporation 30 day MBG
3011 ©Vi deoS hop 1,0 ........ 369,
4016 ©Quick 16 (Nov. 92) . 449.
5486 ©Sound Edit PRO 2,05... 199.
7651 ©Action! 2.0. ...-..., w 349
4598 ©Mac R eco rde r Sou nd System PRO,.. 239.
5087 ©MacroMind Director 3.1.. 799.
2246 ©MacroMind Three-D 2.0.2. 999
4252 MultiSync 3FGx.. 659.
Passport Designs
8250 ©Encore (with free Trax). .. 379
1738 Color Pivot LE .. 899.
1736 Precision Color Display/20S.. 2899.
B944 RasterOpS 24STV,... 819.
Sigma Designs
6944 Power Portrait (platinum) .769,
Software Toolworks
5201 The Miracle (piano teacher) . 349.
Sound Source
9972 ©Star Trek: The Logical Collection Vot 1 30,
9988 ©Star Trek: The Final Frontier Vol. 2..... 30.
1759 ©AudioClips: 2001 A Space Qdyssey.> 35.
★SuperMac Technology ... 30 day MBG
4122 VideoSpigot LC 255. 4114 Hsi.. $339.
4164 Vid e oSpi got (for NuBus) .. 379.
7676 VideoSpigot Pro, 1099 3691 Pro Si 1099,
7679 Spigot & Sound (NuBus)... . 489.
7678 Spigot & Sound Pro (NuBus) . 1189.
7677 17" SuperMatch MuItimode. 1249.
1805 20 M SuperMatch Color Display.. 1599.
4720 21" Plati n urn Two- D i splay.. 1099.
2330 Spectrum/8*24 PDQ or 2231 PDQsi ea. 899.
3730 ©Just Grandma and Me (CD-ROM )— 34.
CD Technology
2321 CD-ROM Caddy ...11. 2533 (5 Pack) 49.
4084 America Alive!.. 75,
8057 Porta Drive CD-ROM,......,... 579.
Creative Multimedia Corp.
1874 ©Mam ma I s of No rt h Am erica. 29.
8739 ©Beyond the Wai I of Stars.... 40
8744 ©Total Baseball. 40.
2484 ©Family Doctor... 45.
★Cyan ... 30 day MBG
1343 ©Manhole (CD-ROM) ..... 23.
2717 ©Cosmic Os mo 1.1 (CD-ROM) . 37,
★ Ergonomic Software ... 30 day MBG
7056 ©Panoramix Vol, 1 (CD-ROM) . 69,
★Highlighted Data ... 30 day MBG
7771 ©Webster's Diciionary (CD-ROM) . 159.
6968 ©Footage 91 (CD-ROM) . 159.
★ HyperGlot Software ... 30 day MBG
(French, German, Italian, or Spanish)
©Berlitz Think & Talk (CD-ROM). ea. 125,
tCOM Simulations
3717 ©Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective 38,
★Interplay Productions
7111 ©Battlechess CD-ROM 45.
★ METATEC/DiscoverySys. ... 60 day MBG
6823 ©Best Of MIDI Connection .. 32.
3683 ©Backpac 1,3679 © 2, or 2176 © 3 ea. 45.
4007 ©World Almanac & Book of Facts 1992 50.
★Multimedia Library ... 30 day MBG
Image Series Vol. 1-4 (Russia/China,
Tropics, Parades, Ancient Egypt)., ea. 105.
6577 ©CDR-37 CD-ROM Portable Drive. 439,
6582 ©CDR-74 CD-ROM Drive. 629.
4146 ©CD Express.. 429.
4132 ©MuiliMedia Gallery,,.^.. 865.
Soflware Toolworks
4836 World Allas 45. 4397 Time Table/History 49.
3915 ©Grolier Encyclopedia (CD-ROM) . 249,
★Synergy ... 30 day MBG
7380 OVmaTilhies 1.0 —The suite of network
connections (Sl!P r Telnet, FTP (Client/Server)
LAT, etc.) in VetsaTerm and VersaTerm-PRO
are now available separately for other Comm
Toolbox and MacTCP applications..,.., $59.
Call 800-800-6912 for your
copy of the MacTV Viewer's Guide.
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by Christmas Eve.
5377 SilentWriter Mode! 95.. $1439
* Orange Micro ... 30 day MBG
8431 ©Grappler II 9-Pin 102, 3692 ©lisp.. 115.
* Sophisticated Circuits ... 30 day MBG
8009 ©PowerKey 2.01.75. 8008 ©Remote. 32.
Th underware
4994 ©UghtningScan 400 359. 3107 Pro 256 489.
memory, Accelerators
SIMMs ... with free video & manual
Various SIMMs for all Macs.. ...... + . call
* Applied Engineering ... 30 day M BG
2479 ©3.5" Floptical Drive........ 479.
1971 FastMath LC.. 109
8361 ©1.44 MB High Density Drive.... 229.
2532 Quicksilver Accelerator for the 11 si. 269.
5290 ©Plus Drive (FDHD for Plus & SE) . 299
I ransWarp Series:
3319 SE (25 MHz) 729. 3317 (40MHz).. 1119.
4147 L C (33 MHz) 749. 4903 (40 MHz ).... 999.
7321 I lei (50 MHz) 1139. 7322 (w/FPU),. 1399,
★ Dayna ... 60 day MBG
8722 DaynaFile I11.2 5'// Drive.... 429,
* Day Star Digital ... 30 day MBG
Does not include optional math chip.
3584 Dual Port llsi with 20 MHz 68882. 165.
3556 ©FastCache for Mac lid.... 223.
8785 ©FastCache 040 (for Quadra},,.... . 409.
3401 ©FastCache llsi 299. 3389 w/FPU... 369
©PowerCache for SE/30. II. Ilx, Hex. ltd. llsi, LC
40 MHz SI 9. 50 MHz. 1179,
7567 PocketH am m e r 80 .. ....... 599,
7566 PocketHammer 120 699: 2314 PH 240.1169.
7570 Hammer 80is,...........479.
7579 Hammer lm. 12019 599. 2334 2401s 979.
7991 HammerDisk 1000FMF.,. 2249.
7319 HammerDrsk 130 (optical) ..... 1599,
6499 90 MB Transportable (reqs. interface). 659,
2467 90 MB Gold Std, Rem. Cart. (Qty. 3)... 439,
7789 ©Mac i B Interface (w/Central Ft, Backup) 39.
2466 ©Mac 2B Interface (with Retrospect) . 149,
8781 Mac Transportable 90 PRO,.,,.... 499.
MASS Microsystems
2973 1 20 MB HD 599. 2972 210 MB HD „ 819,
2969 320 MB HD 1199. 2952 510 MB HD 1429,
5899 1" 120 MB Port HD...... 499.
3678 120 MB Portable HD .. 499,
3663 210 MB Portable HD .. 739,
3662 320 MB Portable HD .. 1129,
★Freesoft ... 30 day MBG
6115 Olfc Knight H —11 award winning com¬
munications program that supports XMODEM,
Y MODEM, ZMGDEM, Keimit, St CompuServe
Error Correcting protocols. Includes Okyto 1.0,
Geared to all levels of experience........... $85.
3659 510 MB Portable HD..... $1349,
3657 Hitch Hiker Portable Drive (40 MB)...... 389,
3656 HH (80 MB) 629, 7008 HH (120 MB) 749,
1909 DiamondDrive 1000 2199, 19361500 2899.
* MDS Drives ... 60 day MBG
MDS 44 SyQuest w/SW & cartridge ea. 439,
MDS 88 SyQuest w/SW & cartridge ea, 539.
Peripheral Land, Inc. (PLI)
6432 3J£"Optical Media 65, 9737 {Wpak)., 599
8327 PLI Infinity 40 Turbo (removable) . 579.
9752 PU Infinity 88 Turbo (removable) . 649,
4645 PU Infinity MO 3.5* Optical Drive. 1549,
2864 PLI Infinity Floptical Drive (21 MB),,,,.. 369.
2665 Floptical Cait (21 MB) 29. 2899 (lOpak) 259.
8330 PLI 105 MB (Quantum) .. 569
7124 120 MB,..., 479. 7145 520 MB. 1439.
7140 670 MB... 1999. 71221.2GB. 2229,
* SuperMac ... 30 day MBG
2256 Thunderstorm,,,.. 849,
★ DayStar Digital ... 30 day MBG
Universal /WerGcfe—Work up to three times
faster with the best combination of speed and
cost. The Universal PDS design supports 10
different types of Macs and leaves NuBus
slots empty...... see line listing.
★ Fuji ... 60 day MBG
2214 rn a DS Disks (10)..... 9. 2242 (50 32,
7379 37/HD Disks (11),., 15, 2241 (50) . 59.
4863 37a" H D D i sks (20) wi lh storage case.... 26.
7758 37a" HD 11-Pack Preformatted Disks „„ 16,
★Sony 60 day MBG
3297 37a" DS Disks (10),.., 9. 6148 (30). . 25.
3298 37a" HD Disks (10).. 15. 6375 (30) . 42,
1603 DG60M. 15. 2520 DGS0M. 19,
1895 QD2120. 21, 3984 QD212QG........ 27.
★ SyQuest ... 60 day MBG
5912 44 MB Cartridge (1)..„ 65. 5529 (3) . 189.
5528 44 MB Cartridge (5)., 310. 9728*70)615.
3603 88 MB Cartridge (1)... 100- 5531 (3) . 292.
5530 88 MB Cartridge (5)... 480. 3600 (70)950,
★ 3M ... 60 day MBG
3943 DC200Q. 17. 1581 DC2120. 22.
American Power
3447 Surge Arrest Plus......... 39.
★ Apple Computer ... 30 day MBG
9773 StyleWriter Ink Cart. 20, 8499 (3 Pack) 57.
7748 Personal LaserWriter Toner Cartridge „ 75,
1115 LaserWriter II Toner Cartridge.. 95.
★ Avery ... 60 day MBG
5392 Avery 5196 (3' 'h n -Di$k Labels-Laser) 29,
7050 Avery 5660 (V'x 2 W-Clear At^S.-Laser) 32,
★ Curtis Manufacturing ... 30 day MBG
8973 Apple Security Kit (SL-2) ... 22.
* Applied Engineering ... 30 day MBG
5290 QFhtsDm-m% FDHD compatible
drive for die Plus and SE, The Plus Drive
installs through the floppy connector and
doesn't require a. SWIM chip upgrade,,,. S299,
★ I/O Design Cases ... 30 day MBG
8812 Ultimate Classic 64, 1941 Ultimate LC 95.
★ Kensington ... 30day MBG
Full line available,
4973 Power Tree 20. 24,
2559 Apple Security Kit.,.... 33.
3623 Apple 12" Anti-Glare Filter.63.
★ Targus ... 60 day MBG
3617 Mac Classic/Plus/SE Case.... 59.
* We accept VISA and MASTERCARD.
* No surcharge added for credit card orders,
* Your card is not charged until we ship.
* If we must ship a partial order, we never charge
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* No sales tax, except Ohio residents (please add
applicable tax),
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* APO/FPO orders shipped First Class Mail.
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Manufacturer support and upgrade eligibility may
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COD orders require an additional $4 charge,
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are subject to change without notice (e.g. SIMMs).
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Continental U.S.: The total shipping charge on any
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ship Airborne Express for delivery the nexl business
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placed belween midnight and 3:15 a.m. Eastern
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Order all day Saturday through noon on Sunday for
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Hawaii, Alaska. Canada, Puerto Rico & U.S.
Virgin Islands: Cali 800-800-4444 for shipping info.
All other areas: Please call 603-446-4444 or
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that night to arrive
Newsbreak: On October 20,1992 p the U.S.
Commerce Department levied preliminary'
penalty duties against South Korean produce
ers of dynamic random access memory com¬
puter chips (DRAMs)—as high as 87,4%, As
of press time, memory prices have yet to sta¬
bilize, Due to the complexity of this case, a
final ruling is not expected until March, 1993,
As always, MacConnection will continue to
work to offer its customers the best deals on
SIMMs as passible. All of our SIMMs come
with a full 2-year warranty, plus a free instal¬
lation manual and video. We also cany
VideoRAM for the LC and Quadra, and 2 MB,
4 MB, and 6 MB FowerBook modules.... call
* Apple Computer ... 30 day MBG
7073 ©Mac PC Exchg. 69.7102 AppleShare $969.
7101 ©AppleTalk Remote Access. 159.
* Applied Engineering ... 3Q day MBG
8362 ©QuadraLink (with AE Shadow) .. 269.
♦ Argosy Software ... 30 day MBG
7872 ©Software Bridge/Mac 2.0.1.. 99,
Asante Technologies, Inc*
Full line of Ethernet Adapters .............. ca 11
2775 10/T Hub-8 249. 2772 10/T Hub-12 .. 499.
Friendly Net Adapters............. ea, 79.
*CE Software ... 60 day MBG
8066 ©Quick Mai I (5 user) 249. 0067(10) 375.
♦ CompuServe 60 day MBG
1676 ©Mac Membership Kil 2.Q. . 25.
1673 ©CompuServe Navigator 3.1. 49.
1674 ©Membership Kil/Navigator Bundle. 72.
♦ DataVIz 60 day MBG
4842 ©MacLink PI us/Tra nstator 7.0.109.
1823 ©MacLink Plus/PC 7.0......129.
♦ Dayna ... 60 day MBG
DaynaPORT TRX: (BNC or W BASE-7) ea. 87.
DaynaPORT E: (BNC or WBASE T) ea. 149,
8719 EtherPrint 339. 9888 (WBASE-T) ea. 339.
7888 DaynaPORT E/ll-3 Adapter,..,... 199.
DaynaPORT SCSlUrk (BNC or W 8ASE-T) 269,
1962 Path Finder...... 599.
Dove Computer ... 30 day MBG
6758 ©DoveFax 2,0,. 199, 3352NuBuS ... 199
9634 ©DoveFax+V.. 265. 4111 NuBus... 299.
★ Dow Jones ... 30 day MBG
5295 © Dow Jones News Retrieval M embe rshi p 24.
★ Faratton Computing ... 30 day MBG
Full tine of EtherMac Cards available ... call
9805 ©Timbuktu 4.0.2 of 4866 ©/Remote 3,0 129,
6513 ©Timbuktu Remote Twin Pack. 199.
6273 P h oneN ET StarCon nector 10-Pack.... 129.
4869 PhoneNET Connector 10 Pk (DtNB) ... 195.
9961 PhoneNET Card PC.... 209,
2206 PhoneNET StarController 307.. 879.
4802 Star 357... 899. 4814 Star 377..... 1299.
1142 Ether 10T-Startet .... 279.
♦ Freesoft ... 30 day MBG
6115 ©White Knight 11 ...... 85.
♦ Global Village ... 30 day MBG
7730 ©PowerPort/Bronze .... 199.
7720 ©Power Port/Sitver 439. 7710 Gold. 519.
2174 ©Tete Port/Bronze..... 199.
2175 ©TelePort/Silver 359, 2179 Gold.... 439,
5101 ©HayesCorrect 3.0 (modem sharing).. 75.
2300 ©Smartcom II Mac 84 3226 Upgrade. 44,
5971 OPTIMA 24 m '5970 OPTIMA 96 309.
Insignia' Solutions
7557 ©Access PC .. ftli 3229 ©SoftAT..* 299.
9726 ©Entry Level SottPC 2.5 ... 125.
4089 OUniva^alStJtFte 195,3441 ©SoftNode 105.
Logicode Technology
5525 QuickleilXebaM3624XV.:. 159,
5524 M9696Xtf... 311. 5523 M1414XV.. 325.
♦ Lotus Development ... 30 day MBG
7121 ©cc:Mail Macintosh Platform Pack 2.0 339.
MASS Microsystems
2280 MASSfm 24/96N Network Fax .. 349.
♦ Microcom ... 30 day MBG
7459 ©CarbonCopy Mac 2,0.1 (single) .. 59.
♦ Microsoft ... 30 day MBG
9444 ©Microsoft Mail 3,0 (1-5 User) ... 269.
♦ Practical Peripherals ... 30 day MBG
8994 2400 V.42bis Modem.. 125,
7934 PM9600SA Modem 1.26..... 289.
9849 ©SmartPack 9600 (with Smartcom It), 349.
♦ Prometheus ... 30 day MBG
4724 ©Home Office (24/96 w/Voice Mail ;259.
8990 ©Ultima Home Office (144/96) (w./VM) 489.
PS1 Integration, Inc,
3143 ©COMstation ONE 159, 3142 ©TWO ,. 299.
5340 ©COMstation FOUR 349. 6965 ©FIVE 519.
* Shiva ... 30 day MBG
3444 ©NetSenal 135 275. 6555 ©LanRover/L 599.
4347 ©NetBridgeor 4942 ©TeleBridge ...... 399.
NetModem/E (thick thin. 10BASE-T) ea, 1479.
4188 Teleconnector (DINS) 19. 2230 (10), 179,
6264 ©TOPS Network 3,1 187. 2419 f 3-Pak) 249.
Software Ventures ... 30 day MBG
3455 ©MicroPhone Pro.......... 209,
Sonic Systems, Inc.
7572 ©LaserBridge........ 135,
7571 ©PowerBridge 99, 7573 ©SuperB ridge 169.
♦STF Technologies ... 30 day MBG
7644 ©FaxManager Plus 74. 7638 LC. 25.
Synergy ... 30 day MBG
6618 ©VersaTerm 4,6„ 90. 6619 PRO 3,6 177.
7380 © Versatilities 1,0........ 59.
♦ Technology Concepts ... 30 day MBG
7690 ©Net utilities 75. 1763 ©Hubworks-8 249.
1582 ©GraceLAN 275, 1584 ©Corporate.. 669.
Ethernet Cards.... catl
♦ White Pine Software ... 30 day MBG
2404 ©Mac 320. 95, 3544 ©Exodus 4 0 199.
♦ Zoom Telephonies ... 30 day MBG
1168 © AM X Modem (2400 baud) ... 63.
2310 ©FX9624 Se nd/receive Fax/Mode m 99,
Logicode Technology
5523 Quiche) V. $2bis M't414XV —Combine
speed & styling and you have the Guicktel
14 ; 40G bps send & receive fax/modem. Inci.
CCUT V,32bis, V.42bis, MNP 5, lifetime
warranty, cables, lighted icons & more $325.
3576 ©FX9624V Serci/receive V.42 Faxmodem 128.
1179 ©V.42bis Modem (with MacPack) . 125,
2311 ©V.32 Modem.. 199. 4698V.32bis. 229.
3553 ©Fax/Modem VFX V.32bfs...... 269.
♦ Appoint ... 30 day MBG
2760 ©Thumbeiina Mac (mini 3 button mouse) 62,
2769 M ousePen P ro M ac..... 62.
4476 ©OmniPage,., 459. 7705 ©Direct. 259,
4930 ©OmniPage Professional,.. 649,
4981 ©WordScan... 189. 4697 ©Plus.379.
♦ CoStar ... 30 day MBG
©Stingray ADB (ptatinum or black ), ea. 79,
-Curtis Manufacturing ... 30 day MBG
8046 MVP Mouse (MVP-1) .... 89
♦ Daladesk ... 30 day MBG
9830 ©MAC101E 129, 2384 ©w/Quic Keys 159.
6901 © Switchboard (modular keyboard %„... 159.
♦ Eve rex ... 30 day MBG
1144 ©Silhouette Trackball 1,0 (ADB Macs)„ 78.
GDT Softworks
3429 ©BetterWriters 39, 8297 ©Network.. 89.
2499 ©PowerPrint 94. 8290 ©Network...... 169.
6514 HP B&W DeskWriter (w/cartridge) . 479.
2964 H P Color DeskWriter C (w/cotor cart .)... 799.
9993 HP LaserJet HIP (requires kit) . 1099.
6442 HP LaserJet IV (requires kit) .. 1499.
♦ Kensington ... 30 day MBG
2547 ©Turbo Mouse 4.0 ADB... 107.
Key Tronics
6974 ©Mac Pro + Kybrd. 139.1070 TrakPro 219.
Kraft Systems
7519 ©KM30 Trackball..... 42.
♦ Logitech ... 30 day MBG
1671 ©MouseMan... 77. 1672 ©TrackMan .. 89.
5082 ©SeanMan Model 32 G-Scale Scanner 299.
7112 ©FotoM an with Digital Darkroom. 639,
♦ Micro Speed ... 30 day MBG
2807 ©MicroTRAC ADB (for SE & it family ).. 57.
6621 ©MacTRAC ADB 2.0 (SE & ft family 75,
♦ Microtek Labs, Inc,
5438 ©ScanMaker II 969, 5441 ©lixe. 1249,
Monster Design Group
1486 MacSpeakers (two, stereo) .. 169.
♦ Mouse Systems ... 30 day MBG
7520 ©Little Mouse or 8001 © Plus..., ea. 68,
9471 ©A3 Mouse..... 74,
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Circle 36 on reader service card.
achieve a better balance.
Nonetheless, dark copies suffer from
slight banding caused by the copier's
printing system (according to the man¬
ual's explanation J, Also* where large dark
areas occur, they saturate the paper, caus¬
ing it to warp slightly. The special Photo
mode is supposed to optimize the copy
process for photographs by using an al¬
ternative dither pattern, but we couldn't
perceive much difference between out¬
put produced in Photo mode and output
produced in standard mode.
Intelligent Processing Unit
To use the CJ10 as a color scanner
and printer, you must purchase the op¬
tional $2,700 Intelligent Processing Unit
(IPU). The IPU — a big, mostly empty
metal box that fits underneath the CJ 10
— requires a Mac equipped with Color
QuickDraw, 4 megabytes of RAM Sys¬
tem 6.0,5 or later, and 5 megabytes of
free disk space. The box contains a power
supply and a logic board, effectively
turning the CJ 10 into a SCSI device, so
you must configure the termination and
SCSI ID. using DIP switches — a cum-
bersome process.
And the extras you’ll need don’t stop
there. In addition to $2,700 for the IPU,
you have to shell out $500 for the IPU
Kit for Mac, which includes u special
edition of Adobe Photoshop (some of
the program's features, such as color
separations, are disabled), a high-den-
sity CJ 10 Mac Utilities disk, and a 50-to-
25-pin SCSI cable.
With the IPU attached, the CJIO can
operate as a fixed flatbed 400-dpi scan¬
ner with a maximum scanning area of
8,5 x II inches, Photoshop's Plug-In
scanning module adds the CJIO as an
option in its Acquire submenu.
Photoshop aficionados will fed right
at home using the CJ! 0 us a scanner. The
Acquire dialog box lets you specify scan
resolutions from 72 to 400 dpi and adjust
the color depth from 8-bit gray scale to
24-bit color, fora total of 16.8 million
colors. Unfortunately, there's no easy
way to do quick black-and-white scans
— you must first capture an image as
gray-scale and then convert it to a bit
map with Photoshop. The time required
for a scan depends on the size of the
original as well as the resolution and
color depth specified. Overall, because
the CJ 10 scans an entire image in a single
pass, we found its performance to be
quite acceptable.
At 400 dpi, the CJIO produces sharp,
excellent-quality scans of even the most-
detailed originals, although you may need
to tweak the color balance to adjust to
your particular system.
Printing with the CJ 10 isn't nearly as
easy as copying and scanning. Our first
test page caused a paper jam. Once we ' d
cleared the jam (a relatively simple pro¬
cess), the printer didn't automatically
resume printing, so wc had to initiate the
test again.
Unlike the switch-bluing Kodak
EktaPlus 7016 printer/copier, the CJIO
is a QuickDraw, not a PostScript, de¬
vice. As a result, it will be unacceptable
to most professional an departments. For
the best text reproduction with the CJIO,
we recommend Adobe Type Manager or
Printing large color images ties up your
Macintosh for a long time. The company
includes an application for background
printing, but this application degrades
system performance so seriously that it
becomes almost impossible to get any
meaningful work done. One other option
is to connect the CJIO to a print server,
spool print jobs, and share the printer on
a network. This choice would be more
attractive if Canon provided a LoealTalk
option that didn't require a dedicated
Our tests refute Canon's claim that
"for most purposes, the default settings
of the Color Control dialog box will pro¬
duce natural-looking full color prints,”
We frequently found it necessary to tweak
colors, using the RGB color-balance set¬
tings in the Page Setup dialog box. The
documentation provides a cursory ex¬
planation of gamma settings but lacks
printed color examples showing the ef¬
fects of different settings. Once you've
adjusted the gamma settings, though, the
printed results are sharp, clear, and vi¬
brant — quite satisfactory for in-house
presentations and color comps.
The Bottom Line
With a total list price of more than
$10,000, the complete Canon CJ 10 sys¬
tem may not be the least expensive solu¬
tion for color output, but it certainly is
the most convenient. You gain a digital
color copier, a scanner, and a printer, all
in one tidy package. However, when
7D January 1993 MacUser
Whether you're copying or printing, the
CJtO's color output is sharp, clear, and
vibrant. The print sample shown here
was produced with a photo scanned in
at 400 dpi.
you're spending about 46 cents per page,
you' II probably want to limit the CJ10 to
color jobs only, so you'll still want a
traditional photocopier and laser printer
for black-and-white jobs.
Nonetheless, the CJ1G represents an
impressive package for first-time color
users. All the basic copying, scanning,
and printing functions are easy to access,
and the results are satisfactory for low-
volurne, in-house requirements. For those
who've been thinking about taking the
plunge into color output, the Canon Ci 10
makes an excellent springboard.
— Owen W T Linzmayer
Get Info
Canon CJ10
tti %
Manufactured by: Canon
USA, 1 Canon Plaza, Lake
Success, NY 11042: 516-
List Price: CJ10, $6,995;
IPU, $2,700; IPU Kit for
Mac, $500.
The rec
Vdbe an idiot to get
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Suggested retail price
To find out more about WriteNow, or for special pricing
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just call us at 1-800-395-0195.
^Unsolicited com men Is d i scoured on electron ic bulletin boards, TM 804
MacUser January 1993 71
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CA-Cricket Graph III 1.0
Ease of use and affordability mark Computer
Associates’ refashioned version of Cricket Graph.
Computer Associates’ new business
charting software doesn't win the stand-
ing ovation that went to powerhouse
DeltaGraph Professional, but CA-Cricket
Graph lit does earn a solid round of
applause for its ease of use and afford¬
able price. Once the dominant Mac chart¬
ing program. Cricket Graph was pur¬
chased by Computer Associates several
years ago. The long-awaited upgrade is
a totally rewritten program that bears
liule resemblance to its predecessor.
Two Windows
To construct charts with CA-Cricket
Graph 111, you work in two main envi¬
ronments — a spreadsheet like data win¬
dow and a document window that dis¬
plays charts, pictures, text, and drawn
objects. You can have multiple data and
document windows open simultaneously.
Each document window can consist of
multiple pages, so one chart can span
several pages.
You can temporarily place objects that
are destined for charts on a nonprinting
pasteboard that surrounds the drawing
area. Chari layouts are WYSIWYG, and
alignment and layering controls let you
combine drawing and charting elements
in virtually any fashion. A palette pro¬
vides a zoom tool, a tool for moving
pages within the document window, and
tools for creating and modifying text and
In addition to entering your chart data
manually, you can import data in SYLK,
DeltaGraph, or delimited-text 11 le for¬
mat. The program can filter text files to
eliminate extraneous control characters,
leading, and trailing spaces, which makes
il easy to import data from scientific
instruments and on-line sources. Unfor¬
tunately, Cricket Graph doesn’t support
System 7’s publish-and-subscribe, so you
can’t link spreadsheet data to Cricket
Graph documents for automatic updat¬
ing, You can, however, hot-link Cricket
Graph charts to the program’s internal
data sheets — an essential feature for
any serious charting program.
Once you’ve entered or imported your
data into Cricket Graph’s 1,000-col umn-
by-32,000-row spreadsheet window, you
can sort and recode it, combine it with
formulas, and format it in almost any
way imaginable. Formulas can contain
column and cel! references, mathemati¬
cal functions {such as sine, standard de¬
viation, and factorial), and logical opera¬
tors. A random-number generator is also
You can generate charts from your
data in one of two ways. Novice chart
CA-Cricket Graph 111 is a capable and easy-to-use business charting package.
Although it lacks true 3-D-chart support, you can create 3-D effects by adding
depth to plot elements.
“The only way I’d file my own
return is if I knew it’d be
easier and faster than taking
the stuff to someone else.
Of course, I’d have to know I was paying the
least tax and it’d be perfectly accurate . 99
With TaxCut® Software, filing your own
tax return is a simple two-step process:
1. Key in answers to the
questions your computer asks.
2. Print and file!
It’s guaranteed accurate, and
you’ll pay as little tax as the law
" ’ • it;
- =- Jj
allows. p| US y OU -n se t two Free Gifts: **""* &3 -
This year, team up with Andrew Tobias' TaxCut
to complete your tax return. You'll have the skill
of America's best tax professionals, plus computer
power to save you time and money. Better yet.
you'll fully understand your taxes as you never
have before.
How It Works
You start by selecting the Interview, Shoebox,
or the DirecHo-Forms method.
The Interview. TaxCut asks you simple Yes-or-No
questions right on your computer screen. Based
on your answers, TaxCut selects just those questions
you must answer to correctly fill out your return,
from the 3,000 questions in its bank.
As TaxCut learns more about you, it decides which
forms you need and fills them out for you. The
Interview asks you to key in the relevant numbers
from your receipts, forms, etc.
After you've answered the questions, TaxCut
shows you your completed return on the screen,
and prints IRS-approved forms, on plain paper,
ready to file.
The Shoebox. Pick up any receipt from your pile
of records. Use the scroll-down list TaxCut shows
you to identify the type of record. Then key in the
number. TaxCut decides where it should go on
your return...then does all the calculations.
Direct to forms. If you prefer, you can go right
to the forms. Simply enter the numbers, and let
TaxCut automatically carry the amounts to each
relevant form, TaxCut will then do all the math.
Be Your Own Tax Expert Instantly
TaxCut knows the entire Tax Code, so you don't
have to. You access what you need to understand
through the on-line Help with just a keystroke.
Or, go straight to IRS instructions for what you're
trying to do, if you prefer.
TaxCut Audits Your Return Before You File
TaxCut checks every figure as you complete your
return. Then it compares all your deductions with
national averages.
The program to anything that looks out
of line, to reduce the risk of an IRS audit.
Guaranteed Accurate
TaxCut is the only software to guarantee the
accuracy of its calculations, if the IRS makes
you pay a penalty because of a miscalculation
in TaxCut, we ll pay that penalty for you.
Your Complete Tax Tool
TaxCut provides over 85 different IRS forms and
worksheets, from the most common to the obscure.
They’re all IRS-approved, and print out on plain
paper on any printer.
You can also file the new IRS-preferred 1040PC
form (uses less paper). Or file electronically for
a faster refund,
CA & rn State Editions Available This Year, Too
Data from your Federal return automatically
transfers to the State Edition to save you time
and ensure accuracy.
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CA-Cricket Graph
III doesn’t provide
all the charting
bells and whistles
required by
users, but it does
offer several
scientific charting
features, such as
the ability to
generate complex
makers can select a chart type from the
menu and specify the columns of data
they want the program to plot, and Cricket
Graph displays a helpful dialog box
showing how the data will be graphed
along the axes. Experienced chan mak¬
ers can bypass the dialog box and pro¬
ceed directly to selecting data columns
and choosing a chart type.
Customizing charts alter you’ve cre¬
ated them is easy. You can apply fill
patterns and colors to any object; add
text: and manipulate axes, legends, plot
symbols, and grid lines. You can group
sets of objects to resize and move them
around in the document window as a set
or you can manipulate elements indi¬
vidually. Bezier drawing tools let you
embellish your charts with freehand
shapes, basic ovals, rectangles, and stars.
One glaring omission, however, is a tool
for creating arrows.
Cricket Graph’s text-entry box func¬
tions as a mini word processor complete
with ruler; indent markers; justification
icons; and a full set of font, size, and
style options, including kerning.
You can control the spacing width
between your chart’s bars and columns,
change the color of any chart element,
and modify borders and rills (35 patterns
are supplied). Line styles and plot sym¬
bols are fully customizable as well
One of Cricket Graph’s strongest fea¬
tures is its ability to save chart formats
for application to future charts. You can
opt to apply a formal either before or
after a chart is created, or you can selec¬
tively apply formats to specific elements
such as titles, axes, legends, labels, and
The options for customizing charts are
indeed impressive, but we found Cricket
Graph's color support disappointing. The
package has several basic paletLes, in¬
cluding a set of grays for gray-scale
output, and you can create your own
customized palettes. However, you can
work only with a single paleite of 64
colors per document. By contrast, a
DeltaGraph Pro palette holds as many as
90 colors. Although Cricket Graph lets
you import PICT, MacPaint, and EPS
images, colors are mapped to the closest
available colors on the active 64-color
palette, resulting in some rather strange-
Jooking effects.
Cricket Graph also gives up points to
DeltaGraph Pro when it comes to chart
types. Compared with DeltaGraph Pro’s
40 chart types. Cricket Graph supplies
only 10 — scatter, line, bar, column,
stacked-bar, stacked-line, area, pie, po¬
lar, and Quality-control.
Although true 3-D charts are not sup¬
ported in Cricket Graph as they are in
DeltaGraph Pro, you can create 3-D ef¬
fects by adding depth and drop shadows
to chart elements and drawn objects.
Cricket Graph is by no means a full-
fledged scientific graphing program, but
it provides solid support for quality-con¬
trol graphs (specialized graphs for study¬
ing continuous processes) as well as good
curve-fitting options for scatter, line, and
quality-control graphs. Combine these
features with its text-file-filtering options,
data-manipuiation tools, and extensive
numeric-formatting features, and you
have a program that meets many of the
needs of engineers and lab technicians.
Cricket Graph is Quick Draw-based
and can print to any Mac-compatible
printer in gray-scale or color. However,
because it lacks PostScript support, the
program doesn’t provide gradient rills
— a popular feature for presentation-
quality charts — and its output quality is
not on a par with that of DeltaGraph Pro,
which does provide PostScript support.
Direct support for 35mm film recorders
is also missing.
If you need to present your charts on¬
screen, you're better off with DeltaGraph
Pro, which includes a slide-show pre¬
sentation module that Cricket Graph
On the other hand. Cricket Graph is a
good choice for law-end-Mac owners. It
requires only 2 megabytes of RAM on a
color Mac and even runs on 1-megabyte
Macs that lack color support. The pro¬
gram is 32-bit clean and provides on-line
help. Us manual is thorough and precise,
although the short introductory guide that
accompanies the manual will suffice for
most users.
The Bottom Line
With its ease of use and flexibility *
CA-Cricket Graph III is an attractive
alternative to the built-in charting func¬
tions of Microsoft Excel. However, chart
jockeys who do financial and statistical
analysis and who demand every bell and
whistle from a charting program won’t
be satisfied with Cricket Graph. Com¬
pared with powerful rival DeltaGraph
Pro, Cricket Graph has fewer chart types,
no true 3-D support, no publish-and-sub-
scribe support, no built-in links to Excel,
and no presentation module.
Still, the program’s SI95 price tag
makes it $ I (X) less expensive than Delta-
Graph Pro. That advantage, teamed with
the program's ability to run on low-end
Macintoshes equipped with 2 megabytes
of RAM and less, makes Cricket Graph
a good choice for students, teachers, and
business users who don't require the
sophisticated capabilities of DeltaGraph
— Becky Waring
Get Info
CA-Cricket Graph III
Published by: Computer
Associates International, Inc.,
One Computer Associates
Plaza, Islandia, NY 11788;
Version: 1.0.
List Price: $195.
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Special Delivery 1.0
Lack of a Player weakens the delivery of Interactive
Media’s presentation tool.
If you crossbred HyperCard with
Aldus Persuasion, you’d likely gel soft¬
ware that resembled Special Delivery, a
new' kind of preset! tat ion package from
Interactive Media. Special Delivery com¬
bines the slide metaphor of Persuasion
with the Ilexibilily of HyperCard, Un¬
like Persuasion. Special Delivery slides
are destined for on-screen delivery only
— you can't send output to service bu¬
reaus and get slides in return. But what
you can do with Special Delivery slides
that you can't do with Persuasion’s is
make them interactive.
Racking Up Pointers
With its focus on interactive presenta¬
tions, Special Delivery appears to be in
the same software category as Magic
and Cinematiou. Unlike those two pro¬
grams, however. Special Delivery is
designed primarily for collecting and pre¬
senting graphics. QuickTime movies, and
sounds that have already been created. It
lacks animation tools and a time line,
providing only a text tool and a few
rudimentary drawing tools for creating
Special Delivery creates pointers to
the source material used with its slides.
To help organize source files, a conve¬
nient Table of Contents feature lists all
the source files used in a presentation. A
separate utility, the $99 Media Cataloged
quickly searches for and retrieves files.
In this unique role. Special Delivery
resembles a page-layout program. Its
developers probably reasoned that be¬
cause you don’t use a page-layout pro¬
gram to write a report, you shouldn’t
have to use a presentation program It)
create artwork. This is a radical depar¬
ture from other interactive presentation
programs built around painting, anima¬
tion, and movie-editing tools.
Special Delivery proves that less can
be more, though. Its tighter scope and
familiar slide format make creating in¬
teractive presentations a breeze. In many
ways. Special Delivery is as easy to use
as Persuasion.
Interactive features are key to navi¬
gating through the numerous slide se¬
quences you can create with Special De¬
livery. That’s because the program isn't
confined to a linear presentation struc¬
ture that requires you to move from slide
1 to 2 to 3. Instead, you First set up a
main sequence of slides and then create
as many secondary sequences —
hyperlinks, in effect — as you wish. The
secondary sequences offer a flexible way
to expand on the ideas presented in your
main slides.
If youVe familiar with Persuasion,
you'll be right at home with Special
Delivery. The program lets you work in
one of lour view's: In Layout view, you
select colors, enter and format text, and
place graphics, movies, and sound: in
Button view, you set up interactive con¬
trols; Note view lets you create speaker
Special Delivery lets
you assemble slides
for multimedia
presentations, but you
must use existing
artwork — the program
doesn't provide
animation or video-
editing tools. You can
make slides interactive
simply by drawing lines
between presentation
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notes and handout information; and in
Run view, you deliver your presentation.
Unlike with Persuasion, there’s no Out*
line view' and you can’t import text tiles
to automatically create slides. This makes
Special Delivery less than ideal for text-
heavy presentations but a good choice if
you’re using a variety of source-file types.
The basic building blocks of Special
Delivery presentations are Portals, which
are similar to the frames in page-layout
programs. You create Portals to hold the
artwork and the interactive controls that
make up your presentation. You can draw,
colon frame, move, and resize Portals in
Layout view.
When you’re ready to specify how
you want your presentation’s interactive
controls to work, you move to Button
view. This is where things get interest¬
ing. You arc presented with a kind of
skeleton of your current slide that dis¬
plays all the Portals you have created.
These Portals appear transparent, delin¬
eated by colored dashed lines on a white
Imagine you’ve drawn four Portals
and you want a QuickTime movie lo
play in one large Portal, with the Re¬
wind, Stop, and Play buttons occupying
the three smaller Portals. To link the
movie to the controls, you simply draw
a line from each of the smaller Portals to
the large one and select each lino and
specify its function, using the pull-down
Button menu. When you configure the
line linking the Play button to the movie,
you also select the movie in a standard
Place File dialog box. To see your slide
in full color, complete with three func¬
tional VCR-like control buttons, you
select the Run View command. Interac¬
tive buttons that play sound and bring up
pictures and text arc just as easy to con¬
figure, Special Delivery also lets you
add standard transition effects such as
wipes and fades.
You can add a wide assortment of
navigation controls to your Special De¬
livery presentations. Pop-up Go To but¬
tons let you jump to any slide in the
presentation. Special Delivery lets you
give each slide a name for easy recogni¬
tion. What’s more, a Portal can act as a
hot link to another slide. You can also
configure buttons to control presentation*
wide settings, including volume adjust¬
ment, soundtrack control, and overall
pause and resume. A dialog box makes it
easy to select snippets of movies or sound
and control their duration.
Special Delivery is a brand-new prod¬
uct. As such, it suffers from a few rough
edges. Several features arc inconvenient
ornonintuitive. For example, formatting
lexL can be a real chore, because the
program doesn’t provide a text-format
dialog box — you must select font, color,
size, style, and alignment separately.
Some interface elements don’t gray out
when they’re inactive, and Balloon Help
is paltry.
However, Special Delivery’s most
egregious flaw is its lack of a run-time
version for distributing presentations, a
feature that Persuasion, Cine mat ion. and
Magic all provide. This omission just
doesn’t make sense.
Special Delivery requires System 7,
QuickTime, and 4 megabytes of RAM.
The Bottom Line
Special Delivery’s lack of an adequate
distribution capability seriously detracts
from its usefulness as a presentation tool.
Nevertheless, the program represents a
unique entry in the presentation-software
arena. Because it lets you build on-screen
presentations with elements created in
other programs, it doesn't force you to
learn another set of tools. Moreover,
many companies maintain a substantial
collection of presentation materials cre¬
ated by their own graphics departments
that users can tap in to for their Special
Delivery presentations.
If you’re familiar with Persuasion’s
slide-making concept, you’ II immediately
uda pt to S pec i al De 1 i very ’ s c n v i ion i ne nt,
although what sets it apart from Persua¬
sion is its ability to create interactive
presentations. Special Delivery’s method
for creating links that join button con¬
trols to slides and presentation elements
is unmatched in its simplicity. Bven
though it borrows from other applica¬
tions* Interactive Media’s Special Deliv¬
ery represents a unique presentation-soft¬
ware offering.
— Shelley Cryan Eq|
Gel Info
Special Delivery
4 «
Published by: Interactive Media
Corp., 27284 Burnepark, Los
Altos, CA 94022; 415-948-0745.
Version: 1.0.
List Price: $399.
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KeyPad tMi
PowerBook users, take note: Three
companies have come out with keypads
that give you back the function keys and
numeric keypad you gave up when you
bought your notebook Mac. All of them
are lightweight, small, and easy to in¬
stall, but the similarities end there.
We found Plusware's Numeric Key¬
pad to be the least ergonomic of the three.
It’s flatter than the others, making it dif¬
ficult to curve your lingers comfortably,
and its keys Feel sluggish and tend to
stick. However, it does provide some use-
ful extra keys for the Home, End, Page
Up, Page Down, and Forward Delete
Kensington's NoteBook KeyPad has a
smoother feel and is the handiest of the
three for entering consecutive functions.
Its keys are larger, matching the size of
standard adding-machine keys, but the
arrow keys are awkwardly positioned at
the lop of the pad and require you to
suspend your wrist uncomfortably above
the other keys in order to use them. The
NoteBook Keypad is the only one of
these keypads that lets you enLer con¬
secutive functions without bolding down
or pressing an additional key — an im¬
portant capability for users who connect
to mainframes to access programs that
rely on function keys. However. Kensing¬
ton's is also the only keypad that mono¬
polizes the PowerBook *s ADB port; the
Plusware keypad has a port on the back
of its cable connector, and Sophisticated
Circuits put two ports on the back of the
PowerPad, leaving one free for another
Sophisticated Circuit's PowerPad was
our overall favorite by virtue of its el¬
egant feel, its financial-calculator-key-
layout option, and its unique bundled
software. The PowerPad's keys are light¬
est to the touch: its stand elevates and
tilts it slightly; and it has the fewest keys,
minimizing the area your fingers have to
cover. It also comes with extra keys, so
you (or Sophisticated Circuits, free of
charge) can switch the places and size of
the + and Enter keys to convert to the
key layout of a financial calculator. The
PowerPad doesn't shine in the area of
access i bi I i t y o f fu n ct ions, h o we ver. Th e
Mode key, which switches among the
number-key, function-key, and arrow-
key modes, isn't easy to press, and the
light that indicates the current mode —
by being on, off, or blinking — is
non intuitive.
Bundled software is a major advan¬
tage of the PowerPad. The 10Key Tape
DA alone may make it worth your while
lo choose this keypad. 10 Key Tape dis¬
plays an on-screen running total, much
as the tape of a ten-key adding machine
does. This data can be edited, copied into
other applications, and printed. You also
get a ModifierKeys extension, which lets
you use the PowerBook’s modifier keys
in conjunction with PowerPad keys for
keyboard shortcuts. Plusware bundles
QuicKeys2 Lite with the Numeric Key¬
pad, and Kensington hasn't {as of press
time) bundled any software with the
NoteBook KeyPad but plans lo include
the same type of software Sophisticated
Circuits does {by the time you read this
Plusware Numeric Keypad. Plusware,
Inc., 80 Citizen Couru Unit 2, Markham,
ON L6G 1A7 Canada; 800-268-7587 or
416-477-0015. $1 29.
NoteBook KeyPad, Kensington Mi-
erowure Ltd,, 2855 Campus Drive, San
Mateo, CA 94403:800-535-4242 or 415-
572-2700. SI49.95.
PowerPad, Sophisticated Circuits, Inc.,
19017 120th Avenue N.E., Suite 106,
Bothell. WA 98011; 800-827-4669 or
206-485-7979. $129; with QuicKeys,
— Nancy Peterson
III 1 /*
FastTrack Schedule is an easy-to-use
tool for making Gantt chans, those
graphical representations of activities and
milestones that project managers spend
hours juggling.
To create Gantt charts with FaslTrack
Schedule, you simply enter activity
names and draw activity bars or mile¬
stones on your chart, using tools from a
floating toolbox (you can also provide
date and duration information and let
FastTrack Schedule do the drawing for
you). An outlining feature automatically
indents activities that are part ofa project
phase and enables you to collapse the
outline to display only certain levels.
You can also create dependencies among
activities, using two types of links, and
you can lock activities to prevent them
from being changed. As the project
progresses and you add actual start and
completion dates, FastTrack Schedule
automatically updates the dates for any
dependent activities.
FastTrack Schedule offers a great deal
of formatting ilexibility. You can vary
column widths and headings; create new
bar and milestone styles; choose from
six time scales: shade or hide non work
days or hours: and change the format of
text, dates, times, and numbers. You can
also insert pictures or text blocks any¬
where in a chart. The Page Preview view
permits formatting as well — you can
add text, graphics, page numbers, dates,
and times. Plus you can print your sched¬
ule as a standard chart or as pieces of a
wall chart that can be assembled after
printing. For other formatting or manipu¬
lation, FastTrack Schedule lets you im¬
port or export tab- or comma-deli mi ted
FastTrack Schedule's interface and
features have a few shortcomings. The
program lacks on-line help (although the
manual is thorough and well written),
complete support of the Undo command
(several commands can't be undone), and
support for Balloon Help and publish-
and-subscribe (although otherwise
FastTrack Schedule works fine under
System 7). Also, the dialog boxes and
buttons are not entirely Mac-looking, and
increasing the font size of an activity
name can cause part of the text to be cut
off (because the row height doesn't in¬
crease correspondingly). The program
lacks a feature some users may sorely
miss: It can't automatically change an
activity’s duration based on actual dates,
locked deadline milestones, and activity
On the whole, FastTrack Schedule is
a fine project-management tool. If you're
looking for a quick and easy way to
create Gantt charts, this program might
be just the one for you.
AEG Software, 2261 \ Markey Court,
Building 113, Sterling, VA 20166: 800-
346-9413 or 703-450- i 980. Version 2.0.
— Maria L, Lunger
Macllser January 1993 83
Do You Make lliese
Six Common Mistakes
SPN' n, „
On Your Taxes?
/,Cc «rate
S ix common mistakes can cause you big
headaches on your taxes. An oversight
here, an omission there. From unnecessary
tax payments to full blown IRS audits -- you
can end up paying too much... or worse.
But now, using MacInTax and your per¬
sonal computer, you can avoid these simple
but costly mistakes:
The Arithmetic Error
Today, even the simplest forms con¬
tain complex calculations, And with
all the late-night scrambling, an innocent
mistake could cost you plenty.
The Transcription Error
With all those numbers being juggled
from schedule to schedule, it's no
wonder the figures are so often transcribed
incorrectly or entered on the wrong line.
The Omitted Form
Even "ordinary" returns require any¬
where from six to a dozen forms to
complete. It's easy to miss one... or end up
rushing all over town to find the one you need.
4 The Misinterpreted instruction
At best, IRS instructions can be tough
to understand. At worst they can be
mind-boggling. What you need are clear
directions in plain English.
The Overlooked Deduction
You'd have to be a professional tax
preparer to know all the deductions
you’re entitled to. If you miss just one, it
could cost you hundreds of dollars,
6 The Exceeded Guideline
The fastest way to trigger an IRS
audit is to exceed the "normal ' 1 range
on one of your deductions. You need to know
what the IRS looks for on a line-by-line basis.
When you do your taxes with MacInTax,
mistakes like these are virtually impossible.
And filing your taxes couldn’t be easier.
America's # 1
Tax Software
MacInTax is America's #1 best-selling tax
software for the Macintosh. With MacInTax (or
TurboTax on your PC) and the new EasvSteo"'
system, you can completely and accurately pre¬
pare your income taxes in just a few hours.
Here's how easy it is!
A. Gather your records and receipts,
B. Enter your data into MacInTax.
C. Print out, sign and drop in the mail.
MacInTax does the rest. Even if your records
and receipts aren't in any particular order,
MaclnTax’s new EasyStep system
will guide you every step of the way.
And like a good tax advisor, MacInTax
helps you identify every deduction
you can claim.
MacInTax makes ail the calcula¬
tions, checks for accuracy and con¬
sistency, and transfersevery number to the proper
lines on the proper forms. And MacInTax prints
every form you need in IRS-approved format on
your own printer - ready to sign and mail (or file
electronically, if you prefer, for a faster refund).
Macworld Magazine says that MacInTax is
"... the most successful special-purpose pro¬
gram yet for the Macintosh.” We know that if you
try It, you'll never go back to doing your taxes the
old-fashioned way. In fact, we back MacInTax
with our Double Guarantee :
1. Guaranteed Satisfaction. Try Mac¬
InTax. even use it to prepare your taxes. If you're not
completely satisfied, return it anytime before April
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Free Bonus- SimCity!
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rUicvTsjyi M T, r»iJ#*AL r-rtoTaror*«U P£ XT.A1. AST. m * tawj*. MSao* we R4XWU. I’ztfflFW
{|Hkr ciDifi AnSSl - r.e gt, Jr* S# faififi td s* i# -V H] top to*® 1 TUsruy I’ f* un piprtyd Her ispSO# awe's "CliBdHfi add 7 Eft HUr
S*r €£i Ota. P b. fia fifW. S*i Owja CA HIM AS |HK ?vU5- Mai SKft «Uttr Mr MWfi
Harry and
the Great
Paper Race
III 1 /*
If you'd like history to have the same
immediacy as today's headlines, check
out Davidson <& Associates' Headline
Harry and the Great Paper Race. Featur¬
ing excel lent graphics, sound, and Quick¬
Time footage of news events. Headline
Harry lets you play reporter on events
from the T 5Gs through the '80s as you
cover 12 stories. Using interviews, tapes,
a radio, and a reference book (none of
these are interactive — they burp up
information when you click on them),
you try to find the story of a historical
event. Your competition is an unscrupu¬
lous rival paper named the Diabolical
Daily, and your distractions include
plenty of red-herring stories from other
time periods.
The way Headline Harry mixes up
lime periods is fun for adults, hut kids
tend to be so confused about lime peri¬
ods already that mixing time periods de¬
feats some of the purpose of a history
game. Our 12-year-old tester liked the
game but found even the easiest stories
frustrating at times; red herrings from
the same year as the main story could
have provided a challenge in a less con¬
fusing manner.
The program has some minor annoy¬
ances, including a glitch that sometimes
occurs when you visit cities in a sequence
that diverges from your itinerary (the
game freezes, requiring a reboot); an¬
other problem is that the program makes
you use the headline from the manual to
get an event accepted. Headline Harry
also takes up a lot of space on your hard
drive (9,5 megabytes) and needs 4 mega¬
bytes of RAM to run; we wish we could
have forgone the QuickTime movies to
trim the space requirement.
Aside from these quibbles. Headline
Harry provides a worthwhile way for
kids in grades 7 through 12 and adults to
brush up on their recent history (and
U.S. geography, as you travel around the
country to gather information). The sto¬
ries are interesting, and the abundance of
material about important female, black,
and Latino figures makes Headline Harry
a positive addition to school computer
Davidson & Associates, Inc., P.O. Box
2961* Torrance, CA 90509; 800-545-
7677 or 310-793-0600, Version 1.0.
— Carol Dorf
^ Shiva
Using ARA (AppleTalk Remote Ac¬
cess), bundled free with every Power-
Book sold in the U.S.* is a handy way to
stay in touch with the network back at
the office — if there's a Mac running
ARA at the other end of the phone line.
Statement of Own a rah Ip.
Management and
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Haney 950 Lino, City. CA 9^404
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On. Pick lintnue,. Hflu Y? Fjk , HY IQOlti
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Philip p. (torflant ]
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t U^r 7 TJ?r* -
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h*M. Cnw.’j'f 14 b—*, ,'n {.HI
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B writ tfP** E f» —1 ' -i ph, rvr .. |.
m. M. f n« t,
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MacUser January 1993 35
©1992 Thought [ Could 1
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If you've got a hard disk bursting
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It's new from Colden Triangle and it's
the most sensible solution for dou¬
bling the capacity of your disk
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Your lid's 80 MB disk swells to 160
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expensive hardware,
you can double your
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TimesTwo s revolu¬
tionary approach to
disk storage leaves
your files untouched,
so there's never any
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since TimesTwo doesn't compress
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TimesTwo is fully compatible
with all Macintosh applications,
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works with any SCSI hard disk
including SyQuest, Bernoulli and
erasable optical disks. You can even
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to 176 MB and use it on a Mac that
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Next time you're atnning out of
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But some PowerBook users don't have
an office Mac readily available to call in
to, or they don't want to be vulnerable to
losing the remote connection if the of¬
fice Mac crashes. Now these users can
turn to Shiva's LanRover/L, a modem¬
sized gray box that serves the same re¬
mote-connection purpose as a dedicated
Mac — for much less money and with
greater reliability.
Setting up a LanRover/L is straight¬
forward. You plug in the power supply,
connect the single serial port to a modem
with the included cable (or a cable you
purchase, because the included cable
doesn’t support hardware handshaking,
which is necessary for reliable 9,600-
bps or higher-speed modem communi¬
cation), and connect the single LocalTalk
port to your LocalTalk network (both
ports use standard DIN-8 connectors, like
those on the back of your Mac). Then
you tum the unit on. You perform the
remaining setup tasks on a Mac on the
network, using software that Shiva in¬
cludes with the LanRover/L.
Because the LanRover/L is meant to
replace a Mac running ARA, it performs
the same functions as ARA, with no ad¬
ditional features such as user-specific
network-access control. As with ARA,
the LanRover/L setup involves defining
users, their passwords, and optional call¬
back phone numbers. The LanRover/L
also keeps a log of successful and failed
connection attempts. In addition, it uses
the same CCL (Connection Control Lan¬
guage) files that ARA uses to configure
and operate modems: You select the CCL
files from within the Shiva management
application and transmit them to the
LanRover/L over the network. One po¬
tential pitfall with this approach is that
subtle CCL errors may cause you to think
that the LanRover/L is malfunctioning
when in fact the CCL file is at fault — so
be sure the CCL files you select to use
with the LanRover/L already work cor¬
rectly with ARA.
As well as employing it for remote
connection, you can also use the Lan¬
Rover/L as a network modem, much as
you would use Shiva's NetModem prod¬
ucts. To do so, you need to install the
necessary software (included with the
LanRover/L) on the Macintoshes of net¬
work users.
A detail of importance to network ad¬
ministrators is that the LanRover/L acts
as a half-router on a network and emits
RTMP (Routing Table Management Pro¬
tocol) packets. For the unwary adminis¬
trator, these unexpected packets can cause
no end of confusion.
Overall, the LanRover/L admirably
serves its purpose, and it's simple to set
up, configure, and maintain. Although it
has its limitations — the single serial
port allows just one connected modem,
and the network connection is LocalTalk
only — we recommend the LanRover/L
as a reliable alternative to dedicating a
more costly Macintosh to the task of
remote connection.
Shiva Corporation, One Cambridge
Center, Cambridge, M A 02142; 617-252-
6300. $699.
— Stephan Somogyi ^
Whether used alone or together,
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Call (800)444-9922 today
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MultiLedger is a registered trademark of CheckMark Software, Inc., 1520 East Mulberry, Suite 2QQ r Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 (303) 484-3541 (303) 484-0429 fax.
Circle 86 ok header service card.
MacUser January 1993 39
Maximum RAM
The ultimate guide to memory for your Mac — where to buy it,
how to install it, and why you need so much of it
M robat
robabiy the question you get asked most about your
Mac — from idle conversation at user-group meetings to
technical-support calls — is, How much RAM do you
have? Chances are, if s not enough, at which point you
need to get answers to a couple of even more important
questions: How much RAM do you need, and how do you
go about adding more to your Mac?
RAM (random-access memory) is the electronic fuel
that runs your Macintosh's operating system and applica¬
tions. If you don't have enough, you won’t get very far.
RAM is composed of integrated circuits (“chips”) that are
wired into your computer’s logic board, snapped in as
separate memory cards, or both, depending on your Mac’s
configuration (see Table 1), RAM is measured by capacity
in kilobytes (K) or megabytes (ME) and by speed in
nanoseconds (ns).
MacUser January 1993 91
Macintosh Ilex
Total Memory : 8,192K
Adobe Photoshop...
2 ,GQ0K
Microsoft Excel
Square One
System Software*
System Software 7.0.1 •
© Apple Computer, Inc. 1983-1991
Largest Unused Block : 1,347K
Figure 1: To see bow
much RAM you have,
choose About This
Macintosh from the
Apple menu. Turn on
Balloon Help, and
point to each
application to find
out how much RAM
each application is
using and how much
is allocated to it
A common error is to confuse RAM with storage (such
as hard-disks, floppy disks, and other media). That's an
easy mistake to make, in that both RAM and storage are
often referred to as memory and have to do with things
inside the computer, which most Mac users never see. But
unlike data that is stored on a hard disk, data stored in
RAM is volatile; that is, once the Mac's power has been
turned off, the data is lost (unless you 1 ve saved it to a disk).
RAM's advantage is speed — your Macintosh can access
data in RAM much faster than it can access data stored on
a hard disk. When you open an application or document,
some or all of it is loaded into RAM, so you can access it
much more quickly.
A simple way to remember the difference between
RAM and storage is to picture your computer as a digital
desk: The RAM is the top of the desk;
your hard disk or other storage medium is
the desk drawers. There is a limit to how
much you can take out of your desk draw¬
ers and still have enough room to work
comfortably on your desk without having
something “crash” to the floor By anal¬
ogy then, the more RAM you have, the
more things (or the larger the things) you
can comfortably work with on your Mac
The good news is that RAM prices are
constantly dropping. Since 1988, the cost
of I-megabyte SIMMs (single in-line
memory modules — the most common
type of memory-expansion card for the
majority of Mac models) has dropped more
than 95 percent. Many vendors are selling
SIMMs for less than $30 per megabyte.
You can buy 4-megabyte SIMMs for less
than $100 each. Higher-capacity SIMMs
(8- and 16-megabyte) and other RAM-
expansion cards (for PpwerBooks, for ex¬
ample) are still a bit on the high side, but
their prices are coming down as well.
BAM Hogs
If you don't have enough memory, you probably aren’t
working very productively. Too little RAM prevents you
from having several applications open at once (or using
MultiFinder in System 6), limits the number of extensions
you can use to customize your system, and may result in
crashes or constant messages informing you that you don't
have enough memory to run a particular program. Unless
your work on the Mac is limited to basic word processing
and simple spreadsheets, you'll benefit from purchasing
more RAM than was included when you bought your Mac
(see Table 1). To find out how much RAM you have,
choose About This Macintosh from the Apple menu in
System 7’s Finder (see Figure 1). If you’re running System
6, choose About the Finder, also on the Apple menu.
Figure 2: You can
change the amount of
memory allocated to
an application in its
Get Info box. To do
so, highlight the
application's icon In
the Finder and press
Command-1 (Get
Info). Allocating more
than the suggested
size wilt probably
help the application
work faster, but if
you'reshort on
memory, you can
also try allocating
less than the
suggested amount
of memory.
□ Hdofae Photoshop™ 2.0 Info
Adobe Photoshop™ 2.0
Kind : application program
Size: 1.3 MB on disk (1 ^374,840 bytes
Where: Gennifer: System Folder: Apple
Menu Items:
Created: Fri, Jun 14, 1991,3:47 AM
Modified: Fri, Sep 11, 1992, 3:31 PM
Version: 2.0 0 1989-91 Adobe Systems fnc.
Photoshop requires a lot of RAM to run well.
Increasing the memory allocated to it (if you
have the RAM) will improve performance.
FI Locked
Suggested size : 4,09£
Current size: 500Q
92 January 1993 MacUser
The vast majority of mainline productivity software
(word processors, spreadsheet programs, graphics pro¬
grams, database programs, and so on) require at least 1
megabyte of RAM to work well. Many programs, espe¬
cially graphics programs, need a great deal more. In addi¬
tion, many applications simply work better and faster if
they have more RAM assigned to them than the default
RAM allocation the manufacturer assigned at shipment
(Adobe Photoshop is an excellent example). You can
easily change the RAM allocation in the Get Info box in
the Finder (see Figure 2) — but only if you have enough
RAM to do so.
If you install extensions (files that enhance your system
in various ways), you’ll make computing more productive
and enjoyable but you’ll also eat up RAM. A few exten¬
sions are included with the Apple system software (File
Sharing, AppleShare, and
Easy Access, for example) or
are available as add-ons from
Apple, but most extensions
come from commercial de¬
velopers (Now Utilities, for
example) or are available from
on-line services as shareware
(SoundMaster, for example).
Unfortunately, running even
a few extensions consumes a
sizable chunk of memory. If
you’re not sure how many
extensions you have installed, reboot your Mac and count
the number of icons that line up across your screen at
startup or use an extension manager (such as Apple’s
Extensions Manager) to count the number of extensions
you have installed. Having a lot of extensions isn’t neces¬
sarily a problem, as long as you have enough RAM to
accommodate them.
System 7 is another RAM hog. There’s no doubt that
this latest generation of system software provides a wealth
of productivity benefits—aliasing, file sharing, the ability
to have several applications open at once — but those
extras require more RAM than was needed for previous
generations of system software. Apple used to say that you
could run System 7 on any Mac with 2 megabytes of
RAM. But even without adding extensions, and keeping
fonts to a minimum. System 7 alone consumes 1.2 to 1.5
megabytes of RAM (depending on which Mac you have).
Because that doesn’t leave much room to run your applica¬
tions, Apple has now changed the party line to say you
need at least 4 megabytes of RAM to adequately run
System 7.
How Much Is Enough?
We recommend at least 4 megabytes of RAM. For
System 6 users, this is probably a comfortable amount to
work with, depending on what software you run. For
System 7 users, 4 megabytes of RAM is enough to run the
system and one, maybe two, applications simultaneously.
However, you still have to watch how many extensions
you have installed.
For most users, 8 megabytes is a good, functional amount
of RAM (unfortunately, it’s not possible to install that
much in a Mac Plus, SE, or Classic). With 8 megabytes,
you can install a nice collection of extensions and keep
three to four applications open.
If you do a lot of graphics or CAD work or have a
tremendous appetite for extensions, you’ll probably work
most comfortably with 16 to 24 megabytes of RAM. If you
are doing extremely heavy graphics work (especially with
Photoshop) and have a Quadra 950, you’re able to go up to
256 megabytes of RAM.
Theoretically, current versions of System 7 can accom¬
modate 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM — in fact. System 7's
architecture is capable of supporting up to 4 gigabytes —
but in reality, there's a limit to the amount of RAM a Mac
can use, depending on the amount of RAM on the logic
board and the number of SIMM slots. The amount of
RAM is also limited by the density of the SIMM chips,
which currently tops out at 16 megabytes.
What's more, only Macs running System 7.0 and later
can access more than 8 megabytes of RAM and then only
with 32-bit addressing turned on (see the "Memory Con¬
trols” sidebar). If you have a Mac SE/30, II, IIx, or Ilex and
have not yet installed System 7.1, you must install
Connectix's MODE32 utility (it overcomes Apple’s “dirty
ROM” syndrome) in order to turn on 32-bit addressing.
MODE32 is available free from dealers, user groups, and
on-line services.
Running with 32-bit addressing means that all of your
applications and extensions must be “32-bit clean.” If
you have kept your software current, this requirement
shouldn’t be a problem, but if you're using older versions
of some software (more than 18 to 24 months old, say),
you may want to check with the publishers about upgrad¬
ing your applications.
It’s easy to detect if an application or extension isn’t 32-
bit clean: Your Mac bombs when you try to use that
software. In the case of an extension, the system bombs
Figure 3: Each SIMM has its capacity and speed printed on the side of the module. All
manufacturers differ in how they present this information, but in general, the numbers
before the dash (in this case, 256) indicate capacity and the numbers after the dash (in
this case, 80) indicate speed, so this SIMM is 256K and has a speed of 80 nanoseconds.
MacUser January 1993 93
Installing RAM
After you've bought your RAM, you
have to install it. For most Macs, instal¬
lation is pretty easy, but be aware that
you will void your warranty if you dam¬
age anything while installing memory
yourself; in the case of compact Macs
and PowerBooks, merely opening the
case yourself voids the warranty. Con¬
sider having an authorized Apple dealer
do the installation. Most dealers don't
require that you purchase the RAM from
them and will probably charge you for
no more than one hour's worth of work.
If you choose to install the memory
yourself, observe certain safety precau¬
tions. In most cases, you should keep
your Mac plugged in but turned off.
You're dealing with sensitive electronic
components — one static spark, and
you can zap your investment (and/or
yourself). To avoid this, all you have to
do is ground yourself. You can simply
touch the Mac's power supply (that metal
box with power ratings on it) once you've
opened your Mac, but a safer method is
to buy an inexpensive disposable
grounding wrist strap Q from an elec¬
tronics store. You can also buy indus¬
trial-grade grounding straps, which last
Do not remove the new SIMMs from
their protective package until you're
grounded. Store old SIMMs in the pack¬
ages. You can reuse them to diagnose
problems that may be RAM-related.
If you'll be installing RAM yourself,
make sure you get all the information
you’ll need to do so, such as a video or
illustrated booklet outlining the steps, from
the RAM ve ndo r. As k what s pec lal too Is
you’ll need, such as a Phillips-head
screwdriver © , Tor* screwdrivers 0
and ©, a case cracker © (which also
includes a Torx screwdriver), or a SIMM
remover © — some vendors include
these gratis.
Performs 400 and 600, IKvx, LC, LC 11, Kl, llx, Ilex, llsi, Hoi, llfx, and Quadra 900 and 950
Remove the lid, which may be
secured by a screw (lately Apple ©
has started shipping these com¬
puters without the holding screw),
so you may need a screwdriver.
When you have the lid off, you
should quickly be able to locate
the SIMM banks — neat rows of
upright little cards ©
Note; If you are mixing RAM
sizes (four 1 -megabyte SIMMs and
four 256K SIMMs, for example),
the same sizes must be together
in each RAM bank.
If you're replacing existing
SIMMs (exchanging 256K SIMMs
for 1-megabyte SIMMs, for ex¬
ample), gently pull aside the tabs
holding in each SIMM and slightly
push back the SIMM. It should
unseat and rest at a 45-degree angle, where you can just lift it
out. Using a SIMM remover Q, which you can buy at a
computer-supply store, is a safer bet ©
After the old SIMMs are out, put in the new SIMMs by sliding
them into the sockets at a 45-degree angle and then gently
pulling forward until you hear a faint click (on the Ilex and I lei,
it may sound more like a slight crunch). Put the lid back on,
and return the holding screw, if necessary. Double-check to
make sure that both tabs are attached (this applies to all Macs
except PowerBooks).
94 January 1993 MacUser
Pius, SE, SE/30, Classic, Classic It
Installing RAM on a compact Mac requires a little more work
and some special tools. You'll need a Torx screwdriver with a
long handle 0 to reach the screws that are in the Mac's handle
and a special device known as a Mac cracker ©to separate the
housing from the chassis. Do not plug in compact Macs when
installing RAM. Remove the two screws on the handle and the
two screws on the back of the machine (if you have a Mac Plus,
you also have to remove the screw inside the battery slot).
Place the Mac cracker in the groove just behind the front of the
unit, and gently squeeze to open the unit©. Make sure you're
grounded. Be extremely careful not to touch the back of the
picture tube. ft contains a good dose of static electricity r
which can cause serious injury or death; it is at so very
sensitive and damages easily. Remove all the drive cables
and the power cable; lay the Mac face down. Slide the
motherboard up until you can pry it out from the right Q The
speaker wire is still attached; remove it by pulling off the
connector. Remove and replace the SIMMs as described above.
Note: Adding RAM to a Mac Plus and some early SEs also
requires that you cut a resistor wire ©. Many SIMM resellers
include an installation guide (some even give you a video) to help
with this somewhat tricky installation.
Quadra TOO
Rower Books
The RAM on the Quadra 700 is located underneath the
floppy-and-hard-drive assembly, so you have to remove
the power supply and the drive assembly before you can
Install the SIMMs, After you've removed the lid, you'll see
on the disk assembly a plastic “finger/ 1 a bracket pressing
next to the power supply. Puli this bracket toward the front
of the Mac to release the power supp1y t and pull It straight
up and out of the Mac © Then undo the single screw on the
disk assembly, using a Phillips-head screwdriver©; unplug
the drive cables; and pull a similar finger on the assembly
toward the Mac housing and remove the assembly. Re¬
move and install the SIMMs 0. and reassemble the unit.
Using the correct Torx screwdriver©, remove the screws
from the bottom of the unit plus the one located under the port
cover. Gently remove the cover halves. Looking at it from
the back, you see the slot where the PowerBook RAM-
expansion card goes 0 Seat the card in the slot. For some
4-mega byte and 6-megabyte cards, a protective plastic or
rubber pad must be placed on the card to prevent contact
with the metal lining of the PowerBook case, because
contact with the lining can short the card.
When putting the PowerBook back together again, make
sure the video cable is attached, otherwise you won’t be able
to start up.
MacUser January 1993 95
when it tries to load its code during startup. To remove the
offender, use an extension manager or hold down the Shift
key on startup until you see “Welcome to Macintosh.
Extensions off.” You can then open your Extensions folder
(inside the System Folder) and remove the offender.
SIMM-Buying Basics
Unless you're a PowerBook owner, you can upgrade
your Mac’s RAM by adding SIMMs to specially allocated
memory banks inside your Mac. (PowerBooks need snap-
in memory-expansion cards.)
SIMMs are small cards comprising two or eight DRAM
(dynamic RAM) chips that are rated by speed. Speeds
range from 150 nanoseconds (slow) to 70 nanoseconds
(speedy). You need to buy at least the minimum speed
required for your Mac (see Table 1). Your Mac can use
faster SIMMs, but they won’t improve performance.
Two-chip SIMMs are special 1-megabyte cards that
can be used by the Performa 400, LC, LC II, Ilsi, and
Quadra machines. The two-chip configuration provides a
slight cost advantage (one or two dollars per megabyte).
Eight-chip SIMMs are available in 256K and 1-, 2-, 4-,
8-, and 16-megabyte capacities; what SIMM capacities
you can use depends on what Mac model you have (see
Table 1).
SIMMs are arranged in one, two, or four banks, depend¬
ing on which Mac you have. Each bank contains two or
four sets of SIMMs each, and the SIMMs in each bank
must be the same size and speed as the others in the same
bank. Within your Mac. you can mix SIMMs of different
sizes and speeds, but not within the same bank. For ex¬
ample, a Mac Ilci has two four-SIMM banks. One bank
might contain four 80-nanosecond, 256K SIMMs, and the
other might hold four 70-nanosecond, 4-megabyte SIMMs,
for a total of 17 megabytes of RAM.
You may also see the terms low-profile and high-profile
used to describe SIMMs, depending on how high the chips
stand up from the board. Low-profile SIMMs are used in
cases where space is tight within the Mac; in a Quadra 700,
for example, the standard 16-megabyte SIMMs don’t fit,
so a special low-profile configuration is necessary.
Mac Ilfx owners need to buy specially configured
SIMMs, because Apple changed the design for that model
only. Ilfx SIMMs are a bit more expensive than SIMMs
for other models but usually by only a few dollars per
If you want to add RAM to a Mac Classic, you have to
purchase a RAM-expansion card that can accept 256K or
1 -megabyte SIMMs. Classic owners can also buy a special
3-megabyte expansion card. Either way, the maximum
RAM a Classic can accommodate is 4 megabytes. The
Classic II uses standard SIMMs; no expansion card is
The PowerBook 100, 140, 145, 160, 170, and 180
require expansion cards that use pseudostatic (low-power)
RAM (PSRAM) cards, which are actually specially de¬
signed DRAM cards. The new PowerBook Duos use
DRAM rather than PSRAM.
Memory Maxers
If you can’t upgrade your RAM, because of budget or ma¬
chine limitations, here’s how to get the most mileage out of
what you already have:
1. Weed out your Extensions folder. Be brutal: Even some
of the items Apple’s System Installer puts into your System
Folder (DAL and Easy Access, for example) may be unnecessar¬
ily eating up available memory. As for other extensions, well, you
may be in love with your Oscar the Grouch trash extension, but if
you’re constantly getting “out of memory” messages, he’ll have to
go too. Using an extension manager such as Apple's Extensions
Manager makes the job a lot easier, especially because most let
you save different sets of extensions for specific activities (for
using QuickTime, for example).
2. Turn off File Sharing (in the Sharing Setup control panel) if
you aren't using it.
3. Lower the size of your disk cache in the Memory control
4. Install a font-and-sound manager such as Fifth Gen¬
eration Systems’ Suitcase or ALSoft’s MasterJuggler. Using
one of these extensions means that you don’t have to have all
your fonts and sounds installed in your System file.
5. Reinstall your system software. Move yourexisting Sys¬
tem file out of the System Folder, and trash it. Then use the
Installer’s Customize option to install the version of system soft¬
ware that’s specially configured for your Mac. This saves both
RAM and hard-disk space by excluding code that’s not needed
for your particular machine.
|J=H E»tensions Manager
Extensions Manager
by Ricardo Batista
Apple Modern Tool
| AutoClock E xtension
I Cache
EtherTalk Phase 2
File Sharing Extension
First Things First™
Foreign File Access
nil Off ) [ Rll On ) [ Reuert
©1991 Apple Computer, Inc.
- ^1771 nppie uomputer,
_ CPU/System Software
96 January 1993 MacUser
Mirror Introduces
Desktop Performance
For Your RwerBook...
With Mirror’s exciting new peripherals,
your PowerBook can function just like a desktop
machine, with a high resolution monitor and
plenty of storage.
The Mirror PoiuerVIsion; an internal video
board for the PowerBook 140,145, or 170, works
with a variety of standard monitors, including our
NEW 14-inch Color Display and 15-inch Gray-scale
Display. With 0,2 or 4 MB of on-board RAM, the
PowerVision’s pass-thru connector lets you use
existing RAM, and our installation video makes
setup a snap (professional installation also available).
Tire Mirror Viewport" is a 15-inch
monochrome display with a built-in SCSI video
controller and QuickDraw acceleration for
performance rivaling internal video boards. Ideal for
PowerBooks, the ViewPort brings big screen power
to any Mac with a SCSI port, (amamicd)
The NEW Mirror I4'inch
Color Display
Mirror PowerDock’ 11
battery powered hose
unit and charger*
Mirror Pocket Hard Drives
80 MB $599 PowerVision internal video
I 20 MB $699 adapter hoard inckb tools and a
Incltdes SCSI cable far PowerBooks comprehensive installation video, with 0MB $499'
and standard Macs-a $ i 00 value! with 4MB $999'
Mirror Viewport" 1
built-in video controller.
Works on any Mac
with a SCSI port.
Systems including PowerVidon hoard and display from $898'
•Usesyour Power Boole hntlciy and AC'Call furEither ofAsuntf,
— 1
Lower Price'
Mrnror 600 Color Scanner ,
with Adobe Photoshop $1,199
...And A Line Of Powerhouse
The NEW Mirror 14-inch Color Display is the lat¬
est version of our best selling color monitor. Designed to
work with the built-in video of your Mac LC, Ilsi, Ilci, or
Quadra-or with Mirror’s PowerVision video board for
display features razor-
sharp focus and
brilliant color and it’s
still only $399! f
The Mirror
Pocket Hard Drives
and optional
Mirror PowerDock redefine storage convenience. For
moving data between machines, or to expand your
PowerBook’s capacity, these tiny drives fit anywhere. Slip
the Pocket Drive into the PowerDock and use a standard
PowerBook battery to power the drive while you travel.
When you’re back home, the PowerDock does double
duty and charges your spare battery.
Whatever your need, whatever Macintosh model you
use, Mirror has high performance peripherals to match.
Our complete line of storage systems can handle any
task. From our critically acclaimed hard drives and CD-
ROM, to our high performance 128 MB Optical Drive
20-inch ProView Trinitron Display, 8-btt $2,499
w/ 24-bit video cad $2,699
20-inch ProView V Color Display, 8-hit $ 1,799
W 24-hit video cad $ 1,999
16-inch Trinitron Display $l,099 f
wi 8-bit video cad $1,349
wl 16-bit video card $1,449
a/ 24-brt tiffeo card $1,549
14'mch Color Display $399 f
Drives *
85 MB (Q)
105 MB (Q)
127 MB (Q)
170 MB (Q)
240 MB (Q)
425 MB (Q)
595 MB
N/A $1,999
123 MB Optical Drive
44 MB SyQuest Drive
83 MB SyQuest Drive
$549 ,
DAT Tape Drive
CD-ROM Drive
Now PHOTO CD comfiafiblef
44 MB Cartridge
3/or $189
123 MB Cartridge
Quick! JPEG Board
pay shipping costs (and consunablw lot printers}, iftn built-in vide. Prices are FOB. origin. Prices ait for U.S. [sd^mlyicall tor imcmatioreil prkiiy!, All pikes subject rutliatigt.
Peripherals For The Desktop.
and DAT Tape Drives, Mirror offers the capacities, speed,
features and prices you want.
Once you’ve used a Mirror high-resolution display,
you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Our
monochrome full-page and two-page displays deliver
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For graphic design, illustration or pre-press, choose a
Mirror color display. Available in 14-inch, 16-inch and
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The top-rated Mirror Color Scanner makes it easy
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If you need a printer, take a close look at the
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All Mirror products are backed by our famous 30-
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Leases awiilahie.
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Circle 118 on reader service card.
Memory Controls
Here's a guided tour of System 7's Memory control panel. Note that not all Macintoshes are able to use the 32-Bit Addressing
and RAM Disk options.
Disk Cache. The disk cache sels aside RAM for storing frequently
accessed fifes, meaning lhat it robs RAM from applications that need it.
Keep your disk cache set to 12SK or lower.
Virtual Memory. Virtual memory is a trick whereby the computer
assigns part of the hard disk as RAM, Hard-drive speeds are much
slower than RAM speeds, so if you use the virtual memory that comes
with System 7, you’ll notice a significant slowdown in performance. It’s
OK in a pinch, but you’d do better by upgrading to real RAM.
32-Bit Addressing. This option lets all but €0000-based Macs {the SE,
the Plus, the PowerBook 100, and the Classic) use more than S
megabytes of RAM. If you have an SE/30, II, llx, or (lex without System
7.1, you must install Coonectix's MODE32 utility in order to turn on
32-bit addressing. To avoid crashing, make sure your applications are
“32-bit clean" (most current applications are).
RAM Disks. A RAM disk is just the opposite of virtual memory: It
assigns a portion of RAM as a hard disk. And because RAM can run
much faster than a hard drive, you can dramatically speed up
performance. Unlike other Macs, Quadras and PowerBooks let you use
the Memory control panef to create RAM disks. There are also
commarciaf products for creating RAM disks, such as Connectix’s
Maxima, and shareware RAM-disk-creation programs, such as
Select Herd Disk:
Virtual Memory
Avafbbl* on tftsk : 781M
Available built-in menwtj : 5DM
After restart
h56M I Ig
32-Bit Addressing
® Dn
RAM Disk
® On
Percent of available memory
to use for a RAM disk:
cm 50 %
RAM Disk Size
[ Use Defaults )
If you look in the back of Macllser or other computer
magazines, youll find many ads from vendors touting the
latest RAM prices. Go ahead and buy your RAM from a
mail-order house; before you do, however, if s a good idea
fo ask around (friends, associates, user groups, on-line
services) and get recommendations about which supplier
provides the best combination of price, delivery, and ser¬
vice (for more on buying RAM, see l4 How to Buy Memory/*
February ’92, page 259).
Other Kinds of RAM
Jn addition to operating RAM, the LC, LCII, Performa
400 and 600, and Quadra-series Macs also use special
video RAM (VRAM), which lets you increase your
monitor's color depth (the number of bits), depending on
the monitor size, without having to purchase a separate
video card. A couple of caveats: Standard SIMMs cannot
be used in VRAM slots, and the LC and Quadra VRAM is
not interchangeable*
Many laser printers can also accept RAM expansion.
Upgrading your printer’s RAM means you can handle
more downloadable fonts and work Faster. The Apple
LaserWriter Ilf and Ilg can use standard 1-megabyte
SIMMs, so if you* ve just replaced the l -megabyte SIMMs
in your Macintosh with higher-capacity cards and you
have a LaserWriter Ilf or Ilg, you can recycle those one-
meggers by installing them in your printer. Other Apple
laser printers and those from third parties require special
memory modules that are best installed by a dealer or
authorized technician.
With more-sophisticated applications and System 7 now
in wide use, memory is being gobbled up in ever greater
amounts. Fortunately, it is no longer an expensive proposi¬
tion to get all the RAM you need. Buy as much as you can
afford and can fit into your Mac, and you'll be a happier
and more productive computer user. It's the most cost-
effective Mac purchase youll ever make.
Tim Peiacda is an independent Mac consonant based In Charlotte, North
Table 1 Criteria
Minimum configuration — The smallest amount of RAM,
in megabytes, included on the Mac at purchase. Current
models reflect minimum RAM configurations from the Apple
price list current at press time, "On board" RAM is soldered
onto the CPU logic board; "slots" signifies removable SI MMs
in RAM-expansion slots.
Slots —The total number of SIMM slots available for expan¬
sion (includes those from minimum-configuration category. If
SIMM/card capacities — The size, in kilobytes or mega¬
bytes, of SIMMs or expansion cards that the Mac can use.
Minimum RAM speed — The minimum RAM speed, in
nanoseconds, that the Mac model requires.
Possible configurations — Potential RAM totals, in mega¬
bytes. based on use of the various acceptable SIMM sizes.
continue}: ►
100 January 1993 MacUser
Don’t say
we didn’t warn
you. Because the PLI
MiniArray runs a little faster
than you’re used to. But we figure you
could get used to it.
You see, the PLI MiniArray uses striping, which places
alternate bits of data on its two (or four) separate drives,
effectively splitting data throughput, seek and access
chassis*, although your computer will think of the
MiniArray as just one large, fast drive.
Which is how it should be.
Another benefit of the MiniArray, besides tremendous
speed, is tremendous capacity (up to 4.2GB). So your
multi-media presentations will look like movies, not slide
shows. And just think how important that kind of capacity
is for networking and desktop publishing.
A typical fast drive will transfer data at 1.5MB per second.
The MiniArray 040 transfers up to 8.4MB per second.
more than six times faster. So you may find yourself being
very cost-effective all of a sudden.
Let’s face it: Haven’t you gone long enough without one?
’external drives CIRCLE 66 ON READER SERVICE CARD.
At a transfer rate of up to 10MB per
second, you can run QuickTime
movies that look like movies- not
slide shows.
MiniArrays’ tremendous speed and
capacity, along with RAID 1 disk
mirroring, make them ideal for
network servers.
—ft—. Stop waiting for images to move to
p'fll and from your hard drive-the
— k — 1 MiniArray is lightning fast.
High-speed multichanneling sub¬
stantially reduces RIP time.
Peripheral Land Incorporated 47421 Bayside Parkside Parkway Fremont, California 94538
Phone 510. 657. 2211 fax 510. 683. 9713
MiniArray. Because two
drives are better than one.
800 - 288-8754
Table 1: How Much RAM Can You Add?
SfM M/card
RAM speed
Plus. SE
1 MB (slots)
256K; 1 MB
150 ns
1,2.4,5 MB
* t
SMC, Ilex
1 MB (slots)
256K; 1,4,16 MB
120 ns
32,64,65,128 MB
1 MB (Slots)
256K; 1, 4,16 MB
120 ns
128 MB
Requires FDHD
upgrade and PMMU
chip to use 44/IB-
and higher
1 MB (slots)
256 K; 1,4,16 MB
120 ns
32,68,128 MB
1 MB (on board)
256K; 1 MB
150 ns
1,2,4 MB
* *
Classic 11/
Performa 200
4 MB (2 on
board; 2 in slots)
100 ns
4, 6,10 MB
2 MB [on board)
1.2.4 MB
100 ns
4,6,10 MB
Performa 400
4 MB [on board)
100 ns
4,6,8,10 MB
Although physical
RAM can total 12
MB, CPU can address
only a maximum
of 10 MB.
3 MB [2 on
board; 1 in slot)
256,512K; 1.2,
4. 8,16 MB
100 ns
1,2, 3,5,9,17, 33,65 MB
5 MB (Slots)
4, 8.16 MB
80 ns
1.2. 3,4, 5. 6, 8,9,10,16,17,
18, 32,33, 64, 65,68,128 MB
1 MB (Slots)
256K; 1,4, 8,16 MB
80 ns
1,2,4, 5,8,9,16,17, 32,
33, 64, 65,128 MB
Performa 600/600 CD
4 MB (on board)
256K; 1,2, 4, 8,
16 MB
80 ns
4,5,8,12, 20. 36. 68 MB
Quadra 700
4 MB (on board)
1,4,8.16 MB
80 ns
4, 8, 20, 36, 68 MB
Need to remove
power supply and
disk assembly to
Quadra 900/950
8 MB (slots)
1,4,8,16 MB
80 ns
various, up to a
total of 256 MB
PowerBook 100
2 MB (on board)
2,4.6 MB (cards)
100 ns
2,4,6,8 MB
* t
2 MB (on board)
2, 4, 6 MB
100 n$
2,4,6,8 MB
* t
4 MB (on board)
4,8 MB
100 ns
4,6, 8,12,16 MB
* t tt
Duo 210/230
4 MB (on board)
4,8 MB
100 ns
4,8,12,24 MB
* t tt
*User installation voids warranty.
‘Requires special Torx screwdrivers and/or Mac-cracker tool.
5MODE32 required to access more than 8 MB of RAM if System 7.1 not installed
^Requires special SIMM configurations. I I/I lx format different from llfx.
* ‘Requires expansion card.
‘‘Expansion-card sizes represent Apple offerings only. At press time, no third parties had announced higher-capacity cards
that would up the unit to the maximum possible RAM.
102 January 1993 MacUser
sionak view anti analyze data with spread¬
sheets, databases anti occasionally in business
graphics packages. While these types of soft¬
ware work well when
displaying statistical data, they are blind to
important geographical infor¬
mation - such as
Slftfl LtVH
market potential by
sales territory, dis¬
tribution co ve rage
by product, or cus¬
tomer locations by
ZIP code or street
Atlas Pro is chang¬
ing that. By linking
data from spreadsheets, databases and even
other programs on your Macintosh* or
elsewhere in your AppleTalk’'* network
you can now add the important geographic
dimension to your information system.
mission critical. For example, Alia* Pro can
help business professionals answer “what
if 1 ' and “show me where 1 * questions for
optimizing sales territories, targeting cus¬
tomers, and selecting ideal site locations.
Government professionals can use Atlas
Pro for everything from political redis¬
tricting to I and-use planning and public
safety analysis. Without Atlas Pro
decision makers often over¬
look important geographic
information and allocate
resources ineffective]y.
Atlas Pro comes equipped
with a built-in data man¬
agement spreadsheet, map
importing and digitizing tools, a generous
base map and data sampler from our com¬
prehensive library, pie and
hi Canada, rad 416-691 4166
In the UK, rail 44-SI-994-27SQ
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In all 6l-i-866-l766
enhancement tools.
Of course,
/Iffas Pro is
System 7
“savvy," It sup¬
ports everything
from balloon help to
publish and subscribe, the Data Access
Manager, and Apple Events. It also runs
fine on System 6, and there’s a version for
PC comaptibles.
So if you’re ready to add a dynamic new
dimension to the way you use information,
like 25,000 other Strategic Mapping cus¬
tomers, call us for a free Desktop Mapping
Guidebook and demo disk. We’d be happy to
map out a plan for you.
Phone: (408) 970-9600
FAX: (408) 970-9999
In Bdgium/LUX. call 12-2-771-25 75
In the Netherlands rail 31 • 340-266-336
En Fraitif, till il 1-45 27 20 61
In Denmark, call 45 42 25 17 77
Circle 187 on reader service card.
Display Systems
Setting the
New Standard:
16-Inch Color
Not too big, not too small —
16 inches looks just right . One of
these 16 midsized monitors will
make your old 13-incher obsolete.
Wmc never did like the number 13. Apple ap¬
parently agrees. The Quadras’ built-in video
circuitry has advanced past the 13-inch stan¬
dard to support 16-inch monitors in full 24-
bit color. Apple has replaced the familiar
13-inch AppleColor High-Resolution RGB
Monitor with the new ! 4-inch Macintosh
Color Display. Apple also now offers a 16-
inch monitor. Unlucky 13 is gone. Sweet
16 is here.
104 January 1993 Macilser
16 -Inch Color Monitors
A 16-inch display is more than a
comfort to the superstitious — it gives
70 percent more pixels than the old
13-inch standard model. That trans¬
lates as more cells in your spread¬
sheets and more words in your word-
processing documents. With prices of
16-inch monitors starting at less than
$1,000, even the average Joe or Jane
can justify the cost of these bigger
screens — and because 9 of the 16
monitors we tested come from ag¬
gressive vendors in the PC market
that are veterans of vicious price wars,
we expect their entry into the Mac
market to force prices to drop even
Aside from offering more pixels
for your money — 832 x 624 versus
the 640 x 480 of the 13-inch standard
— 11 of the products in this roundup
are autosynchrontms monitors that can
automatically display a variety of tim¬
ings and resolutions when connected
to a Mac or a PC. Autosyncs, as they're
commonly known, are of particular
benefit if your office has both types of
computers and you’d like to standard¬
ize on one monitor model. Although
early autosyncs were guilty of poor
image quality, our tests show that
they’re now every bit as good as the
best Mac-specific models (see “Per¬
fection for Pennies: Autosy nchronous
Monitors," August ’92, page 158).
As 16-inch monitors become more
popular — and more affordable —
the prices of 19-, 20-, and 21 -inch
monitors have also dropped. But for
most of us, bigger can be too big. For
example, the average desk wasn't de¬
signed with a 21 -inch monitor in mind.
And although Cinerama-sized screens
work well for specialized applications
(painstaking photo editing and full-
page desktop publishing), they’re more
than you need for everyday work. Put
a 21-inch, 80-pound behemoth on top
of your Mac, and you may find your¬
self with 3 square inches of remaining
desk space and a crushed Mac. Leav¬
ing more usable work space on your
desktop is a big advantage of 16-inch
In the 16 products we tested for this
report, you'll find pivoting screens,
bright phosphors, new lubes, and many
brand names new to the Mac market.
Better still, overall quality is so high
that you can hardly make a bad choice.
New Faces, Old Prices
Along with the usual Macintosh-
specific monitors from Apple, Radius,
RasterOps, and SuperMac, we exam¬
ined some autosync monitors more
common on DOS desktops, from Mag
innovision, Magnavox, Mitsubishi,
Nanao, NEC, Seiko, Sony, Taxan, and
ViewSonic. We also tested a new
autosync monitor from E-Machines,
historically a vendor of Mac-specific
Even the most critical measure¬
ments we made with our Microvision
Superspot 100 System failed to dis¬
tinguish much difference between the
image quality of the Mac-specific
monitors and the autosyncs. Indeed,
of our two favorite — and best-per¬
forming — monitors, one was an
autosync (the Sony CPD- 1604S) and
the other a Mac-specific model (the
RasterOps Sweet 16).
Considering the number of vendors,
you’d think a price war would be right
around the corner, and you’d be partly
right. Engineered for PCs, midsized
autosync monitors should bring the
benefit of economies of scale, because
they can be sold to Mac as well as PC
On the Horizon
Just after we finished our testing.
Sampo America released its candidate
for low-priced leader among midsized
autosync monitors, the AlphaScan 17,
which has a suggested retail price of
$1 1 295. Billed as Sampo 1 s "economical
solution," the AlphaScan 17 uses a
shadow-mask tube. In addition, Sampo
has introduced a high-end 17-inch moni¬
tor, the AlphaScan 17E r which also uses
a shadow-mask tube. The 17E uses
dynamic beam focusing and offers
Sampo’s ColorKey color-calibration sys¬
tem. Revised electronics incorporate
all-digital controls with 20-setting
memory, Sampo America. 5550 Peach¬
tree. Industrial Bivd,. Norcross, GA
Nanao’s new "budget" 16-inch
autosync monitor, the shadow-mask
Ftexscan F55QL is priced at$1,749. The
F550i offers the same, easy-to-use con¬
trols as the T560i monitor we tested for
this report, Nanao Corp., 23535 Teio
Avenue. Torrance, GA 90505: 800-325-
5202 or 310-325-5202.
Aiming to push the price of 16-inch
Trinitron technology to a new low.
SuperMac has introduced the
SuperMatch ITT, a companion to the
SuperMatch 17, tested for this report.
With a retail price of Si ,299. it's $100
cheaper than the earlier model Unlike
the current SuperMatch 17, the new
model will match the Mac’s 13-, 16-,
and 19-inch standards. By limiting the
new monitor to three resolutions.
SuperMac can make all adjustments for
image size and position at the factory.
Consequently, the SuperMatch 17T
doesn’t require the all-encompassing
SmartTouch controls of the current
product — the only controls it has are
those for brightness, contrast, and
power SuperMac Technology, 485
Potrero Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086;
Philips Electronics began a new moni¬
tor line under its own name (the com¬
pany has produced monitors under the
Magnavox name since 1984) with the
August 1992 introduction of its Fast-
Refresh/17 at a $1 r 595 list price. True
to its name, the 17-inch autosync moni¬
tor can lock to refresh frequencies as
high as 120 hertz and supports horizon¬
tal-scan rates from 30 to 64 kilohertz.
Its Invar shadow mask has a . 2 6-mi Hi-
meter dot pitch, and its front-panel con¬
trols include an LCD display. The
FastRefresh/17 can handle resolutions
as high as 1,280 x 1,024 pixels, and its
universal power supply can automati¬
cally adjust for any standard utility power
in the world. It conforms to the MPR-II
ELF (extremely low frequency) emis¬
sion standard.
Philips will also be adding a Trinitron
monitor with the same screen size and
similar features. Both Philips monitors
will ship with a Mac Quadra adapter
and Mac-oriented instructions as stan¬
dard equipment. Philips Electronics,
P.O, Box 14180, Knoxville, TN 37914;
800-835-3506 or 310-217-1300,
106 January 1993 Macllser
owners. Unfortunately, they haven't
— yet.
Those engineered specifically for
the Mac were among the lowest-priced
products we found. The Radius Color
Pivot LE had the lowest price {we
found one dealer that offered it for
$800, although the average street
price was $840) — but you have to
add the price of a Color Pivot video
card ($599 list) to get it going, unless
you use it with an LC II, Ilsi, Ilci*
Quadra, or Performa 400 or 600 (and
on these machines, without the card, it
runs only at 640 % 480 pixels). How¬
ever, the Pivots ait- -designed to be
full-page displays With a standard
resolution of 564; x 760 pixels at 72
dpi — or when pivoted to landscape
orientation, a resolution of 760 x 564
pixels. They are not true 16-inch dis¬
plays; although you can get them to
display the standard 832-X-624- pixel
16-inch resolution at 78 dpi* it re¬
quires some tricky adjustments to get
the screen image properly centered
and sized.
Close behind in cost was the
SuperMac SuperMatch 17, which we
found for as little as $969. The least
expensive autosync, the Magnavox
CM9217, had an average street price
of $995, showing that the price gap
between autosyncs and Mac-specific
monitors is closing. Far and away the
highest-priced monitor was an auto¬
sync — the bright, sharp Nanao Flex-
scan T560i — which had an average
street price of $2*020, It offered the
most-convenient controls and the best
image quality of the bunch.
More Dots
The higher price of many of the
autosyncs buys you the potential of
higher resolution as well as cross¬
platform compatibility. Many of the
autosync monitors are rated to pro¬
duce images with resolutions as high
as 1*280 x 1,024 pixels, with the ap¬
propriate video card.
Most of the resolution claims are of
little value to Mac users, however.
The highest resolution supported by
on-board Mac circuitry — 1,152 x
870 pixels on the Quadras (16-bit color
on the 950,8-bit on the 900/700) — is
still too many pixels for even a 21-
inch screen to display a 72-dpi image.
(72 dpi is the standard for WYSIWYG
[what you see is what you get] screen-
to-printer conformance). On a 16-inch
screen, 832 x 624 pixels results in 72-
dpi, WYSIWYG resolution — a
higher resolution makes images on¬
screen appear smaller than when
printed. This can be a problem if you’re
a desktop publisher or an artist who
needs to work in the world of
WYSrWYG— if you’re not, the good
news is that a higher dpi number will
let you cram more onto your screen;
the bad news is that what you cram
will be quite small.
All the monitors tested for this re¬
port support the 832-x-624-pixel 16-
inch standard. It’s called the 16-inch
standard because on monitors with a
screen size of 16 inches* the image is
displayed at 72 dpi. Displaying 832 x
624 pixels on a monitor smaller than
16 inches shrinks the image size, thus
raising the dpi count and consequently
making the image non-WYSIWYG.
Of the 16-inch autosync monitors
we tested* all can display the 640-x-
480-pixel 13-inch standard in addi¬
tion to the 832-x-624-pixel 16-inch
standard. Of the Mac-specific moni¬
tors, only the SuperMac SuperMatch
17 has this ability. If you have a video
card that can support only 640-x-480-
pixel resolution* you can run a 16-
inch autosync or the SuperMac moni¬
tor at that resolution and then upgrade
your card later to take advantage of
the monitor’s higher resolutions.
Monitor as Transmitter
The disadvantage of auto syncs*
aside from their higher prices, is diffi¬
culty of installation. Few makers of
autosync monitors bother to tailor their
instructions for Mac installation. Three
(Nanao, Sony, and Tax an) don’t even
mention the Mac in their documenta¬
tion. Even worse, the ViewSonic V7
we received had no manual at all —
we had to ask for one (the one the
company sent us did cover Macs*
This lack of proper instructions is
only part of the problem when you
hook up an autosync. Even though all
the vendors who submitted monitors
With a list price of $1,749, Nanao's new shadow-mask FlexScan F550i is aimed
at the low end of the 16 -inch-monltor price range — it's almost $1,000 less
expensive than the FlexScan T560i we tested for this report.
MaeUser January 1993 107
16-Inch Color Monitors
for this report knew that the monitors
were going to be tested on Macs, nearly
all of them failed to provide the cables
or adapters needed to connect to a
Mac, Mag Innovision, Mitsubishi,
Nanao, Sony, Taxan, and ViewSonic
all make Mac cables an extra-cost op¬
tion, whereas a PC-style connector is
standard equipment.
We also discovered that the FCC
certification of the E-Machines,
Mitsubishi, Nanao, NEC, RasterOps,
Seiko, and SuperMac monitors is Class
A, not the more stringent Class B. As
Class A monitors, they’re legal for
sale in commercial environments only.
If you use one of these in your home
and disrupt your neighbor’s TV re¬
ception, it’s your responsibility to end
the disruption.
Even the Worst 1$ OK
In the past, monitor testing often
came down to a battle of tube tech¬
nologies, with die Trinitron monitors
generally outperforming those using
shadow-mask tubes. But today, how
the CRT (cathode-ray tube) actually
puts the picture in front of you doesn’t
seem to matter quite as much,
A CRT is a glass bottle with elec¬
tron guns mounted in the small end
that illuminate phosphors deposited
on the inside of the wide end (the
screen). To allow the electron beam to
strike the correct phosphor for each
color (red, blue, or green), each tube
contains a metal mask between the
gun and the phosphors. A Trinitron
tube uses a mesh of fine, tightly
stretched vertical wires, whereas a
shadow-mask tube uses a perforated
sheet of metal (see "Big Screens for
Small Macs: Mac LC and Ilsi Color
Display Systems,” February ’92, page
Despite their well-deserved reputa¬
tion, Trinitron tubes are no longer
alone at the top. Judging from our
results, no one tube technology ap¬
pears to have an edge. Our exhaustive
testing with the Microvision Superspot
100 System did confirm what we saw
with our own eyes, however: There
are definite winners. But — and this is
good news for buyers — there are no
real losers. You can buy any monitor
on our list and get a good image.
Unlike in other monitor classes we’ve
examined, the minimum quality level
of the 16-inch monitors we tested is
entirely acceptable.
You Gotta Look Sharp
Top on the list of factors that make
a monitor "acceptable” is its sharp¬
ness — how well focused the images
are. To see just how sharp our 16 test
subjects really were, we passed each
before the steely gaze of our Super¬
spot 100 (see the "How We Tested”
The most telling of the tests was our
measurement of MTF (modulation
transfer function), which measured the
contrast between very fine lines (1
pixel wide in our tests), alternating
between minimum and maximum
How We Tested
To test these sixteen 16-inch monitors, we used two sophis¬
ticated pieces of equipment: a Micro vision Superspot 100 Sys¬
tem and a Minolta Color Analyser CA-100. We used the
Superspot to measure each monitor's MTF (modulation trans¬
fer function) and pincushion distortion. The Color Analyzer was
used to measure the monitors' maximum usable brightness.
Lack of Sharpness:
MTF provides a measure of a monitor's sharpness: A higher
MTF value means that the monitor can distinguish finer detail.
The percentage value is calculated from the contrast between
white and black lines. An ideal monitor would give exactly the
same brightness ratio for black and white lines spread far apart
as for lines that are close together. As lines get closer, how¬
ever, monitors have difficulty keeping the lines sharply distinct,
because the white areas bleed into the black ones. The result is
an image that looks fuzzy or blurred.
The most difficult pattern for a monitor to render sharply is
alternating white and black lines 1 pixel thick. We used this
pattern and the Superspot to measure the MTF of each of the
monitors after we had adjusted the brightness and contrast
controls to achieve the sharpest, brightest picture possible.
Pincushion Distortion:
Pincushion distortion is a measure of a monitor’s ability to
display straight lines. When a line shows obvious outward
108 January 1993 MacUser
Street price
Figure 1; Beauty by the Buck
Better performance ►-
•-Ridius Color Pi votLE
•-Apple n
inch AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Monitor
^-Magnavox CM92I7
L*SuperMac SuperMatch 17
^Mitsubishi Diamond Pm
17 #-SonyCPD-l604S
-Apple Macintosh 16" Color Display
•-Rrfus Color PiW ^"ViewSonic V7 <
t f
' Taian Multi vision £75+
i •-KastertJps Sweelfb
p •-E-Machines ColorPage TI6II
'—Mag Inaoviston M)
^-Mag Innovisicm MXI7S
Nanao FlexScan T5tftki
.80 .85 ,90 ,95 1,00 105 1.10 1.15 120 1,25 130
Performance relative to that of an Apple Macintosh 16" Color Display ' • MacUsefS "Bottom Line” picks
Figure 1: To find
an overall ranking
for the 16-inch
monitors, we
combined each
monitor's scores
for the sharpness,
brightness, and
geometry tests
and calculated the
result relative to
that of the Apple
Macintosh! 6"
Color Display. We
then plotted each
monitor's overall
performance rating
against the street
price to see which
monitors offer the
best image quality
for the money. The
familiar 13-inch
AppleColor High-
Resolution RGB
Monitor is
included for
bowing or curving, the monitor is said to have a large pincush¬
ion error. A common problem is for the monitor to have very
straight lines in the center of the screen and some amount of
bowing toward the edges. Most monitors have at least some
pincushion distortion because of the difficulty of accurately
steering the electron beams along their intended paths. How¬
ever, some monitors enable users to adjust the degree of
pincushion distortion.
We measured the pincushion distortion for both a line in the
center of the screen and one at the edge. If the monitor had a
pincushion-adjustment control, we adjusted the monitor to the
best overall geometry before taking the measurements.
Low Usable Brightness:
Maximum usable brightness is a measure of how bright a
display can be before the focus is affected. As the brightness is
increased, the eiectron beams that scan across the screen’s
phosphor become more intense, causing the phosphor glow to
spread and the focus to decrease.
We set each of the monitors at its sharpest, brightest setting
as determined by the Superspot when taking the MTF mea¬
surement Then we used the Minolta Color Analyser CA-100 to
measure the brightness of the screen when displaying a com¬
pletely white image,
- — Katherine Barnes
MaeUser January 1993 109
HP wins first-place awards for
Mac-compatible products.
"Macworld, August 1992 €1992 Hewlett-Packard Company PE 12212
HP gives $100 or $50 rebates on
award-winning ScanJets and DeskWriters.
HP’s Mac-compatible scanners
and printers seem to run forever.
But our rebate program won’t
Now through January 31,1993,
you can er\joy the famous perfor¬
mance ofHP^i products for the
Macintosh. And save a modest
fortune in the bargain.
We’re giving $50 rebates on the
enormously popular HP DeskWriter
printer, providing laser-quality
output at a dot-matrix price. $50
on the HP DeskWriter C, so you
can add a splash of color. And $50
off the already low price of the
HP ScanJet lip grayscale scanner.
We’re also offering a $100 rebate on
the HP ScanJet He color scanner.
With its superior scanning capabil
ities, it meets all your imaging and
text needs.
HP DeskWriters and ScanJets won
landslide victories in Macworld
So call 1-800-35HPMAC, Ext 7037
for more details and the name of
your local authorized HPdealer.
You’ll find that the price of fame
is very reasonable.
magazine^ World-Class Awards!
Voted on by Macintosh enthusiasts
who subscribe to Macworld.
16-Inch Color Monitors
brightness (black and white). Not sur¬
prisingly, the monitors that fared best
with the Superspot 100 in this test —
the Nanao FlexScan T560i (a Trinitron)
and the RasterOps Sweet 16 (a shadow
mask) — also appeared to human eyes
to have the best overall image.
Misconvergence, or the misalign¬
ment of a CRT's electron guns, can
also reduce picture sharpness. If the
colors used to create an image — red,
blue, and green in the case of a color
monitor — are misaligned, the whole
picture seems fuzzy, like the hideous
results frequently seen in color images
in newspapers. When we measured
misconvergence with our Superspot
100, we found that all the monitors
we tested for this report had excellent
A sharp monitor can still look bad if
it suffers from geometric distortion,
in which shapes are not accurately
represented on-screen. In o urpincush¬
ion, or distortion, tests, we used our
Superspot 100 to measure how far
from straight a straight line was at the
edge of the screen (where geometric
distortion is the worst). More than 3
pixels of pincushion distortion is no¬
ticeable. Only the SuperMac Super-
Match 17 and the Taxan Multivision
875+ showed more than 3 pixels of
pincushion distortion, and only just.
Remember, most of the monitors in
this report have controls that can elimi¬
nate pincushion distortion.
In Living Color
Aside from image sharpness, moni¬
tors stand out from one another in
their range of colors, brightness, and
Figure 2: Image Is Everything
Iverall Image Quality
-•-Nanao FlexScan T560i
— •- Sony CPD-16Q4S—
RasterOps Sweet 16 ——-————
— * E-Machines ColorPageT16 II —
—Mag lnnovision MX17S-
—Magnavox CM9217-
—-Apple Macintosh 16" Color Display-
—Seiko CM1760LR-
Better* ShaipflfiSS
—ViewSonic V7 ---
—Mag lnnovision MX17F —
— Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 17 —
—SuperMac SuperMatch 17-
—Radius Color Pivot LE-
—Radius Color Pivot-
—Taxan Multi vision 875+-
• MacUserb "Bottom Lina" picks
H The best perfornrer(s) in each test
0 2 A 6 .» 1.0 15 14 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Performance relative to tiial ol the Modulation Iransier (unction
Apple Macintosh 16* Color Display
Figure 2: We used a Micro vision Superspot 10O System and
a Minolta Color Analyzer CA-100 to carefully evaluate the
image quality of each of the 16-inch monitors. We found them
all to perform well — not a lemon in the bunch. Because of the
precision of our measurements, the test results exaggerate the
differences we found. To the eyes of most users, the differ¬
ences between the best and the worst monitors are barely
Overall Image Quality:
To find each monitor's overall image quality, we averaged
the results of our Individual tests for each monitor and then
compared them with the averaged results of the Apple 16"
Macintosh Color Display. Although all the monitors produced
acceptable images, the Sony CPD-16Q4S and the Nanao
FlexScan T5G0i led the pack, with the sharpest, most accurate,
and brightest images.
The Microvislon Superspot 100 System measured focus by
finding each monitor's MTF (modulation transfer function), an
objective measurement of image precision. We measured hori¬
zontal and vertical MTF separately and averaged the results.
The RasterOps Sweet 16 proved the sharpest, although even
the lowest-scoring five monitors (the Mitsubishi Diamond Pro
17, Radius Color Pivot. Seiko CM1760LR, Taxan Multi vision
112 January 1993 MacUser
uniformity of screen illumination. We
used a Minolta Color Analyzer CA-
100 to take a closer look at the moni¬
tors’ color characteristics.
The widest range of colors — as
plotted on a C1E chromaticity chart (a
widely accepted means of describing
colors, established by the Commis¬
sion Internationale d’Eclairage) —
was produced by the RasterOps Sweet
16, thanks to a new phosphor blend in
its CRT that delivers particularly bright
reds. Only two of the monitors — the
Radius Color Pivot and the SuperMac
SuperMatch 17 — produced a CIE
area index of less than .1, Over our
years of testing color display systems,
our expert juries have been able to
notice a lack of color range only in
monitors with CfE area indexes of
less than .1.
Another measure of a monitor’s
color accuracy is to test its color track¬
ing, a measure of the intensity of each
of a monitor’s three primary colors
(red, blue, and green) at different
brightness levels. If any of the ampli¬
fiers that control the power of the
guns in the tube for each color is more
powerful than the others, the monitor's
ability to represent colors accurately
on-screen is diminished.
Even the worst of these monitors
did very well. Only two fell distinctly
below the pack, and they were easy to
spot subjectively: At high brightness
levels, the screen of the Magnavox
CM9217 turned an objectionable blue,
and the RasterOps Sweet 16’s screen
turned slightly yellow as brightness
The monitors’ maximum usable
ieometry worse ►
Pincushion distortion viabi
but not objectionable.
Nanao Rexscan T5601
Sony CPD-16Q4S
— NEC 5FG —
RasterOps Sweet 16
E-Machines ColorPage T16II-
— Mag Innovision MX17S——
— Magnavox CM9217-
Apple Macintosh 16" Color Display
Seiko CMI760LR-—
ViewSonic V7-
USSLj-MW ^vision MX17F
the other
Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 17 -
SuperMac SuperMatch 17 —
Radius Color Pivot LE-
Radius Color Pivot-
Taxan Multivision 875+ -
0 2 A G 8 1,0
Maximum pincushion error, in millimeters
U 1.4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Maximum usable brightness, in lootlamberts
• MacUserb “Bottom Line" picks
The best performer(s) in each test
875+, and ViewSonic V7) were not so fuzzy as to be unusable.
To find the quality of each monitor's geometry — its ability to
keep straight lines straight —we used the Microvision Superspot
1 DO System to check for pincushioning — how far a tine of
pixels strays from perfectly vertical or perfectly horizontal. The
precision of the measurements exaggerates the narrow range
we found — from less than t pixel {,35 millimeter) of pin-
cushioning to a bit more than 3 pixels. We judged more than 3
pixels to be just noticeable, possibly a nuisance. Only the
Taxan and the SuperMac monitors displayed this level of
The Minolta Color Analyzer CA-l00 measured how bright
each monitor could be while still keeping its best focus. The
ViewSonic V7 proved to be the most suitable for brightly lit
offices* because it kept focus even when adjusted to be quite
Not Charted:
We also used the Superspot and the Color Analyzer to
check the gray linearity, color tracking, system gamma, spatial
uniformity, color temperature, misconvergence, and time vari¬
ance of each monitor. All the results fell within a narrow range,
and no monitor scored so well or so poorly as to stand out.
NlacUser January 1993 113
16-Inch Color Monitors
brightness — the greatest brightness
at which a monitor can operate before
it loses focus — varied over a range of
more than 2:1. The ViewSonic V7
was distinctly brighter than the rest. If
your office is brightly lit, by either
sunlight or fluorescent lights, choose
a monitor with a high maximum us¬
able brightness.
We also checked contrast by mea¬
suring the gamma of each monitor at
its manufacturer's default settings.
Gamma mathematically describes the
relationship between the signal input
to the monitor and the corresponding
output and is analogous to the con¬
trast control on a TV. A low gamma,
dose to 1.0, is ideal for desktop pub¬
lishing; a high gamma, close to 2.0, is
ideal for normal use. Although you
can adjust gamma levels simply by
adjusting the contrast control, one
monitor, the SuperMac SuperMatch
17, had a very high gamma that was
bothersome to adjust, because of the
side-mounted location of its knobs.
Talking About Knobs
Like the SuperMatch 17, many of
the other monitors could stand some
improvement when it comes to ergo¬
nomics. We took a close look at how
each monitor gives you control over
the screen.
In general, the single-resolution
monitors offer only brightness and
contrast knobs, which makes life
simple. But the autosyncs, because
they accept many video standards, of¬
ten need more-extensive adjustment.
Side- or rear-mounted controls on an
autosync monitor such as the E-Ma-
chines ColorPage T16 II, the Mag
Innovision MX17S, and the Sony
CPD-1604S make the often-difficult
job of adjusting such a monitor even
harder. The remaining monitors of¬
fered excellent control, although some
are guilty of a little overkill (see the
“Under Control” sidebar).
Stand by Your Monitor
How much a company is willing to
stand behind its product is important,
especially when that product costs
more than $1,000. Unfortunately, all
but two of the monitors in this report
come with only a one-year parts-and-
tabor warranty. RasterOps is to be
congratulated for offering three-year
coverage and Taxan for its two-year
standard warranty.
As for the servicing of these moni¬
tors, half the manufacturers require
you to deal directly with them and the
other half ask you to go through your
dealer. Each method has advantages.
Dealing directly with the manufac¬
turer should mean that the person to
Under Control
The more knobs, the better. That was once a common
assumption when buying an electronic device. Well, it's high
time we nix that myth.
Ideally, fewer is better. After all, control adjustments com¬
pensate for things that aren't right — the wrong location or
shape of the on-screen image, for example. On an ideal moni¬
tor, all you would need would be brightness and contrast
controls, necessary for dealing with the vagaries of ambient
If all you want to do Is run your monitor at 832 x 624 pixels
(the Mac's 16-inch standard), the minimal pair of controls —
contrast and brightness — on the Radius and RasterOps
monitors are both sufficient and simple.
Currently, autosync monitors need and have more controls,
but as these monitors get smarter, they'll need fewer. Most of
the monitors we tested for this report can automatically adjust
to handle almost any video signal sent to them. The problem is
that they usually can’t automatically adjust for the timing of the
signals (which affects image position and size).
To deal with this, autosync monitors include controls for
adjusting the horizontal position (sometimes called phase) and
the size (or width) of the on-screen image as well as its vertical
size {height) and position. Properly used, these controls allow
you to fill the screen with your Mac desktop, center it, and
ensure that it has the correct aspect ratio ^ that is, adjust it so
that squares appear truly square.
These controls can be analog or digital. Analog controls
(such as those of the Apple, Seiko, and Sony monitors) are
typically knobs or shafts you twist to adjust the image. Digital
controls are push buttons, although the Nanao FlexScan T560i
combines an analoglike thumb wheel with a digital selector.
Digital controls are preferable, because they have no me¬
chanical devices that can wear out. Most all-digital autosyncs
can also store control settings, automatically correcting the size
and position of the image as they detect a particular set of
scanning frequencies. So although the first time you hook up
the monitor, you may have to make some adjustments, subse¬
quent changes should be automatic.
The RasterOps Sweet 16 has just two adjustments,
brightness and contrast, but these are adequate for the
monitor's purpose — generating the 16-inch display
standard, an 332-x-624-pixel Image. The Sweet 16 can
use preset factory settings for image size and position,
because it supports only this resolution.
114 January 1993 Macllser
Bargain Color
If you don’t own a Quadra and you
want to enjoy the benefits of a 16-inch
monitor, you'll need a display card to
drive the monitor — that's the bad news*
The good news is that you don't have to
go broke buying one. Here’s a quick
look at some of the least expensive
color-display cards around.
For those who want 24-bit color, Ra¬
dius offers the P reel sion Colo r24XP with
built-in QuickDraw acceleration fora low
$599 fist price. But if 8-bit color is all you
need, look at the Spectrum/8 card ($499
list), from SuperMac. If you want to plug
a Spectrum/8 in to an LG or llsi, you’ll
pay $100 more. Mirror Technology's 8-
bit NuBus card and RasterOps' 8XL list
for $599 each.
Lapis Technologies is offering two
families of 8- t 16-, and 24-blt NuBus
display cards — the Match Maker line
(cards that produce one resolution) and
the ColorPro line (cards that let you
change the resolution through a control
panel). Eight-bit Match Maker cards cost
$499 each; ColorPro cards cost $529
Envlsio, maker of PowerBook video
cards, has announced its first display
product for modular Macs. The Quick
16 display card supports 16-bit color on
monitors as large as 16 inches for the
LC II and has a $595 list price.
The 16-bit Lapis ColorPro 8*16
whom you send the monitor should
know how to fix it better than anyone
else* Going through a dealer usually
means you don't have to pay for ship¬
ping —and mailing a 50-pound moni¬
tor is an expensive proposition* Each
method has disadvantages too: It can
be difficult to get in touch with the
right person when calling the manu¬
facturer (often the documentation
doesn't provide a technical-support
phone number). And often your dealer
can’t fix your monitor and ends up
shipping it back to the manufacturer
The bottom line is that monitors are
delicate instruments and can be af¬
fected by rough handling. So if you
believe you can get your best price
through mail order, you should make
sure you find out how the company
plans to ship the monitor and if its
repair policy states that it will pay for
Unfortunately, some manufacturers, such as Mitsubishi, go
overboard on controls — you shouldn't be required to keep the
manual open to decipher what the pattern of lights on the
control panel means. Poor positioning of controls is another
common failing. The controls on the back of some 16-inch
The NanaoFlexsean T560i combines digital control
buttons with an analoglike wheel. You select the type of
modification you want to make by pushing the button
and then make the adjustment with the wheel. This
arrangement is the easiest if you need to shift among
various standards when using an autosync monitor.
monitors — the E-Machines ColorPage T16 II and the Mag
Innovision MX17S, for example — are difficult to reach. Side-
mounted controls, such as those on the Apple, Sony, and
SuperMac monitors, force you to look away from the screen to
see what you’re adjusting — literally a pain in the neck.
Mitsubishi uses digital adjustments for all of Its monitor
controls. Advanced functions such as varying pincushion
and trapezoidal distortion require selecting a mode
indicated by a pattern of LEDs (which you must check in
the manual). We found this control scheme overly
complicated and confusing.
MacUser January 1993 115
Scan The
Of The world.
« K.
r >4, -
The eighth.
The Agfa family of scanners: Horizon, Arcus, and Focus*
It’s no wonder so many companies today are
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From desktop publishing to high quality
production prepress and graphic arts, Agfa offers
a family of high-quality scanners that are not only
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production environment.
Whether you choose our affordable Arcus™
color or Focus desktop scanners or our exception¬
ally fast Horizon* color prepress scanner, you* 11
be getting a scanner that’s the highest quality in
its class,
Agfa scanners offer a range of features
designed to meet your specific application needs*
Like scanning resolution up to 1200 dpi. Multiple
scanning modes from black and white to color.
Transparency modules* Unique light sources* And
image sampling up to 12 bits per color.
Built for speed, flexibility and increased pro¬
ductivity, Agfa scanners also offer the ability to
work with reflective and transparent art. Auto¬
matic exposure and density control. Sharpness
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tional dynamic range. And gamma and tone
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In addition, we offer a full complement of
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Agfa’s professional imaging software.
It’s not surprising our scanners help you
reach new levels of image control and accuracy*
Consider the company behind them.
For over 100 years, Agfa’s photographic and
prepress products have provided the graphic arts
industry with innovative, productive solutions. It’s
this long-term understanding of graphic arts needs
that has enabled us to build a family of scanners
and a service track record second to none.
We’d like to show you Agfa’s family of
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Whatever your expertise, whatever your
scanning needs, at Agfa, we can do wonders for
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The complete picture.
AGFA and rhe Agfa rhombus are registered trademark? of Agfa-Gevaert AG. Arcus is a trademark of Agfa-Gevacn N.V, Mortise I -Belgium. Horizon is a registered trademark of Agfa* Gcvacrt N.V., MortseL-Belgium.
MAC is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Ine. PC il a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. SUN is a registered trademark qfSUN Microsystem? Inc,
Circle 20 on reader service card.
16-Inch Color Monitors
The Bottom Line
If your 13-inch AppleGolor High-
Resolution RGB Monitor is beginning to
look a bit small, it's time to move up to
the new standard: a 16-inch monitor
that offers you 832 x 624 pixels. With 70
percent more pixels, you can leave more
applications open and see more of your
page-layout, spreadsheet, and word-
processing documents.
For those who are looking for a solid
16-inch monitor to plug in to their Mac
— and virtually any other computer that
will fit on (or next to) a desk — our top
choice is the autosynchronous Sony
CPD-1604S ($1,700 list, $1,105 street).
It has one of the brightest and most
stable images of all the monitors we
tested and offers the best image quality
for the money. Its only weaknesses are
its lack of Mac cabling and documenta¬
tion and its side-mounted controls.
The Nanao FlexScan T560i ($2,699 list, $2,020 street) is
our second choice in autosyncs. It had superior image quality
that stood out from all the rest in our tests, even at a casual
glance. In addition, the Fiexscan T560i combines wide-ranging
autosync abilities with the best-thought-out controls of any
monitor. On the negative side, this monitor is the priciest of the
bunch and it doesn't include Mac cabling or instructions as
standard equipment.
If you're looking for a plug-and-play monitor (it has the
correct cables to hook straight up to your Mac), you can't do
better than the Raster Ops Sweet 16 ($1,499 list, $1,215
Worth a second look (from left): the Sony CPD-1604S,
Nanao Fiexscan T560i, RasterOps Sweet 16 t and
E-Machines ColorPage T16 11-
street). It edged out the Nanao Fiexscan T560i in our sharp¬
ness tests and was hampered only by a slight deviation in color
tracking (our evaluation monitor had a slightly yellowish screen).
Its bright red phosphor gives it the widest color range of any
monitor we tested.
The E-Machines ColorPage T16 II ($1,699 list, $1 a 2S0
street) is our second choice for a plug-and-play monitor.
shipping the monitor back.
In any case, a 16-inch standard
monitor shouldn't give you any more
problems than a 13-inch standard
monitor. Thanks to advances in both
Trinitron and shadow-mask technol¬
ogy, each size can give you a crisp,
bright, and colorful screen — but a
16-inch standard monitor gives you
70 percent more pixels. Avoiding a
13-inch monitor shouldn't be based
on superstition alone. The 13-inch
standard was fine for its time, but if
you’ve ever hankered for more screen
space — and who hasn't? — and
couldn't justify the cost of a 19- or
20-lnch monitor, a 16-inch monitor is
the way to go. For our favorite picks
of this excellent crop, see the “Bottom
Line" sidebar.
Winn L, Bosch highly recommends me Wirmftoscti
Hartiivare Namtoook ter further information on
computer gear.
Table 1 Criteria
List price — The vendor's retail price for the monitor.
Street price — The average price of the monitor through dealers surveyed across
the U.S. in September 1992 or through mail order.
Screen size (diagonal) — The length, diagonally, of the exposed glass face of the
monitor, in inches.
Active screen size (diagonal) — The length, diagonally, of the portion of the
screen that lights up, in inches.
Max. pixel dimensions (W x H) — The maximum number of dots (pixels) that can
be displayed on the screen, listed horizontally (width) and vertically (height). All
monitors were tested at 832 x 624 pixels,
Horiz.-scan rate (min,, max,) — The minimum and maximum number of lines of
pixels that can be written on the screen per second, in kilohertz.
Vert .-scan rate (mim, max.) — The minimum and maximum rate at which the
screen is redrawn from top to bottom, in cycles per second (hertz).
Footprint — The dimensions of the monitor's base given as length times width if
the foot is square or as a diameter if the base is circular, in inches.
Controls — Does the monitor have controls for adjusting brightness, contrast,
position and size of the image, and pincushioning? If yes, the type (analog or
digital) 1 and the location of the controls. Also, does the monitor have controls for
degaussing, voltage, and power?
Signal compatibility — The video standards accepted by each monitor.
Mac cable/adapter«— Whether a Mac 11-series cable or adapter is included.
FOC certification — According to the FCC. Class A products should not be sold in
the consumer market. To have its product listed as Class B-certified, the vendor
provided a verifiable FCC Grant of Certification,
co minus & ►
118 January 1993 MacUser
impartial fesi of performance, me
Real Tech Laser was chosen for
Mac User's cover. For complete
information see MacUser,
September 1992 issue.
stxrdefghijjii I mnopqrMwV'Hy^ 1234S67
★ ★★★V2
'' The RealTech features not just a
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— Publish Magazine.
February 1992
September 1992
Rttwinlcd from Scpl. 1992.
Copyright *1992. Ziff CammumcalMMW Co.
Why settle
for second
best when
you can own
the winner?
If you need to print
complex graphics on
a daily basis or targe
quantities of high-
quality, time-sensi¬
tive documents, the
RealTech Laser is
the ideal solution.
Designed for multi¬
user networking
and mixed-piatform
environments .
□ Real
300 DPI
‘ 1595 .
Complete desktop imaging,
from scan to view to print
20* Trinitron Multi-mode Monitor ft,895.
17' Multi-mode Monitor $995-
21 ■ Grayscale Monitor $795.
15* Grayscale Monitor $449.
Color 350 Color Printer $5,995.
Scan mt Color Scanner $ J, 199.
Laser 400 Printer S3,195-
■ RISC processor
■ Ail oho PostScript
t Level 2
t ■ SCSI port
> tt ** (lilacs pc r m i nil I c
S ■ 300 dpt
■ 2 Mb of RAM,
p\pan liable to 10 Mb 2nd paper drawer
and envelope feeder
■ Easy-to- ins Li 11
For more information
call toll-free:
? 4-REAL
Circle 97 on reader service card.
16-Inch Color Monitors
Table 1: Features of 16-Inch Color Monitors
• = yes
Apple Macintosh
E- Machines
Mag Innovislon
Mag Innovislon
O » no
16" Color Display
CdorPage TIG II
List price
Street price
SI ,225
ADB ports. Good
Excellent image quality.
Single resolution.
Awkward controls.
No cables for Mac included.
Awkward controls. No
Awkward controls. No
FCC Class A only.
No tech-support number.
cables for Mac included.
tech-support number.
No tech-support number.
Tube type
shadow mask
Screen size (diagonal)
16 in.
16 in.
15.5 in.
16 in.
Active screen size (diagonal)
14.8 m.
15 in.
15.5 in.
14.5 in.
Max. pixel dimensions (W x H) 832 x 624 pixels
1,280x1.024 pixels
1,152 x 870 pixels
1,280x1.024 pixels
Horiz.-scan rate (min., max.)
50, 50 kHz
30, 68 kHz
30, 68 kHz
30.68 kHz
Vert.-scan rate (min., max.)
75, 75 Hz
50,120 HZ
50,120 Hz
50.120 Hz
Power consumption
130 watts
130 watts
130 watts
130 watts
Swivel stand
11 in. diameter
12 in, diameter
11.5 in, diameter
11.75 in. diameter
Monitor depth
16 in.
18.5 in.
19.7 in.
18.5 in.
Monitor weight
50 lb
54.9 lb
50.6 lb
50.6 lb
Vert./horiz position
analog/left side
digital/front under panef
digital/front under panel
digital/front under panef
Vert/hcriz, size
analog/left side
digital/front under panel
digital/front under panel
digital/front under panel
Ve ft ./ho riz/don verge nee
input select
120/240-volt switch
Signal compatibility
Mac 12-inch
Mac 13-inch
Mac 1 6-inch
Mac cable/adapter
neither [optional)
neither (optional)
Service site
Manufacturer's warranty
1 year
1 year
1 year*
1 year*
Money-back guarantee
FCC certification
Class B
Class A
Class B
Class B
Apple Computer. Inc.
E-Mach ines r Inc.
Mag Innovislon
Mag Innovision
20525 Mariani Ave,
9305 S,W. Gemini Dr
4392 Corporate Center Dr,
4392 Corporate Center Dr.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Beaverton, OR 97005
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Los Alamitos. CA 90720
*Two-year warranty for the CRT.
120 January 1993 Macliser
Appetizing color at
an affordable price.
RealTech 20" Trinitron
Monitor . 24-hit color, with
multi-mode and auto-sync
capabilities. A vaihibic
exclusively through
Hardware That Fits.
The ReaI Tech 20 n
Trinitron Monitor:
the perfect solution
for desktop profes¬
sionals who need to
view photorealistic
color Ideal for
graphics-in tensi ve
Compatible with ail
Macintosh CPUs that
/rave on-board video ,
20" Trinitron*
> 1895 .
Complete desktop imaging,
from scan to view to print
17' Multi-mode Monitor
21 “ Grayscale Monitor
15* Grayscale Mon/far
Color 350 Color Printer
Scan 800 Color Scanner
Laser Printer
Laser 400 Printer
$ 99 $,
$ 795 .
$ 5 , 995 .
$ 1 , 199 .
$ 1 , 595 .
$ 3 , 195 .
9 Auto-syncing
(640x480, 832x624,
1024x768, 1152x870)
■ Macintosh CPU-ready
9 Compatible with Radius,
RaslerOps, Rea I Tech
& Super Mac video cards
For more information
call toll-free:
Circle 95 on reader service card.
16-Inch Color Monitors
Table 1: Features of 16-Inch Color Monitors, continued
• = yes
Diamond Pro 17
FlexScan T560i
List price
Street price
Toll-free tech-support
Excellent image quality.
Excellent image quality.
Easy-to-use controls.
Excellent documentation.
Awkward controls. No
Awkward controls. No
Most expensive. FCC
No antiglare included.
tech-support number.
cables for Mac included.
Class A only. No
FCC Class A only. ,
FCC Class A only.
tech-support number.
Tube type
shadow mask
shadow mask
shadow mask
Screen size (diagonal)
15.5 in.
16 in.
16.25 in.
15.5 in.
Active screen size (diagonal)
15.5 in.
15.5 in.
15.5 in.
14.75 in.
Max. pixel dimensions (W x H)
1,024 x 768 pixels
1,280x 1,024 pixels
1,280x1,024 pixels
1,280x 1,024 pixels
Horiz.-scan rate (min., max.)
30,57 kHz
30, 64 kHz
30, 80 kHz
27,79 kHz
Vert.-scan rate (min., max.)
50,100 Hz
50,130 Hz
55,90 Hz
55,90 Hz
Power consumption
120 watts
130 watts
148 watts
190 watts
Swivel stand
9.5 x 9.5 in.
10.25x10 in.
11 x 11 in.
11 in. diameter
Monitor depth
17.3 in.
17.3 in.
18.6 in.
19.8 in.
Monitor weight
46.2 lb
47.4 lb
57.5 lb
56.1 lb
Vert/horiz. position
digital/front under panel
digital/front under panel
Vert./horiz. size
digital/front under panel
digital/front under panel
Vert/horiz. convergence
digital/front under panel
digital/front under panel
digital/front under panel
Input select
120/240-volt switch
Signal compatibility
Mac 12-inch
Mac 13-inch
Mac 16-inch
Mac cable/adapter
neither (optional)
neither (optional)
Service site
Manufacturer’s warranty
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year*
Money-back guarantee
FCC certification
Class B
Class A
Class A
Class A
Philips Electronics
Mitsubishi Electronics
Nanao Corp.
P.O. Box 14180
5665 Plaza Dr.
23535 Telo Ave.
1255 Michael Dr.
Knoxville. TN 37914
P.O. Box 6007
Torrance, CA 90505
Wood Dale, IL 60191
Cypress, CA 90630
*Two-year warranty for the CRT.
122 January 1993 MacUser
The ffcaifvih Svan mm.
St art nnd fram-
p,ifWi< i<S|vy7h 7>art$p.i
vrn Optima
evc/usryWvy though \
i t.intw ,i) r t ttS.
lity scans you
eally celebrate.
124-bit color or 8-bit
I HUB dpi
12011 bright ncss/contrast
I Fast scanning speed
{9.1 seconds at 300 dpi
grayscale; 75 seconds
tor color)
I Includes Scan Match
color calibration software
For more information,
cat! toll-free:
Now you don't have
to buy two separate
scanners for reflective
art and transparen¬
cies. And the quality
is so good you can
actually use the sepa¬
rations for printing .
We did!*
* The party picture sho^vo above
originated j/i 8m ! 0 color
transparency. ft was canned on
the fteafTech Scan BOO (with
Transparency Optionl adjusted
with ikanMatch color calibration
software, and color-corrected ivrtfi
Adobe fHxjtoshop.
Circle 94 on reader service card.
□ Rea l
Scar* 800
* 1199 .
Complete desktop imaging,
from scan to view to print
Son BOO ^/Transparency Option 5 1695.
!9“ Trinitron Mufti-mode Monitor StB95.
17 M MuM-mode Monitor 5995.
21 * Grayscale Monitor $795.
15 M Grayscale Monitor $449.
Color 350 Color Printer $5995.
Laser Primer St595.
laser 400 Primer j 3 f 95.
16-Inch Color Monitors
Table 1: Features of 16-Inch Color Monitors, continued
• = yes
Color Pivot
Color Pivot LE
Sweet 16
List price
Street price
Very good documentation.
Very good documentation.
Excellent image quality.
Pivots to portrait view.
Pivots to portrait view.
Simple controls. Three-
year warranty.
imperfect image quality.
Imperfect image quality.
Single resolution. FCC
Class A only.
FCC Class A only.
Tube type
shadow mask
shadow mask
shadow mask
Screen size (diagonal)
15 in.
15 in.
16.75 in.
16 in.
Active screen size (diagonal)
13.75 in.
13,75 in.
14.5 in.
14,75 in.
Max, pixel dimensions [W x H) 870 x 640 pixels
832 x 624 pixels
832 x 624 pixels
1,280 x 1,024 pixels
Horiz.-scan rate (min., max.)
68.9, 68.9 kHz
48,48 kHz
49.7,49.7 kHz
31,64 kHz
Vert.-scan rate (min., max.)
75, 85.2 Hz
72, 72 Hz
75, 75 HZ
50, 90 HZ
Power consumption
100 watts
100 watts
100 watts
150 watts
Swivel stand
11.25x13.75 in.
11.25x13,75 lit
10x10 in.
11 x11,5 in.
Monitor depth
17 In.
17 in.
17.4 in.
17.5 in.
Monitor weight
47.9 tb
47,9 lb
35 ib
51 lb
VertThoriz, position
Vert/horiz, size
Veit/horiz, convergence
Input select
120/240-volt switch
Signal compatibility
Mac 12-inch
Mac 13-inch
Mac 16-inch
Mac cable/adapter
Service site
Manufacturer's warranty
1 year
1 year
3 years
1 year
Money-back guarantee
FCG certification
Class 8
Class B
Class A
Class A
Radius, Inc.
Radius, Inc.
RasterOps Corp,
Seiko Instruments
1710 Fortune Dr.
1710 Fortune Dr.
2500 Walsh Ave.
1130 Ringwood Ct.
San Jose, CA 95131
San Jose, CA 95131
Santa Clara, CA 95051
San Jose, CA 95131
124 January 1993 MacUser
Our 11x17 printer is
guaranteed to make
ycxi smile, too.
ReatTech Laser 400
Printer. Choice of 300
or 400 dpi & letter- or
tabloid-size printing.
Available exclusively
through Hardware
That Fits.
M Adobe PostScript Level 2
■ High-speed printing
(IS ppm—letter;
B ppm—tabloid}
■ 300 or 4(10 dpi
MACWOttiD Magazine
September 1992
feanne is thrilled that she
doesn't have to fiddle
around and tape pages
together anymore.
No more tiling1
m No more
t cut-and-taped
mock ups!
■ 2 paper trays included
■ SCSI port
■ Full-page 11x17 printing
(prints to within 5mm
of edge)
■ 4 Mb RAM, upgradable
to t G
■ Weitek RISC processor
■ ATM font rendering
■ Three interface ports
(Appletalk RS-422, IBM
PC parallel, and RS-
■ Hewlett Packard
LaserJet Series II
The RealTech Laser
400. it's fast Flexible,
And configured for
speedy printing of
documents . The ideal
networking printer,
and the perfect solu¬
tion for multi-user
printing environments *
Complete desktop imaging ,
from scan to view to print
20* Trinitron Multi-mode Monitor $1895.
17 m Multi-mode Monitor $995,
21 ‘ Grayscale Monitor 5755.
15 m Grayscale Monitor $449.
Color 350 Color Printer $5,995-
5c$n 800 Color Scanner $ /, / 55.
Laser Printer 51,555.
1 - 800-86
“ forewarned:
PustScript-done printers
still haw a tong way to
go before they can rival
true Adobe PostScript
printers. ”
I^IHlr fmm Mu iJui SrpIniJin VJ'U
irUUf. J lVtUN«l flKtSntyl Pijnlm' lij
hutt Friw,
For more information,
call toll-free:
Circle 96 on reader service card.
M 16-Inch Color Monitors
Table 1: Features of 16-Inch Color Monitors, continued
• = yes
C = no
SuperMatch 17
Multivision 875+
List price
Street price
Excellent image.
Inexpensive. Good
Two-year warranty.
Awkward controls. No
Awkward controls.
Expensive. Imperfect
No cables for Mac
cables for Mac included.
FCC Class A only.
image quality. No
included. No tech-support
No tech-support number.
cables for Mac included.
Tube type
shadow mask
shadow mask
shadow mask
Screen size (diagonal)
16.5 in.
16 in.
15.75 in.
16 in.
Active screen size (diagonal)
15 in.
14.7 in.
14.8 in.
14.75 in.
Max. pixel dimensions (W x H)
1,024 x 768 pixels
1,024 x 768 pixels
1,280x1,024 pixels
1,280x1,024 pixels
Horiz.-scan rate (min., max.)
28,57 kHz
30,75.23 kHz
30,75 kHz
31,60 kHz
Vert.-scan rate (min., max.)
50, 87 Hz
56, 75 Hz
50.90 Hz
50,90 Hz
Power consumption
120 watts
150 watts
140 watts
130 watts
Swivel stand
11.75x11.75 in.
10 x 10 in.
9.75x9.75 in.
10x10 in.
Monitor depth
17.2 in.
17.2 in.
17 in.
18.9 in.
Monitor weight
44 lb
49.5 lb
55 lb
42.8 lb
analog/right side
anaiog/right side
Vert./horiz. position
analog/left side
digital/right side
digital/right side
digital/front under panel
Vert./horiz. size
analog/left side
digital/right side
digital/right side
digital/front under panel
Vert./horiz. convergence
digital/right side
digital/right side
Input select
120/240-volt switch
Signal compatibility
Mac 12-inch
Mac 13-inch
Mac 16-inch
Mac cable/adapter
neither (optional)
neither (optional)
neither (optional)
Service site
Manufacturer’s warranty
1 year*
1 year
2 years
1 year
Money-back guarantee
FCC certification
Class B
Class A
Class B
Class B
Sony Corp. of America
SuperMac Technology
Taxan America. Inc.
655 River Oaks Pkwy.
485 Potrero Ave.
161 Nortech Pkwy.
20480 E. Business Pkwy.
San Jose, CA 95134
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
San Jose, CA 95134
Walnut, CA 91789
*Tv/o-year warranty for the CRT.
126 January 1993 MacUser
tion or *
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Network Renderers:
Drawing On
All Resources
Just because you
need to sleep doesn’t
mean your Macs do.
MacUser Labs
A rendering application puts the creative potential of
a photo studio inside your Mac, Just as a photogra¬
pher manipulates lighting to enhance a photo, a
rendering application lets you add the subtleties of
light and shadow to 3-D images created on your
Mac. Exceptionally lifelike images can be created,
but the processing power — and time — required
to produce them is equally exceptional.
For experienced Mac designers, rendering has
become synonymous with excruciatingly long
waits. Even a Silicon Graphics Indigo — a work¬
station specifically designed for such computa¬
tionally intensive graphical tasks—can take many
hours to render a single image. A CPU accelerator
or a faster Mac can help, but don't expect even a
Quadra 950 to single-handedly free you from the
drudgery of rendering. It won’t, and it can’t.
But imagine a world in which a rendering job
could be parceled out to a collection of Macs, all
working simultaneously to render the same image
in a fraction of the time it takes a solitary machine
to do so. Although this technology — dubbed
distributed rendering or network rendering — has
long existed in the UNIX-workstation world, art¬
ists have been anxiously awaiting its arrival in the
Mac world. Now the watt is over: Mac-based
distributed rendering has arrived.
tests three rendering
packages that
make networked
Macs productive
24 hours a day,
130 January 1993 MacUser
B Network Rendering Software
To find the best cure for your ren¬
dering headaches, MacUser Labs
tested three new products that offer
the power of network rendering for
the Mac: Specular's BackBumer 1.0,
Ray Dream's DreamNet 1.02, and
Strata's RenderPro 1.01 let you dedi¬
cate multiple networked Macs to the
task of rendering a single image.
To evaluate these products, we com¬
pared their performance on several
challenging benchmark tests in the
MacUser Labs NetWorkShop testing
lab. We also looked at each product's
documentation, features, and capabili¬
ties and found that not all network
rendering programs are created equal.
A Tenderer is a computer-age paint-
by-number system that takes an im¬
age containing geometric models —
typically created with a 3-D-CAD or
3-D-solid-modeling package — and
adds color, shading, and texture on a
pixel-by-pixel basis. The rendering
process is computationally intensive;
to accurately complete an image, a
Tenderer must typically calculate the
visual characteristics of many com¬
positional elements. Ray tracing — a
particularly involved method of ren¬
dering — traces a single ray of light
through the scene, calculating
reflectivity, intensity, and absorption
with respect to viewer, light, and ob¬
ject position as well as evaluating the
physical characteristics and color at¬
tributes of each object.
Before rendering, an image is typi¬
cally designed with software that of¬
fers solid-modeling capabilities. Once
the objects have been designed —
often as wire-frame replicas — and a
scene has been laid out, the image is
transferred to a Tenderer. Many pro¬
grams offer rendering capabilities, and
the better the quality of the rendered
image, the longer the rendering time.
Only three programs, however, offer
netoork rendering on the Mac.
BackBumer, DreamNet, and
RenderPro all tackle the distributed
rendering task in a similar fashion;
one Mac acts as the host, or master ,
machine and is charged with oversee¬
ing the Macs doing the rendering —
known as the slaves. The image to be
rendered is broken into small pieces
and parceled out to the slaves. The
slaves render these small blocks, and
when each rendered component is fin¬
ished, it's sent back to the host ma¬
chine over the network (see the “How
to Slash Rendering Times" sidebar).
Your networked Macs can be
brought into the rendering fold in two
ways: First, the master can detect an
Many programs
offer rendering capabilities.
Only three programs, however,
presently let you dedicate
multiple networked Macs to
the task of rendering
a single image.
idle Mac on the network and enlist it
in full-time slave duty in the render¬
ing process. Second, a slave can help
render an image in the background,
donating free CPU cycles even as you
work in your spreadsheet or word¬
processing program.
To harness the unused power of
your network, you need to purchase a
network rendering module for each
Mac you plan to designate as a slave.
Installing DreamNet’s network ren¬
dering module is simple: At each node,
click on the installer, and in minutes,
the job is done, its completion marked
by a dialog box that prompts you to
enter the product’s serial number.
BackBumer’s installation is almost as
easy: Just copy the BackBumer con¬
trol-panel device into each slave's
System Folder, and enter the product
serial number the first time you run
the program on each Mac. RenderPro’s
installation, on the other hand, is un¬
necessarily frustrating. Although
RenderPro uses an installer, you must
subsequently perform a series of steps
to select, copy, and move files — the
very tasks the installer should take
care of for you.
Once you've installed all the soft¬
ware, you'll want to create rendering
workgroups, establish rendering
schedules, and otherwise configure the
software for your particular network
and rendering needs.
DreamNet is the easiest of the three
to configure. On the master Mac,
DreamNet's Chooser-like interface
displays available slaves in each net¬
work zone. To assign slaves to a par¬
ticular rendering job, just select them
with the mouse. DreamNet also con¬
veniently lets you name and save these
rendering groups so that you can
quickly and easily redefine which
Macs will be participating in a given
rendering session.
BackBumer and RenderPro each
require configuration via the Users &
Groups control panel. This little bit of
extra work is worthwhile because it
allows each slave's user to limit the
master’s access. In addition, Render-
Pro lets each slave define a weekly
rendering calendar to tell the master at
what hours it is available for render¬
ing. BackBumer doesn't provide a
calendar, but it does allow each slave
to have password protection for pre¬
venting unwanted machine access. It’s
smart too: If several slave machines
have been given the same password,
BackBumer automatically signs them
in as a group.
Mountains into Molehills
For our testing of the three network
Tenderers, we modeled test images in
the native modeler of the respective
132 January 1993 MacUser
How We Tested
Testing for this report took place in the MacUser Labs
MetWorkShop, our mu Itiplatforrn-network testing facility. Our test
network consisted of a Quadra 900 with 20 megabytes of RAM as
the masterand four Quadra 700s with 8 megabytes of RAM each
as the slaves. We connected all the machines via an Ethernet
network, using the Quadras' built-in Ethernet capabilities. Our
test image was created with each network Tenderer's native
modeler: Specular's Inifini-D for BackBumer, Ray Dream's Ray
Dream Designer for DreamNet and Strata's Strata Vision 3d for
RenderPro. We first rendered each image on the Quadra 900
alone. We then added one, two, and four Quadra 700s and
noted the improvement in performance.
In addition to obtaining raw performance-improvement num¬
bers, we also tested the products to see how they handled or
executed background tasks. We first transferred a 5-megabyte
file between two of the test Quadra 700s while they were execut¬
ing a distributed render. We did a find-and-re place operation on
an 800K 100-page WriteNow 3.0 document during a render. We
loaded Excel 3.0 during a render and recalculated the spread¬
sheet entries for 10,000 cells. Finally, we crashed the master and
slave machines during a group render to determine whether the
software could handle recovery and how the master machine
accommodated the crash. Each test provided us with different
insights into the effectiveness of each program.
We created a background, or back
plane, in Photoshop 2.01 that
incorporated a texture map to
make (he numbers appear to be
The loop on top of the watch is a
path-exifaded object—a three-
dimensional object created by
moving a two-dimensional object
along a third axis. tnftnl-D
doesn't support path extrusions,
so we used a DXF import.
We produced the watch
body with th e lathe function
— we created a sliver of the
watch and then rotated It to
define the full body.
Si rata Vision 3d let us create
the spring as a swept circle
— we swept a circle in space
and offset the axis of
rotation. The other products
can’t do I his, so we had to
import the spring as a DXF
object (DXF is a file format
common to all modelers).
We created the MacUserlogo in Illustrator
and then extruded\t — turned it into a three-
dimensional object by extending the two-
dimensional letters into three dimensions.
The face of Ihe watch ts a texture
map — an image that creates the
illusion of having the physical
properties of a substance such as
wood or metal — applied to the
The ground plane was a procedural
texture —a mathematically
calculated image, as opposed to a
bit-mapped image.
To accurately assess the capabilities of each network renderer, we created a complex image composed of a variety of
elements and timed how long it took multiple Macs to render the image.
MacUser January 1993 133
Network Rendering Software
packages, as required by each prod¬
uct: We used Ray Dream Designer for
DreamNet, Strata’s StrataVision 3d
for RenderPro, and Specular’s Infmi-
D for BackBumer. All three programs
offered startling improvements in ren¬
dering speed, and the more Macs we
added, the better the results (see Fig¬
ure l ). To take full advantage of the
power of network rendering, we used
— and we recommend — fast Macs
on an Ethernet network. Ethernet can
be crucial, because network transmis¬
sion and the required communications
between rendering stations on Local-
Talk can slow you down, depriving
you of your distributed gains.
Speedy Delivery
Specular’s BackBumer came clos¬
est to delivering ideal speed. (We de¬
fine ideal speed as a simple multiple
of Mac processing power, not taking
into account the network and distribu¬
tion overhead necessary for manag¬
ing the net work rendering job.) Back-
Burner achieves its excellent speed in
part by the way it minimizes the
amount of data transmitted from the
master to its slaves. For example,
BackBumer sends a texture map — a
On the Horizon
surface pattern for a 2- or 3-D image
component, typically requiring a lot
of memory — to a slave only if the
slave is processing a segment of the
image that actually uses that map;
DreamNet and RenderPro send every
texture map needed for the complete
AH three network rendering
programs offered
startling improvements in
rendering speed,
and the more Macintoshes
we added, the
better the results*
image to all the slaves, regardless of
need. With a test image of moderate
complexity, such as the one we used,
DreamNet and RenderPro sent an ad¬
ditional 450K of data across the net¬
work to each slave machine. This un-
necessaiy traffic slowed down Dream¬
Net — but in spite of the additional
network traffic, RenderPro still of¬
fered excellent speed, only slightly
slower than BackBumer’s.
Like any image-manipulation pro¬
cess on the Mac, rendering requires a
lot of RAM (particularly when youTe
rendering 24-bit images), so the more
RAM, the better the performance will
be, BackBumer offers the most effec¬
tive use of memory: It requires only 2
megabytes of RAM to run on the mas¬
ter or the slave machine. As a control-
panel device, it occupies a minuscule
8K of memory, becoming active only
when the slave machine has been in¬
active for a previously specified pe¬
riod or when Berkeley Systems’ After
Dark screen saver kicks in.
The other programs occupy far more
memory: DreamNet requires 3,58
megabytes to run on the master and a
minimum of 3 megabytes to run on a
slave. Although memory requirements
What could be faster than several Macs collectively rendering
parts of the same image and then rushing their contributions over
an Ethernet network to a Mac that puts it all together into a
finished work of art?
How about multiple Macs inside a single Quadra? That's what
you get when you install multiple Radius Rockets — 68040-based
accelerators on NuBus cards — running RocketShare. Radius'
soon-to-be-released distributed-processing software.
Our prelim in a iy tests show that four Radius Rockets running a
beta version of RocketShare inside a Quadra 900 — with all four
boards and the Quadra tackling the same rendering job — can
easily outpace five Quadra 700s running the same job over an
Ethernet network. In fact, our Rocket/Quadra configuration proved
to be about 30 percent faster.
Where does all that speed come from? In large part. Rocket-
Share outperforms networked Macintoshes by bypassing net¬
work bottlenecks. Although Ethernet’s 10-megabit-per-second
rate ts far speedier than LocalTalk’s 230 kilobits per second,
the Rocket moves data across Ihe Mac's NuBus, which can
theoretically support transfer rates of more than 100 megabits
per second (although it delivers about 30 megabits per second
in most actual use).
All the network rendering products reviewed in this report can
run under RocketShare, and Radius has signed a licensing agree¬
ment with Ray Dream to bundle DreamNet software with every
Rocket. In addition, Radius is publishing Ray Dream's API
(a ppli cat ion-prog ramming interface), which will allow any soft¬
ware developer to take advantage of distributed processing.
Expect to see computational-intensive applications such as
mathematical-simulation and color-separation software appear
in multiprocessing versions, Radius. 1710 Fortune Drive. San
Jose. CA 95131; 408-434-1010.
Pixar will soon be announcing NetRenderMan 1.1. its version
of a distributed-rendering product. An earlier version, 1.0. used
the Mac solely as a front end to UNIX-based machines. Version
1.1 will allow users in a multiplatform environment to distribute the
rendering job to a combination of UNIX-based workstations, such
as those from NeXT and Silicon Graphics, and Macs, Pixar, 1001
W. Cutting Blvd., Richmond. CA 94804; 510-236-4094,
NetRenderMan also runs on the superfast NuSprintcard. from
Yarc Systems {Cray spelled backward — get it?), which Is based
on an AMD Am29050 RISC processor and is purported to make a
IIfx run 10 to 12 times as fast. But don't rush out and buy one and
expect it to speed up your Excel recalculations — this special-
purpose card can work only with applications specifically rewritten
for its RISC chip. A NuSprint card equipped with 8 megabytes of
custom DRAM SIMMs lists for $2,995, a 16-megabyte version
lists for $3,995, and a 32-megabyte version is $5,495. Yarc
Systems. 975 Business Center Circle, Newbury Park, CA 91320;
800-275-9272 or 805-499-9444.
134 January 1993 MacUser
How to Slash Rendering Times
© When the
master has
received all the
segments from the
slaves, it stores
the finished
rendering on its
hard disk.
It's a designer's dream come true: multiple idle Macs working
together to render a single image.
To accomplish this computerized teamwork, a network ren¬
dering program such as Specular's Back Burner, Ray Dream's
DreamNet, or Strata's RenderPro can take a single image*
break the image into small segments, and then distribute the
pieces to participating Macs on a network. The Macs work in
unison to render a complete image.
0 One© a slave
has rendered a
segment, It passes
It hack to the
master. As each
slave renders a
segment, a colored
square represent’
ing that sieve's
segment appears
on the master's
screen. The master
assigns anew
segment lo each
slave as it
If a slave crashes, the
master notes that the
segment has not been
completed and reassigns
it to a different slave.
0 The master
breaks the Imago
up Into email
segments and
parcels the
segments out to
the slaves,
MacUser January 1993 135
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.in1limi/.Hkin iiumlwr iHMA)., wliidi nttftl lw imhuka! with <my |irodiif.H
VlHI MfURI. Mo C.CUX rvlLimv uk'4»C' Itumh uw fof t^khi^tina
AIL PM PC t S Altt SUB! to TO CHANGt WllHOUl NOllC t\ H,in|wjr«
Thai t fit L> liHAlrO jT Ij>U S. in Conroe, Un.H 77 Wl.
cd NEC
j RosterQps
M SII •’
Monitors: all sizes,
types, and prices. /
// fn
•s £> S
1 $
,4 /4 -4 #4 / #
1 & 4 / 2 ?
A. Radius 21" Color
B. RasterOps 2 1" Color
C Rea ITech 21" Mo no/C rayscal e
O. SuperMac (SuperMa(ch) 21"
SuperMac 21 * Mono/Grayscale
E, RasterOps 20" Trinitron Multi-Mode
Radius Precision Color 20*
RasterOps 20" Hitachi Color
F . Rea iTech 20" Triniiron Mu 11t-Mode
C. SuperMac 20" (SuperMateh)
H. SuperMac 20" (SuperMatch Dual-Mode]
1. NEC 1 7" 5FG Color
J r RasterOps 16" (RasterOps Swccl 16]
JC RealTech 17" (RealTech Multi-Mode)
L. Sony 17"
M. Seiko 17" (1760)
Radius 15" Color Pivot ( shown at left)
Non-Tr ini iron
RealTech 15" Grayscale (shown at left)
Seiko 14" Color 1445 (shown at left)
1 ■
Sony 1 J " Color (shown at left)
1 ■
TelHwe phone ordering
in the U S. and Canada . too!
1 - 409 * 539-4141
1 - 409 - 539-4141
We’ve got
At Hardware That Fits, your order isn't
taken by a lackluster clerk who merely
wants to fiCl today's quota, A real person
who actually cares about helping solve
your problem will answer your call. A
few of those friendly folks are pictured
here. Front row, left to right: Dona, Gina,
Barbara . Standing: I ini Don , Mike , Cecil.
The photo above is .* 100 dpi image 01 .in
8 X W transparent v. h was srjnnedfm the
KealTech BOO with Transparency Coition
(shown ji right), then adjusted with St.mMiatc h
and cafoworrecled with Adobe Photoshop.
Flatbed desktop scanners for
24 -bit color, 8-bit grayscale,
and blackAvhite images,
ideal for mid-range output a
or position prints for ^
mockups/presentations. ^
//F J N
/ F
^ J •£ /
i &
N /
Scanmaker M
0.5 ■
Includes limited
Includes ScanMafdi
color calibration software
Adobe Photoshofi
Scan maker IIXE
0.5 m
includes inti
/fidurte SoirvUjfcfi
versiiHi «r
color calibration software
Adobe PlxM
Sea maker 1850
■ IrKbikrs hid
Slide Scanner
version at
Adobe Photoshop
Scan SOO
8.5 ■
Includes Scan-
Match color cali-
Adobe Photoshop
bralion software
Scan 800
8.5 ■ ■
Tra nspa rency Option
0.5 ■
Includes iull
\erskm of
Adobe PhotudKij)
UC 6.10
0.5 ■
Includes iuit
version of
Adobe Pbutcnhop
UC 1 200s
8 mm
includes ft di
version ol
Transparency Option
t T 200)
1 1.8 ■ ■
off your next order!*
Your winning number could be
on the back of our catalog.
Keep your Hardware That Fits “ SOLUTIONS"
catalog as a reference tool. Because even if
you don't win this month , maybe YOUR
matching catalog number will appear in
the February 93 issue of MacUser, and
make YOU a winner!
If you're one of our 5 instant
monthly winners, we'll give you
a gift certificate good for $1000
worth of products from our
catalog! You win if the last 6
digits of the number on your
catalog exactly match one of
the following 5 sets of numbers:
545811, 648057, 398679, 275406. or
192858. There will be 5 winners for this issue
(January, 1993) of MacUser, and 5 winners for the February
issue. To redeem your $1000 gift certificate, mail us the back
cover and order form of the catalog with your next order
before February 1, 1993. If you haven't received a catalog,
call us toll-free and we'll mail you a copy right away.
*OFFICIAL RULES. Gift certificates ior winning numtten tor this issue tfjnujry 1993) will
lx* honored only on orders placed between the magazine issue dale and February I.
1993. and only it the winning number is validated by mailing in the catalog's back cover
and order form to: Hardware That Fits. 6 10 5. Frazier, Conroe. TX 77301. This pro-
motion fs open to persons 18 years of age or older, except employees of Micro business
Solutions. Inc., its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies and
members of their immediate families. Taxes and shipping arc the responsibility ot the
winneris). Winning constitutes permission to use the names and likenesses of winners for
publicity and promotional purposes. Void where prohibited by law.
When you order from us, you
get computer experts, not
clerks! All of our salespeople
have a minimum of three years
of computer experience.
They're trained in Apple's
intensive program, as well as
our own. They're ready to help
you (with a smile!) both before
and after the sale.
We've made it easier than ever
to own our productivity¬
enhancing products.
■ VISA and Master Card
■ corporate P.O. accounts
(call for information)
■ business leasing available
Our tech team is well trained,
well informed, and well known
for their ability to solve custom¬
ers' problems with a minimum
of inconvenience to the cus¬
tomer. We have the best tech
support in the business. And it's
toll-free: 1-800-364-MACS.
Our famous guarantee: If you
don't like it, we'll buy it back.
If you're not 100% satisfied,
call for your RMA number and
return the product within 30
days of the ship date. We'll re¬
fund your purchase price (min¬
us consumables for printers).
RcalTech and the RealTech lotto an* trademarks
of MBS), All other trademarks used in this ad are the
properties of their respective miners
All p rim ate subject to change without notice. ©190.1.
1 True Lease ...with 10% buy-out option
2 Installment Lease ...with $1.00 buy-out option
3 Speed Lease... 90- or 180-day terms, with buy-out
or conversion to other leases
4 20/20 Lease... 10% security deposit, 20 equal
payments, 10% buy-out
5 90-day Deferred Lease payment for 90 days;
first and last payment in advance
■All leases are subject to credit approval. All lease payments in our
ads are based on the "True Lease " program at 48 months. Prices. lease
prices, and rates are subject to change without notice.
NOTE: Minimum lease payment is $50 per month.
Seiko Instruments
Personal ColorPoint PS
Lease; S99/mo.
Prints full-bleed comps on plain
laser paper or transparency film.
300 dpr color thermal printer uses
16 MHz RISC processor. 6 Mb
RAM standard, upgradable to 10
or 22 Mb. Adobe PostScript"
compatible. Download, process
and print simultaneously with the
ColorPoint's multiple frame
buffers. Includes AppleTalk,
parallel, and R5-232 interfaces,
plus a SCSI port. Continuously
po 11 s a 11 in terfaces; reco n f i g u res
automatically. 39 resident fonts.
Lease: $216/mo.
RasterOps CorrectPrint
300 Dye Sublimation
Uses a 4-color (CMYK) dye
sublimation thermal process at
3G0 dpi to a print a continuous-
tone image that resembles
photographic-quality output.
Prints on special sheetfed paper or
transparencies, not on rolls. Uses
a RISC controller with JPEG
compression. Three standard
interfaces. 35 resident fonts.
66 We comps red your color printer ...
The RealTech Color 350 was the near winner
In price, performance, 'live' Image area, ease
ot use and Installation....we saved a
considerable amount of money on service
bureau charges and were able to meet a wry
stringent deadline. Our client was particularly
phas'd by the vibrant colon and the
sharpness of the output,
— Achlnta K. Mitra
TIECAS Type & Graphics, Inc ,
Add color to your comps or
presentations for only SI. 13
per tabloid size page!
□ Real
RealTech s 5.995
Color 350
Prints 11x17 (OB size) edge-to-
edge comps on laser paper or
letter-size transparencies, not on
rolls. Can print on both sides of
the paper. 300 dpi output. Creates
true black text because it uses 4
colored ink sheets (cyan,
magenta, yellow*, black). 10 Mb
of RAM {upgradable to 1B or 34
Mb); 3 standard interfaces. 39
resident fonts. Letter-size 4-color
output costs only 69c per copy.
An 11x17 OB-size color printout
costs about $1J3.
RISC processor.
Adobe PostScript®
Do you need to print
/ complex graphics on a
/ daily basis or large quart-
/ tides of high-quality, time-
sensitive documentsI We
can recommend the right
printer for your needs.
Printing solutions
Laser printers.
The right printer can do wonders
for your productivity, Do you
need speed? Adobe PostScript
Level 2? Do you need to print/ ^
a lot of pages each month? v
S' ^
NEC Silentwriter
Model 95 UU
Lease: $40/rmnth
■ 300 dpi
■ 6 pages/m in
■ 2 Mb RAM
(expandable to
5 Mb)
■ Adobe Post¬
Script Level 2
■ Motorola
60000 processor
■ 6,000 pages
per month
■ Built-in enve¬
lope feeder &
250-sheet tray;
option a \ 2nd tray
available in let¬
ter or legal sizes
■ Appletalk
R 5-42 2,
and R$-
■ 35
toner and
NEC's patented
"Sharp Edge ”
technology cre¬
ate sharp black
print quality
□ Real
■ 400 dpi
■ 4 pages/min.
■ 4 Mb RAM
(expandable to
16 Mb)
■ PostScript
■ Weitek XL-
6220 processor
■ 3,500 pages
per month
■ Optional 2nd
paper drawer
■ Optional
SCSI port
■ Apple-
talk RS-422,
parallel, RS-
NewGen 400P
* 1,879
Lease: $51/month
1300 dpi
19 pages/min.
12 Mb RAM
■ Adobe Post-
Script Level 2
■ Wettek RISC
■ 5,000 pages
per month
■ Optional 2nd
paper tray & cas¬
sette feeder are
available for
$250 (for both)
■ SCSI port
9 Appletalk
and RS-
(hnwrui .lOV
.IiMV .Ufit.inci
MtnnKV lenity
: i -i J.! J
■ 35
ATM font ren¬
dering technol¬
ogy buiids raw
type characters
4 to 5 times
faster enabling
the Real Tech
Laser to print
complex docu¬
ments faster
than other
printers in its
price range,
RealTech Laser
*1595 ««»
MftcUstn, Sepi IW2.
cop^ighierm m
ComamKikiiions Co,
Texas Instruments
MicroLaser XL Turbo
Lease: $77/month
Texas Instruments
MicroLaser Plus
Lease: $34/rmnth
■ 300 dpi
■ 16 pages/mln,
■ 2.5 Mb RAM
(expandable to
10.5 Mb)
■ 300 dpi
■ 9 pages/min,
■ 1 5 Mb RAM
(expandable to
4,5 Mb)
Lease: $44/month
"The Real Tech features not just a gen¬
uine Adobe interpreter but also a
PostScript Level 2 raster image proces¬
sor (RIP), which earns it more than a
few pewits for forward compatibility ."
— Publish Magazine , Feb. 1992
■ Adobe Post¬
Script Level 2
■ Weitek RISC
■ 25,000 pages
per month
■ Optional 2nd
paper drawer
■ Optional
SCSI port
■ Appletalk
and R5-
■ Adobe Post¬
Script Level 1
■ Motorola
68000 processor
■ 1 0,000 pages
per month
■ Optional 2nd
paper drawer
and envelope
■ Optional
SCSI port
■ Appletalk
and RS-
The only 11x17 printer with
Adobe PostScript Lewi 2
for less than $3500.
■ Choice oi
300 or 400 dpi
■ 15 ppm (let¬
ter size); 0 ppm
(tabloid size)
■ 4 Mb RAM
(expandable to
16 Mb)
□ Real
■ Adobe Post¬
Script Level 2
■ Weitek RISC
processor (and
ATM font render
ing technology)
■ 30,000 pages
per month
■ Two paper
trays included
(one tray for fet¬
ter size; one tray
tor tabloid size J
■ SCSI port ■ 35
Three ini erf ace ports. Appletalk
RS-422, IBM PC parallel, and
_ Texas
■ o
■ 17
Available with
35 resident
fonts ($1349)
feanne is thrilled that she can
print proofs of her company
newsletter on
paper. No
September 1992
‘'...he forewarned: PostScript-
done printers still have a long way
to so before thev can rival true
o before they can rival true
he PostScript printers
Quote from MacUser September 1992
issue. H ppf«irv,it PostScript Primers" by
Bruce Fraser.
lease: 588/mo
Laser 400
QMS 860
■ 600 dpi
■ 3 ppm (letter
size); 4.6 ppm
(tabloid size)
■ 12 Mb RAM
(expandable to 32)
■ Adobe Post- ■ 10,000 pages
Script compatible per month
■ Intel 8O960CA ■ Optional 2nd
RISC processor paper cassette
Three interface ports: Appletalk
RS-422 , IBM PC parallel, and RS-232C
Optional |
■ 39 fonts
Lease: 111 7/mo
1-800-364-USER i -aodf#MAcs
Applied Engineering*
Add the power of a Quadra!
Based on the same (68040)
processor as the Quadra.
TransWarp SE
(40 MHz w/16-FPU).... . $959
TransWarp LC (25 MHz). 459
TransWarp LC (50 MHz)... 1059
TransWarp LC . _ ^
(50 MHz w/50-FPU). 1319
TransWarp 040
(25 MHz). 1749
Quicksilver. 189
1.44 SuperPlus Drive. 279
QuadraLink. 199
PowerCache Accelerators
Will make your Mac II, Ilex, llx, llci, LC
or SE/30 run like a Quadra — but with¬
out Quadra's fast-mode compatibility
problem. Guaranteed 100% compatible
with all your utilities and applications.
33 MHz Accelerator. . $529
40 MHz Accelerator. . 739
50 MHz Accelerator. . 1065
ComboCache Card for llsi. . 209
PowerMath Card for LC. . 109
Equalizer Card for LC. 159
FastCache for Quadra 700, 900 & 950 . 389
PowerCache Adapter
Provides space on your Mac Classic or
SE to install up to 16 Mb of RAM.
PowerCache Adapter. . $40
TokaMac Accelerators
TokaMac's 68040 accelerators provide
high-speed performance for the Mac llci,
llsi, and LC. The same processor used in
the Quadras can increase performance
up to 300% for graphics and multi-media
programs...or up to 600% when you're
TokaMac llci. .,. $1409
TokaMac llsi. . 1409
TokaMac LC. . 1075
Quadra 700 Overdrive Accelerator
Increases performance up to 32%.
Quadra 700 Overdrive.... . $ 259
Image Magic
DSP board accelerates Adobe
Photoshop filters by 200-964%.
Image Magic NuBus. . $769
Image Magic FX/PDS. 699
Image Magic Quadra/PDS. 699
Quick SCSI Accelerator
A SCSI-2 NuBus host adapter; im¬
proves SCSI performance by up to
500%. Partitioning allows a smal¬
ler capacity drive to be mirrored
into a partition of a larger capacity
drive. SCSI-1 compatible to work
with your existing SCSI devices.
Quick SCSI Accelerator. $339
Rocket Accelerators
For the Mac II family. The 25 MHz
Rocket 25i is powered by a
68LC040 processor. The 25 MHz
Rocket and 33 MHz Rocket 33 are
powered by a 68040 processor,
which has an integrated math-
coprocessor. All include: 8 SIMM
slots for up to 128 Mb of DRAM;
040 PDS slot; and QuickDraw and
display-list acceleration software.
Radius Rocket 25i. $1239
Radius Rocket. . 1649
Radius Rocket 33. 2069
^ Asante 10T Hub/8
^4 (Ethernet
Lets you use inexpensive
unshielded twisted-pair (UTP)
telephone wire instead of expensive
coaxial cable for local area networks.
lOBase-T Hub/8. . $265
Asante EN/SC (SCSI-to-Ethernet adapter).
For Macs without available slots.
EN/SC. $339
Asante MacCon 3 Ethernet card. Auto¬
matically configures to media used.
MacCon 3 Card. . $216
TechWorks GraceLAN
Update Manager
The most advanced tool available
for updating/installing software
on your network.
|for 50 Users. $285
100s more networking products
waitable! (There's not enough
room to show them all In this ad.)
DaynaPORT E/ll-T
NuBus Card
Connects Mac II computers to
thick , thin , fiberoptic or 1 OBase-
T Ethernet cable systems.
Includes an RJ-45 jack for
lOBase-T wiring.
DaynaPORT E/ll-T ^
NuBus Card. $149
DaynaPort E/Z. Ideal for Macs
that don't have a slot for a
network interface card.
DaynaPORT E/Z. $269
Dayna EtherPrint
Supports AppleTalk Phase 1
and Phase 2 protocols; divide
your network into multiple
Dayna EtherPrint..... . $335
Dayna EtherPrint Plus. 439
CatorBox CS is the
most advanced
gateway available...
connects an entire
LocalTalk network
to Ethernet.
The only gateway
that can be
upgraded to a file-sharing and
UNIX-AppleTalk printer sharing
gateway. Two-year warranty.
GatorBox CS. . $2029
PhoneNet Liaison Software Router $279
Ether 10-T Starlet (9-port) . 279
EtherMac Cards(Mac U/LC/SE)...219
EtherMac Card (Si and SE/30) ...259
Timbuktu 4.02 . 139
PhoneNet Star Controller
(stand-alone hub) . 1099
(24-port) . 1389
PhoneNet Star EN (12-port) . 1369
PhoneNet Card (LocalTalk) . 219
PhoneNet Connector Din-8 (10). 199
PhoneNet Repeater . 369
FastPath SR Router/Gateway ..$1669
EtherGate Router .
Net Serial .
. 1239
. 269
NetModem/E .
. 1409
NetModem V2400 (tor Locatralk)329
NetModem v.32 (for LocalTalk). ..989
Hublet .
. 229
LanRover/L .
. 579
LanRover/E (4-port) .
. 1659
TeleBridge .
. 399
If you don't know which net¬
working product will work with
your particular setup, give us a
call. We can help! Clockwise
from bottom: Daria, Jon, Michael,
Chuck, fames, Ed (a few members
of our friendly sales team).
Netwoiidng solutions
[J] Kodak
Diconix 180si
Thermal inkjet print¬
er can print continu¬
ous copies for up to
50 minutes. Self-
contained ink supply
is easy to replace,
Kodak Printer,.,., 5379
(w/Mac kit)
Powerful, practical,
portable solutions
for people on the go,
The PowerBook Duo 210 and PowerBook Duo
230 each transform into a desktop computer
by using the optional Duo Dock , Each
PowerBook Duo 2W or 230 includes:
■ 640 x 400 Supertwist liquid crystal display
with 16 grayscale levels
■ 4 Mb of RAM, expandable to 24 Mb
■ Ever Watch Battery Saver technology
■ Optional internal modem
33 MHz 68030 FPU,
Active matrix display.
80 Mb hard drive,
PowerBook Duo
1 BO with 4/1 20. J
25 MHz 68030, Super¬
twist display, 40 Mb hard
PowerBook Duo
160 with 4/80... $2789
PowerBook Duo _ .
160 with 4/120.. 3149
Each includes; 4 Mb of RAM, expandable to 14 Mb; display with
16 grayscale levels; 1.4 Mb floppy disk drive.
25 MHz 6S03Q micro¬
processor. 80 Mb
hard drive.
All Power Books listed
here are equipped with
a 19mm trackball.
33 MHz 68030
microprocessor. FPU,
80 Mb hard drive.
PowerBook Duo _.
230 with 4/120.... $2969
as a portable and as
your desktop computer.
$ /MQ H PowerBook
H_I7 Full-Page
Wimammm Display
Supra 2400 MacPac.
Supra v.32 brs..
MassMicro FM 24/96 Network..
MassMicro FM 24/96 Personal
Global Village Tele Port- Gold...
Global Village TelePort -Silver...
Global Village Tele Port- Bronze
Zoom Modems
9600 bps send/receive fax with a Hayes-
compatible 2400 bps modem. V.42bis/MNP5
data compression provides high-speed fax and
data capability. Group III hhmk
compatible. IT flUBII 1188 J
Zoom 2400. $75
Zoom FX 96/24v. 149 1 ® .j
Zoom 9600
v32/42 bis . .. 259 ■
Flicker-free 15" Rea I Tech portrait display
has 870 x 640 resolution, 80 dpi. Vertical
refresh rate of 75 Hz. Flat CRT; anti-glare
screen. Compatible with PowerBooks 160,
180, Duo Dock and Mini Dock.
PowerBook Modems
Global Village
PowerPort- Cold ...... . $
Global Village
Po werPort-5// ver..
Global Village
PSI Integration...
PSI 10/42..
MassMicro FM 24/96 PB ....
Solectek Pocket Fax.....
Zoom Pocket Modem.
Newer Technologies
Ultra-low power DRAM
design ensures long
battery life.
PowerBook 160/180
6 Mb Upgrade. $279
8 Mb Upgrade. ...189
10 Mb Upgrade. , A79
PowerBook 210/230
4 Mb Upgrade... . 1259
8 Mb Upgrade . 559
16 Mb Upgrade. 2249
PowerBook 1
Carrying Cases
Case G is made of genuine leather; Cases
H and I are constructed of 1000 denier
cordura nylon fabric and high-density
foam, for maximum computer protection.
Leather Allache (G1... . 5 13
SuperBrief Double-sided Carryall (H) 7
Companion Case (I)... ..... 5
Auto Power Adapter..,
Charger/Recond itioner
Auxiliary Power Pack,.
Radius PowerView ......
PowerBook Battery..
lease: $67/month
Lease: $U3fmonth
modems —
navy to install,
easy to use.
Lease: $12fmonth
FAX: 1-409-539-4141 Call: 1-409-760-2400
Toll-free tech support:
nil & 210 M*$$Mlcro Ate«M/rm
Diamond Drives 88 Mb Syqucsl Drive p wf# y e D;, mo ,„| [},j ve
MassMtcfo MassMicro
2\ Mb Floplipak Drive HitchHiker
80 Drive
Storage: 21-212 Mb
21 Mb
Floptical Drive
and Syquest
(shown above)
We test alt our systems before
shipping them to you. (We even
balance the SCSI bus.)
T20Mb Internal/External Drives... $359/449
170 Mb Intern a (/External Drives ,...399/489
212 Mb Intern a I/Ex ternai Drives.... 589/679
21 Mb Infinity Floptical Drive. $.359
21 Mb Infinity Flop. (Int-for Quadra) ....329
44 Mb Turbo Drive..... 549
88 Mb Turbo Drive... 629
128 Mb 3.5” Magneto-Optical Drive... 7559
ELS 127 Mb Internal/External... $36^59
ELS 170 Mb Externa l/Extemal . 419/509
21 Mb Floptipak Drive......... ..$459
45 Mb DataPak
Removable Cartridge Drive...... 549
88 Mb DataPak Removable
Cartridge Drive..... 659
128 Mb 3.5“ DataPak
Magneto-Optical Drive.. 1559
120 Mb DEamondDrtve ...... 589
210 Mb DiamondDrive .. .729
120 Mb Diamond Drive-1" Portable. 499
210 Mb Diamond Drive-2" Portable. 679
HitchHi ker 80..... 679
Calf for information on the latest
SCSI 2 technology.
Storage: 240 Mb-3 Gb
Peripheral Land
-- 'MVW.
SCSI Dart Solid State Storage System. $1789
SCSI II Dart Solid State Storage System .... 2949
1 Gb MaxOptical 5.25" Erasable Drive ....$3539
2 Gb Infinity MiniArray Drive- ...........5799
425 Mb Internal Drive .. ...,.$7029
520 Mb Internal Drive.... 7285
1.1 Gb Internal Drive.... 1839
1.7 Gb Internal Drive.... 2839
240 Mb Internal/External Drive. $619/705
425 Mb Interna I/Extern a I Drive......... 999/1085
525 Mb Internal/External Drive. 1159/1369
Lease: $243/rm.
Quadra 9S0 with
19" RealTech 24-bit
Trinitron monitor
Macintosh Quadra 950 with 2 Mb of VRAM 212 Mb
hard drive, RealTech 19 n Trinitron monitor , and Key
Tronic MacPro Plus extended keyboard.
3 ~7CQ Macintosh lid with
3//J7 14" Seiko 8-bit
Macintosh ltd, 212 Mb hard drive,
5 Mb of RAM, Seiko 14 H monitor,
cache card, and Key Tronic MacPro
Plus extended keyboard.
Om technical team rests all systems
fpnd all Hardware That Fits products)
before shipping them to you. The/re
conscientious, dedicated, and jjWys
willing logo (he extra mile, front row,
left to right: Doug and John.
Back row: Marcus, Mark and fetvmy.
FAX: 1-409-539-4141
Call: 1-409-760-2400
Customized solutions.
ease; S274/month
Quadra 950/Trinitron
High-end Graphics Solution
Quadra 950, 8 Mb of RAM, 425 Mb hard
drive, RasterOps 20" Trinitron monitor
w/RasferOps PaintBoard Li and Key
Tronic Mac Pro Plus extended keyboard ,
Paul is well known
for his ability to
solve customers'
Your choice of
We help you solve the equation of
price, function, and affordability.
100 %
Talk to one of our friendly
systems consultants. They'll
help you figure out the
right solution for your busi¬
ness. We can configure any
combination of CPU and
hard drive with the monitor
and peripherals of your
choice (even if you don't
see it in this ad). That's why
we've come to be known
as your
your choice of
your choice of
Here are only a few of the
systems/workstations we sell.
Well let you mix and match
And when you do that,
there are
100s of custom
|} TT VI
w tr
tame; $7SAm
Lease: $212/month
Macintosh llsi
Quadra 700/Trinitron
intermediate Graphics
Solution Quadra 700,8 Mb of
RAM, 425 Mb hard drive, RealTech
20" Trinitron monitor w/PaintBoard
Li and Key Tronic MacPro Plus
extended keyboard ,
5 Mb o f
120 Mb
hard drive,
Seiko 14" Trinitron monitor, and
Key Tronic Mac Pro Pius extended
jj Macintosh tics
Business Solution
^ Macintosh llci with 5 Mb of
RAM, 212 Mb bard drive, Real-
J Tech 21" monochrome monitor,
| cache card\ and Key Tronic
I MacPro Plus extended keyboard.
Macintosh LC it
with 4 Mb of RAM, 40 Mb
hard drive, and Sony 1 3" color
Mac llsi Solution
with RealTech Full-Page
Grayscale Monitor
Macintosh llsi with 5 Mb of RAM, 40 Mb
hard drive, RealTech lS ,r full-page monitor,
and Key Tronic MacPro Plus extended
Toll-free ordering in the US. and Canada, too!
Hours: 8 am*? pm Central Standard Time
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Circle 199 on reader service card.
Network Rendering Software
depend on the complexity of the im¬
age, the program occupies 200K of
the slave’s RAM, even when inactive*
RenderPro has the largest require¬
ments, demanding 4 megabytes of
RAM to run on the master and 3 mega¬
bytes of RAM to run on each slave.
RenderPro itself occupies 32QK on
each slave and swallows up 512K on
the master.
Mastering Your Slaves
Although all three products achieve
the same end, they each do so differ¬
ently , offering unique options along
the way. DreamNet and RenderPro,
for example, allow a master or a slave
machine to render in the background,
leaving the Mac free for other uses as
it renders* The slave CPU’s process-
ing time can be divvied up so that you
can continue to work on any slave in
any application — memory permit¬
ting — and still dedicate a percentage
of its processing time to a background
renderi ng job.
To take full advantage of
the power of network
rendering, we recommend that
you use fast Macs on an
Ethernet network. Network
transmission and
communication on LocalTatk
can deprive you of
your distributed gains.
To test how this background-pro¬
cessing feature affects a slave’s per¬
formance, we performed a find-and-
replace operation on a WriteNow text
file while rendering with DreamNet
and RenderPro (BackBumer doesn’t
provide background processing).
When we specified that the rendering
task be given 50 percent of the slave’s
processing power, both the fmd-and-
replace chore and the background ren¬
dering proceeded without a hitch, but
the speed of the rendering and the
find-and-replace task slowed by about
50 percent.
To test the accuracy of the settings
that let you designate die amount of
processing power to be shared, we
copied a 5-megabyte file between two
of the slave machines at different set¬
tings. We found RenderPro’s settings
to be more accurate than DreamNet’s*
We also tried to recalculate a complex
Excel spreadsheet on a slave machine
that was busy rendering. BackBumer
worked without a hitch during the
Figure 1:1 Mac + 1 Mac = 1 Superfast Mac
as master and four Quadra
l Figure 1; Rendering a
complex 3-D Image takes a
1 long time, even if you use a
^ high-speed Mac. Combin¬
ing the power of multiple
Macs speeds things up
considerably* Using our
test networ ik, whlc h
consistedof a Quadra 900
3 200 %
700s as slaves, we timed
how long it took to render
a complex image on one,
two, three, and five
Quadras* Wethen
compared this speed with
the theoretical, ideal speed
thatwoutd be achieved if
there were no network or
commun icat ions dela y s*
{For example, if one Mac
took 10 minutes to render
an image, two Macs would
ideally takeS minutes to
render the same image.)
Speculars BackBumer
came c l o sest to th e idea l,
offering the greatest
overall speed increases
with the addition of more
1 2
Number of Quadras
-•— Ideal speed
-•—BackBumer 1*0
• RenderPro 1.0!
—•— DreamNet 1.02
146 January 1993 MacUser
Whydolneedafaxmodem? That’s exactly what I thought! As
a graphic designer at Supra, my job is to design great-looking stuff,
not to use our products. Sol
was skeptical — and
downright reluctant—when
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But I tried it. And Hove it! Here’s why...
SAVES TIME. Now I h ave extra time
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anymore — in fact, I don’t even leave my desk! I
simply use the Chooser to select the modem (instead of a
printer), "print’’ an open file,
and tell the modem where to
send it It only takes a minute!
SAVES MONEY. Besides the money we save
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I save a lot by using the
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transfer a fde using my modem than to
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because SupraFAXModems
feature V42bis data
compression, my files
transfer up to 4 times
faster—which means
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It has also saved me when
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important files at
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them using AppleTalk Remote Access.
Circle 90 oh reader service card.
Supra Corporation
1 - 800 - 944-8772
EASY TO USE. Not being particularly technical, I was a little
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Macs has everything I need in the box — FAXstf™
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All trademarks belong lo Iheir respective companies. 7101 Supra Drive SW, Albany, OR 97321 USA' Fax; 503-967-2401 * 503-967-2410
Network Rendering Software
recalculation, but we couldn’t even
open the spreadsheet test file when
either DreamNet or RenderPro was at
work: each program required more
memory than was installed.
Crash Landings
Finally, we intentionally crashed
slaves during the network rendering
process to see how well each product
could recover. DreamNet fared the
worst, as it does not provide any crash
recovery. RenderPro and BackBumer
both offer crash recovery, although
only BackBumer handles such events
with flair — and with status messages
that let you know which slaves have
disconnected. BackBumer also auto¬
matically reconnects a restarted slave
and puts it back to work, reporting on
its status along the way,
BackBumer goes the extra mile; it
is the only product that can recover
even when the master machine
crashes. BackBumer’s master machine
saves a render-in-progress to its hard
disk. If the master machine crashes
and you restart it, the BackBumer ren¬
der can continue from where it left
off. On the other hand, if the master
Mac that’s handling a DreamNet or
RenderPro network rendering session
crashes, you lose all the work that’s
been done up to that point — even if
We intentionally crashed
both master and slave
machines to see
how well each product
recovered. Only BackBumer
could recover when the
master crashed.
the master and its slaves have been
churning away for an hour or more.
A product as feature-laden as
Specular’s BackBumer requires a lot
more explanation than the other prod¬
ucts. Although BackBumer’s docu¬
mentation is thorough, it isn’t as el¬
egantly written or as well thought out
as the application itself. The manual
provides a conceptual overview of the
product and an explanation of the fea¬
tures, but it isn’t particularly well or¬
ganized and has a poor index.
DreamNet’s documentation comes
in a small booklet that clearly de¬
scribes the concept of network ren¬
dering. Because DreamNet is simply
a System 7 extension and not a full
application, the booklet’s few pages
are sufficient. The booklet also ex¬
plains the simple procedure of select¬
ing multiple Macs for a render and of
saving the selected Macs as a named
The RenderPro documentation
gives a good explanation of the
program’s scheduling feature, net¬
work-zone selection, and machine
' The Bottom Line
A network Tenderer can harness the power of all the Macs on
your network to accomplish complex 3-D rendering in a fraction of
the time it would take on a single Mac. Choosing the right network
Tenderer for your needs is simple: If you already own 3-D model¬
ing software, buy the companion network Tenderer. All three of the
network Tenderers we tested for this month's report can reduce
rendering time dramatically. (If you’re looking for the right model¬
ing software, see The Third Dimension.” September ’92. page
Of the three products we reviewed, we found Specular’s
BackBumer (first two nodes, $395; additional node, $295;
three-node pack, $695) the most elegantly designed. Its excel¬
lent speed is helped by the intelligent transfer of texture maps
across the network. Fast speed combined with excellent on¬
line status information are but two fine features of a product
that’s very well thought out.
Strata's RenderPro (three-node pack, $695; ten-node pack,
$1,495) offers an excellent speed increase and a unique schedul¬
ing system that lets users give up their machine at predesignated
Ray Dream’s DreamNet ($50 per node) offers a good
Chooser-like interface for administering the slaves plus a sub¬
stantial speed increase, although less than that of the other
products. But quickly rendered images aren’t the only attractive
thing about DreamNet: At $50 per user, it’s the hands-down
best buy among network Tenderers.
You’ll see a dramatic improvement in rendering speed
with one of these three network Tenderers (from left to
right): Ray Dream’s DreamNet, Specular International’s
BackBumer, and Strata’s RenderPro.
148 January 1993 MacUser
Sharing files between PCs and Macs is no longer a luxury, it is a
necessity. But it doesn’t have to be a foreign concept*
Lots of products on the market claim to solve your problems of sharing
files across platforms, but lake a careful look before you buy.
Some, such as disk mounting utilities only give you a
partial solution; and when your file appears on screen,
you get a big surprise. You can’t read a word of it - not
your text, not your formatting - it looks like garbage.
You see, transferring your files only gels half the job
done. What you need to finish the job is translation.
W hat good is it to simply transfer a file from a PC if you
can’t decipher it once it hits your Mac?
M ac Li nk PI us from DataM z is the total solution for both file transfer
and translation.
It’s been on the market since 1984 and has led the way in bridging the
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MacIinkPlus is the solution to virtually any problem you may
encounter in moving files between PCs and Macs, And being able to read
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For more information, call DataViz today at (800) 733-0030. And be sure
to ask about our new multi-pack pricing. We’re the one translation company
that won’t leave you silling alone in the dark.
IVtacLink Plus - Freedom To Use The Fite You Choose
All product names are irademarks or registered trademarks of iheir respective holders. DataViz, Inc. 55 Corporate Drive, Trumbull, CT 06611 (205) 268-0030
Circle 172 on reader service card.
Network Rendering Software
For those hampered by seemingly
endless rendering sessions who want
to increase their productivity. Spec¬
ular’s BackBurner, Ray Dream's
DreamNet, and Strata's RenderPro
each represent an excellent network
rendering solution- The increase in
speed depends on the number of Macs
available, the horsepower of each Mac,
and whether those Macs are networked
via LocalTalk or via Ethernet.
These three network Tenderers have
pioneered Mac distributed processing,
a technique that is sure to affect how
all computationally intensive tasks are
performed. Imagine a day in your fu¬
ture when each Macintosh on your
network, working at its own pace, will
selflessly contribute to the common
good. This is not a naive computer
socialist's rosy picture of the future
but the altogether reachable goal of
distributed processing—and network
Tenderers got there first.
Stefan B. Upson is a MacUser associate editor. Sean
Safreed is a MaeUser Lairs technician.
Table 1: Features of Network Rendering Software
• = ¥0S
BackBurner 1J
DreamNet 1.02
RenderPro 1.01
= 110
List price
first two nodes. $395
$50 per node
three-node pack, $695
additional node. S295
three-node pack. S695
ten-node pack, $1,495
Easy installation. Excellent
Low price. Easy installation.
Excellent speed. User-
speed. Low memory
Very good speed. Storable
definable scheduling.
requirement Elegant master
and slave crash recovery.
network configurations.
Slave crash recovery.
Cannot operate in the
Poor memory management.
Convoluted installation
Wo crash recovery.
procedure. High memory
Associated modeling software
JnfinhD 2.0
Ray Dream Designer
St rata Vi sion 3d
RAM requirements
2 MB
3.58 MB
4 MB
2 MB
3 MB
Image queuing
CPU-eycle allocation
Password security
Crash recovery
Specular International
Ray Dream. Inc,
Strata, Inc.
233 N. Pleasant St.
1804 N. Shoreline Blvd.
2 W. St. George Blvd.
P.0. Sox 880
Mountain View, CA 94043
Ancestor Square, Ste. 2100
Amherst, MA01004
St. George, UT 84770
415-960-1198 (fax)
413-549-1531 (fax)
801-628-9756 (fax)
Table 1 Criteria
Associated modeling software — The name of the software,
from the same company, that is used to create the 3-D model
for rendering. Network Tenderers work oniy with images cre¬
ated in the associated modeling software.
RAM requirements — The space the application needs for
rendering on the master or the slave machine, in megabytes,
image queuing — Can a list of files be designated for render¬
ing in succession?
CPU-cycle allocation — Is the slave able to designate the
percentage of CPU cycles it will use when processing a
network rendering in the background?
Password security —Can access to a rendering slave be
limited by a password?
Scheduling — Can a slave's avaliability be defined by a
rendering calendar or schedule?
Crash recovery — Can a master or slave reconnect and
continue a rendering job that has been interrupted by a system
150 January 1993 MacUser
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Circle 84 on reader service carp.
■ Word Processing
Can You Read This?
OCR Software
There’s hope for the hunt-
and-peck crowd. We look
at eight OCR packages
that help you input reams
of documents without
hiring a temp.
BY ELISA M. WELCH ■■ f your job requires you to manage a
lot of information, you’ve got a prob¬
lem: Although some information
comes in neat little electronic packets,
ready to click and drag, most arrives
in messy printed form. Your desk is
probably teeming with dog-eared
laser-printed copies from the sales de¬
partment, blurry faxes from associ¬
ates on the road, and even dot-matrix-
printed letters from customers. If you
want to get all this information into
your Mac, someone — you or (if
you’re lucky) your assistant — has to
retype the sometimes-lengthy docu¬
ments. It’s a tough job, but someone’s
got to do it — maybe.
You may have considered using a
scanner to input those documents.
However, scanning any document pro¬
duces a bit map — a pixel-by-pixel
representation of the overall image in
152 January 1993 MacUser
OCR Software
Table 1: Plug It In
• = yes
AccuText 3.0
OmniPage 3.0
Read-It! 3.0.1
TextPert 3.7
WordScan 1.0
= no
Direct 1.0
Professional 2.1
Plus 1.01
Complete PC
Lightning Scan
Table 1: Need to know which OCR programs work with the flatbed scanner you already own? Here’s a list of popular scanner
brands supported by the software we tested. For information about specific scanner models, contact the OCR company
(addresses and phone numbers can be found in Table 2 at the end of this article) or your scanner’s manufacturer.
the computer’s language of Is and Os.
A bit map is perfect if what you want
to do is manipulate an image with
your favorite painting application or
image-editing software. But if you
want to edit or access data, you won’t
be able to, because a word-processing
or spreadsheet application doesn’t
speak bit-map-ese. Instead, it defines
letters and numbers by using a code
called ASCII (American Standard
Code for Information Interchange).
When you’re editing a letter in Mi¬
crosoft Word or refining your latest
financial projections in Excel, you’re
manipulating ASCII-coded letters and
numbers, not just pushing pixels.
To turn scanned text into an editable
document, you need a translation ap¬
plication that uses a technology called
OCR (optical character recognition).
Numerous OCR-software products are
available for the Mac as well as for
other computer platforms. Some come
bundled with inexpensive hand-held
scanners, and others are incorporated
into expensive OCR-dedicated work¬
stations. If you’re like most Mac us¬
ers, you’re somewhere in between:
You’ve already equipped your office
with an assortment of Macs and busi¬
ness software, and you either have or
are ready to buy a flatbed scanner.
Table 1 lists several popular scanners
and which of the tested OCR pro¬
grams support them. Table 2, at the
conclusion of this article, provides de¬
tails about the memory and system-
software requirements of each of these
OCR programs.
We tested eight stand-alone OCR-
software packages for the Mac, rang¬
ing in price from Calera’s WordScan
1.0, at $295, to Caere’s OmniPage
Professional 2.1 and Xerox’s Accu-
Text 3.0, at $995. The other programs
we evaluated were OmniPage 3.0 and
OmniPage Direct 1.0, from Caere;
Read-It! 3.0.1, from Olduvai; TextPert
3.7, from CTA; and WordScan Plus
1.01, from Calera. We tried to run
OCR Systems’ ReadRight 1.0, but it
consistently locked up our testing plat¬
form (see the “How We Tested’’ side-
bar for a description of our setup).
OCR Systems’ technical-support de¬
partment was unable to resolve the
problem. Another package, Exper-
Vision’s TypeReader, was not released
in time to be included in our extensive
154 January 1993 MacUser
lab testing, but the December '92 re¬
view (page 81) found it to be quite
What Do You Expect?
If a document is difficult for you to
read, it will be even more of a chal¬
lenge for your OCR software to deci¬
pher. (For an explanation of how OCR
works, see the “Translation, Please' 1
sidebar.) Here's a suggestion: When
deciding whether to type a document
manually or to scan it and use OCR to
recognize it, subtract several reading
levels from your own. You’ve been
reading for most of your life, after all.
You've learned to interpret characters
and words in a variety of type styles
and sizes — you can even read hand¬
writing. If pan of a sentence has been
crossed out and rewritten, you can
follow the correction. If a word is
misspelled, you can probably figure
out what was intended, by making a
short mental leap.
Such flexibility is a giant step for
OCR, which has been available for
the Mac only since 1988, when Caere
shipped its first version of OmniPage.
An OCR program must first break up
the bit map into chunks that look like
letters and then compare the chunks
with its internal bit-map database of
letters, decide on the best-choice
match, and piece the letters together
into words. You can immediately rec¬
ognize a word such as Macintosh, and
you may get a mental picture of your
computer when you see the word. But
an OCR program has to scrutinize
each and every shape to identify the
letters, and even after it’s done this, it
still has no concept of what a Macin¬
tosh is. That's why it might guess
Macintosh, for example.
But before you abandon OCR soft¬
ware as the electronic equivalent of a
preschooler, think again. Many of
these programs do a reasonable job of
interpreting printed text, and they don’t
get bored reading the same tired
phrases over and over. With the right
documents, the right OCR software,
the right scanner, and a little practice,
you can gain a lot of productivity.
(Mostly) Easy Installation
All the OCR programs we tested
assume that a flatbed scanner is al¬
ready a part of your computer system.
Some of these programs can use your
scanner’s existing driver, the software
that enables your computer to com¬
municate with your scanner. If you've
already installed a scanner, its driver
most likely resides in your Mac’s Sys¬
tem Folder. Other OCR programs
come with their own scanner drivers,
and you install these drivers along
with the OCR software.
OmniPage Direct is the easiest to
install: It's contained on a single high-
How We Tested
ZD Labs, the testing facility that pro¬
vides some of the data used by MacUser
and other Ziff-Davis publications, per¬
formed the OCR tests for this article.
The objective was not only to identify
the best OCR package but also to find
out what kinds of documents could be
recognized acceptably by the software
Our hardware consisted of a familiar
office configuration: a Macintosh I lei with
8 megabytes of RAM and a 200-mega¬
byte Internal hard drive connected to a
monochrome full-page display. We ran
System 7.01 In 32-bit mode with virtual
memory switched off.
To scan our test pages, we used a
popular scanner, a Hewlett-Packard
ScanJet flc with an automatic document
feeder. The scanner's buitt-in AccuPage
capability provides two advantages: dy¬
namic thresholding, which automatically
adjusts the brightness level, enabling it
to distinguish text from a shaded back¬
ground. and automatic recognition of
page composition such as columns and
We tested documents commonly
found in business environments, begin¬
ning with a two-page business letter
printed on letterhead with a logo. The
letter contained 586 words (3,223 char¬
acters) and included some difficult let¬
ter combinations (m, 8B t 5S, //); italic,
bold, and underlined words; and a small
Because so many offices communi¬
cate by fax, we tested a 12-point Times
version of the letter in three fax configu¬
rations: one sent from a fax machine in
high-resolution mode and received by a
fax modem, another sent from a fax
machine in high-resolution mode and
density floppy disk and, when in¬
stalled, appears as an item on the Apple
menu, so you can access it from within
an open word-processing or spread¬
sheet application. OmniPage Profes¬
sional comes on two high-density
disks. You need to be sure your Mac
is equipped with a SuperDrive to in¬
stall either of these programs. All the
others are installed from double-den¬
sity disks.
WordScan comes on six disks, and
WordScan Plus is installed from four.
Either program appears in a folder
called Calera Folder on your hard disk,
and each comes with its own scanner
received by a fax machine, and a third
sent by a fax machine in normal mode
and received by a fax machine.
We also tested an assortment of other
business documents: an Excel spread¬
sheet, to determine whether the recog¬
nized data could be exported usefully
into a spreadsheet; a waterfall of letters
and numbers in sizes ranging from 6 to
36 points; a complex invoice with a
shaded background and difficult alpha¬
numeric codes; and a multicolumn table
from MacUser
To correct for any irregularities, we
performed three recognitions for each
document with each OCR program
Wherever possible, documents were
loaded with the automatic document
feeder: the remaining documents were
placed directly on Ihe scanner bed.
We divided errors into three catego¬
ries: characters the OCR software ad¬
mits it cannot recognize (shown as a
tilde or a bullet), incorrectly interpreted
characters, and the omission or inser¬
tion of spaces. The sum of these errors
constituted the error count for accuracy
We ran a series of tests with the
same document scanned at 400 and
300 dpi For smaller characters (6 to 12
points), some OCR programs showed
greater accuracy at the higher resolu¬
tion; for larger characters (larger than
30 points), however, accuracy suffered
at Ihe higher resolution. We concluded
that letters scanned at higher resolution
are interpreted as larger letters by the
OCR engines; hence a program that
recognizes sizes between 8 and 36
points at 300 dpi may recognize sizes
between 6 and 30 points at 400 dpi.
— Mark Jonikas
MacUser January 1993 155
Hill OCR Software
Setup til in do tu - Untitled (0 pages)
' Read ing F or
lil Te "' °"'*i
Page Orientation
Da 00 El
Type Quality
I mate Source
iOllllllUllllllOl 50%
Darken Lighten
Start Processing
II c
Figure 1: The Setup
Window in WordScan
Plus offers a variety of
input choices, including
four page-orientation
options. However, when
we selected the second
^called Landscape —
the preview showed us
the fourth — called
300 DPI.
ia ^Ezznzinm
12 1600
Id.; WMMMZmm
Lighten Normal Darken
□ Ruto Background
Scan Size
Horizontal: 8.64 in.
Vertical: 14.00 in.
Ruailable Memory: 2238 K.
Selected size: 1343 K.
[ Cancel ) (Preuieiu] [[ Scan j
Figure 2: Read4t!"s preview scan doesn't provide enough detail on-screen for you
to decide whether the scan will be readable.
driver. When we used WordScan Plus*
Easy Install option, it failed to install
the driver. We had to locate the scan¬
ner driver (on disk 4) and manually
drag it into the System Extensions
The AccuText package has seven
disks, but four provide an assortment
of foreign-language dictionaries; if
you're working in English, you need
copy Files from only three disks.
TextPert and its scanner driver are
installed from three or four floppy
disks, depending on the configuration
of your scanner.
A Look at the Books
Many Mac users are loath to look at
product manuals, but you need to do
some reading to make the most of
these OCR packages. At first glance,
TextPert* s documentation looks like
a nice idea: The manual and the pro¬
gram disks are in an attractive three-
ring binder: however, the odd shape
of the rings makes it difficult to turn
pages. The “Getting Started 1 ' section
features a quaint entry-level tutorial
on using the mouse and menus but has
no information on installing the soft¬
ware. (Reportedly this information is
provided in a separate Installation
Guide , but the guide was not in any of
the three sets of software we received.)
The manual also contains some basic
errors, such as referring to the Mac's
Command key as the Control key.
Read-Id's manual includes a step-
by-step tutorial to get you started. But
some of its in-depth instructions are
more confusing than helpful. For ex¬
ample, the Recognize & Learn Confi¬
dence Level setting is discussed in
numerous places: Sometimes the
manual indicates that a lower confi¬
dence level makes Read-It! “screen
entries more critically"; at other times,
a higher confidence level is said to do
this. In reality, the higher the confi¬
dence level, the more often Read-It!
prompts you to check its choices; at
the lowest confidence level. Read-It!
chooses without consulting you.
AccuText has the thickest manual,
and you'll need to refer to it frequently
to find your way around in this appli¬
cation. The documentation contains
detailed information on setup, scan¬
ner settings, advanced features, and
error messages. There's also a tear-
out reference card at the back of the
WordScan and WordScan Plus are
both covered in a single manual, with
separate chapters entitled “Getting
Started" and “Additional Features" for
each program. The manual includes
plenty of illustrations of the programs'
dialog boxes and menus, but having
two programs covered in one manual
is confusing.
The OmniPage and OmniPage Pro¬
fessional manuals are well written,
well illustrated, and well organized,
offering various levels of detail to suit
1S6 January 1993 Macllser
individual users. OmniPage Direct
comes with a succinct, well-organized
manual. Because the program imports
recognized text right into your open
application, you may not need to refer
to the manual very often.
Ease of Use
All the programs provide a preview
scan that lets you check for basic prob-
lems such as an upside-down page.
WordScan and WordScan Plus allow
you to adjust the page orientation in
the programs 7 Setup Window instead
of making you reset the page in the
scanner. However, we did notice that
the programs 7 landscape-orientation
settings were reversed: If you select
the second page-orientation option,
your page will appear as if you had
selected the fourth option (see Figure
1), Read-It's preview scan doesn’t
provide enough detail to tell you
whether the scan will be usable (see
Figure 2).
WordScan’s initial recognition stage
is fairly straightforward: In the Setup
Window, click on the Automatic but¬
ton under Start Processing, Once the
text has been recognized, however,
you must select Verifier, on the Op¬
tions menu, to see the text. WordScan
does a better job of retaining the
document’s format than any of the
other programs, but its Verifier win¬
dow isn’t the best.
OmniPage Direct is the easiest to
use. Simply open a window in your
target application — in a Microsoft
Word file, for example — and posi¬
tion your cursor where you want the
recognized text to appear. Then ac¬
cess OmniPage Direct from the Apple
menu and click on the Scan button in
the Scan Text dialog box. The pro¬
gram will scan and recognize the text
and paste it into your open file. If you
haven’t opened a window, the pro¬
gram will paste the recognized text
into the Clipboard.
Because you can’t expect your OCR
program to recognize every single
character correctly, you need to proof
Figure 3: AccuText's Feedback window provides a pop-up bit map of the scanned
image along with the program's interpretation of the characters. You can use the
keypad to navigate forward and backward and to type in corrections.
Train Characters - Untitled
| Specify^
[ Delete ] .
f Saue,,, ]
( Append„ v ]
[ Cancer ]
Double-click on a character to specify it. Only
specified-dtiaracters uMlf be saued.
Specify Character -
;r aatea iepte
my office set
: In ron firm tt
Character Code:
[~Cancei~ ]
Figure 4: In OmniPage Professional's Train Characters window, you can teach
the program to recognize an unusual character by selecting its bit map and
then clicking on the Specify button.
IVlacUser January 1993 157
HI OCR Software
Translation, Please
The OCR programs we tested are called omnifont packages,
because they attempt to interpret all (omni) fonts. Other OCR
technologies employ matrix matching, a technique designed for
use with single fonts.
The omnifont process is sometimes called feature extraction,
because it examines character boxes for features or shapes. For
example, it may spot a triangle and half a hexagon in a box and
then, by comparing these shapes with an internal database or
library of shapes, narrow its choice down to the uppercase A. This
baste structure holds true over a wide variety of fonts, whether the
letter is cleanly printed or even somewhat degraded because of
poor document quality.
Here’s a look at the steps current omnifont OCR programs
perform once a page has been scanned:
1 * The software ascertains which areas contain graphics, relying
on such techniques as density analysis, and then dismisses these
areas a s far as text recognition is concerned,
2. The program then breaks down the page into columns
and text blocks, using built-in algorithms that take empty gut¬
ters of white space into account.
3* The program searches for spaces and defines charac¬
ter boxes as the areas between them. If characters are not
so simply defined — kerned, thick, or smudged characters
touching, as with ligatures — the program may employ a
built-in database to help break the lines into boxes.
4, The page is processed, character box by character
>x, with whatever techniques the program supports. In
general, omnifont programs examine each character
box, looking for shapes, and then try to match those
shapes with ones in an internal database or library. If the
program is confident that a match has been made, the
character is recognized and written to a file.
5. If the software doesn’t find a definite match,
it may turn to a spelling dictionary to find the
most likely choice, given the character box's
context within the word.
Shapes library
Shapes library
Ppple - no match
fA|pple = Apple
Shapes li
6. The program may also flag these
characters as suspect, so that the user is
forced to confirm the program’s selection.
7. If the program cannot recognize the charac¬
ter with the required level of confidence, it inserts a
special character {often a tilde) to alert the user.
— Gregory Wasson
15B January 1993 MacUser
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OCR Software
The Good, the Bad. and the So-So
Publishers of OCR software often quote high percentage-
accuracy ratings tn describing how well their programs recog¬
nize text. But what do these figures really mean? You may think
94-percent accuracy sounds pretty good, until you do some
quick arithmetic. Consider a two-page, 586-word (3,223-char¬
acter) business letter. At 94-percent accuracy, that document
would contain 193 errors. Would you hire a typist who made
193 errors in a two-page letter?
To debunk these percentage ratings, we compared recogni¬
tion results for a typical business letter and carved up the
nebulous percentage-accuracy territory into useful chunks. We
felt that recognition was good when the 3,223-character docu¬
ment was more than 98.5-percent accurate, meaning that it
contained 48 or fewer errors (sample at left). Yes, someone
has to find and correct those errors, but assuming that your
word-processing application has a spell-checking capability,
making the corrections lakes much less time and effort than
retyping the letter manually.
At 97-percent accuracy, the same document contained 96
errors (sample in middle). We felt that this was an acceptable
level of recognition: more errors to correct but still a better
solution than retyping the document. Between 94.5- and 97-
percent accuracy (97 to 177 errors) we judged to be a gray
area . Your proofing resources, your own typing skills, and the
nature of the document (a one-time job or two out of hundreds
of similar pages) will help you decide whether ifs easier to
make corrections to the recognized document or retype it.
Less than 94.5-percent accuracy (more than 177 errors; see
sample at right) was not a gray area, in our opinion — you‘d get
better and faster results by retyping the document.
PuMi,4ii** C-fflF-r,*
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KlX-lHi l» PWilMlftfip. Cfltfrpwflf >:n Ukrihlf Hitt Fd«Mf Cdjp. CA
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hnhtU wtlhrb tftttt lit F14t Mhin(a 1 Vt
Good Recognition;
If a 3,223-character letter contains
48 errors, as in this example, it is
98.5-percent accurate. Someone will
have to correct all those errors, but
that's probably easier than retyping
the entire document. We consider
this good recognition.
Acceptable Recognition;
Ninety-six or fewer errors out of
3,223 characters means 97-percent
or better accuracy. We felt that this
was still better than retyping the
document and was therefore
acceptable recognition.
Maybe So, Maybe Not:
Between 94.5- and 97-percent
accuracy was what we considered
a gray area. However, we felt that
anything below 94.5-percent
accuracy — more than 177 errors
out of 3,223 characters — was
poor recognition.
OCR packages are often sold with the promise of high accuracy, but some basic arithmetic shows how a little
inaccuracy can be a big problem. We’ve carved up this accuracy territory to provide some guidelines. Your own
decisions on where to draw the line between good and acceptable or gray area and bad may vary.
the results and make corrections. Some
packages let you do this entirely on¬
screen before they export the recog¬
nized text to your word-processing
application. Others assume that you
prefer to make corrections after ex¬
porting the text, while referring to the
original piece of paper.
The on-screen approach, offered by
AccuText, Read-It!, TextPert, and
WordScan Plus, involves a pop-up bit
map, a detailed area of the scan show¬
ing a close-up of the image from which
the OCR has interpreted a letter or
letters. You can then judge whether
the OCR program has made a correct
interpretation and either accept its
choice or override it and type in your
own. Some of the programs that em¬
ploy the bit map allow you to train
them to interpret characters you
choose, as described in the nexi sec¬
tion of this report.
With the postexport correction
scheme, instead of referring to a bit
map, you take the original document
out of your scanner and compare the
scanned text with it. This choice is
advocated by Caere, which provides
only limited user control of proofing
160 January 1993 Macllser
How Butterflies Transform
How Butterflies Transform
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An ordinary caterpillar is miraculously changed into
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Place the image you want on the scanner.
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ScanMaker II. For more information, or the name of
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Better Images Through Innovation.
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Circle 180 on reader service card.
How to be
Jk Now Up-to-Date lets you schedule appointments
and To Do's instantly — just dick on the dote you
want and enter your information. Calendars can be
viewed by day f multcday, week , month or year, and
can be customized In a myriad of fonts, styles and col¬
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your associates over a network or wo modem.
▼ The To Do list lets you sched¬
ule tasks for certain due dates or
simply for whenever you get
around to them. It also allows
you to prioritize tasks and auto¬
matically forwards them on to
the next day's To Do fist until
each task is completed.
► 4s well as display¬
ing the current time
in the menu bar ,
AlarmsClock auto¬
matically alerts you
and your assodates of upcoming meetings. To Do's
and other events (including recurring events), Even
when you're not running Now Up-to-Date,
▼ Calendars can be printed in all the major appoint¬
ment book sizes and formats , each in a wide vaiiety of
You can even print
out wall
Step 1, Load Now Up-to-date 2.C, the
Step 2, Notice how incredibly simple Now
Up-to-date is to use. Totally customizable.
Want to change it to a different date? Drag it
there. That's it. Want it to show up dn the first
Cuck once. You've got it.
Amazing” Hey, we like the way you think.
Step 5. If you're qn a network, share
That's okay, Now Up-to-date works fine all by
Step 6 . Fly to Zimbabwe, Okay, now bring
Change it all around, great. Now connect to
Step 7. Pick up Now Uf-td-Date 2.C. Dr,
Step B, Quit goofing off reading soft¬
You've got a lot of stuff to do.
CNCVW SOFTWARE, INC. 319 5W WJi^WNGrTON* II TW FlCDA. POATLanO. OP PwanC &aa-274'EHOn fax: 303-274 0670. Fan uranADCa call eaa-374-.il730 DR FAX 71I&-B73-D9D&.
Circle 170 on reader service card
m OCR Software
Figure 5: Overall Performance
Acceptable -
Gray area -
-♦—OmniPage Professional 2.1 -
-•—WordScan 1.0-
- WordScan Plus l .01
OmniPage Direct 1.0
OmniPage 3.0-
-TextPert 3*7---
- AccuText 3.0--
Read-Ill 3.0.1
• tetter “Bottom Line" picks
TIib best performers
97,0% —
100 %
Figure 5: In order to arrive at an
overall accuracy rating, we considered
the results of the tests discussed in this
article {see Figures 6 through 9 for indi¬
vidual test scores). Because business
letters tend to be the most common
documents you're likefy to encounter,
we gave more weight to the resuits of
our tests with the business letter in its
various permutations and less weight
to the results of our spreadsheet, in¬
voice, and table tests. And following
our own recommendations about ap¬
propriate documents, we included the
results for the darker photocopy — not
the lighter one — and the high-resolu¬
tion-mod e fax —- not the norma I-mode
one. Overall, the products from Caere
and Calera proved to be strong con¬
tenders, and Olduvai s Read-lt! brought
up the rear.
in OmniPage Professional and none
at all in OmniPage and OmniPage
Direct. The advantage of this scheme
is that you can make corrections by
using an application with which you're
already familiar.
WordScan provides a Verifier win¬
dow, which shows the recognized text
with any questionable or unrecognized
characters and words highlighted. You
navigate forward through the high¬
lighted characters, or markers, typing
corrections as necessary* This inter¬
face is clumsy and inflexible, though.
WordScan Plus’ version is called the
Pop-Up Verifier: When you go to the
next marker, a bit map of the
character(s) is displayed to aid your
decision making. AccuText has the
most advanced verifier.
If your documents contain non¬
standard technical symbols, you may
want to train the OCR package to
interpret the symbols as words: Q as
ohm, for example. Three of the pack¬
ages offer trainable modes designed
to improve the recognition of hard-to-
recognize or unusual characters.
AccuText’s training features are the
most flexible, if a bit complicated;
you need to read the manual to deci¬
pher how the buttons function. The
Feedback window (see Figure 3} pro¬
vides a graphic display — a limited-
context bit map of the scanned image
-— with a text display below it show¬
ing an interpretation of the highlighted
characters. When the bit map shows
incomplete sections of letters, or when
you want the program to recognize
pairs or groups of letters, you can
navigate forward or backward to in¬
clude more of the bit map in the inter¬
pretation. You can also type letters
into the text display if the recognition
is incorrect or incomplete*
OmniPage Professional also pro¬
vides a trainable mode, but it’s not as
flexible as that of AccuText. When
you click on Train in the Recognition
Settings dialog box, a table appears
that contains out-of-context bit maps
with the program’s interpretation of
each character (see Figure 4). You
Figure 7: Do You Copy
Figure 7: The scores on
the left represent the re¬
sults of scanning and rec¬
ognizing text on our two-
page letter after it had been
photocopied three times at
a darker setting. All the pro¬
grams earned lower scores
with the same letter after it
had been photocopied
three times at a lighter set¬
ting. OmniPage Profes¬
sional and OmniPage Di¬
rect did better than the
other programs, bui in this
accuracy range* the text
requires a lot of correction.
164 January 1993 MacUser
Figure 6: Basic Business Letters
Gray area
-•—OmniPage Professional 2j —
WordSean 1.0 -
-•— WordScan Plus 1.01-
-•—OmniPage Direct 1,0-—-
-—-OmniPage 3.0 -
-TextPert 3.7-—
- AccuText 3.0
Read It! 3.0.1
» MacUser S 'Bottom Line' picks
BThe besl performer (s)
in each lest
Gray area —|
“ d -i
Helvetica Good
Poor Gray
■ J
9&.5%— 1
100% 80%
m - 1
ble — ]
100% 80%
94.5% J
100 %
Figure 6: We tested the recognition
capabilities of our eight OCR packages
on a two-page business letter printed in
three commonly used fonts — Times,
Courier, and Helvetica (all at 10 points).
Times challenges an OCR program's
recognition capabilities with serifs —
the little decorative hooks and knobs
that can make letters appear to run
together — and variable spacing, which
makes the OCR program work harder
to locate letters. Half the programs
yielded poor or marginal results,
Courier was far easier to recognize.
Its monospaced design (all letters are
the same width) takes some guess¬
work out of locating letters.
Helvetica, a sans serif font, yielded
even better results. All but one pro¬
gram, Read-lt!, produced good or ac¬
ceptable recognition.
can specify a hard-to-recognize or un¬
usual character by double-clicking on
the appropriate box in the table; a
limited-context bit map then appears.
and you can type the character you
wish the specified character to be in¬
terpreted as. What the manual doesn't
tell you is that there is a limit to the
number of characters you can add to
the set and that the limit varies, de¬
pending on available memory.
Read-lt! provides a trainable mode,
Dark Photocopy Good _
Acceptable —
Poor Gray area-
Light Photocopy Good _
Acceptable — 3
Poor Gray area— j
• OmniPage Professional 2,1
A IK tr, . rl O .1 1 fl
worapcan LU
worupcan riu& |,ui
• OmniPage Direct 1.0
u mm rage J.u
Jextpert jj
D i.iL.l Til *1 n 1
Read-it [ JAM
• “Bottom Line* picks
■■ The best performer 85
Accuracy ; ^
97,0% -
}% 85
94.5% —
% _ .
97,0% -
MacUser January 1993 165
■ OCR Software
Figure 8: Adjust the Fax
— t-WordScan Plus 1,01-
OmniPage Direct 1,0-
—OmniPage 3.0--
—TextPen 3.7 —-
- OmniPage Professional 2.3 -
-WordScan 1.0-
Fax Modem
Goad —
Acceptable —
Pour Gray area -—■
-AccuText 3.0 -
Read-lt! 3.0.1 -
• Maclisp "Bottom Line” picks
■■The best performers
had dlfficuliy
TIFF files.
High-Resolution Fax
Goad - 1
Acceptable —,
Poor Gray area —| |
OmniPage Direct
docs not read
TIFF Tiles.
100 %
Low-Resolution Fax
Good -
Acceptable —.
Poor Gray area —
100% 75%
985% J
100 %
Figure 8: The best results were
achieved with a fax-modem version of
our two-page letter: This involves read¬
ing a TIFF file, not a a scanned image.
WordScan had difficulties interpreting the
TIFF format so it has no score for this
test, and because OmniPage Direct
does not read TIFF files, it also has no
score. Most of the programs scored in
the gray area or the acceptable range
on the same letter faxed in high-resolu-
tion mode. None of the OCR programs
achieved useful results with a fax of the
letter sent in normal, or low-resolution,
which is recommended for use if you
don't have enough memory (4 mega¬
bytes) to run the program in its com¬
pletely automatic mode. Training is
based on type tables: You can edit an
existing one or build your own from
scratch. The program's training fea¬
tures are not very flexible, however.
and once again, the manual provides
confusing and sometimes conflicting
Try This at Home
We scanned a wide assortment of
pages, not just to rate the OCR pro¬
grams but also to find out what kinds
of documents would be good candi¬
dates for OCR and which would not.
After completing testing, we arrived
at an overall performance rating by
placing more emphasis on how each
OCR program handled such standard
documents as business letters, faxes,
and photocopies and less emphasis on
Top Ten OCR Tips
1. Use your OCR programs bright¬
ness and contrast controls. They can
make the difference when dealing with
poor-quality material such as faded
pages or faxes,
2« Always place the printed pages
as straight as possible on the scanner
bed. Skewed pages contribute to in¬
accurate OCR,
3. Keep the scanner glass clean.
Smudges and dirt hinder recognition*
4« Keep the scanner lid down. If the
lid is even just slightly raised (because
youVe trying to scan a book), the am¬
bient light leaking in can ruin the scan.
5. Cover markings on the page,
such as editorial notes, with white pa¬
per or 3M PosHt notes so that the
scribbles don't confuse the program.
6. Organize your scan jobs. If you
are scanning a variety of document
types, group them and change the set¬
tings as necessary to get the best scan.
For example, you could group all dot¬
matrix-printer pages at the end of your
pile and enable dot-matrix recognition
only for that last stretch.
7. Recognize only what you need.
It's tempting to let the OCR program
recognize the entire page and then open
the file in a word-processing application
and delete the text you don't need. But
you can shorten the OCR processing
time by selecting only the text you want
8. Don't scan at high resolutions. It
may seem logical to scan at the highest
resolution your scanner supports, but
be illogical for a change. You can usu¬
ally attain good accuracy levels by scan¬
ning at 200 or 300 rather than 400 dpi*
9. Unless you plan to process only a
single simple document a week, invest
In a flatbed scanner. You may be tempted
to save money by buying a hand-held
OCR-scanner "solution," You'll be sorry.
10. When you're scanning pages
printed on thin paper (newsprint, for ex¬
ample), back them with another sheet or
two of paper* This helps prevent text
printed on the other side from bleeding
through and confusing the program.
For a more detailed look at OCR tips
and techniques, check out “Speed
Reader, ” in the March '92 issue (page
210 ).
— Gregory Wasson
166 January 1993 MacUser
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HI OCR Software
how it handled such challenging docu¬
ments as spreadsheets, newspaper ar¬
ticles, and multicoltimn layouts (see
Figure 5).
Straight-text documents such as
business letters and press releases are
among the most common office docu¬
ments, so we tested a wide variety of
these. The accuracy results for our
two-page letter in 10-point Times, 10-
point Courier, and 10-point Helvetica
appear in Figure 6. These were clean,
original documents, and recognition
was generally good. Notice that the
programs performed better for the
monospace Courier and sans serif
Helvetica fonts than they did for
Times. A font such as Times is more
challenging, because it presents serifs
and variable character spacing, which
can hinder recognition.
If you deal with all sorts of photo¬
copies, you* 11 need to be selective in
choosing which ones to input with
OCR. A light photocopy is problem¬
atic, because parts of letters can fade
away — for example, a capital O can
be interpreted as () or a capital R as a
capital K. OmniPage Professional and
OmniPage Direct yielded better re¬
sults titan the other packages in pro¬
cessing a light photocopy, but even at
96-percent accuracy, the text requires
a lot of correction. All the products
performed better on a dark photocopy
(see Figure 7). Making a darker copy
of your light photocopy may help you
get better results, but this works only
up to a point. If holes in letters such as
b f d and g begin to fill tn or if dots and
smudges in the background become
as prominent as the letters on the page,
recognition suffers.
You may want to scan pages re¬
ceived by your office fax machine
or your fax modem. No program we
tested did well on a letter faxed in
normal mode (IDO dpi vertically, 200
dpi horizontally). Such low-resolution
text produces a lot of broken charac¬
ters when scanned, which makes it
difficult for OCR packages to recog¬
nize the letters, WordScan and Word-
Scan Plus had the highest scores, but
if you're going to get only 92-percent
accuracy, you'd be better off typing
the document manually. (See ‘The
Good, the Bad, and the So-So" side-
bar for an illustration of percentage-
accuracy results.)
When the same letter was faxed in
high-resolution mode (200 dpi verti¬
cally, 200 dpi horizontally), the higher-
resolution image improved recogni¬
tion substantially. AccuText still tell
into the gray area, at 96.48-percent
accuracy, but only Read-It! produced
less-than-useful results. For a fax¬
modem document, the overall scores
Figure 9: Advanced Recognition
Excel Spreadsheet
Gaud —
Acceptable —,
Root Gray area —,
OmniPage Professional 2,1
F WordScan 1.0
h WordScan Plus 1.01
►-OmniPage Direct 1,0
OmniPage 3.0
- TextPert 3,7
AccuText 3.0
— Read-It! 3.0.1
l MacUserS 'Bottom Line" picks
The best performer(s) 85 %
in each lest Accuracy
Complex Invoice
Good -
Acceptable -
Poor Gray area-
Complex Table
G00(J —
Acceptable — ,
Poor Gray area —
100% 85%
100% 85%
r\r\ a a
A 1 |K
it Apple
Figure 9: Although letters are the
most common business documents, you
may need to input other information such
as spreadsheets, invoices, and tables.
Excel Spreadsheet:
A typical single-page spreadsheet in
Microsoft Excel produced good or ac¬
ceptable results. The most-common er¬
rors we found were substitutions of the
number 1 for the vertical lines separat¬
ing the columns. Two programs were
unable to handle this test TextPert can't
read files scanned in landscape mode,
and Read-Itt crashed when trying to
recognise the scanned file (it can't read
any page that contains vertical lines).
Complex Invoice:
A complex invoice presented more
of a challenge. Our sample included
several columns of information, includ¬
ing one with a shaded background.
WordScan and WordScan Plus both
achieved acceptable results, Read-It!
scored 77 percent, too low to appear on
this scale.
Complex Table:
Our complex table was recognized
with surprisingly good results. The poor¬
est score was turned in by AccuText,
which had difficulty with the small point
size (7-point Helvetica). TextPert and
Read-It! also did poorly, but the others
scored high marks.
168 January 1993 Macliser
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HH OCR Software
The Bottom Line
OCR promises to free you from in¬
putting lengthy documents at your Mac
keyboard. But with those promises come
errors, perhaps more than you'd com¬
mit when typing. Although OCR is far
from perfect, several packages offer
enough power and flexibility to be worth
your investment in time and dollars.
Caere's OmniPage Professional 2.1
($995 list, $650 street) and OmniPage
Direct 1.0 ($595 list. $275 street) are
among the top performers, turning in
good or acceptable results (based on
our 97-percent-accuracy cutoff point) for
all but a tew documents, OmniPage Di¬
rect is the easiest to use, because you
can access it as a DA from within an
open word-processing or spreadsheet
Calera's WordScan 1.0 ($295 list,
$189 street) and WordScan Plus 1.01
($595 list, $375 street) scored high In
terms of percentage accuracy for our
test documents. They also were the best
at retaining original document format¬
ting, such as tabs and indents. Both
programs have a rather clunky user in¬
terface, however, and they exhibited a
tendency to crash because of problems
with their scanner settings. Because of
their attractive pricing, we recommend
them — but with reservations.
Caere's OmniPage Direct and OmniPage Professional combine ease of use with
good accuracy on a wide variety of documents. Calera's WordScan Pius also
rates high in accuracy and format retention but is more difficult to learn.
were even better, because the pro¬
grams were reading from an internal
TIFF file and not from an optically
scanned image. Read-It! was in the
gray area of usefulness, with 95.13-
percent accuracy. All the other pro¬
grams that could handle the TIFF for¬
mat scored 97.5 percent or higher (see
Figure 8). Obviously, low-resolution
faxes are candidates for the typing
pool. (See the “Top Ten OCR Tips”
sidebar for other suggestions on im¬
proving a program’s recognition.)
We also tested the OCR programs
with some other challenging docu¬
ments. Our single-page Excel spread¬
sheet yielded usable, if not stellar, re¬
sults with most of the programs. Read-
It! and TextPert received no scores for
this test, however. Readmit! crashed
when we tried to interpret the file (it
can't read any page that contains ver¬
tical lines), and TextPert can’t read
files scanned in landscape mode.
We scanned and recognized a com¬
plex invoice with a shaded background
and columns of numbers and a
multicoiumn table very like Table 2.
The results of our tests with the spread¬
sheet, invoice, and table appear in Fig¬
ure 9.
OCR Can You See?
Look at your documents, look at
your keyboard, and think about
whether OCR is the answer for you. A
few of the products we tested for this
report have only limited usefulness.
Read-It! scored the lowest overall for
accuracy when run in its automatic
mode, and its trainable mode presented
many stumbling blocks. TextPert man¬
aged to produce acceptable results for
some types of documents, but it had a
tendency to crash while saving.
AcaiText also performed well for
some types of documents, and its train-
able mode promises to improve your
results, especially for multipage docu¬
ments. But the program does have a
steep learning curve and a fairly stiff
Several packages can save you time
and effort in the initial steps of input¬
ting documents. Depending on the
complexity of your document, you
may — no, you will — need to spend
some time correcting errors, either
during recognition; in an editing or
verification stage; or after recogni¬
tion, once you’ve opened the docu¬
ment in a word-processing or spread¬
sheet program. But if you input the
document manually, youTl spend
some time correcting errors too (un¬
less your typing is 100 percent accu¬
rate). The choice is yours; you’ll find
our recommendations in the “Bottom
Line” sidebar.
Bisa M. Welch is a MncVser associate efllim* who
appreciates a little recognition.
continues ►
170 January 1993 MacUser
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services by the hour (or minute). WindoWatch operates in
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you work. Use WindoWatch to collect and merge
timesheets from team
members over the network
or export timesheet
information to a
spreadsheet. Don't miss any
I opportunity to accurately bill
' your clients After all, time is
Publisher: ASD Software
Virex 4.0
©Virex is the ultimate solution to
Macintosh computer viruses. The
Virex application detects and repairs
files infected by all knowo
Macintosh viruses. The Virex INIT
continuously monitors the computer
to prevent infection and performs
repairs instantly. Virex 4.0 provides
comprehensive network features. An
administrator can request a
network-wide virus scan and schedule periodic scans to
ensure that the network remains virus free. The
administrator can also outdate Virex versions and
automatically update them. Virex is updated frequently and
all registered users receive one free update.
Publisher: Microcom Inc.
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mouseless menu control and over a dozen oilier
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the power of CPU and put more power into your
PowerBook today. Publisher: Connectix UTI0297
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CD lEchnolcjnv, Inc,
ACCD763 CO'10M Caddy Replacc-meM .49.
Apple Computer. Inc,
ACCQ335 Ton-n Carrr dfle-lg^efWnier Plus.99
toner Caftridge LaserWriter II .99.
Full USA
MF 2 DD 10QPK Disks w/labels. 59.
MF2HD5flPKDteb Abate.59.
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LB innovators (toll line available)
WrislSaver Mim-MausePad (various-cotofs}.ea 12
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Syquest Cartridges
MtD0G35 44M0 Removable Carindge . 75
88 MB Removable Cartridge ..139.
Premier Leather Case ...175.
Preimei Porter Book Lealher Case.149.
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A Lasting Impression
©ftesumfopeiT MS Word. Cover letters. Manager, Sales &
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Abacus Coneepis
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Alter Hours Software
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Altai n Corpora I inn
® 6 U 50? 1 1 IN CONTROL 1 .1 .09.
CE Software
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Cheite Soltwara, Inc,
©6USD250 Fair Witness ii . . .109.
©F^OteO MacInTas'Si ..Call.
© 6 US 0 CD 1 ClarisWorlis w/1r« Quicken.199.
Declsloneering, toe.
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Della Point
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©BU SOi 90 Control Classic 1.5. 299.
Fisher Idea System, Inc
©BUS0168 IdaFisher 2.0 .379.
JAM Software
©DAC0Q33 Smar(Alamis3.1 Plus Pack/Appt.Oiary ...89.
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Lotus Development Corporation
©BUSQ1B0 Lotus 1 -2-3 (or Macintosh.339,
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©B U S6223 M icrosofl free 1 4.0 295
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©DATC047 Microsoft FgxBASEt/MaC 2.QT.335.
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©0USO241 The Microsoft Office 2.5. 475
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Occam Research
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Palo Alto Software
©FI N0116 Business Plan ToolKit 4 0 99
Power Up
©BUSflifi Address Book Plus 20.63
©BUS0073 Calendar Creator 44
Round Lake Publishing
©Legal LeiteiWorks or Sales
So ft syne Publishing
©FIMOO40 Accountant. Inc. 3.0 1
Tetoware. Inc.
©FIN00B7 M YOB 3.0
Visionary Software
•eUSOtfe First Things First 2 12
. ea 45
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Apple Computer. Inc.
©NETD250 AppleShare 3.0 ... 969.
©C0M0131 AppleTalk fiemola Access . 159
©CGM0l26Macrnlosti PC Exchange .69
CE Software
©COMOI 6 T QuickMai 1 2.5.1(1-5 users} 249
Dayna Commun(cations. Inc.
©NE10125 DaynaPGRT E/1 .
©NE TQQ76 DaynaPOR T E/SE 149
£j Machtoa
©COMOIItNobly* s i Personal Edition
Earallon™ Campullrtn
©NET00Q7 PhaneNraPtos, SE&M
©NET Ml 9 PhowNET SfefCortltoHe#)
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©NET0Q34 Timbuklu/RemateSi 2.0 . .
Frees on
insignia (Full line available)
©UDD174 AccessPC 2 0
©COMOI 07 Suit PC Universal 2.5
©NETG245 LANRovei/L.
Tech Works
©NET0133 GraceLAN 2 0 50-user
While Pine Software
©COMOI T4Mac 320-VT32G Emulator.,95.
©DTPM72 PageMaker 4.2 __
©UPG0CO3 PageMaker 4.2 upgrade
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Quark, toe.
©DTPflon XPress 31..
Mass Microsystems
©DR 10253 Da^Pak 45MB Removable.
Peripheral Land, Inc.
©DRICG75 Infinity 80 Removable single.729
©DRIED 15 Infinity Turbo 40 Msg Removals . 599
©OR 11)499 100 Med Drive 499
©DR 10533 20 Meg External Hard Drive . . 299
©OR 10559 60 Meg Drive 449
©DR1Q55I 40 Men Hard Drive .349
©DR 10494 Pro 105 MB DhvefQuanlum LPS) . . 499
©DR 105-16 Pro 21C MB Mail or Drive.. 749.
©DR 10549 Pen 40 MB Drive . . . 379.
©0NOOO94 44MB SyQuest Removable 499
©BND0095 S0MB Sy-quESl Removable . 699
SuperMac Technologies
©DRI0437 Sped rum /8 24 PDG . 699
©DR 10516 Sped(um/24 Vi deo Mac 11 Card.. 799
©D 0 IO 517 Spectrum Senes itl Accelerator Card .449
©DR 104 40 Speclrian/flsi .539.
Art WO r*
©ENT0262 GrailOuest .19,
©ENT0451 Bridge 7.0.35.
Baseline Publishing
©ENT0403 Talking Moose/Cartoon Carnival 4.0 ..23
B ruderbund
©GDRQ042 Just Q randma and Me- CD-ROM . 35
©GRA026® Krd Fix 1 2 . . . 35
Cenlr&n Software. Inc.
©EHT0329 Blackjack Siraiegy Tesier/Slackiack Ace. 65
©ENT02S9 Ca&inaMastef Defukd Color Version.45
©ENT0440 Crossword Cxeslor . ,39
Hypertitol Software Company
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©Number Munchers or Word Munches „
Nordic Software
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Opcode Systoms, Inc.
Optimum Resource, Inc.
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Passport Designs, Inc.
©MUS0Q49 Ervcore 2.5.. 379.
©MUSO105 MusicTime for Mac. 169
Fenton Overseas (Full line available}
©Picture Lev?' i Scanish, Gsman, Frercn, Italian ea. 42
©VocabULeariVcfi Level I. II or III: French .German. Hebrew.
Italian, Japanese. Ri^an or Spanish . ea 35.
Personal Training Svs.fFull line available)
©Excei 4 0. Word 5£) Quark XPress 3.1.ea 49
Plum a Software
OENTQ447 Capital si Pig ii .... ....35.
Software Toolworks
©MUS0092 Miracle Piano . 349 .
XOR Corporal ton
©ENT 02 74 MacGyli Classic 11
Zondervan Publishing House
©MacBihie-Grfrek cr Nlv .
©BOKOfel MacBible - King James Version
Adobe Systems, toe. (Full line available)
©FOND351 Adobe TypeDn Call 2.D.
©FGNQ295 Adobe Type Reunion .41
©F0N0435 Adobe TypeStyler 2 6 w/ATM . .127.
Font Bank
FON0438 Postscript Display Typefaces .95
Softkey Software
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Wayzata Technology
©FONQ484 Font Fun Rouse CD-ROM .....35
©CADQQ37 Des«g n Your Own Hcme-A/ch itedure ea .59
©GRA0339 Sprout'
Adobe Systems. Inc.
©DRAW 71 Adobe Premiere 2,0 .
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QGRA03G5 Freehand3.1 .
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QGftAtn 12 SupeiFaml 3.0 !.
Apple Computer, toe.
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©CAD0029 ClarisCAD 2 D
©GRAD350 MacDrawProl.5
.... BD.
©51D0014 MacDranv Pro 1 5 Trade-up
Ob neba
©GRA02BO Camras 2
... 75.
DIVA Corporation
©GRA032B OiVAVkfcoShflp.
Dream Maker
©GRA01Q5 Ciiplures Vat. 1 Business images...
Fractal Design
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..279. 1
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Metro Image Base (Full line available)
©GFtAQ27 7 Ntei ro ■ ImagcBasics. ... 35.
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©QTP0Q53 Layouts for PageMaitef .. 75
Ray Dream
©GRA0291 JAG 79
SolfsyriG Publishing
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©GRA031B ExportColorPaml .._.29.
©Expert Home Design or Oh ice Dasbgn .ea.29.
©GRA636 1 Expert Landscape Design . 29
Specular Internal tonal
©GRA03Q3 Inlin.-D 2.0 .645.
iRA0317 FaxMama. Business Fax Cover Sheets 25.
Though! I Could
©GRA0J62 Wallpaper 37.
©GRA027B VrrtusWaikTnrou^h .309
Appoint, Inc
Imw19 Mouse Pen Pro Mac ADB .
INP 022 D ThumWma Mac
©INPQ205 Typisl Pius Graphics. 339
Costs r
©INPQ196 AUbtossWnter Envelope Pftruer . 479.
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INPOt74 Mac (DIE Keyboard Platinum.129
INPO103 Mscl01Ew/QHeys2.159.
©INP0231 Turftb Mouse t£E or ft} 4.0 .109
©INPQ 221 NoteBcok Keypad. 99
©JNPR246 Micimek ScanMaker II 929.
©INP0162 Water Pritorr .1399
Micro touch
rse . m
Mouse Systems
©JNP0132 Little Mouse ADB
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©INPQ199 A3 Trackball .
SupJilsUcatod Circuils
©ACCD535 PowsTKey 2.Qw/ QytokKeys Lite . 75
©5NP0232 Pi^Pad . .79
MQND224 20 t Suosr Match Color Display.T 699
IMP011S LightningScari 406 ..... 359.
INP01B9 LightriingScan Pro 256 , . .499
Computer Care, too,
©0RI0336 Mac Rescue w/SCSI Port...139
f 'kflAM6Sfeim»BocA.479
DayStar Digital
©Universal Pc-A^Cacne 33 MH?
©Universal Povtorckha 33 MHz w70S2
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©DFKM21 FaslCacr^ I1s> (54K).
.. 599
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©ORiD50Q FasfCache QuaSa 7CX
©CHPHl i 4 Meg SIMMs 00ns
©CHP00131 Men SIMMs 100ns....J
©CLP00&5 2MBPowerBook 10Q714Q/170 Upgrade 145
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Global Village (tuft (toe available}
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©M0DUO43 2400 Mini Modem.89
©M.ODOOS4 Home Otiice 24/95 259
©MODOOS5 Ultimate home Office 24/96 .. 489.
Abbott Systems, toe.
©UTO3fi Cate*
©UTI0113 CanOpesnerZ_
Advanced Software
©UTI0291 In Touch 2.0.
Aladdin Systems
©U110302 Slulill Deluxe 3.0 .
©UTI9303 Slulill SpaceSaver
©UTI0269 Alsoft Power Uiililies fiundls..
Apple Computer, Inc
©LNGOO50 AppleTalk For Programmers.
©LNGDQ57 MaoPYMiamming Fundamenials ..
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•SVS00C3 A!Ease .'. . .
ASD Software, toe.
©UTI6T35 FiLGuard 2 7 . .
©UD0130 FileGuard 2 7 - Office Pack 5.
Baseline Publishing
©UTIDT87 Inn Manager si . .
OUTIDIB3 ScreenShot 1.2
Gerketey System Design
OUTFITS Atr&i D 5 rk 2 U
.. 59.
. 35
.... 79.
.. 55
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©UTI0231 More After Dilk/ Alter Dark 2 0 Bundts
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Casa Blanca Works, toe,
©UTP0273 Drive 7 22 ..
© U T16297 CPU Connects RowerGook Uti I itres
Danu Devetopmanl
©UTI0246 DiskFilPm ...
Fifth Generations
©UTI60B7 SuiiCase2.t.....
FWB. Inc.
©UTIG259 HarrtDisk ToelKil 11.
tosighl Developement
mmm fiwpvkTI.
Kent Marsh
©UTI0262 Nighl Watch fl ..
MAXA Corporation
©UTI0277 Srotrpei Kil w/ Free N.U.M ..
Microbial Computer Systems
©UTI0265 MacEKG 2.0.
Nova Development Corporaltoo
OUT 1926 T Kaboofri'.
Now Software
©LrTKJSTI Now Utilities 4.0..
©BUS0212 Now U[Ho-Date 2,0 .
. 65
Sal ten!
© Ad toDciihter 2.0 or DiskOoubter 3.7.
Symantec Corperallon
©UflQ15t Norion Ublilies lor lhe Mac 2.6
©1JTIQ214 Symantec Am ivi rus for Mac 3.0 (SAM) 65.
©UTIQ251 HeJp I 02. 09
TGS Systems
©ING9053 Pfoqtsph 2.5 Compiter V«f
.. 309.
User Land Software, Enc.
OUT 10272 1 :-i- i • d Frontier .
. 169
. 159
©WBD6D26 Mac Write I 111 ...
©SPLHH7 Ward finrfei Plus 4 0 . ...
©WPDC059 Word 5.1 ..
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Softsync Publish tog
©WRD'305 7 Ex[htiW riter....
T/Maker Co.
©WR 00051 WteeNow 3.0
Ward Perl a cl Corporal Ion
©WROCKM1 WordPlffecl 21
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©SPL0030 American Heritage Eloclronic Diclionary .55
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DiskFit Pro
©For Finder-readable backup to floppies, cartridge or other hard
disks, get DiskFlt Pro. DiskFit Pro copies files from your bard disk
and creates a "SmanSet'', With each subsequent backup, die
"SmartSeT' is updated and obsolete files are replaced, so backups
arc fast and backup sets stay compact. Files arc stored, in Finder
formal so a dick and drag is all it takes to restore data, A backup
reminder helps form die backup habit and a calendar allows the
scheduling of automatic, unattended backups id a hard drive or a
folder on the server. System 6 compatible. System 7 savvy ,
Publisher: Dante Development
©DeltaGraph Professional Is an
easy-to-use, yet comprehensive
charting and graphing solution,
providing over 250 different
chart types as well as full slide
show capabilities. DeltaGraph
Professional covers the full
spectrum of business and
scientific charting and graphing _
needs. The product features complete formatting control,
extensive data importing and pre-formatted chart template and
dipan libraries. Special Gfferf-get a Texas Instruments 68
scientific calculator FREE! £$60.value) included in the box.
While Supples Last
Publisher: UeltaPoim
Fractal Design Painter®, or
Fractal Design Sketcher™*
©Palmer introduced the computer world lo natural-media
effects, duplicating traditional tools and textures in true
24-bit color. Now Sketdier brings these image-editing
tools to grayscale. Painter and Sketcher include dozens of
brushes, pen, chalks and even paper grains. Create
artwork from scratch or convert scanned images into
works of ait with the “cloning" feature. Painter is perfect
for designers, fine artists, graphic artists and students
Sketcher is ideal for designers and artists working in
grayscale, for desktop publishers and word processors
placing graphics in their files, and for designers using
black and-wtiitc photos and artwork
Publisher Fractal Design Corp.
Fractal Design Painter
GKA0323 1249
Fractal Dcsigrt
Sketch er
©It'S about agntucb
can get in one packag e."
Madlser, March 1992,
Protect your hard drive hum
unauthorized access
(including security bypass
with a astern diskette),
oopying and erasure;
applications and file/foldeis (including
System folder) from unauthorised access^ deletion, and/or illegal
copying. Protect your desktop from alterations by unauthorized
users. Keep an eye on System usage with FtleGuanJ's Users Log
which continuously track user/group active Si^tem 7,0
Publisher ASD Software
InTouch 2.0
© InTouch 1.1 was rated ‘The best name-andaddrcss DA for
the Mac." Madlser Magazine, 4/91 (45 Mice rating) . New
InTouch 2.0 is even better! Verson 2.0 adds an integrated
reminder program, sorting, list view, phone books, fax cover
dieets and much more, InTouch siores unlimited names,
addresses, phone mimheis and notes. The reminder piropam
will notify you about that important meeting or phone call - it
will eren find the contact's number and dialit automatically.
.Sort your contacts into groups for easy printing of address
bariis, mailing labels or envelopes, Share contacts with Use
lightning hst InToudt network.
Publisher; Advanced Software
Also available: DoaiCompH UTP0081 $ 99 , and
InTouch 2 0 SeI%cork-3Pack LJTOfT $139.
InTouch 2.0
Super 7
©Included are fc%h(y
Menus tti give you die ability
io tear menus from the menu
bar of any appliotiurt, Pnntei
Picker lets you quickly select it
network printer without visiting
tire Chooser; Desktop Extra* lo
make filing files at the finder
fasur. Super SCnmmeM* which
preserves the Ruder "Get info
-comments during desktop rebuild, and letsyivu edit or view
ihem in any application: Trash rta which prevent-,
orphaned aikse.^ tlidinm Pro makes Balloon
Help pracM; and Speed Beep
Pro lets you customize your
Mac’s warning (oteiiiC
Publisher: Attics lITJlBtXv
PowerPoint 3.0
©PowerPoint 3.0, makes it easy for presenters to have complete
control over their presentations, from initial ideas through powerful
end results. It his all the tools roll need: word processing,
graphing, outlining, drawing and presentation management And it
is designed to take lull advantage of the capabilities of QuickTime
and System 7,0, including Publish and Subscribe, AppIcEnems, and
Balloon Help. Thafs because the PowerPoint presentation graphics
program was designed especially for business people like you who
need to communicate important ideas. With PowerPoint, you have
the power and the flexibility to create presentations that are as
strong as your ideas.
Publisher: Microsoft BUS0269
WalkTh rough
© TTie latest version of this award
winning 3-D drawing program
provides everything you need to
quickly capture ;md explore your
ideas in 3-D. Multiple windows
and extensive drawing aids provide an
interactive environment for editing and viewing your ideas,
interactive 3-D presentatioas, QuickTime® and PICS animated
movies and peispecth? pictures dado your audiences. Enhanced
Imports of 3-D DXE, PICT, daris®GU) and MacDraw; and Exports
of 3-D DXF r 2-D DSF, tlaris®CAD, MacDraw, PICT and EPS,
Winner of Madlser Breaktliroiigb Product of the Year Award 1990.
Virtus Corporation
©AccuZip6 reduces your
mailing costs in every
possible way. It corrects,
parses, and standardizes
every address in your
database Then, il adds
Carrier Roulc Zip+4 and a
Postnel BarCode. It uses the
database on the included Cl )
ROM to check addresses for
accuracy, so mail intended
for NJ won't end up in ML AccuZip6 also performs
presorts for First, Second, and Third class mail, produces
all the applicable postal forms, and even prints sack labels
Software Publishers
Inf ini-D 2.0
© Create dazzling images with the power of Infini-D's Three-
dimensional environment The easy-to-use lnfini-0, now in an
awesome second generation! inQni-D 1.0 was die package that
brought 3D graphics to the rest of us, Infim-D 2.0 combines this
friendly interface with sizzling 3D power Infini-D's incredible new
shader and raytraccr now can render scenes up lo 500% Easier!
1 mm conversion of EPS files lruo 3D objects, Infini-Ds awesome
metamorphosis capabilities, precise PICT mapping control, and
extensive QuickTime support make Infini-U 2 .0 the 3D package of
choice for graphic arts and multimedia professionals.
Publisher: Specular International GKA0303
MacPrint 1.3
© Use a Macintosh with
non-Apple printers. Prim
Mac applications
on HP LaserJet, Deskjcl
or compatible printers
including all Series
ILi, Ills and the DeskJet
500. Prints text and
graphics u< the
maximum resolution.
Docs not require PostScript.
Cable is included.
Publisher: Insight Development
OayStar Universal PowerCache
©Work up to three times faster widi the best combination of
blaring speed and low cost. Its Universal PIE design
supports 14 Macs and leaves NuBus slots empty. It's
guaranteed 100% compati ble running at Ml speed and
doesn 't require additional memory, Rated as the best
accelerator by leading industry editors, the PowerCache is
always upgradable to any future DayStar products. Choose
the board you need to get die speed you want.
Manufacturer: DaySlar Digital
DRIG467 Universal Paw etroche 40 tv/o 68882
full line matfabk.
Help! 1.03
©It s the only Macintosh
application wind) uses
artificial intelligence lo
check your system for
problems. Willt Help! you
can clean up your
configuration and Improve
your Macintosh s
efficiency. Help! analyzes
your Macintosh and creates an easily undetsiood report that
describes all problems and tells exactly how to solve them
Help! detects conflicts, incompatibilities, improperly
installed files, environmental problems, damaged files, and
duplicate files. Includes a simulation feature which allows
you to check in advance for problems.
Publisher: Tekiiosys
im 025 l
©Winner cf IJ
awards, White Knight
powerful, painless
commurkatiwf at
an affordable price.
Geared to all bek of
operieoce, it
supports fik> trarefa 1 protocols tike ZM0DD1,3 sftfes of YMODEM, flash S
j styles of Kermic Tcrmiul emufction supports TTY, VT52. VT KtO fit VTI02
as well as 32 bil color QuickDraw & Luge montoR Comts with a FREE
copy of Qkylo (a irrolutionaiy,
now Mac-to-Mac file trader gl*
program & $39-95 value). J K9
PubUsliCTT FrecSoft CO.MWbfi ■
©CQPVright is a
transparent utility that
completely replaces
die Finder's copy
function, enabling
users in copy files and
folders in the
background, and still
perform all Finder
functions (launch
applications, delete
files, etc.). It also
means copy protection of a dilTenem kind by keeping a log
of all copies to and from a Macintosh and is the first file
copying utility that helps you track all
copying traffic. HH
Publisher: r.Sti Technologies
UT 10320
TouchBASE/DateBook Bundle-with Redux FREE!
©Schedule, organize ;uid save with tlie ToudiMSE/DatcBook Bundle TouchEASE Jets you to store information about personal
and business contacts, alternative phone numbers, pirns customize the fields Also allows you to prims envelopes and mailing
labels, including postal barcodes, mid fax sheets cuvets, DaieEkwk Is the ultimate personal time manager for Macintosh. Instant
access mid advanced scheduling keeps you on top of your appointments and tilings to do. Shows
your schedule in multiple formats including test, Gantt chart and
time bar. DateBook s views enable you to see your schedule
tjuickU in as much detail as vou ^ TouchBASE/DateBook
bundle comes with FREE Redux, a quick and easy
backup utility!
Publisher; After Hours Software
Due to federal tarfffs
imposed on SIMMs, prices
may vary significantly.
Please call for tue latest
prices and availability. '
Install two I MB STMKs
A Power User Memory Expansion Kit will
dramatically increase the pow er of your Mac.
And our fast, reliable overnight service will have your
Kit in your hands tomorrow!
Never again will you have to quit your word processor
just to answer a question about a spreadsheet. Install
extra memory and you can leave a letter open while
you refer to last month’s sales figures.
You can edit those monstrous scanner files with
advanced graphics applications or develop your own
custom HyperCard stacks. More memory means more
power at your fingertips,
Adding memory doesn't require technicians in lab
coats. You'll find installation at home easy when you
follow our FREE** step-by-step installation video
instructions, just open your Mac, slide out the main
circuit board and plug in your SIMMs.
U upgrade ■ Da IhEtt (Imlali la multiples at h*a wily)
4*socket Mac Ptvs or SIMMs Must be ISOw or fast tt
SE la iMs amount of
Fbu»™ aS four Siting 256k SIMMs., utiliS two 1 MB
Sfrnmi, kivi two- jackets far future Expansion,
ft ^ 2Uk SIMMs, ml* W ] M SIMMs,.
fcal*e al inar zsa SIMMs Wilh fair I MB SIMMs .
Da ibis: {Install la uMftlpte* >1
2-socket Mat CUssk SIMMs Mast be lOOiu or faster
(I or LC to ftls
Do you need 80, 100 or 120 Nanosecond (ns) chips?
Nanoseconds are billionths of a second, so an 80 ns
chip responds faster than a 100ns chip. The original
Mac used relatively slow 150ns memory chips. The
68020 processor needs 120ns (or faster) chip, and the
ta upgrade a
Z-i*ckri Mk LC II
la Mi aiMUflfi tf
Install a MacWarehouse Expansion Kit and working
with your Mac will never tie the same! Gall us now.
We T li help you select just die right Memory Upgrade,
and well ship it overnight for just $3,
GHP 0012 120ns SIMMs ..... ,...$49
4 MB
Remove alf tour cSsSig 2 S 6 k SIMMs, uutafl fouJ 1 MB
SJWM*, fuH nfiuirvng sockets lor lirlure expansion.
Keep existing 256k SIMMs. in>lal lour 1 MB in
remaining sockets
Remow an tour 2 S 6 k SIMMs, hart eifll 1 MB SIMMs
Da tills: {Install In nulttples at ttut only)
SIMMs must be lOOns or faster
listall lour IMB SIMM*.
To upgrade a Da this: (Install In nrattlptei at four e
4-socket Quadra 200 SIMMs must be &Qu* or taster
to this amount of
To o
4-socket Mac llsf
to tblS amount of
1 - 800 - 255-6227
Overnight Delivery Only $3.00!
Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
* 1992 HicraWaretBUH Inc.
Our helpful sales and technical staff is standing by to
answer any questions and take the mystery out of
memory upgrades. Memory' cards come with one
megabyte on each card and are usually sold in pairs
— (2@$49ea)
Hie chart explains exactly what you need to achieve
the desired level of performance.
To open your Mac Plus, SE, and Classics you’ll need
a specially designed tool—it's available from us as
part of a handy tool kit for just $%
Memory' chips come factory-installed on plug-in cards,
called SIMMs (Single Inline Memory Modules), Each
one megabyte SIMMs card holds eight top quality,
Install tom 1MB SIMM*
Id upgrade a
Iti-Mckrl Quadra
900 Id Ibis amount
On- tills: (Install In multiples of four only!
SIMMs mwl b t SOns Or faster
of memory
4 MB
Irulal four 1MB SIMM*.
hsid eight! MB SIMMs.
12 MB
hslal twelve 1MB SIMMs.
memory'chips. We cany chips by all the major manu¬
facturers like Texas Instruments, Intel and Samsung,
Prices can vary a lot, based on quality' speed and
demand. At press time our price for I MB, 120ns
SIMMs is $49.
Please call for the veiy latest prices and availability.
Our sales staff will tell you what you need and help you
make your choice an easy one.
if, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with your Power
User Memory Kit, you may return it for a full refund within
thirty days ol purchase. All you have to do is call us for a
return authorization number and return this product,
postage paid, in its original condition, with the original
packaging and documentation
MatWarehouse also guarantees its Memory Kils against
manufacturer defects for Iwq years Irom the date of purchase.
We will repair the item or replace it at our discretion.
* SIMMs pncts wary, Call for laicfl InAnmina
" Limited Qflal Hu* video vdlli purchase of 2 « mat SIMMs.
Circle 156 on reader service card.
OCR Software
Table 2: Features ot OCR Software
• = yes
AccuTexI 3.0
OmniPage 3,0
OmniPage Direct 1.9
4 W*
List price
Street price
Reasonable accuracy. Flexible
Easy to use. Good manuals.
Easiest to use. Consistent high
training features.
Reasonable accuracy.
accuracy for tested documents.
Difficult user interface.
Poor format retention. No
Unable to read TIFF files. No
training capabilities.
training capabilities.
Size of main application
1 MB
1.5 MB
Minimum system version
Minimum memory
4-5 MB
4 MB
4 MB
Recommended memory
4-5 MB
4 MB
4 MB
Minimum hard-disk space
4 MB
4 MB
Mac models supported
SE/30, II or later, Quadra
SE/30, II or later
II or later
Input compatibility /support
Nonscanned-image formats
MacPaint, PICT, TIFF
Automatic document feeder
Output compatibility/support
Word-processing formats
Mac Write, MacWrite ll t RTF,
ASCII, MacWrite ; RTF,
any program via Clipboard
SylkWingZ, Word, WordPerfect
Word, WordPerfect
Spreadsheet formats
Excel, WingZ
any program via Clipboard
Other formats
any program via Clipboard
View options
Text-editing window
■ O
Pop-up bit map
Re cog nit eon options
Orientations supported
portrait, landscape, upside-down
portrait, landscape, upside-down
portrait, landscape, upside-down
Font sizes recognized
8-24 points
6-72 points
6-72 points
Style recognition
User-definable recognition order
Deferred batch recognition
Background recognition
Trainable mode
Proofing options
Spelling checker
auto, manual
User dictionaries
Xerox Imaging Systems
Caere Corp.
Caere Corp,
9 Centennial Dr.
100 Cooper CL
100 Cooper Ct
Peabody, MA01960
Los Gatos, CA 95030
LOS GatOS, CA 95030
508-977-2148 (fax)
408-354-2743 (fax)
408-354-2743 (fax)
178 January 1993 MaoUser
^ ait, B t % o z - y tee IP 'locjxammLn 3 - <=% £ d U a £ cation
aueto^mani o L m £ s, o vj a Q *i d z t l Of d\f[ a g n i t a d z .
Cjl it bugs you to spend more time stamping out syntax
errors than building applications, its time you discovered the
benefits of on-the-fly debugging with Prograph, and the excite¬
ment of not having ro worry about syntax, 0 Prograph 2.5™ is
today's most advanced object-oriented development system for the
Macintosh. Its graphical interface com¬
bines the power of a low-level coding lan¬
guage like C with the fresh new approach
of a high-level ""visual language” like
Prograph. 0 instead of drudging out
endless lines of code, you simply program
by pointing, clicking and naming. And
you'll never wrestle with syntax errors again, because Prograph
simply will not let you make them. 0] With Prograph, all your
Mac applications are easy to write, easy to change and easy to
maintain. Prograph’s integrated interpreter, compiler and debug*
ging tools let you design, execute and test subroutines on demand,
without having to complete a full application. And you don’t have
to spend time specifying variable data types, because your data
flows from object to object. 0 If you develop Macintosh
applications for a living, get Prograph in - and get the bugs out.
* 1/14 ktaxtiiij xtcotnftiznJ. it to in-fiQu. i£ coifio’iati. fxiocj'iammzx i
tssfto n£cd to Jeoetoji cuttom afifilieaUons ie&ly Ittl
M a c U s e r t October 1992
Call ox £fi z ci a [ 3P x i a L n g 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 6 5 - 1 9 7 8
Prograph 2.6 is a tracts marK oi TGS Systems All oltwr product names aro the trademariis ol (heir respective holders. TGS Systems. 441 Battery Street Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94 11 1.
(grid OCR Software
Table 2: Features of OCR Software, continued
• = yes
OmniPage Professional 2,1
Read-Ill 3.0.1
TextPert 3.7
= nn
List price
Street price
Easy to use. Good manuals.
Consistent high accuracy for
tested documents.
Expensive. Poor format
Poor manual. Difficult to use.
Prone to crashing. Poor
Poor accuracy.
manual. Poor accuracy.
No training capabilities.
Size of mafn application
1.8 MB
476 K
Minimum system version
Minimum memory
1 MB
1 MB
Recommended memory
8 MB
4 MB
2 MB
Minimum hard-disk space
8 MB
2.5 MB
Mac models supported
If or fater
Plus, Classic, SE, SE/30,1C.
Plus or later
II or later
Input compatibility/support
Nonscanned-image formats
Automatic document feeder
Outp ut compalibili ty/sup p ort
Word-processing formats
ASCII. MacWrite, MacWrite II. RTF.
MacWrite, MacWrite II. Word.
ASCII, MacWrite, Word
Word, WordPerfect
Works, WriteNow
Spreadsheet formats
Other formats
View options
Text-editing window
Pop-up bit map
Recognition options
Orientations supported
portrait, landscape, upside-down
portrait, landscape
Font sizes recognized
6 - 72 points
6-72 points
6-72 points
Style recognition
User-definable recognition order
Deferred batch recognition
Background recognition
Trainable mode
Proofing options
Spelling checker
auto, manual
User dictionaries
Caere Carp,
Olduvai Corp.
CTA, Inc.
100 Cooper Ct
7520 Red Rd., Ste. A
25 Science Park
LOS GatOS, CA 95030
South Miami, FL 33143
New Haven, CT 06511
408-354-2743 (fax)
305-665-0671 (fax)
203-786-5833 (fax)
1B0 January 1993 MacUser
600 dpi, 800 dpi,
960 dpi, Speed, Flexibility,
Upgradability and Support... oh yeah, Price.
What Makes Our
Printer Better
When shopping for an 11x17 PostScript® compatible Flexibility - Sharing among Mac® and PC users is simple
printer, we realize you have a lot of choices. And while with simultaneously active AppleTalk', Parallel and Serial
many vendors lay claim to being the best, Xante prefers interfaces. You'll get font flexibility with 35 Type 1 fonts
to leave the judging to you. We invite you to compare plus the ability to download up to 30 more permanently
our printer with the rest. With the Accel-a-Writer 8100, on the controller with Xante’s Virtual Disk Technology ♦
you'll get... JYty'L Best Price - The Accel-a-Writer 8100 gives the
Ilxl7/A3 Printing - The large page size supporty V / y , vhighest quality in output, advanced printing
will give you a new level of flexibility in page Assurance technology and flexibility. But the best thing is
layout and printing, uarantoy ou won’t have to pay a premium. In fact, the
True High Resolution - The Accel-a- Writer 8100
supports true 600 x 600 dpi for incredibly sharp text
and graphics. And you have the option to nearly
double or triple the resolution with our 800 x 800 dpi
and 960 x 960 dpi upgrades.
High Speed Printing -
The Accel-a-Writer 8100
is built for speed with the
AMD 29000 RISC
processor, 12 MB RAM,
Xante's Advanced Memory
Management , and
Canon®’s 8 page per
minute LBP'-BX laser
print engine.
TurboPS SeO^B
Print System
Standard Resolution
600x600 dpi
600x600 dpi
600x600 dpi
600x600 dpt
Options! Resolution
800 & 960 dpi
800 dpi
Standard RAM
12 MB
2 MB
12 MB
Virtual Disk Technology
Enhanced Gray Scale
Accel-a- Writer 8100 is only $3,995.
Quality Assurance Guarantee * Your purchase will
be protected with toll-free customer support, a one year
warranty and a 30-day unconditional money back
guarantee. Compare, then call us directly,
1 - 800 - 926-8839
Ext. 2201
Fax 205-476-9421
Statistics :jn of 111. 02
Itimmitiaris In Outfml
0 199(2 XANTE Cufpcinilh m. XANTE /iccnt-a-VPriler\t. a Irjfcrmilk of Xante Cwponutofl. Other founds prudutl minus are lisidLiitiri;*, n ri'pMnt.t! Inufcmafk*. i|
iliL-ar a-sjvcflve hokVrfS \AN r fZ Corpofttljofl: 25W Enn^'ilf Si., Muhilt 1 . AL 36606* Office Ikjs 16526. MitHk - . At, 56616-0526 (JM.Id
Circle 224 on reader service card.
and hotdogs
Every business needs “recognition.”
Caere® and Ilewlett-Packard have joined forces
again. It’s hard to imagine HP’s award-winning
scanners without equally great page recognition
software. Kind of like peanut butter without
jelly. Morn without her apple pie. Or Peter and
Paul without Mary.
HP and Caere let you put your best image for¬
ward, whatever your business or profession,
allowing you to enter text, numbers or graphics
directly into your Macintosh® without a single
keystroke. It’s like having a personal assistant to
type reports or prepare graphics for key presen¬
tations around the clock.
A combination to match your need.
And now you can choose from two winning com¬
binations to match your own unique set of needs.
and apple pie
Choose OmniPage Direct and the HP ScanJet Up
seamier for the Mac, the ideal solution if you
happen to be an independent business person,
or consultant, and require a powerful option at
the most affordable price. Within minutes you’ll
be up and running, entering text and graphics
of all sorts - direct ly into your favorite word
processor, spreadsheet or page layout program.
All without a hitch.
Or consider the world s most advanced page
recognition solution, OmniPage Professional and
the 1 IP ScanJet lie scanner for the Mac. This is
the right choice if you require state-of-the-art
capabilit ies, along with the world’s most accu¬
rate and customizable OCR, 400 dpi text and
images, as well as grayscale and 24-bil color.
The HP ScanJet Up scanner
and OmniPage Direct
OmniPage Professional and
the HP ScanJet lie seamier
It pays to get recognized.
Now you can have the best for less w ith an I IP
“Fame and Fortune" rebate and a bonus money
saving offer from Caere. If you own a small
business and need to increase your productivity
right away, save up to $100 when you buy the
HP ScanJet lip scanner for the Mac and
OmniPage Direct. If you require the “industrial
strength page recognition solution - one that can
tackle even coffee soaked memos, reams of paper
or documents - buy the I IP ScanJet lie scanner
for the Mac and OmniPage Professional and save
up to $200!
Now is your chance at “Fame & Fortune.”
Buy OmniPage Direct and the HP ScanJet II[* scanner for the Mac now and get S50 from
Caere and S50 from HP!
Buv OmniPage Professional and the PJP ScanJet lie scanner for the Mac now and get
Si00 from Caere and $100 from HP!
Call Caere at 1-800-535-SCAN
* mj
Call HP at 1-800-351IPMAC, ext. 7141
Offer valid through January 3L 1993,
Caere, OmniPage ami the Caere logo are registered trademarks of Caere Corporal ion. All other registerti larks ami trademarks are of their respective cuuipuii
Circle 30 on readeh service card.
OCR Software
Table 2: Features of OCR Software, continued
• = yes
= no
Word Scan 1.0
WerdScan Plus 1,01
List price
Street price
High accuracy ratings on test
High accuracy ratings on test
documents. Good format
documents. Good format
Scanner-control problems. No
Scanner-control problems. No
training capabilities.
training capabilities.
Size of main application
2.4 m
2.6 MB
Minimum system version
Minimum memory
3-4 MS
3-4 MB
Recommended memory
3-4 MB
3-4 MB
Minimum hard-disk space
6 MB
6 MB
Mac models supported
Plus, Classic, SE, SE/30,
Plus, Classic, SE, SE/30 r
Portable, LC, 11 or later
Portable, LC, II or later
Input compatibility/suppcjrt
Non scanned-image formats
Automatic document feeder
Output ccmpatlbility/support
Word-processing formats
FulIWrite, MacWrite, MacWrite (!,
MacWrite, Word,
Word, WordPerfect, WriteNow
WordPerfect, WriteNow
Spreadsheet formats
Excel, WingZ
Excel, WingZ
Other formats
Frame Maker, PageMaker.
FrameMaker, PageMaker,
View options
Text-editing window
Pop-up Pit map
Recognition options
Orientations supported
portrait, landscape, upside-down
portrait, landscape, upside-down
Font sizes recognized
6-34 points
6-34 points
Style recognition
User-definable recognition order
Deferred batch recognition
Background recognition
Trainable mode
Proofing options
Spelling checker
User dictionaries
Calera Recognition Systems
Qaiera Recognition Systems
475 Potrero Ave.
475 Potrero Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
408-720-1330 (fax)
408-720-1330 (fax)
Table 2 Criteria
List price — The vendor's sug¬
gested retail price.
Street price — The price of the
software through mail order or
through dealers surveyed across
the U,S, in August 1992.
Non scanned-image formats —
The image formats the software
can import from sources other
than a scanner.
Automatic document feeder —
A yes means the software sup¬
ports scanning with an automatic
document feeder; a no means
pages must be placed manually
on the scanner bed.
Word-processing formats —
The word-processing applica¬
tions to which recognized text
can be exported.
Spreadsheet formats — The
spreadsheet applications to
which recognized text can be
Other formats — Other appli¬
cations , such as database man¬
agers or page-layout programs,
to which text can be exported.
Text-editing window — Does
the software provide a window
for editing text before export to
another application?
Pop-up bit map — Is a bit map
of the scanned image provided
so you can compare text with
the characters in the scan?
Orientations supported —The
ways in which a page can be
oriented in the scanner: portrait,
landscape, or upside-down.
Style recognition — Does the
program recognize and retain
bold and italic type?
User-definable recognition or¬
der — Can you choose the or¬
der in which the text zones are
Background recognition —
Can the program perform rec¬
ognition in the background while
you run another application?
Trainable mode — Can you
teach the program to interpret
selected scanned bit maps as
characters you specify?
Spelling checker — Whether
the program offers internal au¬
tomatic and/or manual spell
checking before text is exported
to another application.
User dictionaries — Does the
program support user-edited
dictionaries in its internal spell
184 January 1993 MacUser
•From Mac to Fill*
From the Mackintosh Desktop to Film, PrePRESS
DIRECT!, has the product and knowledge to bring your
prepress applications in house. With the all new
Varityper 2990 Color Publishing System (based on the
Macintosh Quadra 950), to the Varityper 4990A
Imagesetter we make in house prepress.affordable and
easy Since electronic publishing is the only market we
serve our sales consultants understand your prepress
questions and are able to provide you with informed
response. One source for all your electronic prepress
applications.... PrePRESS DIRECT!
2990 Color Publishing System
The Varityper 2990A and 2990B are entry-level systems
that are capable of high-qualily color production and are
ideal for use in the preparation ol sales promotion
materials, pamphlets, brochures, annua! reports, and
other printed matter.
2990A Color Publishing System
Macintosh Quadra 950 with:
• 33 MHz 68040 processor
• 515 M8 Internal Hard Drive
• 44 MB Internal SyQuest
•36 MB of RAM
• 24 Bit Accelerated Video Interface
• Extended Keyboard
• 16" Color Monitor
• Varityper Color Management System
• Vari Color™ Publishing System
Software Package $20,495
2990A/4990A System Bundle
From Mac to film with a comprehensive package:
• 2990A Color Publishing System
• 4990A PostScript™ Imagesetter
• BarneyScan CIS *3515 Color Scanner
• BarneyScan CIS* Color Access Software
• Sharp JX-600 reflection scanner
• 7140 Film Processor $69,995*
'Price includes Inslaltalinn Training, Annual Service arid Helpline Conlocls.
Macintosh Hard Drives & Gpticals
SyQuest 44 with cartridge
SyQuest 88 with cartridge
3.5 Sony Optical-130 MegaByte
5 25 Sony 0pticat-650 MegaByte
MaxOplicat -I GigaByle
External 240 MegaByte Fast SCSI-2
External 330 MegaByte Fast SCSI-2
External 425 MegaByte Fast SCSI-2
External 520 MegaByle Fast SCSI-2
External 1.0 GB Fast SCSI
External 21 GB Fast SCSI-2
MicroNet Raven 040 Arrays
1030 MB Internal
2024 MB Internal
4060 MB Internal/Exlernal
Please call for pricing on older fine products
from MicroNet
Blank Opticais & Syquests
SyQuest 44 MegaByte
SyQuest 88 MegaByte
Optical 130 MegaByte
Optical 650 (5.25“) MegaByte
ColorScript 210/230 Cal! for
Hammerhead 860 Call for
Positive Proof System CaH for
Positive Proof System Call for
CorrectPrint 300 with 36 MegaByte
Phaser III PXi with14 MegaByte 8.
Extra color sticks
VT-4GQ Tabloid Printer-35 lonts
VT-400 with font drive)70 font total)
$ 599
$ 79
ScanMaker 1850
CoiorGetter II
30 Scanner
UC-630 (300x600 dpi)
UC-12D0S (600x1200 dpi)
UMAX Transparency option
Call for pricing
Call for pricing
Call for pricing
20 ri Color SuperMalch
2V Color SuperMalch
Spectrum 8-24 PDQ
Varityper 4990A
PrePRESS DIRECT! is proud to offer the best value in
the imagesetting market, the Varityper 4900A. At an
amazing $21,995, the 4990A offers a PostScript 8 MB
Adobe Atlas RIP, 35 built-in fonts, 42MB RIP/font disk,
100+MB page buffer, and both 1200 and 2400 dpi
resolutions. Whether you're a desktop publisher, design
agency, quick printer, newspaper, or magazine
publisher, you'll appreciate the quality and functionality
of the 4990A. Call today for more information on the
4990A and other affordable imagesetting solutions from
(shown with optional stand) only $21,995
See us ai Macworld
Booth # 541 in San Francisco
Cali or write today tor your FREE copy of
PrePRESS DIRECTS catalog Featuring
complete Varicolor Publishing Systems,
hard drives, memory expansion,
accelerators, DTP software, fonts,
monitors, laser printers, imagesetters
and accessaries One source, one
catalog lor all your electronic
publishing needs.
Name _
State _
ZIP+4 _
‘Major Credit Cards Accepted - Master Card, Visa, and American Express. No surchargeadrted! Your credit card is oral charged unlii your order is shipped
•COD Orders- Limited io $1.000 per order. Certified. cashier's check or money order onty Add S3.U0 per ortter
•PurchaseOrders - Educational, goverrirrafll and corporatepurdiase orders accepted. Mi purchase orders are subject to cmdil approval
• Leasing - We otter leasing to qualified businesses. AH leases are subject to acceptance by Advaflta Financial Leasing
•We use Airborne Express lew prompt! dependable delivery (onlyS5 SO per order on wife's under M lbs.)
•30-day. Money-Back Guarantee, if you are not 100% satisfied with any purchase liom PrePRESS PflfCT^soflware, ireigM. iflsHIUliui. and training excluded)
•Manulacturer limited warranty on all PrePicss products lor a rtkinimum ol one year Extended on site service is available
•Fax 24 hoofs a day 1-201-887-4300.
11 Mt. Pleasant Ave.
East Hanover, NJ 07936-9986
1 - 800 - 443-6600
Outside US & CANADA 1-201-887-2300
_a Tegra Company
Circle 228 on reader service card.
AH prices and specificate are subject Id change PrePRESS DIRECT! 1 »5 a Iradenwk rW PrePRESS DIRECT. Inc. Macintosh is a regislered trademark ai Appte Computer Inc. Varityper is a regisiered Trademark and VariCotor is
a trademark ol Varityper,inc.PostScript is a trademark o! Adobe Systems Incorporaled which may be registers in attain jurisdictions. Other product names are trademarks of iheir respective companies.
m PostScript Printers
High-Resolution Printers
Three low-cost printers
set a new standard for
high resolution — at
speeds faster than
those of Apple’s 1INTX.
T he desktop-printing and
-publishing revolution began
in 1986, when Apple intro¬
duced the 300-dpi PostScript
LaserWriter* Although 300-dpi out¬
put was immediately endorsed for
most business uses, desktop pub¬
lishers who wanted higher-resolu¬
tion output were forced to pay a
premium price for slower printers
(see “Practically Perfect Printing:
High-Resolution PostScript Print¬
ers/’ February ’92, page 172) —
until recently.
Now there’s a second revolution
brewing. This month, MacUser
Labs looks at three 600-dpi Post¬
Script laser printers — the Lexmark
IBM LaserPr inter 1GA, the NewGen
TurboPS/660, and the Xante Accel-
a-Writer 8000 — that not only pro¬
duce better output than 300-dpi
printers but also accomplish this in
less time. At list prices of less than
$4,000, these three fast, low-cost
printers are harbingers of a new
breed of desktop printers — and the
When we wrote our February '92 report, high-
resolution printers were slower and more
expensive than 300-dpi printers.
Figure 1: Three new fast and affordable 600-dpi printers (left to right): the
NewGen Turbo PS/660, the Xante Accel-a-Writer 8000, and the Lexmark IBM
LaserPrinter 10A.
high-resolution news is about to get
even better.
Good Looks, Good Speed
The move to high-resolution
printing is driven by the desire for
good image quality—text that isn’t
jaggy. Fine lines that are truly fine,
and continuous-tone images that
aren’t fuzzy. Our jury of desktop-
publishing experts judged the
NewGen TurboPS/660 to have the
best output for text and fine lines
(see Figure 2). Although the Xante
| Table Is
Pros and Cons l ; ’’
IBM LaserPrinter 10A
Accel-a-Writer 8000
List price
Street price
True 600-dpi engine.
Optional 500-sheet paper
tray for two-tray operation
Best text quality, inexpensive, Fastest, Auto-switching and
Auto-switchi ng and simultaneously active ports.
simultaneously active ports. Best halftone image quality.
Slew processor.
Coarse halftone quality.
Lexmark International, Inc.
740 New Circle Rd.
Lexington. KY 40511
606-232-5439 (fax)
NewGen Systems Ccrp,
17580 Newhope St.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
714-641-2800 (lax)
Xante Corp.
2559 Emogene St.
Mobile, AL 36606
205-476-9421 (fax)
1 SB January 1993 MacUser
Figure 2: Crisp and Clean
Accel-a-Wriler 8000's smaller-
sized text wasn’t as crisp as that of
the other two printers, its gray-scale
images were judged the best of the
Despite having to process four
times as much information, the
Accel-a-Wriler 8000 and TurboPS/
660 are each faster than the 300-dpi
LaserWriter IINTX — the Accel-a-
Wriler 8000 is nearly one and a half
times as fast (see Figure 3). Al¬
though both printers use the same
8-ppm (page per minute) Canon SX
engine as the LaserWriter IINTX,
they each employ fast RISC (re¬
duced-instruction-set computing)
processors to speed print-prepara¬
tion time. The Lexmark IBM Laser-
Printer 1QA sports a 10-ppm en¬
gine, but it performed poorly, due
to its slow 16,7-megahertz 68020
processor — the same processor
that’s in the LaserWriter IINTX.
On the Horizon
Engineers at MewGen and Xante
had to use electronic enhancements
to emulate 600-dpi resolution; on
the other hand, the Lexmark IBM
LaserPrinter I0A uses a true 600-
dpi print engine — and it will soon
be joined by a host of new, true-
600-dpi PostScript laser printers,
Hewlett-Packard has announced
the $2,999 LaserJet 4M, which uses
the new 600-dpi, low-cost letter¬
sized Canon AX engine. When we
tested a prerelease LaserJet 4M, it
recorded faster times in all our tests
and produced better-looking output
than any printer in this report. Look
for other companies to use the
Canon AX engine as well. Also ex¬
pect a host of companies to use the
new 600-dpi tabloid-sized Canon
BX engine in printers priced at less
than $4,500. These new engines will
reinforce 600 dpi as the standard
for desktop PostScript printers.
The Bottom Line
High-re sol u l ion PostScript print¬
ing is no longer a luxury. Soon it
will be a standard feature in most
Lexmark NewGen Xante
IBM LaserPrinter 10A TurboPS/660 Accel-a-Writer 80QG
Figure 2a: When it comes to image quality, the Xante Ac cel-a-Writer 80Q0 t with its
detailed halftones and many shades of gray, is the clear winner.
Lexmark NewGen Xante
IBM LaserPrinter 10A TurboPS/660 Accel-a-Writer 8000
Figure 2b: When output is enlarged to four times its actual Size, the text quality
of the Lexmark IBM LaserPrinter TGA, the NewGen TurboPS/660, and the Xante
AcceLa-Writer 8000 is comparable. At smaller type sizes, the Xante type wasn't
as crisp as that of the other two printers.
offices, with only a marginal price
increase and little penalty in perfor¬
mance compared with today’s 300-
dpi printers. The NewGen TurboPS/
660, with its excellent text quality
and a street price $ 1,200 less than
the Xante Accel-a-Writer 8000's,
gets our overall recommendation.
The Xante Accel-a-Writer 8000 is
the fastest of the three printers and a
good low-cost choice for printing
scanned photos and other continu¬
ous-tone images.
— Paul Yi ^
Figure 3: Fast and Affordable
- Xante Accel-a-Wriler 8000 ($3,905)
-NewGen TurboPS/660 <J2,795)
h Du Pom PP1600 ($17,250)
[■ VaiitypH VTGOQ ($9,905)
(Street price)
25 50 75 100 1.25 150
Apple LaserWriter UNIX — Be tt er ►
Figure 3: Our suite of tests included printing a 30-page Word document, a
complex PostScript graphic document, and a 4.5-megabyte gray-scale image.
Results of all the tests were combined to obtain an overall score, shown relative
to that of the Apple LaserWriter IINTX. In our February ‘92 report, the Varityper
VTGOQ was the overall winner. The Du Pont PPI 600 is our most recent high-
resolution champ, but it commands a stiff price ($17,250) for its excellent output.
MacUser January 1993 187
Introducing the 300 dpi color
printer that keeps your colors
clear with PostScript 2,
£ m&aHh
US- lisL juris.!'. AiH>' anil ttnLSm|jt an- Uaitairt/hsi< AiiitX'
S^Ja-ms [(vaKjHifdnl tiiurti may Ik- irj&.xrLH , <J in nrrtain jurijjlkljrww.
ttM-Arw.iai.Tilt l-i«m 3H7-SW7. EM, 11*7,
see what you’ve been missing.
HP brings laser-quality color
printing into focus with the new
PaintJet XL300 inkjet printer with
PostScript 2. For the remarkably
low price of just $4,995?
With 300 dpi color enhanced by
state-of-the-art Adobe PostScript
Level 2, the PaintJet XL300b out¬
put will astound you. Laser-quality
text and graphics. Vibrant, F&ntone-
approved colors. AJ1 on a choice of
media that includes plain or glossy
paper or transparencies, in a wide
range of sizes.
And with 6 Mbytes of memory,
expandable to 18 Mbytes, the
PaintJet XL300 offers even the
most demanding color graphics
users plenty of room to play.
The choice of a color printer has
never been so clear. Call 1-800-
752-0900, Ext. 3157 for a free print
sample from the PaintJet XL300
and the name of the authorized
HP dealer nearest you.t
Circle 127 on reader service cahd.
"Scanned in
too light "
“Too blue,
use the
color filter "
Perfect Color in Minutes
“ the most
important piece of desktop
publishhig software to hit
the market since Aldus
PageMaker . ”
Publish , August 1992
"No color,
pump up the
Great proof.
Print it."
Whatever the image. For
Color Editor
EFI’s Cachet Color Editor
Finally. Professional desktop color for the
first time ever. Intuitive. Powerful.
Expert color editing and separations.
Early proofs. Make deadlines.
Make dinner on time.
call 1 - 800 - 285-4565
to order Cachet or find the
Color DESKTOP PUBLISHING reseller nearest you.
CCachet includes EfiCoIor’“
Color Management System
Electronics for Imaging, Inc.
Cachet system requirements: Mac LC with math coprocessor.
Mac II or Quadra family. Hard disk, 5MB RAM (8MB
recommended). 8 to 24-bit video card. Color monitor. 13" or
larger. System 6.05 or later. This ad was produced using Cachet.
Circle 72 on reader service card.
Forget CD-ROM.
If FontBank has its
way, the future of font
delivery will be
on-line. Now users
of CompuServe can
download PostScript
and TrueType fonts
from FontBank and
several other small
suppliers — for as
little as $3 each —
and clip art from
Dover Publications
and other vendors —
for as little as $1 per
image. Charges
are billed to your
CompuServe account.
By Pamela Pfiffner
Fractaled fairy tales: About a year
ago, Kai Krause began posting Photoshop
tips and tricks on America Online for pub¬
lic consumption. Now the German-born
software whiz is packaging his know-how
by publishing several dozen advanced tech¬
niques and freaky Photoshop filters,
available on a $99 six-floppy set or a single
CD-ROM disc. You’ll find more gradient fills, fractal patterns, translucency
options, and fish-eye effects than you could ever imagine, all packaged with
a unique interface. (Adobe is very interested in what Kai’s up to, by the way.)
Sold through HSC Software. Call 310-392-8441, or log on to the Kai's
Power Tips library of the Photoshop Forum on America Online. Fractals
also form the foundation of Point of View’s Elegance clip art, 300 easily
interchangeable pieces you can embellish and combine for borders
and frames. 800-397-7055 or 719-591-5320. $99.
3-D or not 2-D: Graphic artists who want to introduce 3-D effects into
their illustrations have generally had two choices: fake depth, using their
PostScript drawing programs, or vanish into the 3-D ozone with a raster-
based 3-D program. Now two programs promise to give artists 3-D function¬
ality in a familar drawing environment. Adobe Dimensions ($ 199,415-961 -
4400) and RayDream addDepth ($179, 415-970-0768) let you import Illus¬
trator, FreeHand, or compatible outlines in to the application, where they can
be extruded and revolved in 3-D and lighting
effects added, while retaining the vector format.
Dimensions is the more basic of the two 3-D
programs; addDepth adds direct font support,
simple editing, and PICT import.
Warehouse prices: Apple has joined the
cheap-fonts club with its new Apple Font Pack for Macintosh, This selection
of 43 TrueType fonts — culled from such foundries as Agfa, Monotype,
Linotype-Hell, and Bitstream — is designed for neophyte users who are
daunted by the vast selection of fonts on the market. A special installer for
easy font loading and a 32-page booklet on using type round out the $99
package. 800-776-2333 or 408-996-1010. Hit If you enjoy exploring elegant
new typefaces, indulge in the first retail release from Carter & Cone.
Fourteen years after he originally designed it, Matthew Carter has remade
ITC Galliard, which now includes ex¬
pert sets with luxurious ligatures,
fractions, small caps, dingbats, old-style figures, and more. 800-952-2129 or
617-576-0398. $150 for six roman and five italic fonts. ^
6* Cat'ter Cone—' ITC Galliard *> r >
■lD;i;:;;L==.-.:::2. Surface Prowrtws ii=;r~=-rr;iilin
(-{■) Color-“O Reflectance
O Stroke
| Process ^ |
MacUser January 1993 191
BMiaUff 1^1
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Circle 89 on reader service card.
A Gray
Thanks to improved
printer technologies,
you can now get good-
quality halfton es from
black-and-white laser
printers. Follow these
tips to get great grays
from your printer
By Cary Lti
G elling high-quality halftone
the Iasi frontier in
desktop publishing* Many accom¬
plished desktop publishers who manage ty¬
pography and line art with ease throw up their
hands when faced with halftoning* What can
go wrong with halftones? Just about every¬
thing* On a standard 300-dpi PostScript laser
printer, desktop halftones are often coarse,
dark, fuzzy, and muddy. When printed by an
imagesetter, desktop halftones arc often dark,
fuzzy* and muddy.
Many desktop publishers have given up.
They fall back on the old-fashioned method:
letting the prim shop create the halftone pho¬
tographically and strip it in to the printing-
plate negative. Or during scanning, they opt
for creating a simple kind of halftone called a
diffusion, or dithered, image, giving up sharp¬
ness and tonal range in exchange for easier
In truth, producing good halftone images
on a desktop system takes some experience
and skill, but the process isn’t really difficult.
You need to know a few basic principles and
apply them to your own production system. In
this article* we concentrate on producing great
grays from your laser printer, hut the same
rules apply to imagesetter output at your local
service bureau*
Why focus on laser printers? Two reasons:
Despite all the attention paid to color — and
even though the prices of color hardware are
declining — many people, for reasons of
or aesthetic preference, work in
Cheaper and simpler to pro¬
reproduce than color, black-and-
art lends itself to photocopying or
inexpensive offset printing when top-notch
quality is not a priority* The recent flurry of
printers optimized for halftones, such as the
Apple LaserWriter lig, the Xante Accel-a-
Writer, and the NewGen Turbo PS 880, makes
it easier than ever to print good graphics from
the desktop.
The availability of these new printers and
their related products doesn’t guarantee that
you'll gel perfect halftones at the push of a
button. You need some understanding of what
halftones are, how laser printers produce them,
and how the production chain works*
First, some basics.
Half a Tone
A halftone is essentially a printing trick,
producing the appearance of grays when the
printing ink or toner is only black* A halftone
simulates grays with a grid, or screen, of vari¬
able-sized dots (black is a tone; the dots make
up “half a tone”). The fineness of the screen
— called the screen frequency or line fre¬
quency, measured in Ipi (lines per inch) —- is
responsible lor a picture's sharpness. (A Tuzzy
original or fuzzy scan always produces a fuzzy
halftone, no matter what the line frequency,
however.) Newspaper photographs are often
printed with 85-lpi screens; magazines, such
as this one, use screens of 133 Ipi or more*
MacUser January 1993 193
A halftone screen is usually not square
with the image or with the paper edges;
instead, it's set at a 45-degree angle to
minimize the dot pattern, because the hu¬
man eye tends to pick out vertical and
horizontal lines more readily than other
lines. (In four-color printing, each half¬
tone plate is set at a different angle, calcu¬
lated to reduce interference effects among
the plates; for more on color halftoning,
see “That's a Moire, 1 ' July "92, page 173,
and “All the Right Angles” August '92,
page 183.)
In a traditional photographically pro¬
duced halftone, the sizes of the dots —
and thus the number of apparent grays —
can be varied continuously. But laser print¬
ers and imagesetters, both of which have
fixed resolutions, cannot produce vari¬
able-sized dots. Instead, they have a regu¬
lar grid of equal-sized dots, or pixels (cor¬
responding to the device's resolution).
Each of these dots can be printed or not,
resulting in black spots or white spaces,
respectively. To simulate variable-si zed
halftone dots, these devices group primer
pixels into cells and then vary the number
of pixels printed in each cell. The larger
the cell, the more pixels it contains and
the more levels of gray possible (see Fig¬
ure l). But the larger the cell becomes,
the less detail the image has. Most low-
resolution printers have to sacrifice levels
of gray for sharpness, or vice versa — for
example, a halftone generated on a stan¬
dard 300-dpi PostScript laser primer, such
as the LaserWriter IINT, looks coarse.
The higher resolutions of imagesetters —
upward of 1,200 dpi (or 4,000 dpi, in
some cases) — means that they can pack
more pixels into a cell and more cells into
an inch. The result is halftones whose
quality rivals that of traditionally pro¬
duced ones (see Figure 2).
Laser Limits
The simplest way to gel better halftone
output then is to use a higher-resolution
printer. For example, standard 3(X)-dpi
PostScript printers such as Apple’s
LaserWriter 11 NT and others also based
on Canon’s LBP-SX engine have a de¬
fault halftone screen of 53 I pi (33 gray
levels). By comparison. Canon’s new
6(K)-dpi LBP-BX engine, used in the
QMS 860 Hammerhead and the Cal Comp
CCL-600, offers a default halftone screen
of 71 I pi (73 grays). These printers will
likely become the new standard for desk¬
top laser printers. But if you're not pre¬
pared to purchase one of these, you can
Figure 1: Desktop halftones consist of two separate images. The scanned image
(left) is sent to the PostScript interpreter in the printer. The interpreter creates the
halftone image (right) by sampling the scanned image and grouping halftone dots
into cells to simulate grays. In this simplified example, each halftone dot consists
of nine possible printer pixels. Each printer pixel is turned on (black) or off (white)
to create the illusion of gray. This example represents output from a standard 300-
dpi PostScript printer without enhanced halftones.
still get good halftones at 300 dpi.
Printer manufacturers these days are
finding ways to improve the halftone ca¬
pabilities of low-resolution printers. One
method is to use subpixels, which are
smaller than normal printer dots. Basi¬
cally a trick of the printer’s mechanism
and software, subpixels give the printer’s
software more freedom in positioning
halftone dots. A 300-dpi printer with sub-
pixels can print a wider tonal range than
can a 600-tipi printer with a fixed pixel
The Apple LaserWriter Ilg, for exam¬
ple, comes with a halftone-enhancement
technology called PhotoGrade, which uses
subpixcls, (The 1 If also ships with Photo-
Grade, but you have to add RAM to take
Figure 2: Say You Want Resolution?
Figure 2: Laser printers have to trade image detail for gray levels, whereas high-
resolution imagesetters can produce halftones with smooth tonal gradations. The
image on the left was printed on a LaserWriter IINT at its default line setting of 53
Ipi; the image on the right was output at 133 Ipi on an Agfa SelectSet 5000
194 January 1993 MacUser
* Mufd-Jnrtmtfim samRcrjmm J5min to yj
■ / /udi - rwtiwitm./tt!(-sotx'v pi fYc-ao^m
* I’rvucan fm-L'-fu nj'rtsj critfi color
bcdunw and Ham
U1>nTP)l. f
* Sen pi* huh, fx^ifrix-
tttwl nufXitiwfilnt
' Priced utM7.iX)0. I
^ T otiec the distinct textures uf the various surfaces and the subtle detail of the shadows. Observe the ton:
I \ range, from the clear white watch face to the black handle of the magnifying glass.
I \ You would think this ad was produced with a high-priced, high-quality scanner And you'd lie half right
JL lit ii’os scanned with a high quality scanner hut the Lenfsean 45 costs ax little as 8450Ymontli.ft
At 5,080 dpi resolution (48 bits per pixel), the multi-format Lcafsean 45 picks up
oil die detail of the original, for professional results with any Mae-based system.
And because it's easy to use, the Leafsean 45 is a pleasure to work with. All of
which makes it an ideal solution for in-house print shops, design studios,
publishers or photographers.
There s more. Leaf Systems leads the imaging industry with a number of
technofogy-driven solutions. Products that help capture, store, retrieve and
transmit your images. «
Before you buy a scanner, call l-S0()-685- t )462 for more information.
And see what your monev can buv.
, Inc.
a sc it e x company
# tEfL^Lul mi 4-H iiHinili. Jd.flfl liiytiui Iwsm? pfan, OiIkt trftkw. maflably. l,ht 1'rkv S J r.mxi
Circle 154 on reader service card.
250 Turnpike Road
Sou riibo rough, MA 0 17 72
508 460-8301) FAX S08 400-8304
IMiii'IJJ' rllffl l
advantage of it,) PhotoGrade's default
selling produces a 106-lpi halftone screen
with 67 gray levels* about seven times the
number of gray levels of a conventional
300-dpi printer and almost twice that of a
conventional 600-dpi printer set at ihe
same line screen (see Figure 3). Other
printer manufacturers offer proprietary
halftone-enhancement technologies, but
Apple’s LaserWriter and PhotoGrade are
generally considered to be the standard.
(For more on PhotoGrade, see “Image
Makers,” November '91, page 98.)
(The LaserWriter Ilf and Hg also fea¬
ture FinePrim, a smoothing technique that
reduces the jaggies in text and line art and
that functions independently of Photo¬
Grade. None of the halftone adjustments
Figure 3: Making Grays with PhotoGrade
53 Ipl* 45%
256 grays
150 Ipi, 0%
34 grays
83 Ipi, 56%
105 grays
106 I pi* 45%
67 grays
Figure 3: Apple's PhotoGrade technology gives you a wide
variety of halftone settings. These settings aren't clearly iden¬
tified, so we've labeled them from 1 to 5. Setting 4 is the default
for the printer. Setting 1 gives the best tonal gradation but
slightly less detail, whereas setting S sacrifices gray scale for
resolution. Experiment with similar settings on your printer.
The original image was scanned on a Hewlett-Packard ScanJet
Plus and calibrated separately by Ofoto for each setting.
19G January 1993 MacUser
PostScript, HPGL/2,
HP PCL5 language
Multiple RISC processors
improve total throughput
for Mac
and PC
Paper sizes up to
Superb CAD,
- spreadsheet and
desktop publishing
laser output
30-day money back
So Little.
* $3995
So what else could you ask for?
Not much when CalComp’s new CCL600™ laser
printer already includes letter and 11x17 paper sizes,
the latest Canon-based laser engine with crisp 600 x 600
dpi resolution, concurrent Macintosh and PC connectiv¬
ity, compatibility with PostScript, HPGL/2 and PCL5,
plus special processors for incredibly fast throughput.
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described in this article affect any text or
line art printed on the same page. Some
laser printers, such as the Hewlett-Packard
LaserJet Ill and HIP, offer a text-and line-
art-smoothing feature similar to FinePrint
but no halftone enhancement.)
Some vendors use the subpixel ap¬
proach to increase the resolution of the
primer. Xante, for example, sells stand¬
alone laser printers as well as controller
boards for popular Apple LaserWriter and
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet models. The
boards work with printing engines de¬
signed for 300 dpi, boosting them up to
600-dpi resolution and enhancing their
halftones. Their default setting is 85 Ipi
(101 grays). Other vendors such as New-
Gen, LaserMaster, and Printwane also soup
up standard 300- or 400-dpi engines for
higher resolutions and, in many cases,
better halftones. (See Table 1 for standard
halftone settings of several printers,)
In contrast, imagesetters produce fixed¬
sized image pixels like those of a conven¬
tional laser printer, but the pixels are so
small that imagesetters produce an appar¬
ent range of halftone-dot sizes without
having to resort to subpixel tricks. An
imagesetter working at 2,540 dpi can pro¬
duce a 133-lpi halftone with more than
200 grays, visually equivalent to a con¬
tinuous halftone. Working at 3386 dpi,
an imagesetter can produce a 175dpi half¬
tone, close to the practical limit for nor¬
mal printing presses.
Be Prepared
Even if your printer is not optimized
for halftones, you can get good-quality
results — but you'll have to do some
preparation. You have to pay attention to
the entire production chain, from input to
output. You don't need any exotic high-
end graphic-arts tools to produce good
halftones, but your basic tool kit should
* A scanner capable of detecting 300
dpi and 256 levels of gray. Virtually all
flatbed scanners sold today meet or ex¬
ceed these requirements.
* Scanning software that controls the
scanner and produces a gray-scale file.
The software should offer calibration, a
way to link the gray-scale sensitivity of
your scanner with the halftone capabili¬
ties of a specific printer. Calibration is
essentially a mapping between the half¬
tone produced by the printer and the grays
detected by the scanner (monitor calibra¬
tion is a separate process). When you
select a calibration, the scanning software
adjusts or predistorts the gray values as¬
signed to the pixels in the image in order
to optimize the printed output.
Two scanning programs — Light-
Source's Ofoto, which is bundled with
Apple's OneScanner and sold separately
for $395, and DeskScan II, which is
bundled with Hewlett-Packard scanners
— feature calibration. Ofoto can control
many popular scanner models (including
the Hewlett-Packard scanners).
Some scanners come with a plug-in
module for Adobe Photoshop that con¬
trols the scanner. Photoshop does not of¬
fer straightforward calibration, although
it has an adjustable output-transfer func¬
tion, which approximates calibration in
the hands of skilled users,
* An application that can accept gray¬
scale information. All of today's major
page-layout programs and many graphics
programs can do grays; some programs
have built-in halftoning controls that let
you further refine images from within the
* A PostScript or compatible laser
printer or imagesetter. Although you can
get halftones out of QuickDraw or non-
PostScript laser printers, inkjet printers,
and even I mage Writers, the results are
rarely satisfactory.
* A priming resource (printer driver)
that supports the halftoning capabilities
of your output device.
* Printer-description files. These ship
with your layout and graphics software.
This completes the basic halftone tool
kit, but there is one optional item:
* An image-retouching program, such
as Adobe Photoshop, Fractal Design's
ColorStudio, or Aldus' Digital Darkroom,
which supplies the image control neces¬
sary for optimizing halftones.
Assuming that you've got the tools as¬
sembled, let's step through production.
Table 1: Common Printer Line Frequencies and Screen Angles
Number of
gray levels
Apple LaserWriter IINT/MTX
300 dpi
53 Ipi
QMS 860 Hammerhead
600 dpi
71 Ipi
Apple LaserWriter Ilf/llg
300 dpi
setting 1*
53 Ipi
with PtioioGrade
setting 2*
75 Ipi
83 Ipi
setting 4* {default)
106 Jpi
setting 5*
150 Ip
Xante Accel-a- Writer board
600 dpi
65 Ipi
and 4000/8000 printers
85 Ipi
95 Ipi
NewGen Tu rbo PS 880
800 dpi
75 Ipi
120 Ipi
2.540 dpi
133 Ipi
3.386 dpi
175 Jpi
*PhotoGrade does not label these settings; the author created them for this article.
Table 1: The halftone capabilities of several common laser line frequency goes up, the number of gray levels goes down,
printers vary widely. Resolution, tine frequency, and screen Although the printer's default setting is often adequate, chang-
angle ail affect the levels of gray achieved. Note that as the ing the line frequency can yield better results.
200 January 1993 MacUser
Deep Inside Your Old LaserWriter
Lurks A 600 x 600 dpi Superprinter
(You Just Have To Know How To Coax It Out.)
If you have an Apple" LaserWriter', you already
have the makings of a lightning fast, 600 x 600 dpi
Superprinter Don’t let your current investment go to
Just i nsta 11 an Accel-a- Writer controller and 1 .iring
new industry leading technology to your old Apple
LaserWriter or HP® LaserJet*. Print speedy, high
resolution graphics without the expense of buying a
brand new printer!
True 600 x 600 dpi Text and Line Art * Produce near-
typeset quality output that is clearly suitable for
camera-ready reproduction, ^
850 x 850 dpi equivalent gray scales* Now
you can print smooth and detailed gray scale
images. For example, you will now receive
197 levels of gray at an equivalent 60 line
screen instead of the 25 available at 300 dpi*
Permanent Font Storage*
In addition to the 33
resident fonts, Xante’s own
Virtual Disk Technology ;
allows you to permanently
store up to 30 more
download fonts directly on
the controller. You will also
be able to change the fonts
stored depending upon
specific job requirements*
For those of you who want
to store more than 30 fonts,
tt.itp* n's 4i\ l jf 'J 92
X> l'W2 XANTE Qiipar4k)n. JiASTE Acccfaf- HHftfi% n irjidnibili <tJ Xanu* tftuinfl Oilkrf iimndH :ii‘d |Mutluit .ire iRHkrnuiks uf iiuduiiiiicks of
tltvlf rviipnli'v luikk-n XANTE CafpOOlitM; LrtM^rK 1 Si., Mobile, AL 36606, Post Oilltt 1 UoX IbiK. Missile AL VViHVO'.iA I'SA. Td
Circle 223 on reader service card.
PostScript* Compatible
True 600x600 dpi
650x850 dpt
Equivalent Gray Scale
Virtual Disk Technology
RiSC Processor
Standard 6MB RAM
Simultaneous Interfacing
(AppleTalk', serial parallel)
Ask About The Accel-a-Writer Line Of Laser Printers.
the Accel-a- Writer also includes a SCSI port for an
external hard drive.
Lightning Fast Speed, Print your documents up to
12 times faster with the Ac cel-a- Writer's AMD 29000
RISC processor. Advanced Memory Management and
Dual Page Processing will also speed up your printing
by allowing one page to be built while another is
being printed.
Simultaneous Mac /PC Printing. ISI (Intelligent
Simultaneous Interfacing) allows you to print from
Macintosh 1 and PC/compatibles at the same time,
without having to use manual switches or software
Quality Assurance Guarantee, Xante offers
a full, unconditional 30 day money back
guarantee along with a 2 year warranty! Coax the
lightning fast, 600 x 600 dpi SuperPrinter from your
old LaserWriter today.
1 - 800 - 926-8839
Ext. 2202
Fax 205-476-9421
hmomtkms hi Output
Calibrating the Scanner
When you’re producing halftones, it’s
essential to start with good raw materials.
First, you need to calibrate your scanner,
software, and printer:
L Create a calibration chart on your
printer. With Ofoto, go to the Calibration
menu. With Desk Scan II. open the Cus¬
tom menu, select Print Path, anti then
dick on New in the Primer dialog box,
The calibration chart contains 256 levels
of gray that your printer can produce.
You can save the chart as a TIFF or EPS
tile. For halftoning purposes, these file
formats are functionally identical. Files
in PICT/PICT2 format are less suitable
for halftoning, because the major page-
layout programs do not fully support these
2. Prim the chart directly from Ofoto or
DeskScan tl if you want to use a printer's
default halftone sellings. Print the chart
from within your page-layout or graphics
program if you want to use the program’s
control over the halftone settings.
3. Scan the calibration chan. The name
you assign to the calibration should specify
all the important variables. Now your scan¬
ner and printer are in syne.
The first calibration is done. For the
best results, you should create additional
calibrations that are set lor
■ Each output device, if you have mul¬
tiple printers.
* Different halftone settings, if you want
to experiment.
* The paper type, if you plan to prim on
coated or tinted paper (gray, ivory, and so
Whenever the priming conditions
change — whenever your loner cartridge
becomes depleted, for example — you
should repent the calibration process.
Scanning the Image
Once you've calibrated the printer,
scanner, and software, you’re ready to
scan halftones. Remember to select the
calibration setting you've saved for your
scanning software and output device,
which you access in Otbto’s Scan Con¬
trols window and through Path in Desk-
Sean IPs main window.
Scanner-control programs give you
several options during the original scan.
Leave the scanning depth — the number
of grays per pixel — specified at 256
grays (8 bits); setting the depth to 128
grays (7 bits) is likely to create some
banding in the final image even if the
Adjusting Halftone Settings
Even alter youVe scanned or created a halftone image,
printing it may seem to be a hit-or-miss proposition, because
the control of the halftone can be adjusted in so many possible
First, you need to select Co I or/Gray scale in the Print dialog
box. If you have a LaserWriter with PhotoGrade, you need
LaserWriter driver 6.0,1 or later. LaserWriter Utility, a program
that comes with the Ilf and the tig, can change the PhotoGrade
settings in nonvolatile memory, so a change remains even
after the printer is turned off.
Many programs set a default halftone line frequency of 60
IpL which becomes 53 Ipi (or 33 levels of gray) when sent to a
standard, nonenhanced 300-dpi printer. If you want to get a
finer line screen from your nonenhanced printer, you can set
the frequency to 61 Ipi — however, the number of gray levels
will drop to about 20, too few for most photographs. You’ll get
the best results if you leave your printer set at its default line
If your printer has a high resolution or enhanced halftones,
you should change the default setting to a higher line fre¬
quency, such as one of those listed in Table 1. You can do this
in several ways.
Some graphics and layout programs have their own default
settings, which are tailored to your printer. Sometimes the
default setting doesn’t take full advantage of a printer s capa¬
bilities. however. For example, Aldus PageMaker s default
halftone line frequency fora LaserWriter Ilf Is 60 Ipi; this setting
works fine if the Ilf lacks sufficient RAM to turn on PhotoGrade.
But if you've upgraded your Ilf to turn on PhotoGrade, you
should change the software default to 106 Ipi or select the llg
printer setting, which will also give you 106 IpL
Another way is to change the printer's setting. Programs
from Aldus and Adobe use Adobe’s PRO (PostScript Page
Description) file for printer settings. GuarkXPress, on the other
hand, uses a proprietary PDF (Printer Description File), which
cannot be edited. To make a permanent change to the PRO
(thus changing the default setting for all programs that use the
PPD), use a text editor to find the lollowing part of the FPD file:
*% = = = Halftone Information = ^-
^ScreenFreqi * 60 , 0 "
*ScreenAnglei "45,0"
Change ScreenFreg from 60.D to 106.0 and leave
ScreetiAngle at 45.0 to set the PhotoGrade default values, or
use the values in Table 1. Be sure to follow whole numbers with
a decimal point and 0 — for example, you should enter
106 as 106.0.
You can override the primer's default settings within some
popular programs. The most-flexible applications give you in¬
dependent control over each image, not just for line frequency
and angle but also for brightness, contrast, dot shape, gamma
curve, and other options. If the entry reads DFLT or is blank,
the program will use the printer's default settings.
Here's where to find image controls in several programs:
Free Hand 3,1. In Halftone Settings, on the Attributes menu.
Illustrator 3.2.1. In the PPD file or in Adobe Separator,
which is intended for color separations The Adobe Illustrator
EPSF Riders file, if included in the folder with Illustrator, also
contains halftone settings that can override printer defaults and
Adobe Separator settings. The EPSF Riders file contains in¬
structions: open it with a text editor.
You can also specify halftone settings in a PostScript file.
Search for the line ^EndSecup. Insert these lines immedi¬
ately afterward:
VfcBegi nDocTiutent
currentscreen /p exch del
pop pop 70 45 /Q load
V&end document
This sets a 70-lpi line frequency and a 45-degree screen
PageMaker 4.2. In Image Control, on the Elements menu.
Select Screened instead of Gray, You can make changes by
entering the appropriate values, or you can override the PPD
settings for PageMaker, modifying the PDX file to supplement
and override settings In the PPD file. To change the POX file,
use the PDX editor, which is a HyperCard stack that comes
with PageMaker, or use a text editor. Look for the section
*ScreejnFreq: 11 106”
•ScreenAjrigle : " tf
Enter the necessary changes. The " " indicates the printer’s
default setting for that parameter.
QuarkXPress 3.1. On the Style menu when you select a
gray-scale image.
Ready, Set T Go! 5, In Image Control, on the Edit menu.
202 January 1993 MacUser
© I9W GCC Technology. frv;. r
6!7'27S-580Q Al fawid tajifeiUtsta<se frodemorlu or
reguteied ftodwrasks d their resfKcEwe maniiocttfiets
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Our versatile WideWriter 360
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primer produces fewer than 128 grays*
The scanning-resolution setting is not
as clear-cut. The usual advice is to scan
somewhere from 1.5x to 2x the halftone
line frequency. If youTe halftoning at 53
(pi, scan at 80 to 106 dpi; if halftoning at
133 Ipi on an imagesetter, scan at 200 to
266 dpi* The idea is to give the PostScript
interpreter enough scanned pixels to work
from while it creates the halftone dots;
remember that halftone dots do not have a
one-to-one correspondence with the
scanned pixels* Graphic-arts consultant
and scanning expert Herb Paynter says
that 1 55x is the optimum factor
Higher scanned resolution is not nec¬
essarily better. The size of the image file
varies as the square of the resolution —
for example, a 2x file is 78 percent larger
than a 1.5x file. A larger file means that
you need more disk space and have to
wait longer for the file to load. The higher
the scanned-image resolution, the longer
the PostScript interpreter takes to create a
halftone. Whafs worse, unnecessary
scanned-image resolution actually makes
the halftone less sharp, because the inter¬
preter must frequently sample and aver¬
age across several scanned-image pixels*
A moderate scanned-image resolution is
Once you've calculated the desired
scanning resolution, adjust the number to
match what your scanner can optimally
produce. Scanners produce the best re¬
sults at simple fractions of their resolu¬
tion. Thus with a typical 300-dpi scanner,
you should round up the resolution to 75,
100,150,200, or 300 dpi — for example,
if you've calculated a resolution of 82 dpi
for a 53-lpi screen (using the l .55x fac¬
tor), round that number up to 100 dpi.
Halftone Settings
When you create halftones on a desk¬
top system, you actually create two sepa¬
rate images. The scanned image is a gray¬
scale bit map with the pixels arranged
square to its edges. When you print, the
scanned image is sent to the printer, where
the PostScript interpreter creates the sec¬
ond image, the actual halftone* The Post¬
Script interpreter samples the scanned
image, regardless of the image's resolu¬
tion, averaging the tonal values of the
pixels as necessary to render the halftone
image at the desired line frequency and
screen angle.
The PostScript halftoning process is
programmable. Although default halftone
settings work well for most images, you
may want to change the settings. You can
increase the line frequency to maximize
sharpness when the gray-scale range is
less important or to emphasize the con¬
trast in a scientific image. You can also
change the screen angle if it interferes
with strongly defined lines in the image.
(See the “Adjusting Halftone Settings"
sidebar for more information on how and
A word of advice: You can't use just
any setting. PostScript changes values to
something it can compute in a reasonable
time. If you specify an arbitrary screen
angle, for example, PostScript Level l
printers will select the nearest of 13 pos¬
sible angles, chosen because they require
only simple arithmetic. PostScript Level
2 printers and Level 1 imagesetters that
have Adobe’s Accurate Screen technol¬
ogy permit thousands of angles, mainly to
support color separations, but the proces¬
sor still chooses only the values that are
easiest to calculate* The five standard half¬
tone settings of the LaserWriter Ilf and
llg were selected because computing them
is fast*
You cannot set the number of halftone
gray levels — this number is a result of
the screen resolution and angle setting.
As already mentioned, you trade line fre¬
quency for gray levels: The higher the
line frequency, the smaller the size of the
halftone cells* You can have a laser printer
produce a 300-1pi halftone, but at that line
frequency, your image will be just black
or while, without any grays*
image Manipulation
Any halftone, however it's produced,
has a limited density range, about 1.6 to I
from the brightest to the darkest areas,
compared with 100 to 1 in real life and
roughly 4 to 1 in photographic transpar¬
encies. Every part of an image must fit
within the limited halftone-density range*
Many images need to have their high¬
lights, shadow detail, and midtones ad¬
justed for the be*st possible results* If you
don't use Photoshop or a similar image¬
editing program, try the highlight-,
shadow-, and gamma-adjustment features
bui It in to your scanning software or page-
layout program.
If your halftone will be produced by an
imagesetter, the results will look mark¬
edly better than halftones from the best
laser printers. A good imagesetting ser¬
vice bureau should supply Ofoto and
Circle 14 on reaoer service card.
WriteMove II.
The Portable Executive Printer for the PowerBook.
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The WriteMove II comes with ATM, rM 21
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Circle 163 on reader service card.
We’d like to make
one thing
perfectly clear.
Actual output from HP DeskWriter C
Actual output from HP Desk Writer C
Sharper Graphics • Brighter Colors • Quality Fonts
With Freedom of Press® Software
Quality output is no longer an executive privilege. Freedom of Press’ turns
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For high-end color devices, ask about Freedom of Press Pro. No other
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Call today for a list of supported printers and the name of a dealer. Find
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Circle 91 on reader service caro.
DcskScan II calibration charts on request;
if it doesn't have any, you can help it
produce some. Sample output from an
imagesetter — film or re pro paper —
isn't suitable by itself. To complete the
output process, the calibration charts
should be run off on a printing press onto
the half dozen most popular paper stocks.
The calibration charts have to be imageset
only once and arc so cheap to print that
they should be free unless you have an
unusual halftoning or paper requirement.
If your service bureau does not have an
in-house press, its printing company
should provide calibration charts.
The halftone-calibration process vio¬
lates one of the great principles of the
Mac and PostScript, Once adjusted by
calibration, a gray-scale scan is no longer
device-independent. The file that is best
for a laser printer won't be the best for an
imagesetter. There isn't much you can do
about this today. If the ultimate product
will be imageset, then you should cali¬
brate lor the imagesetter and not worry
about how the laser-printer proofs might
PostScript does have a transfer func¬
tion that, in conjunction with a calibration
standard, could perform dev ice-in depen¬
dent calibration for both a printer and a
computer display, but the feature has not
been used so far. Color-calibration sys¬
tems that have been developed by several
companies, including SuperMac, Radius,
and RasterOps, could be used to calibrate
gray scale as well
Laser-printer halftones should improve
further. Some new printing technologies
combine higher-resolution engines with
microfine toner, resulting in high-quality
output with tightly controlled toner place¬
ment and smooth, deep blacks and small
subpixels. Today, high halftone resolu¬
tion limits the number of gray levels avail¬
able and produces banding in the printed
image, but improved PostScript process¬
ing in the future may dither halftone dots
across bands to smooth transitions. We've
already come a long way in desktop half¬
toning. Like desktop typography, these
gray-scale capabilities will soon be re¬
garded as standard Mac tools. i]|
Cary In is author of The Apple Mactoto&ti Book,
fourth edition, He has typeset books tor Academic
Press and desktop-pudhshes a newsletter lor book-
stores hi Washington and Oregon, Herb Paynt®*
supplied technical assistance for this article.
206 January 1993 MacUser
The best file server
for a Mac network
isn’t even a Mac...
According to MacUser
magazine, “Ifyou want
to combine Macs and
PC-compatibles onto one
network-especialiy if you
want to share files among
all platforms-this {a
non-Mac file server} can
be a cost effective
Why would a Mac network manager consider
switching to a file server that isn’t a Mac?
□ Higher speed.
□ Lower price.
□ The flexibility to add more users as your work¬
group grows.. .without bogging down the system.
S3 All of the above.
According to MacUser magazine, if you want to
combine Macs and PC-compatibles onto one network-
especialiy if you want to share files among all platforms-
a non-Mac file server is probably the way to go.
And ZEOS has the cost-effective solution. The ZEOS
EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture) also
means faster performance. It’s the lethal combination of our
32-bit EISA bus and our disk caching controller. Not to
mention a 256K cache that comes standard. PC Maga¬
zine found that the ZEOS EISA offered performance
"easily twice as fast (and occasionally ten times as fast)”
as a traditional computer with the same microprocessor
and megahertz rating. Now that’s fast!
Netware is the perfect tool for cross-platform connec¬
tivity. And the ZEOS EISA is perfect for Netware. With
this dynamic combination you’ll get roughly a 300% fast¬
er network throughput than a Quadra 950 with Apple-
Share. All for a special package price of only $3995.
You’d be hard pressed to find that kind of power
at this price anywhere.
With other servers, it can be difficult to hook
up more users. Your server bogs down drama¬
tically with each additional client.
With the ZEOS EISA, adding more users is
a breeze. It integrates seamlessly. So you-and
your site users-won’t even know you’re logged
onto a PC. All they’ll know is that they can access
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Need some more convincing?
With ZEOS, we guarantee your satisfaction. That’s why
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Money-Back Guarantee, One Year Limited Warranty and
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We also offer toll-free Technical Support, 24 hours a day,
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Think about it. In order to have the power to be your best,
your computers have to be able to talk to each other. All of them.
And they have to be able to talk fast. So talk to ZEOS about the
EISA File Server. It’s the best tool for the job.
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Pencil Test
Create the look of a
shaded pencil drawing
by using scanned
textures in your
graphics program.
By Janet Ashford
I f you like pencil-shaded
drawings but think creat¬
ing them manually takes
too long, try using a scanned
texture. John Odam made
these pencil-style illustra¬
tions for a college textbook
published by Wadsworth.
The publisher wanted graph¬
ics similar to those Odam had
created by hand for a previ¬
ous edition. This lime Odam
decided to automate the pro¬
cess by using his computer.
First he created a palette
of textures by making pencil
sketches on paper, scanning
the results, and using the
brightness controls in Photo¬
shop to create light, medium,
and dark versions. Odam
then drew a series of line fig¬
ures in pencil and scanned
them. He used Photoshop’s
magic-wand tool to select
areas to be filled and then
used its Paste Into command
to import shadings into the
areas or its rubber-stamp tool
to pick up the textures and
apply them. (Aldus’ Digital
Darkroom, Fractal Design’s
ColorStudio, Electronic
Arts 1 Studio 8, and Super-
Mac’s PixelPaint Profes¬
sional provide similar tools.)
You can also achieve pen¬
cil textures by using graph¬
ics tablets with such pro¬
grams as Fractal Design’s
Sketcher and Painter.
Janet Ashford is a freelance writer
and designer based in Solatia Beach,
With Photoshop and a scanned pencif texture. John Odam creates the look of a pencil drawing
fora series of college-textbook illustrations.
FI Sketching a Texture
With a soft pencil, Odam rubs a medium-
gray tone onto a piece of vellum. He scans
the paper at 150 dpi, opens it in Photoshop,
and saves it as a TIFF file called Pencii
Texture M. The swatch is about 4.5 x 3
inches, matching the overall size of the
Q Making a Texture Palette
Using the brightness/contrast controls (on the Adjust submenu, on the Image menu), he
decreases or increases the brightness of the original scan. He saves each edited texture —
using the Save As command — to produce a final palette of five tones: very light, light, dark,
and very dark (shown here), and the original medium (shown in Figure 1).
21D January 1993 MacUser
For an it lust ration about computers, Odam draws a
computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse in pencil on
vellum, using a photograph for reference. To retain the
soft look of pencil, he scans the drawing as a 150-dpi
gray-scale TIFF file (rather than as line art) and then uses
the brightness/contrast controls to increase the contrast
so that gray areas drop out.
B Applying the Paste Into Command
Now Odam begins copying the textures into areas of the
drawing, such as the mouse pad. First he selects the area
with the magic-wand tool (a) and opens the medium-
pencil swatch. Using the marquee tool, he selects an area
of the texture approximately the same size as the mouse
pad. He copies the texture to the Clipboard and pastes it
into the line drawing (b), using the Paste Into command
from the Edit menu.
0 Using the Rubber-Stamp Tool
To fill the shadow area of the hand and forearm, Odam
selects the area with the magic wand and opens the dark-
pencil file. With the rubber-stamp tool, he samples the
texture by Option-clicking at its center and then paints the
texture into ihe fine drawing. Keeping the selection area
active prevents the texture from spreading beyond its
boundaries, but applying texture in strokes adds shading
without filling the selection area right up to the edges.
O Softening Hard Lines
After adding textures to the rest of the drawing, Odam
uses the smudge toot to soften some of the borders
between the tight and dark areas — between the light and
dark areas on the hand and arm, for example.
El Finishing the Drawings
Without cramping his hand-drawn style, Odam uses similar techniques for other illustrations in the book, such as these about
problem-solving (a), vocabulary improvement (b), and drug abuse (c).
MacUser January 1993 211
,_/friw EtherPrint-3.
Maximum Flexibility For Printing
On Ethernet Networks.
At Dayna, we set the standard for M >990
low-cost, plug-and-play Ethernet print- r?
ing when we introduced EtherPrint' in n
1 44KI
1990. And since then, companies of all Jh
sizes around the world have relied on EtherPrint for
painless Ethernet printing.
Now, new EtherPrint-3™ is our most flexible
solution ever. With
on-board connectors
for thick Ethernet,
thin Ethernet and
P lEtherPrint3 _ _
At prices ranging from $499 to $699, EihtrPnnt
uwit stretch ymr budget to the breaking point.
10BASE-T, EtherPrint-3 connects any LocalTalk
printer directly to any Ethernet network. And for the
ultimate in flexibility, EtherPrint-3 Plus connects up
to four printers or other Local-
Talk devices, with no setup or 9
configuration required.
So when you’re busy
installing your Macintosh
Ethernet network, don’t tie
yourself in knots trying to solve the printer problem.
Call the Macintosh
network specialists
at Dayna today.
AH three Ethernet connector: in one
model met he EtherPrint-} your mst
flexible printing solution.
801-531-0600 Ext. 351
Hi Dayna
Macintosh Networking Specialists
Circle 133 on reader service card.
ElfierPrml and EiheiPirinfi-3 Eire iradernarks <ji Oajfia Cttnmumealions, Inc. Ai other product names am llw trademarks oi Iheir respective Md&ra. S Isas' Dayna Ctohmuriicabons. Inc., 50 South Main, 5* Root, Salt Lake CMy r Utah &4t«. FAX: {fitH J 3S&-9135.
What’s the next step
when Ethernet’s too
slow? — FDDI?
CDDI? Maybe not.
Grand Junction
Networks (510-
4-87-5985) recently
proposed a new
standard called, simply
enough, Fast Ethernet.
It promises 100-
bandwidth over the
same unshielded
twisted-pair wire used
today for the 10-
I0BASE-T, Backward-
compatible too.
Projected cost per node:
two to three times what
10BASE-T costs.
By Henry Bortman
Token inspection: Do your Macs on token ring always ^
work the way they should? Didn’t think so. That’s why AG Q|Q||Q|Q[]Q
Group (510-937-7900) recently shipped a new addition to
its family of software protocol analyzers. Priced at $995,
TokenPeek decodes a wide range of protocols running over token ring,
Call-in chaos prevention: Apple ships AppleTalk Remote Access
(ARA), and suddenly everyone wants to dial in to the network — at the same
time! Fear not, Shiva and Cayman Systems have each announced multiport
ARA dial-in servers. >♦ Unlike the first ARA server from Shiva (617-252-
6300), the LanRover/L. which offered only a single serial port and LocalTalk
connectivity, the LanRover/4E ($1,999) and the LanRover/SE ($2,999) offer
four and eight serial ports, respectively, and connect to an Ethernet network. The
LanRover/E models have the same security features as the LanRover/L: call¬
back and the ability to restrict the zones to which dial-in users have access. »*
The GatorLink ($1,899), from
Cayman Systems (617-494-1999),
is a three-serial-port Ethernet ARA
server. The GatorLink doesn’t sup¬
port callback, but you can get a
software upgrade for $495 that lets
you take advantage of a Security
Dynamics SccurlD ACE/Seiver on
the network. With this system, users carry credit-card-sized devices that
generate unique ID codes to authenticate remote users. The code changes every
minute or so. If you don’t know the magic number at the precise time you call,
the SeeurlD server won’t let you connect to the network.
Devising local strategies: Sonic Systems (408-736-1900) has three
software-only products that make it easy to connect LocalTalk devices to
Ethernet. Say your Mac’s on Ethernet. Connect a LocalTalk device (such as a
printer or a networkable modem) to its printer port, install PowerBridge ($149),
and — voila! — the LocalTalk device appears on the network as if it were on
Ethernet. LaserBridge ($199) is similar but more specialized; you can daisy-
chain as many as five LocalTalk printers (but not other devices) to your Mac’s
printer port. SuperB ridge ($249) allows any five LocalTalk devices to do the
“pretend we’re on Ethernet” thing. ** Farallon Computing (510-596-
9000) has two software products that inhabit the same
ecological niche as Sonic Systems’: LocalPalh ($199) sup¬
ports as many as eight LocalTalk devices of any kind
connected to a Mac on Ethernet, and PowerPath ($149,
bundled with two LocalTalk StarConnectors) supports one
LocalTalk device. ^
MaeUser January 1993 213
the Ethernet
Satisfy all your Ethernet needs with our EtherMac and EtherlO-T products.
Mac// (NuBus)
Forwarding Software Thick+Thin
StarController EN
intelligent hub
EtherlOT Starlet
9-port mini-hub
SE/30& list
EtherlOT AUI
EtherlOT Mill
EtherMac Cards
Prices are suggested retail. 64K cards available.
One-stop shopping. Isn't it great?
Now there's only one place you need
to go for affordable Ethernet. Farallon.
We have everything you need for
small workgroups to larger networks,
including EtherMac™ cards, EtherlQ-T™
transceivers, a new 9-port EtherlO-T
Starlet™and an intelligent StarController®
EN hub. All at bargain prices,
Farallon has a variety of EtherMac
cards for any Mac CPU.
And any media. They're
based on National
proven Ethernet archi¬
tectures, and all are compatible with
System 7 and the Apple Ethernet driver.*
For workgroups, the Starlet easily
connects up to nine Ethernet devices
and features a series of diagnostic LEDs.
A step up, the StarController EN intel¬
ligent hub helps you build reliable larger
networks with integrated management It
also mounts in our new Concentrator,
preserving your investment as you grow.
Need more infor¬
mation? Call for our
free guide, "Building
a Macintosh Network! 1
■■■ Farallon
Power to the network:
NaHnnAl cnaaa Farallcm ComiMiting, Inc. All i^nts reserreti. -Thv Muc SE cannol use Apple's; stentlarcl System 7 Ethemel driweF. StarCgnl mllEF anfl Hie Ffuafllwi Igftn design are teEi&teted VHtemBTfcS. -vx1 (Ulteifctac.
fj*tm IQI Stailet. Elh&rlO T flftd -p lwGf lu ihu relwoFfT are U-adtmaFhs or FiirEUlart Computing. Inc, F-OT CuSldnlur scmca. call (5101596-9(500. Or coo tael us an America Online* AppcUnJt.^or MCt Mall* ID: Faraillon.
Semiconductor CompuServe* ID: f M1Q. 2iro2. Internet to rorairanPuroitonjcam.
Circle 178 on reader service card.
Pushing Beyond Paper
The way we manage
documents on computer
networks is about to
change radically.
Here i a look at the
office of the ’90s and
the vendors who are
bringing it to us
on the Mac.
By David Beaver
T he office of the future is coming, and
it’s not paperless. Yes, there'll be less
paper, but the term paperless misses
the point, because it sounds as if we're giving
something up. In fact, we're replacing the old
office system with something that offers more
— new types of documents and document
management that truly take advantage of the
capabilities of our computers and the net¬
works that connect them.
Today’s capabilities may not lead you to
believe that we're on the threshold of a new
way to work with documents. Sure, we can
attach electronic documents to E-mail mes¬
sages and send them to other people over a
network, but we still run into problems such
as incompatible document formats, version
confusion, and the lack of a means for signing
off on things. The truth is, most of us still print
on and exchange a lot of paper — and spend a
lot of time searching through filing cabinets
for the documents we need.
Change is coming, however, and it's not
that far off. With the help of a wide mix of
software and hardware vendors, users on
Macintosh (and PC) networks will soon be
working together on sound- and image-
enhanced, non linearly structured, beuer-than-
paper documents — using tools that make it
easy to assemble, store, find, exchange, track,
and approve these electronic documents over
a network without the necessity for enor¬
mously expensive mini - and mainframe-based
Serving Up Documents
A key component of the office of the future
will be the document server designed to make
storing and retrieving documents much easier
than it is with file cabinets — or file servers.
Beyond a certain level of use, conventional
file-server technology just doesn't cut it. If
you can't remember that the proposal you
want is in the folder Acme Umbrella Com¬
pany, which is in the Active Prospects-1992
folder on your file server, you'll spend a lot of
time trying to find it. You may even give up
and just start from scratch. Either way, com¬
puters haven't helped your productivity much.
With document-server technology, you store
all documents on a central document server
rather than on a file server and keep informa¬
tion about them in a document database. You
can assign data such as keywords, client names,
document types, and user names to docu¬
ments and then quickly find all the documents
whose assigned data values meet specified
criteria. You can find documents that were
created by anyone in your workgroup, view
revision histories and previews of the docu¬
ments without launching the entire applica¬
tion, and “check out' 5 a document so other
users can't change it while you work on it.
Products of this kind have been around at
the high end of the market for the past few
years, used by companies and departments
whose documents are valuable enough to
justify the cost (often more than $2,000 per
user). Several simple, low-end solutions are
Macljser January 1993 215
available for DOS networks, but they can’t
be easily rewritten for Mac environments,
which have to handle many more types of
letters, memos, drawings, and multimedia
documents. The Mac market does include
some handy file- and text-search utilities
(for example, Microlytics* GOfer, ON
Technology’s On Location, and MVP
Software’s Retrieve ltl), but they’re prac¬
tical only in single-user mode and docu¬
ment management is a multiuser issue.
Fortunately, a good selection of docu¬
ment-library systems for Mac networks
should be available soon — at prices that
will make them attractive to even small
businesses. Odesta Systems’ Open ODMS
products (ODMS Workgroup System,
ODMS Toolkit, and ODMS API) are now
available for low-end UNIX servers as
well as expensive VAXes, Docu men turn
is developing a high-end UNIX-based
product for the Mac and Windows,
Interleaf, a leader in high-end publishing,
is moving its UNIX-based RDM (Rela¬
tional Document Manager) to the Mac,
And Saros, whose Mezzanine product has
been a leader in the midrange of the DOS
world, plans to release a Mac front end
for its OS/2-based server early in 1993,
Each of the expected products, and
probably any others in development, use
the same basic architecture. Documents
and data are stored on a dedicated server,
which is accessible to all the users on the
network, A simple interface, often using
a library metaphor, lets users search for
documents and check them in and out.
Features such as document histories, re¬
vision tracking, and group-based security
are often included. In most cases, docu¬
ment data is stored in industry-standard
SQL databases from companies such as
Oracle or Sybase, using the client/server
model (see “The Client/Server Revolu¬
tion,” November ’91, page 185),
These products have seemed far-off
dreams for Mac users, however. First of
all none of them uses Apple hardware as
the document server, because historically,
no Mac has had enough hardware and
software power to support high-volume
document storage. Second, the high cost
of a minicomputer server such as a VAX
or a Sun machine has put off many poten¬
tial users. But prices of these servers are
dropping dramatically — for example,
you can now support 40 users with
SI5,000 worth of hardware; two years
ago, the same support would have cost
$40,000. And Apple’s own UNIX-based
server, expected to be well suited to docu¬
ment-management applications, should
appear sometime in 1993,
The unknown factor with future Mac
document-library products is how well
they 11 fit into the Mac’s user interface.
Although the Finder isn’t perfect, it’s fa¬
miliar to many people; to be successful
document libraries will have to fit into
the Finder as transparently as the file
servers they replace. Vendors that do it
right will enjoy a huge market for docu¬
ment-library products in the coming years,
Full-Text Search Ahead
Once you’ve set up a central document
library, the obvious next step is to be able
to find documents that contain any word
216 January 1993 MacUser
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Circle 117 on reader service card.
or combi nation of words—and find them
at the speeds you ex peel of electronic
Again, products with this capability
have been on the market for many years
in the mainframe and minicomputer
worlds; ihe news is, they're now finding
their way to the Mac. By building special
lists {called indexes) of all the words in
every document, these systems can per¬
form searches with mind-boggling speed
— taking less than a second to find one
word in 100,000 pages of text.
These products also allow complex
searches, so you can look for combina¬
tions of words that occur under particular
conditions (for example, “Find all docu¬
ments that don't contain the word IBM
hut do contain the word Apple within 30
words of the word Microsoft”). The Mac
(like PCs with Windows) raises some in¬
teresting technical problems, such as the
need to Oiler searchable text out of docu¬
ments containing formatted text and
graphics, but vendors are writing soft¬
ware to handle such situations.
The key to full-text searching is that
you must index yovir documents ahead of
time — and, of course, they need to be
electronic documents, stored in your com¬
puter. Scanners and OCR (optical charac¬
ter recognition) software enable you to
convert existing paper documents into
machine-readable form. Some of these
products are optimized for high-volume
operations — scanning all the paperwork
for large legal cases, for example. This
sort of document conversion can be ex¬
pensive, but it's worthwhile when the
benefits of quickly finding data outweigh
the costs of gening that data into the
A useful product l or this process is the
Micro Dynamics' 1 MD-MARS system,
with its FreeForm text-search software.
Although it’s a Mac docu merit-manage¬
ment product, it's certainly high-end: It
lets you connect scanning stations, OCR
stations, and many users to central docu¬
ment servers. And Verity recently released
a Mac front end to Topic* its popular
UNIX-based full-text-search system,
Photo-Finish Finding
Of course, document searching doesn't
have to mean searching for text; it can
also mean searching for images — a use¬
ful option for situations in which you
don’t need to edit the documents. With
document imaging, a document is scanned
and stored as a picture rather than as an
editable document, saving you time-
consuming and machine-intensive OCR
processing. Once the image is stored in
youreomputer,youcan fill out additional
data fields to categorize it. You can then
Table 1: Mac Document-Management Functions —
= shipping now
= announced
H Companies and products
ACIUS 4th Dimension
with 4D modules
Docu meal urn Qocu Works
Frame Fra me Reader
Interleaf RDM
Interleaf Wo rid View
Lotus Lotus Motes
Micro Dynamics MD-MARS
with FreeForm
Ddesta Open 00MS products
Saras Mezzanine
■ Ena III inn technologies | .
Adobe Carousel
Apple Bento
Apple 0CE
218 January 1993 MadJser
use these data-field values to search for
the image in your document database.
(Although they share similar technology,
document-imaging products are intended
to be used for a different purpose than are
image-management products, such as
Aldus’ Fetch, which are designed for
searching catalogs of color photos and
other graphic images.)
Storing documents as images isn’t the
answer for every organization, but where
it is appropriate, it can make an immense
difference to the way you work. Gener¬
ally. imaging works best in cases in which
data is gathered on paper and needs to be
accessed, but not edited, by many users;
good examples are medical histories and
police crime reports. Without imaging,
these pieces of paper could be in only one
place at a time, but imaging and storage
make their contents available throughout
a network.
Because imaging systems store docu¬
ments as images instead of as text, they
require a central document server with
huge amounts of storage space. To meet
this requirement, large imaging applica¬
tions can use jukeboxes of optical discs,
making many gigabytes of i mages readily
available. Micro Dynamics 1 MD-MAR5
system handles this type of application
well, and many expected future products
will address this market also.
Teamwork Made Easy
Document servers and document¬
imaging technologies help you store work
that has already been created, but they
don't address the cases in which creating
documents is the hard part. Conventional
document applications such as word pro¬
cessors fall short in two kinds of complex
situations: when multiple users need to
work on the same document and when
you need to build documents by pulling
boilerplate sections together into a new
document — for complex proposals and
legal contracts, for example.
But database technology is coming to
the rescue here. With document-assembly
applications, you can store individual
pieces of documents (paragraphs or sec¬
tions) as database records and then choose
which of them you want to pull into your
final document, A multiuser database lets
many users work on separate pieces si¬
multaneously; only final assembly and
priming is restricted to a single user.
Document-assembly issues are similar
to those of database publishing, so lead¬
ers in the latter technology area are work¬
ing hard to provide the necessary features
(the ability to use different boilerplate
text under different conditions, for ex¬
ample). A popular document-assembly
strategy is to use ACIUS’ programmable
add-in modules for4th Dimension — such
What’s Shipping, What’s Announced
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Circle 40 on reader service card.
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Call for Free Demo!
as 4D Write, 4D Calc, and 4D Draw — to
generate the images and then to export
the completed data to a page-lay out ap¬
plication such as Frame Technology’s
01' course, it’s hard to talk about col¬
laborative document creation without
touching at least briefly on the larger is¬
sue of work-flow management — getting
documents into the hands of the people
who need to see them (and getting them
back) at the right times. Many of the
document-server products discussed here
include document-routing features for
work-flow management (see Table l).
And a Mac version of Lotus Notes, an
innovative Windows workgroup-commu¬
nication product with some document¬
al anagement features, is expected to ship
by early 1993. But the major news in the
Mac market is OCE (Open Collaboration
Environment), the new technology Apple
is developing to encourage and enable
document routing and to provide features
such as digital signatures (see "'On Be¬
yond E-Mail,” March *92, page 191). If
Apple gives OCE the features document-
routing applications need and succeeds in
making it a cross-pi at form standard, we
expect it to become a central pan of any
M ae docu men t- manage me n t sy stem.
Paperless Is More
It’s a shame that our computer-created
documents tire still distributed mostly on
paper. Paper does have its benefits: It's a
universal standard, and you don't need
much hardware or software to read it. But
technologies such as CD-ROM and
hypertext offer features that paper can't
provide — fast searches, sound and video
attachments, and associative linking, for
example — and they offer a much lower
distribution cost than printed documents
in many cases.
Several vendors offer products that
make electronic-document distribution
easier by providing reader applications
that read documents of a specific format.
Good examples are Frame Technology’s
FrameRcader and Interleaf s World View,
low-cosi, run-time versions of those com¬
panies' high-end desktop-publishing ap¬
plications that can be licensed for mass
distribution. When you put your docu¬
ments onto CD-ROM or Floppy disk along
with the reader application, users can read
them on just about any platform. Users
cannot make any changes to the docu¬
ments, but they can navigate hypertext
links between sections and use other
features such as full-text search.
The hot news in this area is Adobe’s
announced Carousel project, Adobe will
provide the tools for printing any docu¬
ment to a Carousel file, and the Carousel
reader application will let you read the
file with all fonts, graphics, and visual
elements intact (even on Windows and
DOS machines) and will also give you
options such as adding hypertext links
and looking at thumbnail page previews.
Totally Sharable Documents
Of course, for electronic documents to
be truly sharable, you need to be able to
work with them, not just read them, on
different platforms. To date, the many
attempts to develop vendor-in dependent
standard document formats have failed in
the market.
Enter Apple, with a document-format
technology code-named Bento. Bento is
intended to be an open, standard docu¬
ment-storage format that can include ail
current multimedia data types and be ex¬
tended for new data types, Apple is en¬
couraging developers to use Bento as the
document format in future versions of
their products and is attempting to make
it a cross-platform standard by providing
the software modules at low cost to any¬
one who’s interested.
Bento won’t mean much to users un¬
less a critical mass of off-the-shelf appli¬
cations i£Lke advantage of it, though. Look
for some of these applications by mid-
Back to the Future
Powerful document-management prod¬
ucts have provided productivity improve¬
ments for high-end-workstation users for
the past few years; as Mac technology
becomes more powerful, several of these
products are moving down to the Mac
We fully expect that personal-computer
operating systems of the year 2000 will
include many document-management fea¬
tures and hooks and that major file-server
vendors will merge document-library fea¬
tures into their products. When these
changes occur and we discover how ef¬
fectively w'e can manage and communi¬
cate with electronic documents, our
struggles to give up paper will seem en¬
dearingly backward. If only we'd known
what a small sacrifice it would be. SjJ
David Beaver is president of The Automation Group,
a Mac-database-cimsalting firm in San Francisco.
Circle 104 on reader service card.
220 January 1993 Macllser
ACIUS, \nc.
10351 Bubb Road
Cupertino* CA 95014
4th Dimension 3.0, $895
Documentum, Inc,
5724 w. Las Positas Blvd, #150
Pleasanton, CA 94588
DocuWorks, no price available
Frame Technology Corp.
1010 Rincon Circle
San Jose, CA 95131
FrameMaker, $795
FrameReader, $89.95
Interleaf, Inc,
Prospect Place
9 Hillside Avenue
Waltham, MA 02154
RDM and World View, Mac prod¬
ucts not shipping at press time
Lotus Development Corp,
55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, IVIA 02142
Lotus Notes, $79*500 for 200-user
minimum when purchased from Lo¬
tus; approximately $700 per user
when purchased through VARs
Micro Dynamics Ltd.
8555 Sixteenth Street
Suite 701
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Freeform, price varies widely
MD-MARS, approximately $70,000
for basic system; price varies widely
Odesta Systems Corp*
4084 Commercial Avenue
Northbrook, IL 60062
ODMS API (optional) r $7,500
ODMS Toolkit (optional% $25*000
ODMS Workgroup System, $1,500
per client. $10,000 per server
Saros Corp,
10900 N.E* 8th Street
700 Plaza Center Building
Bellevue* WA 98004
Mezzanine, no Mac price available
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Now the air/ground action
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Circle 113 on reader service card.
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Macllser January 1993 221
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SoftPC is completely compatible with Apple's System 7 software. SoftPC is a registered trademark of insignia Solutions toe, Alt other product names ore trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Circle 155 dn reader service card.
Breaking the Print Taboos
Don V believe all you
hear about cross-
platform printing — it
may require fewer
blood sacrifices than
you thint
By John Rizzo
T he Mac and PC tribes have created
strange myths about each other, espe¬
cially in the area of cross-platform
priming. “PC printers don’t use PostScript,” a
Mac user might assure you, and PC users
might insist that they can’t use Mac primers
because “AppleTalk is loo slow."
Myths, according to the late Joseph Camp¬
bell, usually serve the purpose of helping us
relate to a seemingly unfathomable universe.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at the
universe of multiplatform printing to see if wc
can make it easier to fathom — and debunk a
few myths in the process.
A core myth is that using Novell NetWare,
the god of networking in corporate circles, is
the best way to meet all connectivity chal¬
lenges, including mu It [platform printing. This
myth does teach us that Macs and PCs can
share the same network services. The prob¬
lem occurs when we lake the myth literally —
in this ease seeing NetWare as the entire world
of Mac/PC connectivity. Although it provides
great solutions to lots of problems, NetWare
can he overkill for those with limited budgets
and resources. It’s certainly overkill if you
don’t care about talking to those Funny PCs
(or Maes) on your coworkers’ desks but just
want to use their printers.
No Hablo Printerese
MullipJatform printing seems unfathomable
partly because there are so many languages
for communicating with primers. The Tower
of Babel was nothing compared with an office
full of printers speaking QuickDraw, Post¬
Script, TrueType, and PCL.
QuickDraw, the language Macs use to print
to non-networkable printers, is also the lan¬
guage they use to draw i mages on your screen.
It draws pictures and text as bit maps, giving
instructions to put this dot here, that dot there,
and so on.
Unlike QuickDraw, PostScript, the preemi¬
nent language in desktop publishing, describes
text and graphics mathematically, providing
high-quality printouts no matter what the size
of the text or graphic. One myth about Post¬
Script is that it’s exclusively a Mac dialect.
Wrong. PostScript is an international language
that Macs, PCs, and even UNIX workstations
can use. All Mac applications and many DOS
and Windows ones can speak PostScript, en¬
abling Macs to print to PC PostScript printers
and PCs to print to Mac PostScript printers —
once you've established a connection (more
on connections later). QuickDraw is a provin¬
cial dialect by comparison , used only by Macs,
Popular PC primer lines, such as the omni¬
present Hewlett-Packard LaserJet scries, can
use PostScript by means of removable font
cartridges. If you’re not doi ng high-end desk¬
top publishing, less expensive PostScript-clone
cartridges will work too. You can also use
Post Script-emulation software, such as Free¬
dom of Press ($495), from ColorAge (508-
667-8585), but only if you're not in a hurry.
The translation is mind-numbingly slow.
MacUser January 1993 223
Another myth is that TrueType is a
System 7 goody developed by Apple.
That's half right. The other half of the
story is that it’s another universal lan¬
guage, codevcloped by Microsoft, and
it's very popular among Windows users.
As with PostScript, Mae and PC users
can print to each other's TrueType print-
era once they've made the proper connec¬
tion (don't worry. I'm getting to that).
Yet another myth would have you
believe that printers that speak PCL, the
Printer Control Language popularized by
Hewlett-Packard, are ofF-limits to your
Mac, because Maes don't speak PCL.
Wrong again. You can teach your Mac to
speak PC Land other PC printer languages
with one of three good packages: the Grap-
pler lisp ($ 159), from Orange Micro (714-
779-2772); the PowerPrint ($149), from
GOT Softworks (604-291-9121); and the
MaePrim ($149), from Insight Develop¬
ment (510-652-4115). These packages
work with a variety of PC printers by
translating QuickDraw commands into
Another myth would have
you believe that printers
that speak PCL or other
PC printer languages are
off-limits to your Mac.
Wrong again.
something the printer in question can
The Grappler and the PowerPrint each
enable you to print to dozens of laser, dot¬
matrix, inkjet, and bubblejet printers. In
fact. Orange Micro bundles the Grappler
with several of its portable PC inkjet print¬
ers, The MacPrint is used with laser print¬
ers only; it's noteworthy for including
ForUMapper, a utility that creates bit¬
mapped screen fonts corresponding to
PCL cartridge fonts so you can see PCL
fonts on-screen as well as in printouts.
By substituting a bit-mapped represen¬
tation of the font for the real thing, all
three of these utilities let you use TrueType
fonts on non-TrueType printers. The
PowerPrint and the MacPrint can do the
same for Type I PostScript — but as with
Freedom of Press, make sure you have
time on your hands.
Let’s Get Physical
Getting past the real and mythological
language barriers solves much of the prob¬
lem, but you also have to make a connec¬
tion. You can connect a printer to a single
computer or to a bunch of computers.
Let's start with the simple one-to-one sce¬
nario and work our way up.
One Mac , One PC Printer. The
Centronix parallel port is the most com¬
monly used printer interface for PCs. The
Mac's printer port, on the other hand, is a
serial interface, so the Grappler and the
PowerPrint come with a serial-to-paral lei
Anti-virus software
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Computer virus problems within your organization can be a
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Circle 75 on reader service card.
224 January 1993 MacUser
No more standing in line! Now you can fax graphics and files right
from your Mac or PowerBook.
The new Sportster® Mac & Fax and WorldPort™ PowerBook fax/data modems
support Group III fax capabilities. This makes them compatible with fax
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With Fax' software, called “superior” and a “joy to use" by MacWorld
magazine, sending and receiving faxes is as easy as printing a file. And fast? With 14,400
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Everything you need is in the box, even software and Mac cables. H [T i ¥11- ■■
So pick up a Sportster or WorldPort today, plug it in, and forget about it. ULplmOliDXICS
This is truly a Fax Potato’s dream come true! ^ lnlBir,9ent atoice in 0313
For more information call: 1 -800-DIAL-USR. In Canada, call 1:800-553-3560 U.S. Robotics Inc., 8100 N. McCormick Bfvd. Skokie, Illinois 60076
Circle 165 oh reader service card.
converter cable—a cable thai fortunately
doesn't require an external power supply.
For those rare PC printers that do not
have parallel ports, serial cables arc also
available with the Grapplcr and ihc
Printer Sharing in a Bax. For those
who can’t hog a printer for themselves,
some non-network options enable mul¬
tiple computers to share printers. Print-
sharing devices are boxes with multiple
serial ports for PCs or Macs and parallel
ports for one or two printers. This type of
device is fairly common at PC sites; prices
range from a few hundred dollars to about
$1,500, depending on the number of con¬
nections. One of the best is the BridgePurt,
from Extended Systems (208-322-7575),
a prim-sharing device that includes a
LocalTalk port for connecting a network
of Macs to the box. Be sure to specify
Bridgeport model ES1-2679C ($595),
which recognizes and switches between
PCLand PostScript. The BridgcPort gives
Macs the benefit of a network but leaves
PCs hanging on serial cables.
Contrary to popular myth,
AppleTalk on PCs can run
on speedy Ethernet as
well as on slower
LocalTalk hardware,
thanks to cards from
several popular vendors.
The next step up is a network compris¬
ing both Macs and PCs as well as Mac
and PC printers. First, let’s take the Mac¬
centric view, putting PCs and PC printers
on AppleTalk — a good approach if you
have more Maes than PCs.
PCs on Mac Networks. Adding PCs to
AppleTalk gives PC users a connection to
Mac printers. Installing AppleTalk in PCs
is easy and relatively inexpensive —
around $3(X) to S400 per PC for a network
card and software. Contrary to a myth
popular in the PC tribe, AppleTalk on
PCs can run on speedy Ethernet as well as
on slower LocalTalk hardware, thanks to
cards from several popular vendors.
AppleTalk software comes in the form of
PhoneNET Talk ($195), from Farallon
(510-596-9100), or COPSTalk ($179),
from Cooperative Priming Solutions
(4tM-84Q-08l0). Each of these products
gives PC users a Chooser-like menu that
lists all the printers on an AppleTalk net¬
work and also lists other network ser¬
vices. At press time, COPSTalk had the
advantage of supporting Windows. Fll be
taking a closer look at these products in a
future column.
PC Printers on Mac Networks. You
can also put PC printers on AppleTalk
networks. A Feature of the Grappler lisp
makes a printer connected to any Mac
available through the Chooser of net¬
worked Macs that have the GrapplerSharc
extension installed. GDT’s PowerPrint/
SW does the same thing but at a higher
cost ($239). The PowerPrint/LT ($399)
uses a special parallcl-to-LocalTalk con¬
nector/cable to put the printer on Apple-
Talk without making you connect it to a
14.4K bps, laptop to desktop.
PowerPort/Gold Internal Fax/Modem
PowerPort/Gold, the first 14.4K bps internal fax/modem
for the Power Book, is the produet of choice for mobile
computing. Power Port/C wild supports the fastest data
communication standards available - optimal for AppleTalk* *
Remote Access, Using ARA, you can check your E-Mail,
access a file server, or files on yottr desktop computer just as
if you were at the office. Anil our acclaimed GlohalFax
software, bundled with every product, makes faxing
as easy as printing a document.
Pricing i
" Ppn^tPiwlr ,, Gc4d fax trareuri&Sfon ,rf 96Q0 bp*.
Mac. For real PostScript (at a higher price),
you can use the Bridgeport,
On the printer end, some HP LaserJet
models have an expansion slot that ac¬
cepts a LocaiTalk card. Extended Sys¬
tems sells a line of such cards that do a
good job. One of the most recenL the
ExtendTalk board ($745) for the HP
LaserJet 4, contains LocaiTalk and thin
coaxial (I OB ASE-2) Ethernet and twisted¬
pair (10BASE-T) Ethernet ports. The
Ethernet ports support EtherTalk (that’s
AppleTalk on Ethernet) and Novell
NetWare as well as NetWare Lite, and
they support both PCL and PostScript
If you’re shopping for new primers,
look for units from the platform-correct
printer manufacturers that have begun to
include both AppleTalk and parallel ports
as stock features on their printers. Some
primers can even recognize incoming
signals and switch between the ports on
the fly, a welcome trend in mu hi platform
printing. Good port-switching laser print¬
ers include the Apple LaserWriter Ilgx.
Some printers can even
recognize incoming Mac or
PC signals and switch
between AppleTalk and
parallel ports on the fly,
a welcome trend in
multiplatform printing.
the Texas Instruments microLaser XL
Turbo, and the Compact Pagemarq,
The PC Network View. By now, those
who don’t have Mac-centric setups arc
probably saying, lt Gci real — we’re not
going U> move dozens or hundreds of PCs
to AppleTalk.” This brings me back to
where I started: Novell NetWare, solver
of all problems. Or maybe solver of only
some problems, NetWare provides the
Mac-to-PC connection but does nothing
about the language barrier; Mac users still
can’t print to the legions of PCL printers.
To handle this language problem, you
can upgrade ail the printers to PostScript
or TrueType or use Insight’s Mosaic for
Macintosh, now being sold by Ungerman
Bass and Bitstream. Mosaic for Macin¬
tosh is basically the MacPrint software
working on a NetWare network. It even
includes the Mac Print’s FontMapper util¬
ity. You can use it with an HP LaserJet II,
HD, IIP, III, HID, IBP, or Ills! or any PC
printer compatible with one of these
Novel I-Dependent No More
There is no One Big Solution for
multiplatform printing. As long as our
offices have mixes of operating systems,
printer languages, and connection meth¬
ods, there may never be. But small solu¬
tions abound, proving that it is possible to
print to other platforms without making
offerings to the connectivity gods — at
least sometimes. I!j|
John F&zzd b often myttazeri as Abcttserlc teeto¬
tal ttStw*. He is too the attar of MtoteraafcM
Now from Global Village.
TelePort/Gold Desktop Fax/Modem
Now, when you need to access your office.
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Introducing TelePort/Gold , our new 14.4K bps
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PowerPurt/Gold ensure 14.4K bps access speeds and complete
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Circle 244 on reader service card.
terbatim* tapes, optical and floppy disks. Your best defense against data bss.
Circle 162 on reader service card.
persona; macintosh
At last! Somebody’s
figured out how to
provide all the
functionality of
aquarium Fish without
including a screen
saver. The Japanese
company 9003inc is
developing Aqua
Zone, an application
that perfectly
simulates an
aquarium full of tetra,
goldfish, catfish, and
other scaly stuff.
The bad news; If you
overfeed them, your
fish can still go belly
up. The good news:
You won’t have to
flush them down
the toilet.
By James Bradbury
This one’s on the mouse: What is it about
mice that makes people want to put things on top
of them? First came the Corvette Mouse (Sep¬
tember ’92, page 245). Then there was the Mouse
Yoke for flight simulation (‘The MacUser 100,”
December ’92, page 124). Now there’s Contour
Designs’ MouseTopper ($19.99), the input-device equivalent of the fiber¬
glass Rolls-Royce front ends that people used to stick onto Volkswagen
Beetles. The idea is that you can unscrew the top of the regular Apple-
provided mouse and replace it with the larger, more ergonomically correct
Topper. Although this might look like a plastic placebo, several MacUser
editors have sworn that they can feel the difference. 415-941-1000.
Beautiful downtown Burbank: What time is it? Burbank, a free
utility from the Macintosh Consultant’s Network, displays as many as four
different clocks and, as far as we know, is the first Mac program to be
inspired by “Laugh-In.” You can con¬
figure the clocks however you like and
name them after various cities. Best of all,
if you name a clock Burbank, it won’t keep
the correct time —just like its TV name¬
sake. (A workaround is provided for Burbank residents.) 800-729-4626 or
Software for hard times: A sign of the times, perhaps. A new version
(2.0) of Bankruptcy Mac is available for $119. The set of FileMaker Pro
templates generates all the necessary forms for filing with the clerk of any
U.S. District Bankruptcy Court. The publisher (cpo law) assures us that
no other bankruptcy program for the Mac comes close to matching this price.
Must be a price-sensitive market. 419-695-8480.
You don’t need a weatherman: Need to know which way the wind
blows? Accu-Weather Forecaster, from The Software Toolworks (415-883-
3000), provides access to Accu-Data, a dial-in weather database that in¬
cludes National Weather Service forecasts. More important, it lets you create
your own color weather maps (handy if you live in hurricane country).
In addition to the $39.95 cost of the software, there’s a usage fee for the data.
Just for fun: Forget about the director’s cut of Blade Runner. Presto
Studios’ long-awaited The Journeyman Project, a CD-ROM time-travel
adventure with stunning rendered graphics,
sets the current standard for new Perfonna
600 CD owners who are looking for some¬
thing to stuff into that shiny new slot. 619-
689-4895. $99.95. ^
MacUser January 1993 229
Kensington introduces two new products for PowerBook®
Kensington NoteBook KeyPad
Want to add full keyboard performance to your Power Book?
Want to enter numbers fast and accurately?
The Kensington NoteBook KeyPad is die answer.
Features include a calculator-style layout, mathematical
function keys and an oversized Enter key All keys are full-size*
We even added die “5 Dot Home Key” for touch users.
What's more, 15 additional Function keys
help reduce keystrokes and enable VAX/
main 1 rame com m uni ca lion *
The Kensington NoteBook KeyPad has a
small footprint, weighs just under 9 oz., plugs
into any ADB port and is System 7 compatible*
Kensington NoteBook Traveler™
Here's a traveling case: that is rugged, yet light¬
weight Stylish, yet functional. Best of all, the NoteBook
Traveler is designed just for die PowerBook.
Features include an outer shell of 1000-denier high den¬
sity nylon, water-resistant coaling, padded computer compart¬
ment, rivet-reinforced padded handle, removable shoulder
strap, reinforced webbing and a self repairing zipper.
The Deluxe version includes an additional full length
11" x 14” zippered compartment for papers and manuals,
numerous pockets for spare battery/disk storage, plus a
quick access outside pocket
Always, a part of your system*
As one of the first Apple Developers, Kensington
works closely with Apple to insure quality and
compatibility in both function and design.
For more information, call 800-5354242.
Outside the US, 415-572-2700* For informa¬
tion by fax, call 800-5354242 and enter 82*
NnU'tktfjL Tnndcrisa ir^tcmnk ;mr| Kriisinj>ioii irarlraxarL ofKcnDgtoa Mkrowarc Limitnl,
Apple* Hfufiimirvb mhI IVtaciBuuL aft rejjttiercd trademarks rtf Apple Computer Inr.l- 1992 Ktiuiiigioti Mjcmwar* Umiinl. 7/92
Circle 130 on reader service card.
No Forwarding Address
If Apple wants to
attract more people to
mobile computing, it
needs to do better
at keeping them
connected when
they're on the move ,
By Henry Bortman
A ppleTalk networks are easy to connect
to; it’s when you disconnect that the
trouble starts*
When Apple invented the AppleTalk net¬
work system, it did something very innova¬
tive and very eleven It made it possible for a
user to connect a Mac to a network and, with¬
out any manual configuration (in most cases),
begin sharing files and networked printers.
No other network system had made that pos¬
sible before. Many still don’t*
But computing has changed since Apple
Talk was first developed, nearly a decade ago.
If s going mobile* Mobile users are likely to
connect and disconnect their computer from
their primary network frequently. In Fact, they
may noL have a single primary network: They
may have one network they connect to in San
Francisco, another in New York, and another
in Tokyo. They may even have more than one
computer. But wherever they are, whatever
computer they’re using, they want to be able
to gel their mail, send and receive faxes, print
flics, and exchange data with the home office.
1 disconnect my PowerBook from the
MacUser network at least once a day — some¬
times four or five times a day. It depends on
how many meetings I have. If I remember to
log off from my net work-based applications
manually before 1 disconnect no problem.
But I’m too old to remember things like that.
More often it works like this: I find a free
minute. I sit down at my desk and log on to
QuickMuil. I open a bunch of messages —
let’s say 20* My eyes alight on an urgent one
about a crisis I have to handle. IPs from my
boss, informing me about the irate vendor of
the week, whose product just got a one-mouse
rating* I start to reply. There’s a knock on my
door* It’s my boss, in the flesh this time,
summoning me to a weekly planning meeting
thaL I was hoping no one would notice my
failure to attend.
As I drag myself away from my electronic
window' on the world, I glance over my shoul¬
der at the 19 unread messages and promise
myself I'll get back to them later* But the
meeting turns into lunch, and lunch segues
into another meeting, and it's two and a half
hours before I return to my office*
Meanwhile, my machine has gone to sleep*
1 tap the space bar to reactivate it* The 19
messages pop back up on the screen, along
with my half-composed reply to message num¬
ber l. I finish crafting my response. 1 go to
click on the Send button. But it’s grayed out. I
can’t send my reply* I panic. I realize Fve
been disconnected. I’m no longer communing
with my QuickMalJ server* If I want to send
my reply, I have to (1) save it to my local hard
disk, (2) log off QuickMaiJ, (3) log back on
(dutifully typing in my password — security
is important, after all), (4) reopen the saved
message, and then (5) click on the Send but¬
ton. This is definitely not an intuitive, user-
friendly experience,
lu all fairness, QuickMail isn't the only
product with this problem* Several network
MacUser January 1993 231
See us at
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Booth 3262
Power Pr i nt™
©>w you can use your Mac® to print
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Portable printers for PowerBooks™,
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Both products are also available in net¬
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Circle 24 oh reader service card.
applications suffer from a similar afflic¬
tion. Take AppleShare, for example* Sup¬
pose your PowerBook is logged on to a
file server* You unplug the PowerBook to
take it to the conference room, where
you’re scheduled to do a presentation.
When you get there, the volume is still
displayed on your desktop. But when you
double-click on the icon to open it, you
are informed that “The file server’s con¬
nection has unexpectedly closed.”
Apple has taken some steps toward
alleviating this problem. Aliases, a fea¬
ture of System 7, make it easy to remount
a shared volume manually if you do get
unceremoniously disconnected. For those
who are fortunate enough to own one of
Apple’s newest PowerBooks — the 160,
180, Duo 210, or Duo 230 — Auto-
Remounter, a new Apple utility that comes
with and works on only those machines,
provides additional assistance. When you
shut down your Mac or put it to sleep,
AutoRemounter remembers which shared
volumes are mounted on your desktop. It
then automatically remounts these vol¬
umes when you reconnect your Mac to
the same network. Unfortunately, regard¬
less of what kind of PowerBook you’re
using, if you pull the network plug with¬
out putting your PowerBook to sleep or
shutting it down first, you’re simply —
well — disconnected.
Walk and Run
As long as most people connect to
AppleTalk networks with a physical wire
or by dialing in with AppleTalk Remote
Access, the disconnection problem will
remain in the chronic-but-manageable
category* There are workarounds for the
instances I’ve mentioned — irritating
workarounds perhaps, but workarounds
nonetheless. But in the next few years,
mobile computing is going to take a leap
forward. Technologies such as spread-
spectrum radio and diffuse infrared, which
make possible on-the-fly wireless network
connection and disconnection, will ag¬
gravate the problem.
Imagine, if you will, an office building
set up with diffuse infrared* Each office
and conference room has a transceiver in
the ceiling* Walk into a room, and you’re
connected* Walk out, and you’re discon¬
nected. Within a few years, this type of
networking will be commonplace. And
when wireless networking does become
pervasive, you would no doubt be most
displeased if every time you walked into
or out of a room, you had to log off and
back on to all of your network applica¬
tions. This will be all the more true, be¬
cause the trend in software is toward net¬
worked, workgroup applications, so you’II
probably be running more networked ap¬
plications in the future than you do today.
The next phase, which has already be¬
gun, will see application developers find¬
ing ways to build support for dynamic
connection and disconnection in to their
applications* For example. Now Up-to-
Date (NUD), a group calendar program,
has such a scheme. Even if you leave a
Regardless of what kind of
PowerBook you’re using, if
you pull the network plug
without putting your
PowerBook to sleep or
shutting it down first,
you’re simply — well —
group calendar document open on your
screen when you disconnect from the net¬
work (or put your PowerBook to sleep),
when you reconnect, NUD will automati¬
cally find the calendar server and update
the open document. We may also .see
third-party developers coming up widi
generic connection/disconnection utilities
that will work across a broad range of
applications. But ultimately, this is a prob¬
lem Apple would do well to solve at the
system-software level. That way, all net¬
worked applications could take advan¬
tage of the feature*
Then there’s the problem of “Where
has that computer gone to now?’ The
way your PowerBook — or any other
computer — communicates with other
devices on a network is by establishing an
identity, a network addmss, from which it
can send and at which it can receive mes¬
sages, files, and so on* But just what is
your computer’s network address if you’re
constantly moving from one wireless net¬
work to another?
To get some perspective on this prob¬
lem, let’s take a look at some other types
of addressing* Postal addresses, for ex¬
ample, describe a particular recipient at a
particular physical location. As such,
postal addressing provides only minimal
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“M. Y.O.B. , . .commandbuttons ...amarranged in a flow
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Analysis Windows
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Circle 152 on reader service card.
support for people who move around. If
you go on vacation and you know vour
address on a particular day, you will be
able to receive a letter sent to you there
(with sufficient allowance for delivery
lime). Often, however your mail arrives
after you've already moved on, A net¬
work set up along similar principles
wouldn't make for a very efficient com¬
munication system.
How about telephone numbers? These
are. after all a type of address. With the
exception of those of cellular phones,
phone numbers are much like postal ad¬
dresses, A land line, the type of phone
line you have going into your house, is
hard-wired to a single physical location.
You have different phone numbers lor
your home and for your workplace. If
you're a mobile worker without a cellular
phone and you want to be able to receive
phone calls, you need to leave your itiner¬
ary with someone, including the times
you plan to be at various locations and the
phone number at each stop.
Cellular phones are quite different.
though. In their case, a phone number is
associated not with a wire run to a physi¬
cal location but rather with a mobile radio
transceiver. (You just think it’s a phone:
Really ills a radio.) This is not a petty
distinction. With cellular phones, your
“address" travels with you. As you wan¬
der in and out of different radio-transmis-
sion cells, the circuits and airwaves over
which your call gels routed change. But
as long as you've got the phone wiLh you
and you're in range, wherever you are,
you can be contacted by people who have
a single phone number —- or telephone
address, if you will — for you.
What's all this got to do with computer
networks? I thought you might be won¬
dering. As computing becomes more mo¬
bile and wireless connections become
more common, the need will increase for
a computer-network addressing system
that functions more like cellular-phone
numbers than like street addresses or land-
line-phone numbers. As you and your
computing device move from one wire¬
less computer-network "cel I” to another.
you'll want to remain connected — to file
servers, news wires, electronic-mail sys¬
tems, databases — and you'll want to be
reachable by people who won’t necessar¬
ily know where you are.
The problem is that none of today's
major computer-network addressing
schemes work this way. They all work
more like street addresses and land-line-
phone numbers than like cellular-phone
numbers. This is as true for AppleTalk as
it is for other systems.
Take System 7 file sharing, for ex¬
ample. You can share a folder from your
PowerBook *s hand disk as a volume on
the network. Another user can then log on
to your shared volume and can even cre¬
ate an alias to your volume, to simplify
the task of logging on again later. But if
you move yourPowcrBook from one seg¬
ment of your network 10 another, the alias
will no longer work. That's because your
address is hard-wired.
This problem is compl icated even more
by the fact that you may have more than
one computer. And you may want to be
Bundle of Power
Seven great products that are just right for your PowerBook'
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234 January 1993 MacUser
You can manage
a whole heap of things
with Helix Express.*
Ma nagin g piles of information
is child’s play to Helix Express.
If your personal and business information
management needs are simple at the
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can do, plus a whole heap more!
Helix Express is ready for
'/ action right out of the box.
Our family of Ready-to-Go Solutions
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With them, you can manage:
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* customer, client * order entry and
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...and much, much more!
Helix Express has
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as your needs grow.
Because it’s so easy to use (and because of
its amazing flexibility) Helix Express is the
one and only solution for peopl e who need a
flat file database now, and a relational
database program in the future.
Now, wait a minute...who said anything
about “flat file" and ‘‘relational*’ databases?
And what’s the difference, anyway?
Circle 201 on reader service card.
4!00ComM£rqai. Avenue. Nokthbkxm, JL G0062
Why you really, really should
want a program that will do a
“whole heap more.”
In a flat file database program, you can per¬
form simple functions like searching, report
mg, and indexing.
For now, that may be all the capability you
need. And Helix Express is the solution.
In the beginning, you might use Helix
Express to...
...keep track of customers.
As your business grows, you can also use it to...
...keep track of customers and
...produce invoices.
Of course, youll continue to be
more and more successful. And
when you are, you can use Helix
Express to..
...keep track
of customers
...produce invoices and
...controlyour inventory
and receivables.
Pretty soon you’ll have more and more peo¬
ple working for you (although not as many as
you would need without Helix Express).
And guess what? They can use Helix Express,
too, because...
...its also a multi-user program.
Helix Express is the
complete database solution
for Mac users of all sizes.
It’s "kidstufT for you to start
using it! Most relational
databases require you to
use programming language
to design an application. With
Helix Express, you don’t need to
learn a single command or write
a single line of program code.
What’s more, it includes
document and project
management features not
available anywhere else!
It allows you to store and search fora docu¬
ment by a key word, then retrieve and launch
it in its native format Helix Express can spec¬
ify workflow and track project progress. It
even has version control to track who updat¬
ed a document, and when. It results in so
many more timesaving benefits not offered
by any other database program that you’ll
just have to call us to leam more about them!
Let Helix Express manage
vour “whole heap of things”
now, and in the future.
* Except babies.
For that, you’re
t hen you
send us the firs
t page of any dab
ithtise t
(Double Helix up
grade also available.
l Call/b
r details!
Keeping fit
is no mystery
CLUE: Tind an exercise program you like.
Whether it be jogging, aerobic dancing, brisk walking or
any of dozens of sports, there’s an exercise for everyone.
Just find the activity you like and get moving...
CLUE: Make it part of your weekly routine.
Three 20-minute sessions per week of an aerobic
exercise will help build up your heart/lung fitness. Add
20-30 minutes of muscle strengthening exercise 2-3
times a week and a few minutes of daily stretching and
your overall fitness will improve.
CLUE: Remember to warm up and cool down.
A 5-10 minute session of limbering exercises, such as
slow jogging, knee lifts, arm circles, etc., before and
after your workout will help make exercise safe
and effective. ,
CLUE: Stay with H. °
Although more people are exercising
than ever before, many drop out
within six months. The key is to
Stay With It. Only those who
exercise regularly get all the
For a free “Staying With lt“ booklet, write
Fitness, Dept 110. Washington. D C. 20001.
The President'* Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports
able to access the same information, the
same electronic messages, from either one.
In this case, the problem isn’t solved even
if each of your computers has its own
cellular-style address. A richer address¬
ing scheme is required. You need an ad¬
dress that identifies you , regardless of
where you are physically or what com¬
puter you’re using. Even cellular tech¬
nologists haven’t come up with an an¬
swer to this one yet.
Iff Apple is serious about
wanting to sell you
mobile, wireless
computing, it’s going to
have to guarantee that
you can stay connected.
But one thing, hinted at earlier, is clear:
If Apple is serious about wanting to sell
you mobile, wireless computing, whether
it be in the form of PowerBooks or New¬
tons, it’s going to have to guarantee, at the
system level, that you can stay connected
— and addressable. It will be interesting
to see how far OCE (Open Collaboration
Environment), a messaging extension to
System 7, due sometime in 1993, goes
toward resolving some of these problems.
Printing to Go
Meanwhile, GCC (617-890-0880) re¬
cently released its WriteMove II printer.
Designed for PowerBook users, weigh¬
ing in at a mere 2.5 pounds (with the
rechargeable battery) and measuring 12 x
3.5 x 2 inches, this $599 printer can pro¬
duce around 12 to 16 pages on a six-hour
charge. Inkjet technology has dominated
the low-cost-compact-printer market of
late, but the WriteMove II uses a ribbon
for imaging. That doesn’t mean poor qual¬
ity either, its 360-dpi engine is capable of
near-laser-printer quality.
The WriteMove II ships with ATM
and 21 Adobe Type I fonts and supports
TrueType as well. GCC takes a unique
approach to print spooling. Rather than
supporting PrintMonitor, a print spooler
that comes as part of Mac system soft¬
ware, GCC bundles its own background-
printing utility, which provides users with
a print-preview function, something
PrintMonitor doesn’t offer.
Henry Bortman b maaatri tecnracal dree ter.
236 January 1993 MacUser
the only document management program
Have you ever wondered where to locale the most recent
Tracker was designed specifically to help you work
together effectively—to transform chaos into cooperation
and colhboratioa Designed for workgroups of 4 to 20
people, Tracker allows users in a workgroup to exchange
ideas and documents by creating and assuring tasks...and
by routing those tasks through the workflow process.
Tracker improves group productivity by tracking projects '
progress as they move from user io user. You can check
and track a task’s status at any time. Maintain a complete
audit trail for all tasks. Automatically save each version of
a document, then store and retrieve it by key word.
Hehx Tracker allows you to manage documents without
forcing you to change the way you work It’s application-
independent, and is compatible with afl Mac applications.
Tracker is a productivity-enhancement tool that helps you
allocate resources more effectively, improve workgroup
accountability and productivity—and meet more deadlines!
cular task? Helix Tracker gives you the answer to these and
dozens of other questions you need to know to control the
paper blizzard and work effectively as a team.
Find out how Tracker can save you from
the frenzy in your workgroup’s work-
flow. Talk to one of our friendly group
ware specialists, and ask for a free copy
of “The Irresistible Dream of Group
ware." Call us toll free today!
708-205-1669 FAX; 708-291-7091
4100 Commemal Avenue Nokikhrook, Iuhos 60002
Circle 246 oh reader service card.
A groupware
program that
so it won't
Omr goal at NEC is the
complete integration
of computers and
communications. The
Siientwriter Model
95ft is just one of
many innovative
products that kelp us
to realist this god.
For example, we not
only developed the
first notebook com¬
puter with a built-in
phone and fax, we
make satellite dishes
capable cf sending
data worldwide.
Patented Sharp Edge Technology delivers 600
DPI-equivalent clarity.
Automatic interface switching supports both
Macs and PCs.
Under S2,349 (MSRP). Far less than you’d pay
for any printer/fax multifunction combination.
The Silentwriter Model 95fk Printer/Fax
Because ^ is the way you want to go.
To upgrade your existing Silentwriter Model 95 printer with fax capability (U.S. only), or for more information about the Silentwriter Model 95fa, call NEC at 1-800-325-5500.
Circle 213 on reader service card.
f| II the pundits say the
H same thing: Back up
your data regularly. But if
you have large quantities of
data to hack up, that can
pose a problem. Bucking
up to floppy disks is usually
inefficient or downright
impossible; belter media
are tape, removable
cartridges, or even another
hard drive. Here are some
pointers for making sure
you get the right backup
device for your needs.
For more on hacking up,
see 1 *M agn el i c-Cartridge
Drives; The Next
Generation," January ’92-
page 126; “Less Is More:
Digital Audiotape"
October *91, page 116; and
“The Best Backup
St ra tegics.' ! Oc toil er ■ 91,
page 206. For information
on network backup,
“Overnight Success
Network Backup * August
*91, page 111
By Victoria von Biel
How to Buy
Storage Devices
0 If you hack up only small amounts of data
— memos, occasional reports and spreadsheets,
or data from a personal-finance program —
floppy disks may be a valid choice. However,
larger quantities of data require you to feed
many floppies into your Mac, making backup
fc/j If you have another hard disk at your
disposal, you can back up to that. If you keep a
System Folder on this hard disk, you can also
bool from it if your primary hard drive fails.
Tiie drawback is that hard disks have a fixed
capacity: When you fill one up with data, you
either have to start erasing data or move to
another medium.
0 Tape is a convenient and very economical
medium for backing up moderate to large
amounts of data. Choose DAT (digital audio-
tape) — ideal because each cassette can store
1.2 to 2 gigabytes of data and drives are fairly
moderately priced — or 8-millimeter video¬
tape (as much as 2,2 gigabytes) and data cas¬
settes such as TEAC 150 cassettes (as much as
150 megabytes).
0 Although tape is inexpensive, holds a lot of
data, and takes up little storage room, you
cannot boot from DAT or other tapes and
restoring data is slow,
0 Tape is the best medium for short-term
archiving. As it gets old and is used repeat¬
edly, tape — like all magnetic media — loses
its data. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible
to rescue data from a damaged cassette.
0 You will need special software if you de¬
cide to back up to tape. Most products include
such software, but the quality varies, A good
third-party backup program that can be used
with a variety of backup media is Damz
Development's Retrospect, which is included
with some drives.
0 Look for software that does file-by-fde
backups, in which individual files are stored
on tape as separate entities and you can restore
whatever files you need. Avoid programs that
perform image backups only, requiring that
you restore the entire contents of your hard
disk rather than specific files.
0 Try out the software — it should be both
simple to use and able to perform unattended
0 Magnetic cartridges (such as SyQuest and
Bernoulli cartridges) can hold 40 to 90 mega¬
bytes of da La and can double as startup de¬
vices. These cartridges must be treated with
care, however, because rough handling can
damage them. Bernoulli cartridges tend to be
more stable than SyQuest ones,
0 Although you'll probably receive a free
cartridge when you buy a magnetic-cartridge
drive, you'll need to buy several more over
time. A 45-megabyte removable cartridge costs
about $65. Cartridges are not necessarily in¬
terchangeable among drives, so IInd out which
cartridge is compatible with yours.
0 For the sake of convenience, look for mag¬
netic-cartridge drives that let you mount the
drive cither vertically or horizontally (for more
efficient use of desktop space) and that have
extra AC outlets on the back panel (to avoid
cord clutter).
0 If you need to back up your files for long¬
term storage, a magneto-optical drive is your
best bet. Optical cartridges arc a very stable
medium, with a shelf life of approximately ten
years. What’s more, the medium is inexpen¬
sive, although magneto-optical drives are soil
0 For the best security, make more than one
backup and store one copy off-site in a fire¬
proof compartment.
Macdser January 1993 239
DeltaGraph* Professional for IVIacintosK
The World’s Best Charting,
Graphing, and Presentation Program
“DeltaGraph Professional has no
competition. No package offere the tools, elegant interface,
and variety of sophisticated chart types. Also unmatched is
its flexibility for formatting, tweaking, and modifying every
chart element. If you’re looking for the best, look no further
than DeltaGraph Pro.”
—Becky Waring, MacUser, June 1992
“Feature for feature, DeltaGraph Professional is the l>est
general-purpose business and technical charting program
available for the Macintosh.”
—BUI Justin, MACWORLD, May 1992
“Best graphic and charting package on the Mac. Adding
presentation capabilities gives me more flexibility.”
—Roger Gliebe, Lockheed Corporation
“It’s a graphics presentation power house.”
—Joe Lee, General Electric Information Services
“I am impressed with the range of
tilings DeltaGraph Pro does. It’s the
only product on the market that
addresses all complex charting needs.
DG Pro is one hot product.”
—Lon S. Jennings, TRW Electronics
“DG Pro has expanded the range of
chart types that I can produce and
provides charts that are not available
on any other Mac package.”
—David Peltz, Mac Engineering and
Scientific Report, CADventures
“DeltaGraph Professional does things
that Excel, Cricket, and Wingz does,
but better and easier. It consists of
more useful items such as making a
bunch of graphs on one document
without having to do a lot of cut and pasting.
I use DeltaGraph Professional in place of all
other graphic systems.”
—John Kingsley, Kingsley Associates
“Any scientist or engineer should have this
package for the charting features alone.”
—Doug and Denise Green, InfoWorld Magazine
It is exceptionally easy
to use and provides
more flexibility than any
other package available.”
— Dr. Jaime Dananherg,
University of Michigan
Limited Time Offer
TI-68 scientific calculator
included inside each box of
DeltaGraph Professional A
$60,00 value absolutely free
1 - 800446-6955
««» i
L MacLPiw June, 1992 Murh 2X 1992
Delta* Point 2 Harris Cuurt - suite
r r Monlerey, CA 93940
r Fax (408) 6484047
Circle 42 on reader service card.
syndrome, headaches,
injuries, bad back,
blurred vision — the
list of painful injuries
your Mac can inflict
on you is long. Fight
back with the VDT
News ’ Sixth Annual
VDT Product
Directory ($15),
which lists almost
200 companies that
sell ergonomic
products. Or get a
subscription to VDT
News (you’ll get the
directory free). It’s
the publication for
keeping abreast of
issues. 212-517-2802.
$87 per year.
By Victoria von Biel
Command Performas: If you want to turn your new
consumer Mac into a fasta Performa, note that DayStar
Digital has added support for both the Performa 400 and the
600 to its Universal PowerCache, bringing to 12 the num¬
ber of Macs supported by this versatile CPU accelerator (take it with you
when you move up to your next Mac). You can plug the PowerCache
directly in to the 600’s accelerator slot; you need a $49 adapter to use it with
the 400 (and all other Macs except the Ilci, which doesn’t require an
adapter). Prices range from $649 for a 33-megahertz accelerator to $1,599
for a 50-megahertz PowerCache with a 68882 math chip. 404-967-2077.
Remote control: Here’s something for
the Wizard of Oz — Mac Extend from Pre¬
sentation Electronics. It lets you use a key¬
board, mouse, or other ADB device from as
far as 1,000 feet away from your Mac (from
behind a curtain, perhaps?), so you’re
not tied to your Mac during a presentation.
The Mac Extend Plus goes one better, offer¬
ing a hand-held remote control that lets you issue keyboard and mouse
commands from as far as 40 feet away. Of course, freedom has its price —
the Mac Extend Plus costs a hefty $849, and the Mac Extend is $699. 916-
652-9281. t^For those who need to remotely boot a roomful of Macs (in a
lab or classroom, for example). Sonic System’s The Diskless Mac has just
been upgraded to speed up the whole process. TDM ($149) lets you create
diskless workstations on your network so you can control what files users
can access. 408-293-8600.
When the going gets tough: The tough
go on-line. Need to fit in a little last-minute
holiday shopping? LA Online is a free on¬
line service that offers many of the same
shopping services found on CompuServe,
America Online, and Prodigy. To buy such things
as software, hardware, books, CDs, wine, roses, contact lenses (a nerd’s
dream date?), all you need is a modem and a credit card (although if
you’re outside the LA area, you’li also pay for a loll call). To try it out, have
your modem call 310-372-4050. Or you can call 310-372-9364 for more
information, Get a handle on all of the shareware available from on-line
services, with MacUser contributing editor Greg Wasson’s new book. The
MacUser Guide to Shareware, from Ziff-Davis Press. More than 400 pro¬
grams are listed, and a free accompanying disk contains eight of the most
outstanding ones. 510-601-2000. $34.95. ig
MacUser January 1993 241
Word Power
By Marianne Carroll
H ow much did you pay for your word-processing soft¬
ware? $200? $400? Chances are you’re using only
about 10 percent of the power you paid for Many
Mac users still think of their favorite word processor as an
electronic cousin of the typewriter and haven’t discovered
how their software can automate document formatting.
If you rely on the space bar. Return key, and Tab key to
painstakingly format your letters, memos, and reports, take a
look at the following ten tips, and you’ll discover how most
word-processing packages can make the process a lot easier
— and faster. Most of these tips work with the major word¬
processing packages. And once you’ve started exploring your
software’s special functions, you're bound to discover more
techniques that will streamline document creation.
Before you start, you need to take two basic steps. First,
display the ruler in your document; in most programs, when
you do so, you also open up a whole toolbox of formatting
shortcuts. Some word processors automatically display the
ruler; if that’s not the case with your program, you can usually
find a command on the View, Layout, or Format menu that
makes the ruler visible.
The next step is to select Show Invisibles or Show U from
your program’s View or Edit menu so you can see all the
nonprinting character symbols, such as spaces, returns, and
tabs, within your document,
Marianne Carroll is the author of Marianne Carroll's Super Desktop Docu¬
ments (New York: Brady Publishing, 1932).
Centered Text -—-
If you've been using the space bar to
center text for letterhead, now’s the lime to
use your word processor 1 s ruler. Delete all
the spaces to the left of the actual text,
select the text you want centered, and
click on the centered-text Icon on ihe ruler
(your word processor may also have a
menu command for centering text) to
center the selected text between the left
and right margins.
Nelson T. Waddles
West Stage Productions
10945 23rd Avenue
Jackson, MN 55235
(612) 407-7998
March 14, 1993
Left Indent/Right Justify -
There are a couple of ways to place a
date or other information on the right side
of the page besides using the space bar
and eyeballing the position. One method is
to select the text you want to move and
drag the ruler's left-indent marker to
position the text. You can also select the
text and choose the right-justify icon on the
ruler, which lines the text up with the
page’s right margin.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence D. Stubley
934 W. Lake Road
Eagle Grove, 1A 50265
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stubley:
Thank you for your recent telephone call inquiring about West Stage Productions’
upcoming season. I will be sending you our spring/summer catalog under separate cover
within the next 15 days.
We hope that your visit to Jackson this spring will be a pleasant one. Since you might
be departing for your vacation before our new brochure is in the mail to you, the
following is a listing of our exciting new productions:
Bullets -
Press Option-8 to create a bullet (* *), or
select the Zapf Dingbat font and choose a
special character for a decorative bullet at
the beginning of your regular texl, (Use the
Key Finder DA to look at the special
dingbat characters.)
Page Breaks -
Instead of inserting extra returns to
move a paragraph of text to a new page,
insert a page break. In most programs,
the Page Break command is on the
Format, Layout, or Insert menu.
* MAD FOHEST (April 12 ^ 19) Caryl Churchill
This play takes a chill ing journey into Romania before, during,
and after the 1989 overthrow of dictator Nicolae Ceaosescu,
“It is wonderful — an evening in the theater where ideas catch
fire and drama crackles in the pregnant air.” — Clive Barnes,
New York Post ,
* A PERFECT GANESH (April 20 - 24) Terrence McNally
He is America's hottest playwright. This eagerly awaited new
play will take its place in the long list of premieres at the West
Stage theater. You won’t be able to see this play anywhere
else, Mr. and Mrs, Smbley,
242 January 1993 Macbser
— Flrst-Une Indent
You can avoid using spaces or tabs at
the beginning of the first line of each
paragraph by creating an automatic first-
line indent. To do so, delete any extra
spaces at the beginning of each paragraph
and drag the first-line indent marker on the
ruler as far as you want, to automatically
indent the first line of text for each
paragraph. Now whenever you press the
Return key. the word processor automati¬
cally indents the first line of the new
- Header Text
If you have text that repeats on each
page (page numbers, titles, or dates),
use the Header command. To prevent the
header text from appearing on the first
page, here’s how a few programs let you
do so: In Microsoft Word, use the Section
command, on the Format menu, and click
on the Different First Page option; in
MacWrite, click on the Title Page option,
on the Format menu; in WordPerfect,
after you've inserted a header, click on
the first page and then go to the Layout
menu and choose the Suppress Format
option for the header; in Write Now, dick
on page 2 and then choose Insert New
Header on the Format menu.
— Hanging Indents
Need to inset text such as quotations
or bulleted text? Using hanging indents
eliminates the clunky, frustrating method
of using returns, tabs, and spaces to tine
up text. First, highlight the text you want
to indent. On the ruler, drag the left-indent
marker to about the 5-inch mark. Next,
drag the first-line indent marker to the
.25-inch mark. If you're entering bulleted
text, after you insert the bullet character,
press the Tab key. This aligns the text on
the first line with the text beneath it.
(Note: If you're using WordPerfect, you
must place a Tab marker at the same
position as the left-indent marker)
March 141993
^ PUTTING IT TOGETHER (April 25 - 30) Stephen Sondheim
With each new musical, Stephen Sondheim practically reinvents
the form. Putting U Together takes the best of Sondheim’s
ground-breaking efforts and weaves them together into a single
night of incomparable entertainment It’s the perfect evening for
students of the musical* devotees of Sondheim* or fans of an
unforgettable night on the town.
— Tickets are only $1? or $25 per performance, or purchase a three-play subscription
series (see the table for prices and dates). We’ll be happy to take your order by fax or by
phone, and you can charge your tickets to a major credit card by calling our offices any
day Monday through Friday between 10 a,m. and 5 p.m. Your tickets will be held for you
at our box office.
Series A Tuesday evenings $47.50
Series B Saturday evenings $75.60
Series C Sunday matinees $65.75
We all look forward to seeing you here in Jackson this spring at our theater.
— Automatic Page Numbers
To number the pages in your document
automatically, click on ihe auto-page icon
in your header, or while you’re in the
Header window, choose the insert Page
Number command from the Edit or
Format menu.
— Space Between Paragraphs
To automatically get a blank line
between paragraphs, you can use the
Paragraph dialog box in most programs
so you don't have to press the Return key
a second time (T/Maker’s WriteNow does
not have this feature). The settings vary
among applications: Some let you place a
space above or below each paragraph.
(Hint: You can narrow the space between
paragraphs if you find you need to fit more
text on a single page.)
Yours truly,
Nelson T. Waddles
Artistic Director
— Tables
If your word-processing program
doesn’t have a table function (or if you
just want to create a small, simple table)*
use tabs rather than spaces to line up the
columns. Use decimal Labs to line up
columns of figures.
MacUser January 1993 243
Every Mac Deserves
Big Color
When it comes to big-screen color, your LC, SE/30 and
Performa 400 now have the same potential as a Mac" II
or Performa 600. The new Lapis ” ProColorServer' display
cards bring full color capability to every color-capable
Mac. That means really big screens — up to two
full pages. And as many colors as you want -
16,777,216 to be exact.
Now you can add 24-bit color to your LC. Expand
your SE/30 with a 21-inch color display. Bring out
the colorful best in your Mac II or Performa 600.
Lapis has a full range of display products that
improve the look and productivity of all types
of Macintosh' computers, from the Plus to the
Quadra .With the highest reliability and
best prices in the industry.
Call 1-800-43-LAPIS today to find out
more about ProColorServer display cards.
Your Mac deserves it.
The Big Color
Lapis ledwn Logies, Inc.
1190 Hariria UillagE Parfciflig
fliaMih, EiLifimia 94591
(SID) 749-1681) * FUJI ftlfl) M8-1645
,cr r< a t
Performa 400
Performa 600
Mac 11/Quadra
Circle 124 on reader service card.
4 ^ 9 '
♦ +
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+ ♦
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♦ ♦
ProColorServer display cards are available
in 8-bit. 8* 16-bit, and 8* 16*24-bit versions,
and support monitors from 13" to 21". with
resolutions ranging from 640 x 480 to
1152 x 872. Lapis also offers a full line of
DLspiayServer and PowerBase 1 ”
monochrome display adapters for all Mac
systems ranging from the Plus to the Quadra.
How to Get a MacUser Index
If you're like most
MacUser readers , you
save back issues.
They’re an invaluable
reference source . but
until recently , f/iere
HW /2 <9 easy way to
look up old articles ,
By Ben Templin
I n 1992 Atorf/rer published approximately
500 articles about more than 1,000 prod¬
ucts, That's around 700,000 words in
more than 2,400 pages — a lot of informa¬
tion to thumb through if all you’re looking
for is the review of that utility that organizes
your System Folder. There's got to be an
easier way.
There is. The Mac User/Mac WEEK Index
catalogs more than 7,000 articles that have
appeared in these two magazines since 1987.
It’s available only through ZiffNet/Mac, the
on-line service for Mac User and Mac WEEK ,
The index is free of charge as pan of the
monthly $2.50 membership fee.
numbers, title, and author. Searching by topic
can sometimes reveal more articles than you'd
care to deal with. For instance, the term desk¬
top publishing yields 727 articles published
since 1987. You can narrow a search to a
smaller set by using the same three main
search criteria. Fun her defining desktop pub¬
lishing with the topic layout gets the count
down to 42 articles. The most recent articles
are listed first. (Tip: If you warn to separate
the reviews from the news for a certain topic,
then narrow by topic with the term evtf/tur-
tion i. This keyword is used consistently to
differentiate a review from a news story.)
Terminal Emulation
An Alternative to Online
If you don't want to deal with an on-line
interface, you can download the MacUser
Index as a HyperCard stack. To keep the size
of the stack within reason, the HyperCard
index carries entries for 1992 only and for
MacUser alone. Although the on-line
MacUser/MacWEEK Index is updated
monthly, the MacUser Index HyperCard
stack is updated just once a year.
Any CompuServe subscriber can access
ZiffNet/Mac by typing GO ZMAC at any !
prompt. If you don't belong lo CompuServe,
you can join ZiffNet/Mac by following the
instructions in the masthead in this issue.
To download the index, get on ZiffNet/
Mac and type GO DOWNLOAD. Down¬
load the file MUINDX.SEA.
How the Index Works
The MacUser/MacWEEK Index lets you
search by product, company, and topic. It
delivers a citation with the issue elate, page
Neither of the CompuServe Mac inter¬
faces — Navigator or CIM (CompuServe
Information Manager) -— is optimized for
CompuServe's Terminal mode, so follow
these tips if those are the programs you use.
In Navigator's case, you have to add a manual
tile and interact with the index in real time —
a concept foreign to most Navigator users.
Add a manual tile with a GO code of
ZMCJNDEX. Consul t your handbook if you
have questions on how to use manual tiles.
Although CIM is a good graphical inter¬
face for forums, the interface for databases
such as the MacUser/MacWEEK Index is a
terminal emulator. As with most terminal
emulators, you can save only a limited amount
of information to the buffer, so it's important
to capture data as a text file. To do so, select
Capture to a File from CIM's Terminal menu,
which brings up an Open dialog box. Click
on the New button, and you get a Save dialog
box that lets you define a file in which to
save the text.^
The MacUser Index,
the HyperCard
version of the
Index, contains a
year's worth of
article references.
It's available only
through ZiffNet/Mac.
MacUser January 1993 245
Fulfillment Process
tor ° pv Lp« eS
gttJ ww* r *
ltfvic moctui
v • V'
orV "' lh
MacFlow 3.7
Flowchart Design and
Lay it all out for them—the
process, the procedures, the relation*
ships. Business works best when
everything is clear, and there is no
better way to make things clear than
a detailed flowchart.
MacSchedule 3.0
Project Planning and
Lay it all out for them—
the plan, the people, the cost.
Give them a path to follow
and a way to track progress.
Successful projects need a roadmap, and nothing can beat a
simple yet comprehensive project schedule.
-• ■
i - V.™
— S.
The best way to create flowcharts
is MacFlow—the highest-rated flowcharting program. Neither
drawing programs nor pencil and paper can create flowcharts as
easily as MacFlow. And no program is simpler to learn or use.
Graphically organize complex processes, projects, and structures—
minutes after opening the package.
Simply drag pre-drawn symbols onto a page and connect with
curved or straight lines. Place text in symbols and on lines, as well
as in freestanding notes. Change the chart as desired; lines stretch
and stay attached to symbols. Even create stand-alone flowcharts
that can be freely distributed to any Macintosh user (and any
Windows user with an optional viewer). MacFlow is also System
7-savvy, letting you publish your charts and subscribe to text.
Translate to and from text in ASCII and RTF formats as well
as outlines created in Acta 7 and MORE.
MacFlow actually enhances your thought
process because the interface is so simple
and intuitive, nothing stands between your
ideas and a presentation-quality flowchart.
In fact, you’ll find just creating flowcharts
keeps your thoughts organized and helps
you get a handle on any task.
Show them you’re serious—
get MacFlow today.
The best way to create quick, presentation-quality project
schedules is MacSchedule. The Gantt-chart interface lets you
create schedules, with integrated financial data, minutes after
you open the application—unlike complex project management
software. And MacSchedule is as easy to learn as it is to use.
MacSchedule automatically creates and manages a project cal¬
endar. Just enter task names, then indicate timing with a click and
drag of the mouse. Status tracking is also easy—just click on a task
bar to show progress.
MacSchedule helps track a project from initial estimates to cur¬
rent status by automatically developing calcndarized cost estimates
and reporting cost and schedule variances in an Earned Value
summary. MacSchedule is also System 7-savvy, letting you publish
your schedules and data as well as subscribe to data from other
programs. Place schedules in documents for
proposals and reports or print schedules as
slides, overheads, or wallcharts.
With MacSchedule’s graphic feedback,
you can tell at a glance where your project
is and where it’s headed. It’s the perfect
tool for any manager.
Show them your plans for success—
get MacSchedule today.
MocUser Mogczine July *91
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♦ ♦
Here are 16 shortcuts
that not only reveal
System 7 s finer features
but also increase your
productivity — and you
don f t have to spend
a dime.
By Bob LeVitus
I didn't invent any of the tips, techniques, or
shortcuts I'm about to describe. Some of
them I've revealed before in this very
space; others have been sent to me by readers
anti other Macintosh aficionados. But wher¬
ever they came from, my guess is that most of
us can use some reminding now and then of
System 7 possibilities that aren't immediately
1 promise that each of these techniques will
save you time and effort, but only if you use
them. Because you'll use them only if you try
them, I recommend reading this column at
your Mac and uying each technique as you
read about it.
Kind of a Drag-Launch
One of my favorite System 7 features is
drag-and-drop file launching, Here’s how it
works: Just drag the file you want to open
onto the icon of the program you want to
launch it with (or an alias of that program). If
the program is capable of launching that file,
you'll see that the color of its icon inverts, and
when you release the mouse, the program
opens the file. It's simple, elegant, and an
incredible time-saver. System 7 has many im¬
provements, but this is definitely one of my
all-time faves.
Here are some suggestions for how you
might use it:
•If you drag the icon of a TeachText file
onto the icon of your word processor (or an
alias of it), the file will open in your word
processor. Because I like Word and hate
TeachText, I do this all the time, (By the way,
this trick also works when the application is
already open, which is great for me, because
Word is usually running on my machine.)
* You know how screen dumps — pictures
of your Mac screen you create by pressing
Command-Shift-3 —are automatically saved
to disk as PICT files? Well unfortunately,
when you double-click on a screen dump, it
launches TeachText. I don't like to use Teach-
Text, so I usually drag screen-dump icons
onto an alias of Photoshop or DeskPaim for
* When you double-dick on a file and re¬
ceive the dreaded “An application can't be
found" alert, try dragging the document onto
the icon of your word processor or graphics
program. As often as not, you'll find that the
file will launch,
* To make drag-and-drop even better, place
aliases of your favorite programs right on
your desktop. My desktop features aliases of
Word (which opens most word-processing
formats), DeskDraw (to open PICTs), Desk¬
Paim (to open files in PICT, MacPaint, and
TIFF formats). Amazing Paint (tor MacPaint
format), Stuffit (for .SIT and .CPT formats),
Photoshop (for most graphics formats), and
Res Edit (which launches any tile you drag
onto it, regardless of the file's creator or type).
I rarely come across a file 1 can't launch by
dragging it onto one of the aliases I keep on
my desktop.
MacUser January 1993 247
with a high flying
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222 331-1322
The Apple Menu
The Apple menu is a great place to
store frequently used applications, fold¬
ers, and Files, but organizing its contents
can be tricky if you keep a lot of suififin it.
There are plenty of commercial products
to help you organize the contents of the
Apple Menu Items folder (HAM and Now
Utilities, to name a couple), but there’s a
way to do it for free.
The following tip comes from John
Catalano, president of Casa Blanca Works,
which makes Drive? and Blue Parrot. He
has devised a unique way to organize
your Apple menu, using absolutely no
additional software (see Figure 1). All
you need to know is the order in which
ASCII characters are alphabetized (sorted)
by your Mac and that the items in the
Apple Menu Items Folder appear on the
Apple menu in ASCII alphabetical order.
Here’s how it works:
Spaces sort first, so the first item —
Tools — is preceded by two spaces. In
the next group, each item — Blue Parrot,
Chooser, Control Panels, and Find Pro —
is preceded by one space.
Space-caret (Shift-6) is next in the sort¬
ing order, so a space followed by a series
of carets creates the first separator.
Space-bullet (Option-8) comes next,
so a space followed by a bullet precedes
the names of all the telecommunications
Then comes the hyphen. The second
separator is a series of hyphens with no
preceding spaces.
The arrows that precede the next group
— Compact Pro, Disktopy, Microsoft
Excel, and WriteNow — are made with a
hyphen followed by a right angle bracket.
The next separator is a row of equal
signs, and the items in the last group have
nothing preceding their names, so they
always come at the bottom of the list.
The dock icons used for the separators
are just renamed aliases of the Alarm
Clock DA.
With a little experimentation, you
should be able to use this technique to
organize your Apple-menu items into
groups that make sense to you.
Aliases and More Aliases
Aliases are probably the greatest im¬
provement System 7 provides. An alias,
for those of you who are new to System 7,
is a tiny 1K or 2K file that points to the
original rile. When you open an alias, the
original opens. You can have as many
aliases of a file as you like.
About This Macintosh...
Ffc Blue Parrot '
I JS Chooser
fcl Control Panels
d Find Pro II 1.2.1
^ * Rmerlca Online i
<§* * AppleLink
m CompuServe j
&- ;
-> Compact Pro
^ -> DiskCopy
-> Microsoft Excel ,
^ -> WriteNow
G ===============
Rbaton Scan DR
§ Calculator
£gf Fax Center
B&Flash-lt 2.2
Figure 1: Simply by knowing how the
Mac sorts items in the Apple Menu
items folder, you can customize the
Apple-menu layout to suit the way
you work.
Creating an alias is easy: All you need
to do is select the file you want to create
the alias for, go to the Finder’s File menu,
and choose Make Alias. Then move the
alias to the desired location. {MacUser
has developed several utilities, such as
Alias Creator, Alias Assassin, and Alias
Stylist, that help you manage your aliases
more efficiently. They’re all available on
Aliases are a boon for organizing your
hard disk. Say you create a memo to the
marketing department about Client X. Do
you store it in the Memo folder, the Mar¬
keting folder, or the Client X folder? With
aliases, you don’t have to decide — you
just store the actual file wherever you like
and put aliases in the other two folders.
Then you can find and open the memo no
matter which of the three folders you look
There are dozens of ways to use aliases
to make your life easier. Here are some of
my favorites:
• Keep aliases of files and folders you
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CD ROM Drives
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Workgroup Printers
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December 18,1992
use every day on the desktop or in the
Apple Menu Items folder (or in both ). On
my desktop, I keep aliases of folders for
current projects as well as for the applica¬
tions 1 use often. Even though the actual
folders and files are buried three or four
levels deep. I can launch any of them with
one doublc-dick on the appropriate desk¬
top alias, hems on the desktop are also
easy to find when you're in an Open or
Save dialog box —just click on the Desk¬
top button, or type Command-D.
■ Keep an alias qf the Apple Menu
Items folder somewhere convenient —
on the desktop or inside the Apple Menu
Items folder itself. This lets you add files
and folders to the Apple menu by simply
dropping them into the folder; conversely,
you can get to the folder without having
to wade through the System Folder to
find it.
* Keep an alias of the Apple Menu
Items folder in the Startup Items folder so
that it opens automatically at startup. This
gives you two ways to access items in the
Apple menu — you can use the mouse to
choose them from the Apple menu itself
or you can use either the mouse or key¬
board command equivalents to select them
in the Apple Menu Items folder, which is
open on your desktop.
* If you "re on a network and frequently
access an AppleShare volume or a shared
folder on another user's Mac. make an
alias of that volume or folder. Then when¬
ever you need to get at that folder, all you
have to do is double-click on its alias to
mount the folder; you don't have to go to
the Chooser first.
■ Another great network alias trick is
the so-called office on a floppy disk, which
lets you use a floppy disk to access your
Mac from any other Mac on the network
that's running System 7,
First create an alias of your hard disk,
and copy it to a floppy disk. In the Shar¬
ing Setup control panel, turn on File Shar¬
ing. To make your hand disk available on
the network, select it and choose Sharing
from the Finder's File menu. In the Shar¬
ing dialog box. dick on the "Make all
currently enclosed folders like this one"
box, and then set up the appropriate access
Then you can mount your hard disk
from any Mac on the network by insert¬
ing the floppy disk containing the alias
and double-clicking on your hard disk's
* Aliases can locate files stored on
floppy disks or removable media such as
SyQuest or Bernoulli cartridges or optical
discs. Here's how it works;
Insert the removable medium (SyQuest
or Bernoulli cartridge or optical disc), and
give it a memorable name, such as Disk I.
Copy the file (File 1) from your hard disk
to Disk l. and make an alias of the file.
Copy the alias of File 1 from Disk l to
your hard disk. Put it in an appropriate
place. Eject Disk 1. and store it in a safe
The next time you need to use File 1,
double-click on its alias on your hard disk,
and you'll see a message on-screen ask¬
ing you to insert Disk 1.
Aliases are handy critters, and I'm will¬
ing to bet that you out there in readerland
have plenty of unique ways to use them.
So have 1 got a deal for you; Send me your
favorite alias tricks; if yours is cool enough
(and I haven't heard it before). I'll prim
h in an upcoming column and send you
one of my coveted "I Beat the System”
Your Saving Grace
We all spend a lot of time in Open and
Save dialog boxes — which is why Tm so
tickled that System 7 lets you use them
without making you grab the mouse. Al¬
most every function in these dialog boxes
has a keyboard shortcut. Here are the ones
l use most (these all work in both the
Open and the Save dialog boxes):
* Command-period is the same as click¬
ing on the Cancel button,
- Command-right-arrow takes you to
the next disk or volume, and Command -
left-arrow takes you to the previous one,
* Command-down-arrow 1 takes you into
the selected folder,
• Command-up-arrow takes you up one
level of folders.
• Command-D takes you back to the
There's one more that works only in
Save dialog boxes: The Tab key toggles
between the scrolling list of files and the
filename field.
Try it. You'll like ill
As always, submit your favorite Sys¬
tem 7 lips either by mail or by modem in
ZiffNei/Mac's MacUser Forum (please
include your name and mailing address).
If you submit Lhe month's besL tip, you'll
not only receive notoriety and fame but
you 7 !I also gel a spiffy (and rare!) "I Beat
the System" T-shirt, Ig
Boh LeV itus is the author o! Or. Macintosh's Guide
to the On-tine Universe and lots of other stuff
250 January 1993 MacUser
A lot more goes into a Mass Microsystems'”
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SyQuest’ mechanism.
A good place to start. Yet
until the removable drives
pass 37 of the industry’s most
grueling tests, they don’t earn
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nection. Everything. Right down
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It’s obviously a lot more extensive
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An edge we intend to keep. That’s why Mass Micro
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DataPak 45MB or 88MB, reducing SCSI-related problems
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Another Mass Micro
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3. DataPak that fits in nation. Without it, SCSI can be a risky business.
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And one’s included wiih every drive.
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Our award-winning DataFbk removable cartridge drives are available in two capacities—45MB
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So don’t take any unnecessary risks. Call Mass Micro
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We’ll remove any doubt about whose storage to buy.
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W hat do you do if
you’ve got an
original SE/30 whose
screen is starting to
El idee r: Repair It or bag
it? Your SE/30 is worth
about $1*500 today; in
comparison, a used
PowerBook 140 (which
is more portable) or a
Ikx (which has more
slots) delivers the same
performance and costs
about the same. A new
PowerBook 170 or Ilci
wilt roughly double your
performance — and
your cost. How you use
your Mac will determine
whether you need to
trade up or just make
the most of what
you have.
By Bob Brant
Upgrading the
Mac SE/30
SE/30s tend to age gracefully. Any required
repairs are most likely to be to the power-
supply modules or the disk dri ves. If your power
supply fails, you may notice a shrinking screen.
If you can pinpoint the offending part and know
how to remove and replace whatever is causing
the problem, the repair can run less than $150
and take only a few days. Having a technician
repair the damage can set you back $500 or
more. Your local Apple dealer is the best place
to start looking for repairs. Check the back
pages of magazines such as Mac User and
Mac WEEK for the name and location of other
service centers.
If you decide to upgrade your SB/30, first
add more memory* The SE/30's eight SIMM
sockets can accommodate as much as 128 mega*
bytes of RAM, in various combinations of K
2-, 4-, 8-, and 16-megabyte SIMMs rated at 120
nanoseconds or faster. Prices start at $30 for I -
megabyte SIMMs. To access more than 8 mega¬
bytes of RAM, use Conneclix’s MGDE32 (free
from on*line services and user groups).
Adding a larger hard drive — don’t con¬
sider less than 100 megabytes — lets you store
more data and get to it faster. The fast Quantum
3.5-inch models come in a variety of sizes,
from 105 megabytes to 525 megabytes, and
start at $359 for an internal drive (external
drives typically cost $100 more). If you need
even more capacity, investigate Fujitsu’s 520-
megabyte, Maxtor's 540-megabytc, Toshiba’s
830-megabyte, Seagate's 1,2-gigabyte, and
Hewlett-Packard’s 1.2-gigabyte 3.5-inch drives.
For speed, the combination of a 50-mega-
hertz accelerator and the SE/30’s 9-inch
screen is awesome — especially considering
that you can carry the SE/30 to a remote site.
Day Star Digital offers 33-, 40-, and 50-mega-
hertz 68030 SE/30 PowerCache accelerators
with or without a 68882 FPU (floating-point
unit), starting at around $650,
A larger monitor lets you put more infor¬
mation on a larger screen and get to it Bister,
Lapis offers SE/30 plug-in boards starting at
$299 and monochrome portrait monitors start¬
ing at $599. A large color monitor and card
costs the better part of $2,000, Day Star’s SE/30
PowerCache accelerator leaves the SE/30 PDS
(processor-direct slot) free, so you can add video
(or Ethernet) cards and enjoy acceleration too.
Adding an expansion chassis ($1,295
and tip) gives you the flexibility to add multiple
NuBus cards. Second Wave’s expansion chas¬
sis gives you a “docking adapter” with multiple
NuBus slots for the accelerator and monitor in
your office, the I/O cards in your lab, and so on,
and you can still easily unplug your SE/30 and
lake it on the road,
Gob Gram is an Orepn-based Mac consultant and llte
autftor ol Upgrade Your Macintosh and Save a Bundle.
Table 1: Recommended Upgrades for the Mac SE/30
4 MB of RAM (and more)
Ability to use System 7.
Virtual memory. RAM disk.
Need MQDE32 for access
to more than 8 MB,
S120 and up
105-MB hard drive
More speed. Storage.
$360 and up
33-MHz 66030 accelerator
$650 and up
Portrait display system
Reduced eyestrain.
$900 and up
Expansion chassis
More slots and options.
$1,295 and up
Total price of minimal upgrades
Used PowerBook 140 or Mac Ilex
New PowerBook 170 or Mac lie!
MacUser January 1993 253
The MacVompatible Outbound*" Notebook System lees you “mix and
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•CPUs at 25, 33 and 40 MHz
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With the inrroduction of
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Small enough to fit into most briefcases, all models measure 8.5 x 11 x 2.1
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The 640 by 480 backlit LCD lets you view 5 more lines of text than rhe
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Macworld Magazine says "If raw power is what you seek in a
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Why spend thousands of dollars on technology you can’t upgrade?
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Unlike PowerBooks, Outbound Notebooks run both space-saving System
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Inexpensive standard dynamic RAM SIMMs—a detachable carry strap—
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For a limited lime, receive a free 40 MB drive upgrade or processor
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Technical spedfieaTicins, oJTcfind price subpet io change ivithouii: notice. The Qudwund name. logn wA TrackBir an iradenurfo of Outbound Systems, Iisl. Apple. MxuihJi and Mac are «^ccred Trademark* and EWiBpofc is a trademark of Apple Coirptuei. Ire
MS-DOS is a re gi a end iradcmatk of Microsoft Grpradon- All orhet brand and product names mentioned herein are trademarks oe registered indcmarks of their respective Holden.
Circle 79 on reader service card.
obody ever said you
had to live in Cupertino
to be a Macintosh
expert. Know-it-alls
are everywhere, from
Manhattan to Malibu —
even in Watdport, Oregon,
where we found our own
Mac guru, Philip Russell.
Each month Phil shares his
own tips plus the best of
the 70-odd Macintosh-user-
group (MUG) magazines he
reads each month* But Phil
can't do it alone* To those
whose undocumented Mac
tip MacUser prints, we pay
$25, and the Reader Tip of
the Month earns $100.
Send your tip,
together with your
name, address,
and phone number, to Tip
Sheet, c/o MacUser ; 050
Tower Lane, 18th Floor,
Foster City, CA 94404.
You can also contribute
tips electronically via
Ziff Net/Mac, the on-line
service for MacUser* Send
a —- \ them to Gregory
^ Wasson at
72511,36, Be
sure to include your full
name and mailing address
along with the text of the
By Philip Russell
■ tf lots of Help files are steal¬
ing valuable space on your hard
disk (HyperCard Help, for in¬
stance, takes up more than 770K),
make a set of floppies just for the
Help flies for all your applica¬
tions. Then when you need help,
the program will ask where its
Help file is. Slap in the appropri¬
ate floppy, and get help*
■ Do you have a set of recovery
disks ready in case of disaster? Each disk
should include the current System and Finder
files (but not much else in Lhe System Folder)
and one or more of the following: Disk First
Aid. from Apple; HD SC Setup; your backup
program; and any other good recovery pro¬
grams you have, such as Norton Utilities or
MacTools. You may need several recovery
disks to accommodate all these tools,
9 Never connect or disconnect ADB de¬
vices such as keyboards, mice, or SCSI de¬
vices until the power to the Mac and all its
peripherals is turned off*
■ You have color? Pretty, isn't it? You can
speed things up considerably by turning the
color off when you’re doing work that doesn’t
require it. Using Fkeys is a quick way to
toggle color on and off: Try the public-
domain programs PixelFlipper and Switch-
A-Roo, which are available from user groups
and on-line services,
■ If you take your Mac to weird places, get
an $8 outlet tester from Radio Shack and
check the outlet before plugging your Mac
in. This lets you avoid potential short cir~
cults and power surges, which can damage
your Mac.
9 What if you lose the use of a key in the
middle of a job? A temporary tlx is to have
QuicKeys assign an alias key that will access
the missing letter. Another fix is to use a
pseudokey. For instance, if the G key slops
working, use the backshish (\) whenever a g
is needed* Then use the Replace feature to
change all occurrences of a backslash to g.
Aha, you say. How do I get the g into the
Replace dialog box? Here’s how r : Open Key
Caps and click on the g on the Key Caps
keyboard* Highlight and copy the g from the
text box above the keyboard* Then open the
Replace dialog box and paste the g into the
Replace With box*
And stop drinking Coke and eating crack¬
ers around your keyboard.
9 Do you ever wish you could hide a column
of figures in Excel? Here’s how to do it:
Select the column, and give it 0 width in the
Format dialog box. To get your invisible
column back, select the column before the 0-
width column through the column after it.
Specify an appropriate column width, and
the invisible column will reappear. Finally,
adjust the widths of the columns individually
to suit your taste. (Thanks to MIAMUG of
9 Don’t let your pets near your Mac* Cat and
dog hair can stop a floppy-disk drive dead in
its tracks. (Goldfish are OK as long as they
don’t splash your keyboard.)
9 Is your mouse just crawling? Open the
Mouse control panel* and select a faster
mouse-tracking speed. You can adjust your
double-click speed here too*
9 You can move an inactive window by
holding down the Command key and drag¬
ging that area of the title bar that would have
stripes if it were active. The window will
move while remaining inactive.
9 There are a few freeware and shareware
JTccys that let you select any pan of the
screen you like and then automatically copy
Lhe selection to the Clipboard. A couple of
programs I’ve seen are called Copy Screen
and ScreenToClip, but your user group or
on-line sendee might have others. 1 couldn’t
live without my copy of Copy Screen! (Thanks
to the Corvallis, Oregon, MUG.)
9 What is a soft return? When you want two
words to stay together on the same line, hold
down the Option key while typing the space
between them. That’s a soft return* It will
keep the two words together — as you might
want to do with San Jose or a la carte.
Reader tips compiled
by Gregory Wasson
Reader Tip of the Month: Word 5.
Searching through a document to change
straight, "dumb'’ quotation marks into curly,
“smart" ones can be a nuisance, but there's
an easy way to do it with Microsoft Word 5.0.
First make sure that you have Smart Quotes
turned on in the Preferences box, acces¬
sible from the Tools menu. Open the docu-
merit containing the dumb quotes, and open
the Replace dialog box (Command-H). Type
Shift-apostrophe (the dumb double-quote)
in the Find What box, and type another
straight double quote in the Replace With
box. Click on Replace All, and Word auto¬
matically replaces the straight quotes with
curly ones* The same technique applies
when you're dealing with single quotation
marks and apostrophes.
This gimmick also works in reverse, in
case you want to convert curly quotes into
straight quotes for some reason. Follow the
instructions above, except turn Smart Quotes
off before you start.
Brad Ferguson
Walkersviile. MD
MacUser January 1993 255
Reader Tips
Power Books can be a
hassle when you have lo deal
with airport security. When
you pass through the metal
detector, you must hand over
the computer to security per¬
sonnel. After you've gotten
through, you have to turn the
thing on to demonstrate that it
is actually a computer.
To speed up this process,
before you get to the airport
bring up the Battery DA, click
on the Sleep button, and close
the computer. When you get
to the security checkpoint,
open the computer and press
any key T being careful not to
move the trackball, and the
screen will fire up. Then all
you have to do to put it to
sleep again is hold down the
Shift key and dick once. This
technique spares you from
having to boot the computer
cold and then shut down.
Mike Cassidy
Honolulu, HI
System 7 Apple Menu
Putting aliases of docu¬
ments and folders into the
Apple menu is nothing new.
However. I’ve found that put¬
ting an alias of the Apple
Menu Items folder into the
Apple Menu Items folder it¬
self makes it much easier to
add and remove files from the
Apple menu. That way you
don't have to double-click on
your hard-drive icon: double¬
click on the System Polder:
and, last, double-click on the
Apple Menu Items folder.
You can place the alias on the
desktop, but lucking it away
in the Apple Menu Items
folder avoids cluttering up
your work space.
Sue Ann Sanders
Oak Creek, Wi
Word 5,0
If you have to open text
files in Word, you've prob¬
ably grown tired of the text
dialog box that pops up ask¬
ing you whether you ’want to
treat the text as Text Only or
Text with Layout. If you al¬
ways choose Text Only, do
away with this annoying dia¬
log box by removing the Text
with Layout module from the
Word Commands folder.
Kristin Anderson
St. Paul, MN
Note Pad and
Alarm Clock
Here's a tip for people who
need to keep track of time for
billing but don't have a nifty
program to track the time
spent on a job. All you need
are two DAs supplied on ev¬
ery Mac: Note Pad and Alarm
Clock. Before starting a new
job, open Note Pad and type
in the name of the job or the
name of the file to identify it.
Then open Alarm Clock and
copy the current time to Note
Pad, (To copy, just dick on
Alarm Clock to select it and
type Command-C. Select
Note Pad, position the cursor
where you want to put the
time, and type Command-V.)
When you've completed your
session, open Note Pad and
Alarm Clock again and paste
the current time once more
into Note Pad. When finished
with the job, you simply add
up the total time spent and
send out your bill.
Patricia A. Ten Eyck
Phoenix. AZ
Five reasons to pick a T1
No matter which Macintosh* computer
you have, there are strong reasons why
there's a perfect microl^ser printer to go
with it. Personal or shared
1. If s affordable.
For the value-conscious, take a 9 pages-
per-minute laser primer, load it up with
17 scalable outline fonts from the Adobe*
PostScript* software rf'j ^script
library, give it an H
operating cost of 1.9* cents per page and
price it at 11,449*^ Now you've got the best
value in the business, for youraelf or your
business. Ifs the microLaser PS17.
2. Ifs upgradeable.
Now take the microl^iser we just talked
about, double the fonts, have the options
of Turbo upgrades for fast graphics, price
it at $1,549** and you've MacUser
got the microLaser PS35. 4444
J. It s powerful.
For high-speed PostScript printing with a
built-in RISC processor, PostScript Level 2 t
35 fonts, and automatic switching between
PostScript and HP LaserJet* emulation, try a
high-performance microLaser Turbo, Perfect
for the power user at $1,799**-
4. It's shareable.
And if you’re into networking, the 16 ppm
microLaser XL Turbo flies through documents
256 January 1993 MacUser
Here in our coin purer lab.
the student stations are set to
log on to the file server auto¬
matically with guest privi¬
leges at startup* Students us¬
ing the Chooser to log on with
their own passwords were
changing the default setup by
unchecking the box next to
the names of the various
volumes. So we locked the
AppleShare Prep file, w hich
prevents any permanent
change to the default guest
status but still lets students
log on as registered users.
Eugene Cohen
Chicago, IL
When you prepare a docu¬
ment and then take it some¬
where else to prim it, you may
often find that your margins
or page breaks have shifted.
This is especially true if you
prim rough drafts on a dot¬
matrix printer and final drafts
on a laser printer. Although
there is no real way to avoid
these changes, you can pre¬
pare for them. Here's how;
1* Find out exactly which
printer driver you will be us¬
ing at the other location, and
make sure you have a copy of
it in your System Folder.
2. Go to the Chooser, and
select the printer you will use
for your rough drafts.
3. Prepare your document
and print rough drafts. Then
save your document with a
suffix that indicates which
printer you used (for example.
Doc u m e n LI mage W r i te r).
4. Go to the Chooser, and
select the printer you will use
for final drafts, (It doesn't
matter if the printer is not
hooked up to your computer.)
5* Fix any problems that
may have cropped up when
y ou s w i tched pri n ter drive rs,
and save the document with a
new s li ffi x (Docu me n t . Lase r,
for example).
6, Take the document to the
printer you will use for the
final draft, check that the cor¬
rect driver is selected in the
Chooser, load your document,
and print it without worry,
John R, Clark
Greensboro, NC
System 7 Scrapbook
Ever wished that System 7
included a calendar DA ac¬
cessible on the Apple menu?
Here's a relatively simple way
of creating a desktop calen-
dar using HyperCard's Ap¬
pointments stack, a graphics
program, and the Scrapbook,
Open the Appointments
stack, and take a screen shot
(Command-Shift-3) of the
window with the current
month displayed. Advance the
stack calendar to the next
month, and take another
screen shot.
Return to the Finder, and
open the screen shots in your
graphics program, erasing any
parts of the shots you don't
need. Combine the two
months in one document by
using the Copy and Paste
commands. Use the program's
marquee tool to select the two
side-by-side months. Copy
them to the Clipboard*
Open the Scrapbook, and
paste. You can then repeat the
procedure for as many months
as you want.
Then whenever you need
to consult a calendar, just open
the Scrapbook.
Alan Sato
Richmond, CA
microLaser” for your Mac.
with the high quality you want. Users on
AppleTalk* networks find this to be the smart
choice for big-time business, or for those
who want to move into the big time without
a huge budget. Priced at only $3,749**.
5, It s reliable.
When you buy a printer, you want it to
print. And print. And print. That’s just what
the microLaser does — the first time, every
time, for years.
And, of course, with AppleTalk, PostScript
and TTs Paper Tray Manager, microLaser is
instantly compatible with whichever Mac
you've got.
Its incredible. So pick up the phone and
call for details and the name of a dealer
near you*
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'•fctfStMcd nruil pmc - VIWI links AppleTalk tntrrfin; Dcakf prU ei flMfwr
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,4 Me*1c1l Pi. tird Inc
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Fi inr met itoUftl fcfnntd (mm Hactiitr. SqrteiMver 1«1.
il W2 Zti7Ci3fncivunHalinm Cjcrnifunr
Circle 168 on reader service card.
MaeUser January 1993 257
Shattering optical illusions.
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If you thought optical storage meant sacrificing speed,
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While other drives may deliver feist access times or claim
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<© 1992 Microtrch Internal ion al Inc. Commerce SL East Haven, CTT 00512. All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Mtcrotech reserves die rigfti to change prices and specifications without notice.
Circle 160 on reader service card.
Q uestions, anyone?
Here's where to get
answers from the
experts. Bob LeVitus is the
author of the best-selling
Dr Macintosh, second
edition. Andy Ihnatko is a
longtime activist with
BCS-Mac* They're both
ready to answer your
questions about
everything Macintosh.
^ Write to Help
Fo,der * c/o
Macuser, 950
Tower Lane, 18th Floor,
Foster City T CA 94404.
Don't want to wait for an
answer? Post your
question on
qL—St ZiffNet/Mac,
MacUser’s on-line
service, and get a reply
from Bob (76004,2076),
Andy (72511,204), or one of
the other MacUser experts*
See the masthead in this
issue for Instructions on
how to sign up.
Bermuda Rectangle
Q. The smooth-dragging
control in Free Hand 3.x can
have an effect yon didn't men¬
tion in the September ’92 Help
Folder (see “The Bermuda
Rectangle/* page 279), After l
bought FreeHand 3.0,1 noticed
some problems when placing
exported EPS Files in PageMaker. Aldus tech-
support suggested I try changing the buffer
indicator to all while and then reexporting
the file. This worked. 1 don't know if this
problem has been remedied in 3.1, but I've
gotten into the habit of clearing that buffer
before I export.
Jim Voorhies
via CompuServe
Bob: If you're a FreeHand user, make a
note of this and save yourself a call to Aldus*
Faster Photo Display
Q, I use FileMaker Pro to keep track of 1-
megabyte color photos but find on-screen
display slow when I'm changing between
But Were Afraid to Ask
In the beginning, there was absolutely
nothing at all — not a sausage. The whole of
Creation was a formless, dark void, and so
the Lord said, 'Let there be light* Then
there was still nothing* But akleast you could
see it.
So there it was: no traffic iights* no fax
machines, no f 1 -part Federal Express forms*
The Universe was a simpler place, and
weren't we all the happier for it? I certainly
was, Now, the only beacon of simplicity in
the frenzied minimall known as the Universe
is this column. So if you too yearn for those
halcyon days of utter nonexistence, shout
out your pride by sending us a simple ques¬
tion that no one else seems to be asking. In
case you don't want to be seen doubting the
Lord's vast plan, well say it was sent in by a
fallen angel chosen at random,
Q, You guys often talk about problems
with ihe Desktop file, how to rebuild the
desktop, and so on, but I'm left with one
nagging question: What (and where} exactly
is the Desktop file?
You Know Where
Andy: The Desktop file is the invisible file
on each Mac volume that keeps track of
certain trivia regarding the files on a volume.
It's not a directory; rather, when the Finder
mounts a volume, it looks in the Desktop file
to see which of Us folders should be open in
the Finder. When you double-click on an
Excel document, some of the information on
which program created it (and should be
used to open it) is found in the Desktop file.
When you do a Get Info on a file and see the
comments in the box, you're looking at infor¬
mation called up from the Desktop file. Ditto
lor the nongeneric icons that adorn most
Mac files. You can make the Finder rebuild
a volume's desktop from scratch by holding
down the Option and Command keys while
the volume mounts.
The reason you read so much about re¬
building the desktop is because it's a com¬
mon solution to many problems, such as
losing your icons or getting an "Application
can t be found" message* Rebuilding the
desktop is also a handy thing to try when the
Finder is acting way slow. There's just one
drawback — you'll lose any comments you've
typed in to the Gel Info box* Luckily, how¬
ever, one of our vigilant readers has a solu¬
tion to that problem. According to John Thoo,
as long as you have the freeware extension
GommentKeeper 1 *0 in your System Folder,
your Get Info comments will remain even
when you rebuild the desktop. You can get
Comment Keeper from on-line services (such
as ZiffNet/Mac) and user groups.
Rebuilding the Desktop file when your
Mac's wonking up is like popping ihe hood
of your car when it breaks down and jiggling
all the hoses and wires, it doesn't hurt any¬
thing and may actually solve the problem,
and if you have spectators, it gives you the
illusion that you are diligently and intelli¬
gently solving the problem while buying
enough time to think the thing through.
records* I have a Mac liei with 8 megabytes
of RAM, a Ifi-inch AppleCoJor monitor, and
a Macintosh Display Card 8*24* What's the
best and most cost-effective software/hard¬
ware solution to this problem?
Jude Lam
Hong Kong
Bob: There are a couple of things you
should try* First, by the time you read this*
FileMaker Pro 2.0 will be available, and if s
supposed lobe Faster than version 1.0. It may
be all you need* and u software upgrade is
definitely the least expensive solution.
If that isn't good enough* consider an ac¬
celerated-video card, 1 use a Thunder/24, from
SuperMac* and if s the fasLesi video accel¬
erator Tve ever tried (8-bil cards are also
available). Other manufacturers include
RasterOps. Radius, and E-Machities.
Because an accelerated-video card pro¬
vides different amounts of acceleration —
depending on the program you're using and
the task you're performing — test your data¬
base with Lhe accelerated card before you
buy it. It might not speed up FileMaker Pro
enough to warrant the expense. On the other
By Bob LeVitus and
Andy Ihnatko
MacUser January 1993 259
Figure 1:
Kodak's new
Photo CD
system lets
you store
photos on a
CD-ROM and
then view
them with a
special player
that hooks up
to your TV.
hand, it may make FileMaker
Pro fly through your records.
Just make sure to try before
you buy, and you'll be OK.
Andy: You didn't mention
what you need digitized pho¬
tos for* but HI leap on this
opportunity to plug Kodak's
keen new Photo CD system
(see Figure 1), a neato solu¬
tion if you’re using FileMaker
to keep track of traditional
photos* You can drop off
negatives or even unprocessed
Film at your local film-devel¬
oping outfit* and a week later,
you get back a CD-ROM
filled with your images* which
can be reviewed with a spe¬
cial player that connects to
your TV set or with a Mac
CD-ROM drive* It’s a cool
system; each image is stored
in three resolutions: a rough
resolution for display on TV
sets, a medium one for com¬
puter screens, and a Fine reso¬
lution for photographic-qual¬
ity printouts. The whole setup
costs less than S500*
Strange Message
fit. After completing my
work with MacInTax, J de¬
leted all of its Files to save
disk space. Now* when I start
up my Mac, J get a “startup
file MacInTax 91 could not
be opened (the file is miss¬
ing)” message. I’m using Sys¬
tem 6 on a Classic with 4
megabytes of RAM*
Galen Ewing
Las Vegas, NM
Bob: I’m willing to bet that
you used the Finder's Set
Startup command to make
your Mac automatically
launch MacInTax at startup
and then removed MacInTax
from your hard disk but never
told your Mac to £top trying
to launch it. So now every
time you start up, you're con¬
fronted with that nasty mes¬
sage* To set things straight,
simply choose Set Startup
from the Finder's Special
menu and click on the Finder
Only button.
Andy: Similar problems
can occur under System 7. If
you're experiencing wacky
startup problems, it's usually
a good idea to check your
Startup Items folder (in the
System Folder) as a matter of
Close Your Windows?
Q. I'm a high-school stu¬
dent and have a Mac Plus run¬
ning System 6.0,7* My father,
who uses a Mac at his office,
went to a “how to" seminar
given by his company's resi¬
dent Macintosh expert* She
insists that windows that are
left open on the desktop cause
crashes during startup. I've
never heard of such a thing,
nor have I ever experienced a
crash on startup with one or
more windows open* Could
you please tell me if this is
true, because, personally, I
rind it annoying to have to
open my hard-drive window
after every startup.
Michael Adams
Peterborough, Ontario
Bob: That has to be one of
the most unheard of things
I’ve ever heard of! To put it
bluntly, your dad’s Macintosh
expert's advice is hogwasb.
It's perfectly safe to leave
windows open at startup*
Andy: Well, let's look at
this from an anthropological
angle and assume that lead-
lined aqueducts had nothing
to do with her thought pro¬
cesses. If 1 were forced to jus¬
tify her assertion, I suppose I
could argue that whenever you
change the state of your desk¬
top, the Finder has to make
changes to the Desktop File
and if something goes wrong
while that invisible File is writ¬
ing* your system may crash
when you restart* But this is
the same sort of grasping-at-
straws legal maneuvering the
Financial wizards of the '80s
are now using to try to avoid
spending the next 5 to 12 years
raking the sand traps of gov-
e rn ment- O' w ned go I f co u rses.
The bottom line is this: Tell
your dad to stop payment on
that check, pronto*
Silence of the Chimes
Q. The startup chime of
my IJsi is pleasant, but is there
a way to silence it if I get the
urge to work before my fam¬
ily is awake? I thought about
plugging something in to the
external speaker jack* but that
seems cumbersome. Please
tell me there's a keyboard
command or extension for
“hush on startup "
Don Kahle
Guilford, CT
Bob: Don, I’m sorry LO be
the bearer of bad news, but
the only way I know of to
silence that infernal sound is
to plug something — a cable
with nothing attached, or just
a plug — in to the speaker
jack* This one has slumped
me for a long lime, but as far
as I can tell, there's no other
way (short of disconnecting
the speaker) to shut the dam
thing up. I ll offer up a spiffy
“I Beat the System” T-shirt to
anyone who cun show me a
better way.
By the way, this problem is
even more severe if you have
a Power Book. Every time you
start the thing up, you wake
everyone within spitting dis¬
tance. Because I fly a lot, 1
finally went to Radio Shack
and bought myself a little plug
with nothing attached. It's not
particularly pretty, but it
The Time Piece
Q. My LC gains about a
minute and a half a month.
The first trip to the service
department resulted in a new
battery, and the second meant
a new logic board. Neither did
the trick and I’m now out of
warranty, which isn’t a life
crisis, seeing that a bad clock
won’t cause foul-ups else¬
where* Or will it? A computer
that can’t keep time as well as
my S J 0 K mart watch does
make me wonder if this is a
symptom of problems to
John Oswald
Wichita, KS
Andy: According to all the
hardware folks I called, Apple
views the sort of inaccuracy
that is totally unacceptable for
a timepiece as okeydokey for
a computer. Evidently there’s
enough slack in the hardware
and software driving the
computer's dock that varia¬
tions of a minute or so per
month are commonplace* Ac¬
cording to the party line, your
Macintosh isn’t “broken" un¬
less it loses or gains more than
six minutes a month, so your
chances of getting Apple to
fix your LC for free lie some¬
where w-ithm the borough of
Here are two workarounds:
First, you can have your son
or daughter keep a constant
vigil beside your LC, mum¬
bling “One Mississippi . *,
two Mississippi * * * three Mis¬
sissippi" and making minor
adjustments as necessary; sec¬
ond, seek salvation in the
shareware community. Jean-
Pierre Gachen’s AutoClock
260 January 1993 MacUser
APS Compression DAT $ I699
The Macworld Editors' Choice for
high-capacity back up, APS's Compression DAT stores
up to 5GB per 90-meter tape cartridge. Need fast,
high-capacity back-up? This $1699 DAT offers one of
High-quality, high-density storage
This Archive Python-based SCSI digital audio tape
drive which combines high capacity with excep¬
tional performance is available in external config¬
urations as well as internal options for Mac
Quadra 900 and 950 models.
Quick access, dependable performance
Consistently rated tops by the leading computer
magazines, APS's Compression DAT backs up at a
rate as high as 14MB per minute, with non-com¬
pression units docking in at up to 10MB per
APS DATs carry a two-year manufacturer's war¬
ranty and APS's drive-for-drive replacement war¬
ranty These DATs also come bundled with
Retrospect, the standard in tape back up software
from Dantz Development (we include Sytos Pius
with PC versions).
the best archiving solutions on the market. Internal
models for Quadra 900 and 950 are just $1599. Only
need to squeeze 1.2 to 2GB onto a cartridge? Take a
look at APS’s non-compression DAT, nowjust $1399.
Easy-to-follow installation instructions for internal
models, all necessary cables and one 60m tape
cartridge are also included with each DAT.
You also get the peace-of-mind of knowing APS's
knowledgeable technical support staff is there to
answer your questions, ready and available, toll-
free, six days a week.
Load up on media
If your emergency back up scheme requires that
multiple tapes be stored off-site, make sure you
start out with plenty of cartridges. Maxell DAT
tapes are available in 60m and 1 90m 10-packs for
$110 and $130, respectively.
Add an APS DAT to your desktop or network
Backing up networked Macs? Retrospect
Remote 10 packs are available for your APS
DAT at just $129.
ID-day money-back juaranlrc ■ AlEtfime prodixticarry a JO-dlyflKjflty'biidt
Siuranrw. Toff ltd in (he mareanlw tube cmi of skipping
■ DisJcfopdlsk replacement wananly - 5y0u«[. rtiOJI ftiifflitfi, Hatiwand DAT
ifciwi are warranted for twa years, Maitorl.J, 1.7 GBand Fujitsu fora are wananled
fordwyeif* WflfN. Q^wiJ.rd^TIAC(irtWksl CD-BQMs.MQsint
SyQuei cartiare warranted for raieywr. TwJiibaBJO a warrarwd rwibree years.
- Prices and SpectfkatioiH subject to change without notice.
■AJI hard drives irthrtle ljrackta cable*, cords and LEDs required for opera
Hon withihe specified Katin null. AH hard dn>es cow pee rwnuiKd wnth Apote's Iji-
»1 nwbfeall-plisrforni Sysiere soltmne. ar Erast 9 7MBof recnpacted pdblicIHfctnb-
ifliMe ifihMre. and APS TrctwMtotftf JUIM^ POWtRTQGLS SCSI farottefoid
■ Toll-free technical suppofi B5 Often or for ^ long as you need, fti^jlarhdun
anetiwi ra 8 proMondiy thru Friday. K>am HHfmSaiufditr. Central Time.
Visa/Mastei Card, Discover, American Express: Nto
APS Technologies, im S 291 Hwy„ Independence, MO 64057
International: 1-B1647M300. FAX: l4l647ft459&(24Houf$).
Toll Free UK: 0800-897-545, Australia: 0014-SOO-125-875.
1-800 235-2750
Maxtor 340 *699
Cache it if you can! This Maxtor
LXT-340 offers a 128KB split RAM cache which speeds
access, reads and writes. At 15ms average seek and
nearly 1.7 MB per second transfer rate, this is a real
performance bargain. The perfect external compan¬
ion to any Macintosh at $769, or install it internally in
many late model modular Macs for just $699, this
Maxtor 340 is available for next-day delivery.
r _
m Technologies
120 399 479
520 51049 51149
630 §1599 §1699
240 629 699
I.2G 1599 1799
1.2G 1749 1849
425 ' 929 999
2.0G 2595 2695
1.6G 2549 2649
525* fi49 1219
Includes Fujitsu s 5- Year Warranty
1225* 1899 1969
120 $339 $419
213 499 569
80 3349 3499'
830 §1299 §1379
120 469 599'
340 699 769
535 1099 1199
760 1299 1399
1.2G 1699 1799
1.7G 2299 2399
ELS Drives
42 3199 $279
85 299 369
‘Battery-Poweredportable case
for the PowerBook
Call us about Companion
Drives for your PowerBook
Ask about our $79 extended-
life PowerBook Battery
127 349 419
170 399 469
Call for Macintosh SIMMs Pricing! |
APS Technologies
BBS with
our latest
gr _ wn ■
high mm
■ 14:1m rtjOOM,
■ Ifi.l'kXJ I IfH
maxell. E
[ ~ J
fR Technologies
Macworld has selected this TEAC 60-meter cassette. Each unit includes Retrospect by
IBB tape unit as its Editors' Choice in the personal Dantz, one 60m tape and a premium SCSI cable,
back up category. With a back-up rate of 4.5MB per With TEAC's one-year warranty and APS's legendary
minute, this compact tape unit backs up I4BMB per service and support, what more could you ask?
Model EXTL
SQ555 $399
SQ5110 499
Dual 44
Dual 88
SyQuest Cartridges
44 MB .
88 MB .
155MB Tape Back -up $ 499
600MBTape Back-up 799
APSdat $1599 $1699
Z 6-5 GB Compression DA T
APSdat 1299 1399
Desktop 6 Portable Units
'Quadra 900 and 950
Digital Audio Tapes
Maxell 60-Meter. . $12
Maxell 90-Afeter . 16
All tapes drives
indude Retrospect
by Dantz Development
Model INTL
Magneto Optical Drive
450 watt_
600 watt __
CD-ROM 3301B $569
Includes five-disc APS CD Library
30 'diy money-bark giiaraii Ice ■ AH ±ty£ prafijOifarcy a Hhfay money-tack hard drivtt ifttfedt brackets, cables cords Jrtd LEDs required foroperfr IW|_p 7 AM—QPIV 1 SAT 1 fll A M—A PM TST
j^aRlee. Ya^EskHilherrarisacnionlsflwaKtrfsJiipjMng lion wfh lllc ^ctilwd tf«inhK}i. All haul dnws nm* pnrfwmaHfllwilh Applet lat- r ' I .
4 Dt^-rw-di^r(pLicfmfiifwwfaiity f SvO^esciiwrOiBniuin.MaitrorirHlDAT aii-piatfarm 5 ysietn wrtware-. at least 9 njrapadsdjiubkly^is-sint- Visa/Master Caro, uncover; America n txpfess: No surcharge.
dn^H art*jrTajiwit for nrayurx Mum 1.2 , r and Fujiuu dnvBare wnanrud uiabte wJr* 3 ». end APS TethndtosjH'AUilANCt POWER TOOLS SCSI (qrmatin/hnne APS Technologies 2900 S 201 Hwy |ndepen<ferice MO 64057
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1 - 800235-2750
Circle 146 on reader service card.
(see Figure 2) is a neat appli¬
cation/extension combo for
keeping your clock accurate;
it combines the features of
several clock utilities avail¬
able in the shareware com¬
munity. First, by placing a
modem call to a time server
in Washington, D.C., it can
set your clock with the accu¬
racy of a clock powered by
nuclear energy and taxpayers’
dollars. Second, the extension
can keep your clock accurate,
either by calling the time
server and resetting the clock
automatically according to a
schedule you defi ne, or cooler
yet, the software can Figure
out how much time your clock
loses every day on average,
and make the necessary cor¬
rections without any assis¬
tance whatsoever.
From the You-Didn’t-Ask-
But-I’ 11-Tell-You-Any way
Department: Let me tell you
about two other time-related
bits of shareware. D. Grant
Leeper’s Daylight Savings
Time docs pretty much what
you think it does; you config¬
ure it once, and you will for¬
evermore spring forward and
fall back automatically. And
you network administrators
will love Time Server, by John
Raymonds. It's a system ex¬
tension and Chooser device
that makes each Mac on your
network synchronize its clock
with a designated network
“time server” at each startup.
Absolutely indispensable in
networked database applica¬
tions, in which integrity of
time/date stamping requires
that all Macs read the same
time at the same time, eh?
All three programs are
available from the usual
sources, including ZiffNet/
Mac (and other on-line ser¬
vices) and your local user
7 and UNIX:
Together at Last
Q. I’m considering buying
a new Macintosh that can run
the UNIX operating system.
Until recently, the Ilsi has
been the enlry-level machine
for UNIX, but now that the
LC II has an ’030 processor,
is it the entry-level machine?
Is it possible to switch be¬
tween UNIX and System 7,
and can both operating sys¬
tems exist on the same hard
Douglas Messier
Fredericksburg, VA
Andy: Ah, UNIX! For
those of you who’ve never
heard of it, UNIX is a sav¬
agely popular operating sys¬
tem that runs on just about
any platform, from room-fill-
ing behemoths to desktop
machines such as the Mac and
the PC (for more on UNIX,
see “Battling for the UNIX
Crown,” November ’92, page
221). Like MS-DOS, UNIX
is chiefly command-line-
driven, but unlike DOS users,
people who use UNIX even¬
tually cease to believe it’s a
kludged-up operating system
from Hades. As you might
guess, I hold UNIX in much
the same esteem that Dracula
reserves for nice, warm, soft
The most famous version
of UNIX for the Macintosh is
Apple’s own A/UX (available
from your Apple dealer;
$709). It’s so big that you can
buy it only on a CD-ROM or
— talk about excessive, earth-
hostile product packaging —
preinstalled on the Mac of
Compress Files
Compress Files
on Demand
SOMEONE’S trying to sell you pants, one EXPENSIVE leg at a time.
For the price of a pair of blue jeans (about $35), Stufflt SpaceSaver™ does everything that the
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SpaceSaver consistently saves you more space in less time with absolutely no hassles.
Independent tests prove it. So do the reviews.
StulTIt SpaceSaver also gives you access to millions of compressed files available through
online services, including .sit and .cpt files. In fact, CompuServe and America Online have
made Stufflt their approved standard.
Contact your favorite outlet or call us now at 408-761-6200 to order Stufflt SpaceSaver,
the industry-standard ‘shrink-to-fit’ leader.
Slufllt SpaceSaver is also included in every package or our best-selling StufTIt Deluxe 3.0. Stufflt SpaceSaver and Stufflt Deluxe are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc.
AutoDoubler and DiskDoublcr are trademarks of Fifth Generation Systems, Inc. All other names are trademarks of their respective holders.
Circle 17 on reader service card.
264 January 1993 MacUser
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MAXA and SNOOPER are trademarks of MAXA Corporation. Other product and company names are trademarks of their respective owners. ©1992 MAXA Corporation. All rights reserved.
Circle 239 on reader service card.
20 M Sampo Color System 19" Sigma Trinitron System
• With- B Bit interface . . $1498 • With 8 Bit interface . . $1998
• With 24 Bit interface . . $2298 • With 24 Bit interface . . .$2598
N ti De sign Fu 11 FageDisplay 14" Sa mpo Color.$ 3 9 8
■ Grey Scale for Q, Si, Quadra ,. $ 398 14" SONY Trinitron........ $698
- II. life, FX, SE30, 1 Bit.. $488 16" SOMY Trinitron . $ 1098
NuDesign 3.5" 128mb Optical......$ 1198
■MacWorlds Editors Choice! Nov. '92
Ricoh 600m b Optical.......$2198
Toshiba 3301CD ROM Player.........$538
Monitor Special
Sampo 20" Color. $1498
■ Perfect for DTP & CAD/CAM
■ Includes 8 Sit video interface
Trinitron 19" Color ..$1998
me Storage
Full Page Display. $398
Optical Drives & CD ROM
NuDesign DAT & Optical Drives
NuDesign 2.1 Cig DAT
With Retrospect.$ 1 298.00 With SoftBackup.. $ 11 98.00
NuDesign 5.0 Cig DAT
With Retrospect .$ 1 698.00 With SoftBackup.$ 1 598*00
NuDesign 3.5" 128mb Optical......$1198.00
•MacWorlds Editors Choice! Nov. '92
Fujitsu Drives
Internal External
330 MB 3.5" .$998 ......$ 1098
425 MB 3.5" .$1098.$1148
520 MB 3.5" .$1048.$1148
680 MB 5.25"....$1388.$1488
1.2 Gig s .25"....$1548 .$1648
2.06 Gig 5 . 25 "...$2578..$2678
Toshiba Drives
Internal External
1200 MB3,5"....$ 1698.$1748
877 MB 3.5"....$ 1298..$1348
Conner Drives
Internal External
C 42 MB 3,5"........$208.$268
C85MB 3.5".$258.$328
C 120 MB 3.5" .... $328.$398
Cl 70 MB 3.5".$398.$448
C 212 MB 3.5".$498.$548
C 540 MB 3.5" ...$1148....$ 1248
Syquest Drives
44MB Removable ...$448.00
88MB Removable ...$598.00
Umax UC-630
with Photoshop .$1148.00
Transparency/Slide Scanner
Automatic Document Feeder
UG*630 With Photoshop
Grey Scale Scanner.....$898.00
Umax UC 1200S
With Photoshop .$3498.00
Transparency/Slide Scanner
Sharp JX-320
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I V Spe&alilts ift Mac Storage
800 * 21*8469
60 East Chestnut -145, Chicago, IL 60611
Visa, Mastercard, Amex. COD. Telecheck Approved Checks. Gov.. Corp., Univ., P.Q.s welcome. All new drives, prefannatted with
latest stable system software. Factory warranty. Bracket, cables and software included. 30 Day Money back Guarantee covers drive
products only. Return Authorization number required for returns. Prices, terms and availability subject to change without notice.
Hours: 8:30 * 8:00 CST, Saturdays 10:00 4:00
Technical Service and Order Tracking (8305:00) 312 664 8225
Circle 74 on reader service card.
Figure 2;
places a call to a
time server in
Washington, D.C,,
and then it
adjusts your
Mac’s clock*
your choice. It's a UNIX that
has been customized for the
Macintosh with a lot of
graphical doodads that make
it considerably less painful. It
comes fully stocked with ev¬
ery UNIX-old tool you could
possibly need and even in¬
cludes several A/UX versions
of the X Window graphical
user interface.
A/UX has a strong follow¬
ing, but it's not without draw¬
backs* First, it requires a mod¬
erately powerful system: a
68030 Mac (or a 68020 Mac
with a PMMU chip installed)
with at least 8 megabytes of
memory and an 80-megabyte
hard drive. Compatibility in¬
formation vis-a-vis A/UX 3.0
and the LC II was not avail¬
able at this writing, but there’s
no major stumbling block pre¬
venting an LC II from run¬
ning A/UX.
The more serious drawback
is ifyai under A/UX, your com¬
puter magically becomes a
UNIX machine capable of
running software written for
Macs and not the other way
around. A/UX volumes are
formatted completely differ¬
ently from Mac volumes, so
Mac and UNIX applications
and files can’t share the same
hard disk without partition¬
ing. Worst of all, Macintosh
applications can be run only
as special “UNIX processes”
through A/UX, so you’re
preuy much rolling the dice
every time you try to run non-
UNIX software.
The other option for get¬
ting UNIX onto your Mac is
Tenon Intersystems' Mach-
Ten (805-963-6983; S595).
Unlike A/UX, MachTen is a
standard Mac application that
runs alongside the Finder just
like any other program. It’s a
snap to install, requires no spe¬
cially formatted disk parti¬
tions, has no screwy Mac/
UNIX intermingling prob¬
lems, and runs just fine under
System 7. Best of all, it runs
on any Mac with 4 megabytes
of RAM and 40 megabytes of
storage space, including a
Mac Plus — which means
MachTen will run on Clas¬
sics and PowerBooks without
difficulty. Most niftoid. And
unlike certain UNIX clones
that are almost, but not quite,
completely unlike UNIX,
MachTen is genuine BSD 4.3
UNIX, with all the program¬
ming and internetworking
niceties that Berkeley UNIX
MachTen’s only real draw¬
back is its price. It's a bit less
expensive than A/UX, and it’s
well stocked with the usual
UNIX utilities, but it lacks
many of A/UX\s goodies.
Finally, I should report a
good, hard rumor that certain
individuals are working on a
Macintosh version of the
Mach UNIX kernel (the stan¬
dard on which MachTen is
based) and that it’ll be avail¬
able Real Soon Now on a CD-
ROM for less than S100. No
further details, but hope
springs eternal.
Bob: Having once worked
in a place where UNIX was
the desktop environment of
choice, all 1 have to say is,
“My condolences to you,
Douglas Messier."
As for you, Andy, it fig¬
ures you’d want to bite UNIX
on the neck. [[§
C' v fWmT
Hard-drive,storage faster than SCSI-2;' No Problem!
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Tire MD arid MTD Series are available with Procom
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The MD and MTD Series also feature Seagate' Technology
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Seagate drives provide an unbeatable combination of high-speed
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Procom Technology is also t he one-stop sold i; rn For til! your
data-storage requirements, featuring a large selection of remov¬
able-media disk drives, erasable optical systems, CD-ROM drives,
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Move up to luster SCSI-2. Call Procom Technology for the
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Circle 123 on reader service card.
This Month on ZiffNet/Mac
T his month’s utility, the
Custom Icon Pack,
comprises Mac CPC icons for
dressing tip your desktop,
running the gamut from the
original Macintosh 128K to the
latest Performas and the
PowerBook Duo line of CPUs,
You can use any of these icons
as a replacement for your
hard-drive icon, or if you’re
handy with ResEdit, you can
install them in your system
software. Each icon is rendered
in 3-D and in color. The 128K
Mac is a soft beige, later
models shine in platinum, and
the PowerBooks stand out in
granite gray. The 3-D effect of
the icons gives your desktop a
unique look.
The Custom Icon Pack
comes in two formats. Each
Mac icon is provided as a
TeachTest file, and the whole
family of icons is provided as a
ResEdit file.
The Custom Icon Pack was
created by ZiffNet/Mac’s new
associate editor, Mark
Simmons. It is available
exclusively on ZiffNet/Mac
and is free for one month to
those who have paid the
$2,50 monthly membership
fee. Until December 23,1992,
you can get the file by typing
After that, youTI find the file
MAC1CN,CPT in the
Download & Support Forum
By Ben Templin
Monitor Alternatives
When is 13 inches not big enough? When
yon have a cache of 16-inch monitors that are
tried and tested by Mac User Labs, The focus of
this month’s discussion in the Mac User Forum
is on monitors — which ones are right for you
and how much should you pay for them. From
December 7 to 11, Mac User Labs director Jeff
Pittelkau hosts a discussion of the January
issue’s lab report on 16-ineb monitors. To join
in, type GO MACUSER, and read Message
Section 9.
Free (and Nearly Free) Files
Sysop Gregory Wasson presents a sampling
of files recently uploaded to ZiffNet/Mac 1 s
Download & Support Forum (just type GO
ZMC: DO WNTECH), The filename and library
are in parentheses,
AutoClock (AUTOCL.CPT, Library 1) is
an application and system extension that helps
your Mac’s clock keep accurate time. You set
the clock by calling a time standard in Wash¬
ington, D.C. AutoClock also shows the date
and time anywhere in the world. The extension
lets you configure AutoClock to automatically
reset the clock at certain intervals. Requires a
modem and System 6.0.5 or later. System 7-
compatible. Freeware. 126K.
Daylight Savings Time (DSTIME.CPT,
Library 3) is a control panel that adjusts the
Mac’s internal clock as daylight-saving time
starts or ends. If you can’t remember "spring
forward and fall back,” this extension makes
the proper adjustments for you. System 7-com¬
patible. Freeware. 4K..
Folder Icon Maker (FOLMAK.CFT, Li¬
brary l) creates folders with custom icons un¬
der System 7. To use it, you simply drag an
application or document onto the FIM icon. A
new folder bearing that file’s icon is created.
Requires System 7. Freeware. 22 K,
Message DA (MESSAG.CPT, Library 2)
lets you enter a message, which is then dis¬
played in a black band running across your
screen — like a stock-exchange display or a
flashing movie marquee. Leave messages lor
coworkers when you’ve stepped away from
your desk. Easy to use. Freeware. 4K.
Notify (NOTIFY .CPT, Library 3) is a
simple and inexpensive appointment-reminder
system. It works as a control panel that makes
use of the Notification Manager to post alerts
at user-specified times. Requires System 6,0
or later. System 7-friendly. Shareware, $10.
Spacestatkm Pheta (SPHETA.SEA,
Library l) is an arcade game in which your
goal is to move your alter ego through a maze
of platforms and ladders to obtain the key to
the next level. You have limited oxygen —
canisters strewn about let you replenish your
supply — so it*s a race against time. Simple
graphics but an entertaining diversion. Sys¬
tem 7-compatible. Shareware, $9.95. 164K,
TattleTale DA (TATTLE.SEA, Library
2) provides complete information about your
computer, such as a list of extensions or hard¬
ware configurations. The information can be
viewed on-screen, printed, written to a text
file, or output in database-readable format.
This DA’s reports come in handy for report¬
ing problems to software and hardware manu¬
facturers. Freeware. 142K.
TearOFFs (TOFFS.CPT, Library 3) al¬
lows menus, even hierarchical ones, in any
application to be tom off. Great for large
monitors. Save yourself those long trips to the
menu bar. Requires System 6.0 or later, Sys¬
tem 7-compatible. Shareware, $25. 47K. [sj|
Zmac Tip of the Month: Toggling into Terminal Mode
CompuServe Information Manager (CIM)
is a graphical interface to ZiffNet/Mac, but
some users occasionally want to go back to a
terminal emulator in order to easily capture a
lot of text messages from a forum. You don’t
have to switch programs to get into ASCII
mode with CIM,
The first step is to check the preference
that keeps the Favorite Places window on the
desktop at all times. While off-line, choose
ADD in the Favorite Places window and enter
Terminal Toggle in the space for the location
name. In the space for the GO word, enter
You can now click on this to toggle into
and out of terminal mode. And you can launch
your session by double-clicking on the ASCII
toggte to log on in Terminal mode.
268 January 1993 MacUser
When a bug showed up in a new program, the first to know
was a guy in Montana. And everyone on CompuServe.
Why settle for always being the last to know
when you can be among the first with a CompuServe
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CA Simply Accounting . ,109
Inluil Quicken v3.0 (Speda!) ... 39
Meco Managing Your Money v5,0. 49
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Adobe Illustrator v3.2 jw/ATM 2.0].349
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Aldus Personal Press v2.0.. 39
Aldus Persuolion v2.12 . 309
Aldus Superpoim v3-0 (Special) ..11*9
Claris Mac Paint v2.0. 79
Claris MgcDraw Pro v 1.5 .. 24 9
Computer Asso. Cricket Graph III.119
Detieba Canvas v3.0. 239
Mecc Easy Cobr Paint v2 0. 29
Ray Dream Jag vl .0 .. 65
T/Mqker ClickArl [Special] .Call
American Small Bus Design CAD 2D/3D.. 149
Autodesk Generic CAD v2.0 ..269
Innavgiive Design Macdraftv2.1.259
MacioMind Model Shop ll [Special] .549
MacroMind Swivel 3D Professional.. .,399
Pay Dream Designer v2.0 [Special) .569
Strata Inc. SirgiavISlON 3D 2.0... -- .569
CE Software Ouickmoil v2.5.l...
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Dotoviz MacLink Plus/PC v6-0-,. .
F reesah While Kn ighl JSpotra I). .
Prodigy Starl Up Kft v2. F (Special) .
Software Ventures Microphone II v4 0 . .
Synergy Versaterm Pro v3 A., .., +i „.. „....
Aeius 4th Dimension v2,2 3 (Special). 485
AEC FastTrack Resource. 135
After Hours TauthBASE v2.0. 74
Baseline Databasev1,5 . 65
Ceres Inspiration 3,01 (Special) .149
Claris FileMaker Pro v2.0..249
FaKBase* Mgc v2.0f Runtime [Special) ...269
Microsoft File v2.0.119
Preview Panatomo II v2.05.rin,,.. 229
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Adobe Type Manager Plus Pock.. 1 19
Adobe Type Manager v2.0.3 . 5B
Adobe Type Reunion [Spec id) .. 39
Adobe TypeSet 3 [Specid| ....119
Aldus PageMaker vi.2A . .... ...485
Altsys Eps Exchange v2.0..... 85
Aftsys FanlpgrOpher v35.249
All sys Metamorphosis Pro 2.0. 85
Broderbund Typeslyler v? 0 w/ATM .115
Cosady & G Fluent Loser Fonts Library II... 99
Claris Maedraw II v 1.1 [Special) ..11 9
Fractal Design Pointer ...,........229
Framemaker v3.0 w/Media & Doc., .. ..,.499
Quark XPr&ss 3.1 [SpecialI .529
TimeWorks Publish 4 Easy .. 79
Broderbund Just Grandma 6 Me [Special] . 35
Broderbund Kid Pin vl .2 . ... 33
Broderbund Playroom v2,0.... 27
Broderbund Prince of Persia [Special] . 27
Broderbund Print Shop..... 34
Broderbund Where in the USA. 29
Broderbund Where in the World .. 27
Electronic Am PGA Gotf Tour v 1.1.. 35
Learning Ca Talking Reader fiabhil v3 O .. 34
Mccc The Oregon Trail (Special) . .. 26
Mace Wordmunchers.. 15
Microsoft Flig ht Simulator v4.0----- 43
Reactor Creepy Castle (Special) . 30
Spectrum HoTobyto Falcon v2.2... 34
Spectrum Hglobyto Tetris (Special) . 27
Velocity Spectre v 1.0.... 32
Claris Works w/Quicken.189
Microsoft Office v2,5 (Special). .459
Microsoft Works v3.Q [Spuciafi .149
Symantec Greatwgrks v2.0.189
Apple QuickTime Startej Kit (Special) .149
Greal Wave Cancertware v4 6., . ,. 33
MacReeorder Sound System 2.0.219
MacroMind 3D (Special) ... 979
Mocramind Director 3.1.749
MacroMind Magic [Special) .229
Macromimd Sound Edit Pro .199
MacroMind SwivelMan vl ..529
Opcode Sys. EZ Vision. 89
Street Electronics Echo LC Speech Synth ... 89
Warner Beethoven: String Quartet #14 ... 42
Claris Resolve vl 1 (Special) . .. ... 159
Informix WingZ vl. J....239
talus 1"2‘3 CompetativB Upgrade (New}.. 87
Lotus 12 3 vl .l NEW VERSION.,.,287
Microsoft Exel 4.0 [Special) .295
Borland Full Write Provl .5...169
Calerg Word-Scan 1.0 i.Specral] ..179
Claris MocWrite II v ]. 1.. 85
Microsoft Word 5.0 [Special) .289
Microsoft Word 5-0 Upgrade.,,119
Qucsoft RightWritcr v3.2. 53
Reference Grammdtik Mac v2.D. 55
T/moker WriteNow v3.0 w/Grammatik... 149
WordPerfect 2.1 (Spectolj .. ,..259
Apple Mac $ys7 Personal Upgrade Kit. 90
Berkley More After Dark v 1.0 (Special) .... 23
Berkley Sys. After Dark 2.0 [Special] . 27
CE Software GuicKeys v2.2. . . . 89
Doyno Comm DOS Mounter v3.0.. 47
FG$ Auiodoublerv2,0 .... . . 55
FGS Disk Doubler v3,7... 49
FG5 D.sklock v2.1 [Sped a!) . .M 9
FGS Fallback Plus v3.0...109
FGS Suitcase II v2,l..... 47
F-ilih Generation Pyrol 4.0.25
Insight Development Mac Print vl ,3 .. 85
Insignia Access PC v2.0 ....____ 57
Insignia Entry Level* Salt